Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked The Restaurant That Refused To Serve Her

Sarah Sanders is not responsible for people's reactions to her factual tweets about how she was treated in a restaurant.

Suck it, John Shaw.

A childish, overly simplistic idea of power.

Let's say you had a negative run-in with President Obama back in the day. Obama proceeds to hop on Twitter and talk about this ordinary guy he met by name, describing his negative experience ... you really think Obama wouldn't know what he's doing in that hypothetical? That he could be doing serious damage to your life, possibly even putting you in physical danger? Of course he would understand. He would be wrong to do something like that. And he would be in large part responsible for the negative impact on your life as a result of his unnecessary tweet/s. Even if you were a total prick to him, it would be completely disproportionate retribution.

If this is hard for you to understand, then it's quite possible you have a learning disability.
You mean like Obama did with "Joe the plumber?" Obama did shit like that all the time, dumbass. You aren't helping your case by using him as an example.
The OP?

claims Sanders broke the law.

haven't seen which law she broke, if any, yet.
CFR 2635.702

Seeking to coerce a business by using her office to discourage patronage and putting public pressure on the business

You're grasping at straws. She factually described what happened and no one is denying its not the truth. Your just butt-hurt because Conservatives and Trump supporters aren't taking the bigotry lying down. Liberals suck and so does the bigot that owns the Red Hen.
She’s probably facing jail time, if they choose to take things that far.
We’ll see. They certainly have a case.
They have nothing. If they're smart they will shut the fuck up and go away.
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If it weren't for these nutcases I'd still be a Democrat.

They're ALL nutcases!
At least all the ones that slither into this forum!

I can't believe this shit. And these people want absolute control. You'd better pray they never get it.
I was a Democrat... until I came to USMB.

Putrid, disgusting and vile.

The best decision I've made since coming here.
Congratulations, you survived the brainwashing!
The restaurant is getting hammered. They were closed yesterday on a saturday night. Now their vendors are getting the treatment. The Red Hen is getting the exact same treatment that liberals give to republicans. Now they can scream about how unfair it is.
No Republican is saying the owner didn't have a right to what what she did..

A business can legally refuse service to anyone NOT of a "protected" class.
Federal protected classes include:
  • Race.
  • Color.
  • Religion or creed.
  • National origin or ancestry.
  • Sex.
  • Age.
  • Physical or mental disability.
  • Veteran status.
Is homosexuality a protected class by these standards?
If you refuse service to gays, are you refusing sex to their gender or to their sexual preferences?

They ALL pretty much claim Trump especially (but also ALL his followers) are mental cases...
so haven't they for all intents and purposes included Trump and ALL his followers in a self proclaimed protected class by declaration?

If so, then even if the restaurant owner hasn't broken Federally mandated law, they have again shown their extreme degree of hypocrisy.
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This is attacking the restaurant? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

leftards are idiots...
If it weren't for these nutcases I'd still be a Democrat.

They're ALL nutcases!
At least all the ones that slither into this forum!

I can't believe this shit. And these people want absolute control. You'd better pray they never get it.
I was a Democrat... until I came to USMB.

Putrid, disgusting and vile.

The best decision I've made since coming here.
Congratulations, you survived the brainwashing!
I was officially thrown off the plantation some time ago..

I failed to walk in lockstep.
You're grasping at straws. She factually described what happened and no one is denying its not the truth. Your just butt-hurt because Conservatives and Trump supporters aren't taking the bigotry lying down. Liberals suck and so does the bigot that owns the Red Hen.
She’s probably facing jail time, if they choose to take things that far.

Oh that's right. The 1st Amendment doesn't apply to Republicans. Thanks for reminding me.
Government officials can’t abuse their office for personal vengeance. She should have used her private twitter account.
Smack her pee pee and give her a stern warning.
I’d pursue jail time if I were the restaurant owners. The case makes itself.
You just proved you are the biggest imbecile in this forum. Stating the truth is not a crime, moron.
Sarah Sanders is not responsible for people's reactions to her factual tweets about how she was treated in a restaurant.

Suck it, John Shaw.

A childish, overly simplistic idea of power.

Let's say you had a negative run-in with President Obama back in the day. Obama proceeds to hop on Twitter and talk about this ordinary guy he met by name, describing his negative experience ... you really think Obama wouldn't know what he's doing in that hypothetical? That he could be doing serious damage to your life, possibly even putting you in physical danger? Of course he would understand. He would be wrong to do something like that. And he would be in large part responsible for the negative impact on your life as a result of his unnecessary tweet/s. Even if you were a total prick to him, it would be completely disproportionate retribution.

If this is hard for you to understand, then it's quite possible you have a learning disability.

No. Obama takes the easy way out.

He has the IRS threaten and harass you.

Yes, all those private citizens who were targeted by the IRS at Obama's behest. Hmm ...

So you believe the situations are comparable? Really?

This is attacking the restaurant? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
leftards are idiots...

With all due respect, you may underestimate the degree of their mental condition.
Yes, in their small minds, they really do consider that an attack.
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American isn't great any more and never will be now, political wise. :(

Nope. All the evil brown people are gonna getcha. They're a-comin' for you, boy. Better stock up on Grizzly, shotgun shells, and tampons for your sister-wife
No, people such as yourself that claims they KNOW what someone else is thinking/planning/doing...that is the downfall.

Well, the alternative to Sarah Sanders understanding the implications of her actions would be Sarah Sanders being an almost unbelievably moronic individual. Malicious or stupid. Take your pick.

Personally, I'd rather be malicious than stupid.
And you are malicious. Sarah RESPONDED to the WAITERS tweet. What part of that do you not understand..or refuse to understand? The WAITER broke the story. Hello, McFly? Anyone home?

Yeah, but she exacerbated it.

Like I said, no one did the right thing in this story. Literally everyone made either the unintelligent or unethical choice. It's just that, what Sarah did has more potential to do damage than what the waiter or the restaurant owner did.
Wrong, turd. Sanders' behavior was impeccable. Only petulant dumbass snowflakes believe she had any obligation to shut up about what was done to her.
Nope. All the evil brown people are gonna getcha. They're a-comin' for you, boy. Better stock up on Grizzly, shotgun shells, and tampons for your sister-wife
No, people such as yourself that claims they KNOW what someone else is thinking/planning/doing...that is the downfall.

John Shaw's position on this is indefensible.

- Get thrown out of a restaurant simply due to your political beliefs and then keep your mouth shut about it.

That's what the professional or mature person would do. Go ahead and vent to your friends and acquaintances. It probably would've seen some play in conservative media anyway. But she made sure that it did, and made sure it would stick around for a while.

Anyway, starting to feel like a broken record here. Not sure what you guys find difficult to understand about my position. It's pretty simple and even-handed. I don't condemn the restaurant owner or the press secretary. I'm just repeatedly stating that Sarah knowingly did something she understood could be very damaging to these people, whereas they lack the power to do any lasting harm to her.
KNOWINGLY. Gotcha. Damaging to people who told her and her family to LEAVE.
And I know you are in a basement. With a pointy head.

It's called nuance. Obviously you have a very 2-dimensional, black and white manner of thinking. Not my fault you're disabled, but I really must encourage you to stop advertising your disability with the silly name-calling. It does you no favors.
It's called "pure idiocy."
ROFLMAO, you Dimocrats have to be the stupidest pieces of shyte on the gawd damned globe.
Once again no intelligent response. Typical inbred pin-head nonsense from the conservative peanut gallery.

So it is stupid to give an hon est assessment of the grotesque stupidity of the libtards today?

That doesnt surprise me you try to think that way.

That is in part why I am saying you are stupid ass hats.

Fucking Loser.
You still can't come up with a response, just another baby swear word.

I swear, if conservatives had brains they'd take them out and put with them.
The people who are claiming Sanders broke the law and defending the people who kicked her out of their restaurant are calling conservatives stupid?
Yup. only because its true though.
Yep. I'm going to need a much more clear definition. Unless you plan on stooping to their level.

Looks like you're day is ruined. Oh well.
I'm not stooping to YOUR level. But commendable attempt at baiting.

There isn't anything to bait. The fact is that the server posted on FB and put up the picture. The media picked it up. Sanders tweeted it. There is no fight between the two. It's all a bunch of made up bullshit. The Democratic Party is going to lose for bullshit. They don't have anything else. It's tabloid bullshit.

Well, and you're a dick.

That about covers it. My day is fine.
The restaurant is getting hammered. They were closed yesterday on a saturday night. Now their vendors are getting the treatment. The Red Hen is getting the exact same treatment that liberals give to republicans. Now they can scream about how unfair it is.
About damn time.
Well, the alternative to Sarah Sanders understanding the implications of her actions would be Sarah Sanders being an almost unbelievably moronic individual. Malicious or stupid. Take your pick.

Personally, I'd rather be malicious than stupid.
And you are malicious. Sarah RESPONDED to the WAITERS tweet. What part of that do you not understand..or refuse to understand? The WAITER broke the story. Hello, McFly? Anyone home?

Yeah, but she exacerbated it.

Like I said, no one did the right thing in this story. Literally everyone made either the unintelligent or unethical choice. It's just that, what Sarah did has more potential to do damage than what the waiter or the restaurant owner did.
She exacerbated it HOW? By telling the truth and what really happened since some schmuck decided to tweet about it? She stayed classy about the whole thing. So if someone tweeted something about you, you cannot respond to the TRUTH of what was tweeted about because it would be exacerbation? Really????

If I have the power to ruin their life? I imagine I'd keep my mouth shut, yeah. Though who knows? If I decided to let my morals and common sense take a walk, maybe I'd do the same thing she did.

Anyway, are we doing the name-calling thing or are you trying to be serious now? Make up your mind already.
I'll give it one more shot, pointyhead.
Imagine just for a moment how sarah felt...WITH HER FAMILY...being told to leave. I wonder how THE FAMILY felt, seeing this blatant nastiness coming from the owner of the restaurant. Embarrassment. Very uncomfortable I am sure for her. All because she works for Trump, who was not there. He is her employer. BUT..according to you, she did it ON PURPOSE, this embarrassing situation. A waiter runs to twitter IMMEDIATELY and spills what happened. Sarah sees it or someone tells her they saw it. She sets the record straight, being classy in a classless embarrassing situation. Yet, she is RUINING THE OWNERS LIFE???? If you agree with your statement after reading what I just said..and refuse to acknowledge you are dead wrong in your assessment that you KNOW what Sarah planned ahead of time WITH HER FAMILY...then yep. You have a pointy head and I will join Jim in putting your sorry ass on iggie.
Shaw has zoomed stright to the top of the forum dumbass list. How anyone can accuse Sanders of doing anything wrong is beyond comprehension. Shaw must have suffered some kind of stroke because brain damage is the only explanation for his behavior.

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