Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked The Restaurant That Refused To Serve Her

And you are malicious. Sarah RESPONDED to the WAITERS tweet. What part of that do you not understand..or refuse to understand? The WAITER broke the story. Hello, McFly? Anyone home?

Yeah, but she exacerbated it.

Like I said, no one did the right thing in this story. Literally everyone made either the unintelligent or unethical choice. It's just that, what Sarah did has more potential to do damage than what the waiter or the restaurant owner did.
She exacerbated it HOW? By telling the truth and what really happened since some schmuck decided to tweet about it? She stayed classy about the whole thing. So if someone tweeted something about you, you cannot respond to the TRUTH of what was tweeted about because it would be exacerbation? Really????

If I have the power to ruin their life? I imagine I'd keep my mouth shut, yeah. Though who knows? If I decided to let my morals and common sense take a walk, maybe I'd do the same thing she did.

Anyway, are we doing the name-calling thing or are you trying to be serious now? Make up your mind already.
I'll give it one more shot, pointyhead.
Imagine just for a moment how sarah felt...WITH HER FAMILY...being told to leave. I wonder how THE FAMILY felt, seeing this blatant nastiness coming from the owner of the restaurant. Embarrassment. Very uncomfortable I am sure for her. All because she works for Trump, who was not there. He is her employer. BUT..according to you, she did it ON PURPOSE, this embarrassing situation. A waiter runs to twitter IMMEDIATELY and spills what happened. Sarah sees it or someone tells her they saw it. She sets the record straight, being classy in a classless embarrassing situation. Yet, she is RUINING THE OWNERS LIFE???? If you agree with your statement after reading what I just said..and refuse to acknowledge you are dead wrong in your assessment that you KNOW what Sarah planned ahead of time WITH HER FAMILY...then yep. You have a pointy head and I will join Jim in putting your sorry ass on iggie.

Like I said, it's not a matter of what's fair. If Sarah was a normal person, it wouldn't really matter, because no one would give a shit. It would be just another bad review. But Sarah can incite a mob (kind of like you guys, actually), and she knows it. And that's what she decided to do. Therefore, what she did was not morally in the right. You can argue that what she did was fair. But it wasn't moral or equitable with what was done to her. You can also argue that the owner knew what she was doing. Maybe. Still doesn't make what Sarah did right either.

I don't think calling out the Red Hen was ILLEGAL or EVIL, but it was certainly unprofessional and disproportionate retribution. If you can't understand the idea that power matters (especially a huge difference in power like this), then I don't know what to tell you.

It's not like I've been stanning for the owner. I don't think she did the right thing either. I would've just gritted my teeth and served the damn food.
Give up while you're behind. Everyone in this forum thinks you're the world's biggest dumbfuck. The idea that Sanders did anything wrong couldn't be more idiotic. She is totally 100% gauranteed in the right.
Hate, Intolerance and Bigotry. On the menu at The Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington VA.

It takes a real dumbass business plan to piss off half of your potential customers. If course we all know that Moon Bat assholes are not exactly the best and brightest, don't we?
How did she attack the restaurant? It seems to me that she related a factual encounter with a crazy hostile nut case democrat. Don't Trump employees have the same freedom of social media that crazy lefties enjoy?

She used her official government twitter feed to attack the restaurant. This is illegal and no White House employees don’t have the right to use official government communications to endorse a private business or to criticize a private business.

I find it amusing that Republicans, who say that refusal of service on moral grounds is an important right for business owners, are now complaining quite vociferously that their rights are being violated when decent human beings refuse service to those who take children away from their parents and put them in concentration camps.

When THEY’RE the ones being refused service because of their lack of morality, it’s wrong.
Sorry, dingbat, but it is not. I doubt there is even such a thing as the "official government twitter" for the press secretary. It's not like the government has to pay for twitter accounts, moron.

No Republican is saying the owner didn't have a right to what what she did. That doesn't mean she can't be criticized. She's a dumbass and a bigot. Reporting that fact is not an attack on freedom of speech.

I could spend all day criticizing the idiocies in just this one post, but the exercise grows boring.

You doubt??? You mean you haven’t seen the screen shots or even checked Twitter for her accounts?

So you’re being willfully ignorant and trashing others who are better informed. What a stupid tool you are.

Here’s a link with a screen shot of the tweet. On her “Press Secretary” account. SHS has two personal twitter accounts but she used her official twitter to criticize this restaurant. As previously stated, that’s illegal.

Ex-White House ethics chief: Sarah Sanders tweet violates ethics laws
How did she attack the restaurant? It seems to me that she related a factual encounter with a crazy hostile nut case democrat. Don't Trump employees have the same freedom of social media that crazy lefties enjoy?

She used her official government twitter feed to attack the restaurant. This is illegal and no White House employees don’t have the right to use official government communications to endorse a private business or to criticize a private business.

I find it amusing that Republicans, who say that refusal of service on moral grounds is an important right for business owners, are now complaining quite vociferously that their rights are being violated when decent human beings refuse service to those who take children away from their parents and put them in concentration camps.

When THEY’RE the ones being refused service because of their lack of morality, it’s wrong.
Sorry, dingbat, but it is not. I doubt there is even such a thing as the "official government twitter" for the press secretary. It's not like the government has to pay for twitter accounts, moron.

No Republican is saying the owner didn't have a right to what what she did. That doesn't mean she can't be criticized. She's a dumbass and a bigot. Reporting that fact is not an attack on freedom of speech.

I could spend all day criticizing the idiocies in just this one post, but the exercise grows boring.

You doubt??? You mean you haven’t seen the screen shots or even checked Twitter for her accounts?

So you’re being willfully ignorant and trashing others who are better informed. What a stupid tool you are.

Here’s a link with a screen shot of the tweet. On her “Press Secretary” account. SHS has two personal twitter accounts but she used her official twitter to criticize this restaurant. As previously stated, that’s illegal.

Ex-White House ethics chief: Sarah Sanders tweet violates ethics laws

You got nothing.

This is attacking the restaurant? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
leftards are idiots...

With all due respect, you may underestimate the degree of their mental condition.
Yes, in their smal minds, they really do consider that an attack.
Funny how stating the FACTS of the matter is some how defaming them or slandering them. I see neither in her statement. A judge would laugh them right out of court... She made a factual statement of events. No embellishment and she handled it professionally...
ROFLMAO, you Dimocrats have to be the stupidest pieces of shyte on the gawd damned globe.
Once again no intelligent response. Typical inbred pin-head nonsense from the conservative peanut gallery.

So it is stupid to give an hon est assessment of the grotesque stupidity of the libtards today?

That doesnt surprise me you try to think that way.

That is in part why I am saying you are stupid ass hats.

Fucking Loser.
You still can't come up with a response, just another baby swear word.

I swear, if conservatives had brains they'd take them out and put with them.
The people who are claiming Sanders broke the law and defending the people who kicked her out of their restaurant are calling conservatives stupid?
Yup. only because its true though.
You are proving that you're the ones who are stupid.
How did she attack the restaurant? It seems to me that she related a factual encounter with a crazy hostile nut case democrat. Don't Trump employees have the same freedom of social media that crazy lefties enjoy?

She used her official government twitter feed to attack the restaurant. This is illegal and no White House employees don’t have the right to use official government communications to endorse a private business or to criticize a private business.

I find it amusing that Republicans, who say that refusal of service on moral grounds is an important right for business owners, are now complaining quite vociferously that their rights are being violated when decent human beings refuse service to those who take children away from their parents and put them in concentration camps.

When THEY’RE the ones being refused service because of their lack of morality, it’s wrong.
Sorry, dingbat, but it is not. I doubt there is even such a thing as the "official government twitter" for the press secretary. It's not like the government has to pay for twitter accounts, moron.

No Republican is saying the owner didn't have a right to what what she did. That doesn't mean she can't be criticized. She's a dumbass and a bigot. Reporting that fact is not an attack on freedom of speech.

I could spend all day criticizing the idiocies in just this one post, but the exercise grows boring.

You doubt??? You mean you haven’t seen the screen shots or even checked Twitter for her accounts?

So you’re being willfully ignorant and trashing others who are better informed. What a stupid tool you are.

Here’s a link with a screen shot of the tweet. On her “Press Secretary” account. SHS has two personal twitter accounts but she used her official twitter to criticize this restaurant. As previously stated, that’s illegal.

Ex-White House ethics chief: Sarah Sanders tweet violates ethics laws
Are you claiming you know for certain that the account she used is government property? How can the government own something that is given out for free?

You're an astounding dumbass.

Do you really believe we are supposed to accept some former Obama official as the ultimate authority on ethics? That takes a special kind of stupid.
Once again no intelligent response. Typical inbred pin-head nonsense from the conservative peanut gallery.

So it is stupid to give an hon est assessment of the grotesque stupidity of the libtards today?

That doesnt surprise me you try to think that way.

That is in part why I am saying you are stupid ass hats.

Fucking Loser.
You still can't come up with a response, just another baby swear word.

I swear, if conservatives had brains they'd take them out and put with them.
The people who are claiming Sanders broke the law and defending the people who kicked her out of their restaurant are calling conservatives stupid?
Yup. only because its true though.
You are proving that you're the ones who are stupid.

"I know you are but what am I?"

You guys are hilarious!
Poor Sarah. I guess that she will have to be content just eating the leftovers from Trump's plate, including the unfished portions of Trump's steaks that have been cooked to "well done", such that they rattle on the plate.

Have you not been paying attention? Sarah Sanders stayed classy, unlike that bigot Stephanie Wilkinson, and still got the last laugh - big time.

Sarah, classy? Man, I am glad that I don't go to your church!

Yes, she stayed classy on this. You don't like Trump, therefore you don't like her. You make this personal, she doesn't.

I don't have to make it personal to dislike someone whose job it is to lie for the president every day.
Poor Sarah. I guess that she will have to be content just eating the leftovers from Trump's plate, including the unfished portions of Trump's steaks that have been cooked to "well done", such that they rattle on the plate.

Have you not been paying attention? Sarah Sanders stayed classy, unlike that bigot Stephanie Wilkinson, and still got the last laugh - big time.

Sarah, classy? Man, I am glad that I don't go to your church!

Yes, she stayed classy on this. You don't like Trump, therefore you don't like her. You make this personal, she doesn't.

I don't have to make it personal to dislike someone whose job it is to lie for the president every day.

You don't have to like her to recognize it's bullshit.
Sarah Sanders, not only abused her official position to try to destroy the Red Hen restaurant. She also broke the law. These laws exist to keep people in prominent government positions from abusing their power. Since Donald Trump views himself as above the law, this culture has trickled down through his entire administration.

Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked Restaurant That Kicked Her Out
True, The restaurant had every right to refuse service to anyone.
The question is... does political correctness change the metric?
How did she attack the restaurant? It seems to me that she related a factual encounter with a crazy hostile nut case democrat. Don't Trump employees have the same freedom of social media that crazy lefties enjoy?

She used her official government twitter feed to attack the restaurant. This is illegal and no White House employees don’t have the right to use official government communications to endorse a private business or to criticize a private business.

I find it amusing that Republicans, who say that refusal of service on moral grounds is an important right for business owners, are now complaining quite vociferously that their rights are being violated when decent human beings refuse service to those who take children away from their parents and put them in concentration camps.

When THEY’RE the ones being refused service because of their lack of morality, it’s wrong.
Sorry, dingbat, but it is not. I doubt there is even such a thing as the "official government twitter" for the press secretary. It's not like the government has to pay for twitter accounts, moron.

No Republican is saying the owner didn't have a right to what what she did. That doesn't mean she can't be criticized. She's a dumbass and a bigot. Reporting that fact is not an attack on freedom of speech.

I could spend all day criticizing the idiocies in just this one post, but the exercise grows boring.

You doubt??? You mean you haven’t seen the screen shots or even checked Twitter for her accounts?

So you’re being willfully ignorant and trashing others who are better informed. What a stupid tool you are.

Here’s a link with a screen shot of the tweet. On her “Press Secretary” account. SHS has two personal twitter accounts but she used her official twitter to criticize this restaurant. As previously stated, that’s illegal.

Ex-White House ethics chief: Sarah Sanders tweet violates ethics laws
Are you claiming you know for certain that the account she used is government property? How can the government own something that is given out for free?

You're an astounding dumbass.

Twitter accounts aren’t “property”. If you attack a business using your boss’ letterhead, you’ll be fired. Any abuse of work related communication devices for personal matters can get you fired.

For White House employees, it is illegal to use government communications - email, letterhead or twitter, to either promote or denigrate a private business.

Conservatives think it’s OK for Christians to deny service to gays on moral grounds, but are whining like babies over liberals refusing to serve liars who think it’s OK take young children from their parents and put them in cages.
Poor Sarah. I guess that she will have to be content just eating the leftovers from Trump's plate, including the unfished portions of Trump's steaks that have been cooked to "well done", such that they rattle on the plate.

Have you not been paying attention? Sarah Sanders stayed classy, unlike that bigot Stephanie Wilkinson, and still got the last laugh - big time.

Sarah, classy? Man, I am glad that I don't go to your church!

Yes, she stayed classy on this. You don't like Trump, therefore you don't like her. You make this personal, she doesn't.

I don't have to make it personal to dislike someone whose job it is to lie for the president every day.
Says a silly fucker that trusts the federal government

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