Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked The Restaurant That Refused To Serve Her

^^^ But is she the one who is behind the threats that are going in the direction of the restaurant? There is a chance that she is not.

God bless you and her always!!!

^^^ But is she the one who is behind the threats that are going in the direction of the restaurant? There is a chance that she is not.

God bless you and her always!!!

She is loving it. This administration lives to troll and harm Americans. Sanders is an evil woman.
Suckabee Sander's spends all day every day looking people in the face and lying to them. She ridicules and attacks reporters, she makes fake accusations, she twists the truth into unrecognizable shapes. She is neither respectful nor believable, and she certainly was abusing her position .

Sanders has to deal daily with the lowest class of people on the planet. The slander Sanders and the administration on a daily basis. They are practically criminals. They are definitely enemies of the poeple.
you fallen for her lies.
Yet you can't actually name any.
Lol, I didn't actually think anyone seriously doubted she lies like a cheap rug. A recent example is when she claimed laws about separating children and parent had been on the book for a decade. Or when she claimed tRump have no knowledge of cohen paying off Daniels, or when she claimed immigrants coming in through the diversity program weren't vetted or.......

And these are lies she definitely told. We aren't even taking into consideration whether she knows it's a lie when she repeats a trump is.
Provide the links of her *lies* and also of the proof that she was lying.

Otherwise, I will continue to assume that you lie. You have a much worse record than she does.

This is where you post..."I already posted those links somewhere on this site some time in the past. "
Don't be silly, of course I'm not lying. What do you think I am, some kinds republican?

Here's the first one
She then took the line of argument that President Donald Trump and the White House often push — that this is what the law says (it isn’t) and it’s Democrats’ fault (it’s not). “The separation of alien families is the product of the same legal loopholes that Democrats refuse to close, and these laws are the same that have been on the books for over a decade. The president is simply enforcing the law,” she said.

And it's link.
Sarah Sanders on immigrant family separation: "It is very biblical to enforce the law"

There's even video.

You can look the rest up yourself, I am not wasting any more time on obvious things like proving water is wet or Suckabee Sander's lies.
Well sadly being threatened just happens to be the card that they were drawn for ordering someone to leave
Ihave a feeling your opinion might be different, if these were people you were close to. You really should reevaluate.
My camp wouldn't order people to leave over trivial reasons. Instead, we would appreciate the business.

^^^ But is she the one who is behind the threats that are going in the direction of the restaurant? There is a chance that she is not.

God bless you and her always!!!

She is loving it. This administration lives to troll and harm Americans. Sanders is an evil woman.
Even if she loves it, if she is not connected to whoever is putting the treats out there, why should she be the one who is sued over it?

God bless you two and Sarah always!!!

Sarah Sanders, not only abused her official position to try to destroy the Red Hen restaurant. She also broke the law. These laws exist to keep people in prominent government positions from abusing their power. Since Donald Trump views himself as above the law, this culture has trickled down through his entire administration.

Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked Restaurant That Kicked Her Out
No law broken. She was asked about the incident that was rumored and she replied.
My camp wouldn't order people to leave over trivial reasons. Instead, we would appreciate the business.
That's nice, but I doubt they are all perfect.
At the end of the day, a sale is still a sale no matter who the money comes from. Because Sarah and her company weren't creating a public disturbance, there was absolutely no reason to get rid of them and her.

God bless you and Sarah and her family always!!!

My camp wouldn't order people to leave over trivial reasons. Instead, we would appreciate the business.
That's nice, but I doubt they are all perfect.
At the end of the day, a sale is still a sale no matter who the money comes from.

God bless you always!!!

Oh, I personally agree. But that is not what what I was commenting on. I was commenting on your resignation and tacit acceptance of the physical threats.
^^^ I didn't say that I accept it, but if you are going to choose to do certain things, you better get prepared as best you can for however everyone else decides to respond.

God bless you always!!!

^^^ I didn't say that I accept it, but if you are going to choose to do certain things, you better get prepared as best you can for however everyone else decides to respond.

God bless you always!!!

You didn't condemn it, either. You still haven't. And you honestly believe they should expect death threats?
(c)Endorsements. An employee shall not use or permit the use of his Government position or title or any authority associated with his public office to endorse any product, service or enterprise....SHE DID NOT ENDORSE NOR THREATEN and SHE was refused service.
^^^ I didn't say that I accept it, but if you are going to choose to do certain things, you better get prepared as best you can for however everyone else decides to respond.

God bless you always!!!

You didn't condemn it, either. You still haven't. And you honestly believe they should expect death threats?
Because of how bad this world is now, yes. Them threats being out there does not surprise me a bit. That is all anybody does anymore these days when running across those who are different in one way or another.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And for the record, to me, whoever is putting the threats out there, I hope that they are found and prosecuted for it because going that far over something like this is wrong. If it isn't in self defense, any kind of threat is wrong.
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^^^ I didn't say that I accept it, but if you are going to choose to do certain things, you better get prepared as best you can for however everyone else decides to respond.

God bless you always!!!

You didn't condemn it, either. You still haven't. And you honestly believe they should expect death threats?
Because of how bad this world is now, yes. Them threats being out there does not surprise me a bit. That is all anybody does anymore these days when running across those who are different in one way or another.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And for the record, to me, whoever is putting the threats out there, I hope that they are found and prosecuted for it because going that far over something like this is wrong. If it isn't in self defense, any kind of physical violence is wrong.
Agreed. Well said.
Sanders has to deal daily with the lowest class of people on the planet. The slander Sanders and the administration on a daily basis. They are practically criminals. They are definitely enemies of the poeple.
you fallen for her lies.
Yet you can't actually name any.
Lol, I didn't actually think anyone seriously doubted she lies like a cheap rug. A recent example is when she claimed laws about separating children and parent had been on the book for a decade. Or when she claimed tRump have no knowledge of cohen paying off Daniels, or when she claimed immigrants coming in through the diversity program weren't vetted or.......

And these are lies she definitely told. We aren't even taking into consideration whether she knows it's a lie when she repeats a trump is.
Provide the links of her *lies* and also of the proof that she was lying.

Otherwise, I will continue to assume that you lie. You have a much worse record than she does.

This is where you post..."I already posted those links somewhere on this site some time in the past. "
Don't be silly, of course I'm not lying. What do you think I am, some kinds republican?

Here's the first one
She then took the line of argument that President Donald Trump and the White House often push — that this is what the law says (it isn’t) and it’s Democrats’ fault (it’s not). “The separation of alien families is the product of the same legal loopholes that Democrats refuse to close, and these laws are the same that have been on the books for over a decade. The president is simply enforcing the law,” she said.

And it's link.
Sarah Sanders on immigrant family separation: "It is very biblical to enforce the law"

There's even video.

You can look the rest up yourself, I am not wasting any more time on obvious things like proving water is wet or Suckabee Sander's lies.

She was asked if it was biblical and she said enforcing the law was.

And that in no way supports your lies.

Sarah Sanders, not only abused her official position to try to destroy the Red Hen restaurant. She also broke the law. These laws exist to keep people in prominent government positions from abusing their power. Since Donald Trump views himself as above the law, this culture has trickled down through his entire administration.

Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked Restaurant That Kicked Her Out

She RELATED her account of the event using her government account instead of a private one. That and 10,000 times more to the cubed power and she might be up somewhere near what Hillary did with Huma Aberdeen. Bet you split your forehead open on THAT one!
Her "government account?" Where has it been established that the government owns the account used?

It was a mere "ethics" violation. And this nitwit Skews has her "breaking the law." Another wild Leftist spin.

Sanders used her official govt account to condemn a private business for personal reasons … she can lob attacks on her own time but not using her official position.

Expert: Sarah Sanders broke ethics rules with tweet about restaurant

OMG, please explain how her TWITTER account is an official government account? Does the government pay for it? Does it exist on government servers? C'mon, you're repeating the claim...prove it.
I've already been down this road with these douchebags. The only response I get is silence. They obviously know their claims lack any supporting evidence.
Hahaha I know it's laughable. They're saying she somehow violated her sacred duties by daring to say publicly that she is respectful to people who think differently than she does hahahaha.

What a bunch of fruit loops. Lock them up.
Suckabee Sander's spends all day every day looking people in the face and lying to them. She ridicules and attacks reporters, she makes fake accusations, she twists the truth into unrecognizable shapes. She is neither respectful nor believable, and she certainly was abusing her position .

Sanders has to deal daily with the lowest class of people on the planet. The slander Sanders and the administration on a daily basis. They are practically criminals. They are definitely enemies of the poeple.
you fallen for her lies.
Yet you can't actually name any.
Lol, I didn't actually think anyone seriously doubted she lies like a cheap rug. A recent example is when she claimed laws about separating children and parent had been on the book for a decade. Or when she claimed tRump have no knowledge of cohen paying off Daniels, or when she claimed immigrants coming in through the diversity program weren't vetted or.......

And these are lies she definitely told. We aren't even taking into consideration whether she knows it's a lie when she repeats a trump is.
None of those are lies, douchebag.
Inwould advise the restaurant to sue. They’ve received death threats.
Well sadly being threatened just happens to be the card that they were drawn for ordering someone to leave just because that someone doesn't agree with the people in charge concerning a certain subject. Could they have thought of a more trivial reason to show Sarah the door?

God bless you and her always!!!

Trivial? Sanders being an agent of evil is reason enough. Their lawsuit should be quick and simple.
Yes, it will get thrown out of court, quick and simple.
Sanders has to deal daily with the lowest class of people on the planet. The slander Sanders and the administration on a daily basis. They are practically criminals. They are definitely enemies of the poeple.
you fallen for her lies.
Yet you can't actually name any.
Lol, I didn't actually think anyone seriously doubted she lies like a cheap rug. A recent example is when she claimed laws about separating children and parent had been on the book for a decade. Or when she claimed tRump have no knowledge of cohen paying off Daniels, or when she claimed immigrants coming in through the diversity program weren't vetted or.......

And these are lies she definitely told. We aren't even taking into consideration whether she knows it's a lie when she repeats a trump is.
Provide the links of her *lies* and also of the proof that she was lying.

Otherwise, I will continue to assume that you lie. You have a much worse record than she does.

This is where you post..."I already posted those links somewhere on this site some time in the past. "
Don't be silly, of course I'm not lying. What do you think I am, some kinds republican?

Here's the first one
She then took the line of argument that President Donald Trump and the White House often push — that this is what the law says (it isn’t) and it’s Democrats’ fault (it’s not). “The separation of alien families is the product of the same legal loopholes that Democrats refuse to close, and these laws are the same that have been on the books for over a decade. The president is simply enforcing the law,” she said.

And it's link.
Sarah Sanders on immigrant family separation: "It is very biblical to enforce the law"

There's even video.

You can look the rest up yourself, I am not wasting any more time on obvious things like proving water is wet or Suckabee Sander's lies.
You're a leftist. Therefore, you are a liar. I've looked up all your examples, and Sanders never lied. You lie, not her.

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