Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked The Restaurant That Refused To Serve Her

Inwould advise the restaurant to sue. They’ve received death threats.
Well sadly being threatened just happens to be the card that they were drawn for ordering someone to leave just because that someone doesn't agree with the people in charge concerning a certain subject. Could they have thought of a more trivial reason to show Sarah the door?

God bless you and her always!!!

Trivial? Sanders being an agent of evil is reason enough. Their lawsuit should be quick and simple.
Yes, it will get thrown out of court, quick and simple.
No it should go pretty far. Congress will want to start an ethics investigation.
Are you saying that she was kicked out for personal reasons? Or was it because of her professional position? If it was her professional position, which I think we all know it was, then it was completely appropriate for her to respond professionally.

In other words, suck it.
Inwould advise the restaurant to sue. They’ve received death threats.
Well sadly being threatened just happens to be the card that they were drawn for ordering someone to leave just because that someone doesn't agree with the people in charge concerning a certain subject. Could they have thought of a more trivial reason to show Sarah the door?

God bless you and her always!!!

Trivial? Sanders being an agent of evil is reason enough. Their lawsuit should be quick and simple.
Yes, it will get thrown out of court, quick and simple.
No it should go pretty far. Congress will want to start an ethics investigation.
^^^ But is she the one who is behind the threats that are going in the direction of the restaurant? There is a chance that she is not.

God bless you and her always!!!

She is loving it. This administration lives to troll and harm Americans. Sanders is an evil woman.
And she serves in a fundamentally evil ‘administration.’

Sanders has as much contempt for facts and the truth as Trump.
Yes, it will get thrown out of court, quick and simple.
On what legal basis?
On the grounds that all the facts the plaintiff concedes to do no constitute any claim of damages caused by Sanders.
Actually, threats and boycotts are damages. In every court. So I doubt that is the basis.
What threats did she make? What boycotts did she arrange?
you fallen for her lies.
Yet you can't actually name any.
Lol, I didn't actually think anyone seriously doubted she lies like a cheap rug. A recent example is when she claimed laws about separating children and parent had been on the book for a decade. Or when she claimed tRump have no knowledge of cohen paying off Daniels, or when she claimed immigrants coming in through the diversity program weren't vetted or.......

And these are lies she definitely told. We aren't even taking into consideration whether she knows it's a lie when she repeats a trump is.
Provide the links of her *lies* and also of the proof that she was lying.

Otherwise, I will continue to assume that you lie. You have a much worse record than she does.

This is where you post..."I already posted those links somewhere on this site some time in the past. "
Don't be silly, of course I'm not lying. What do you think I am, some kinds republican?

Here's the first one
She then took the line of argument that President Donald Trump and the White House often push — that this is what the law says (it isn’t) and it’s Democrats’ fault (it’s not). “The separation of alien families is the product of the same legal loopholes that Democrats refuse to close, and these laws are the same that have been on the books for over a decade. The president is simply enforcing the law,” she said.

And it's link.
Sarah Sanders on immigrant family separation: "It is very biblical to enforce the law"

There's even video.

You can look the rest up yourself, I am not wasting any more time on obvious things like proving water is wet or Suckabee Sander's lies.

She was asked if it was biblical and she said enforcing the law was.

And that in no way supports your lies.

So you demand a link and then don't even read it?

Typical conservitard bullshit. I have neither the time nor the temperament required to spoon feed you so you are done here.
Suckabee Sander's spends all day every day looking people in the face and lying to them. She ridicules and attacks reporters, she makes fake accusations, she twists the truth into unrecognizable shapes. She is neither respectful nor believable, and she certainly was abusing her position .

Sanders has to deal daily with the lowest class of people on the planet. The slander Sanders and the administration on a daily basis. They are practically criminals. They are definitely enemies of the poeple.
you fallen for her lies.
Yet you can't actually name any.
Lol, I didn't actually think anyone seriously doubted she lies like a cheap rug. A recent example is when she claimed laws about separating children and parent had been on the book for a decade. Or when she claimed tRump have no knowledge of cohen paying off Daniels, or when she claimed immigrants coming in through the diversity program weren't vetted or.......

And these are lies she definitely told. We aren't even taking into consideration whether she knows it's a lie when she repeats a trump is.
None of those are lies, douchebag.
Actually they are dumbass.
Oh poor Huckleberry Saddle Bags, she actually got called out for being a lying POS.

Now, here is what I am loving so very damn much about this. All thse mealy mouth lying Cons who are having Red, White and Blue Screaming Shit Fits over this are the same Cons who cheered on Bakeries who refused to serve Same Sex Couples who wanted them to bake them a cake for their Wedding.

IF such bakeries do have a Right to Refuse Service to a Same Sex Couple for religious reasons, then the restaurant in Viriginia has the Right to Resuse Service to a lying shit stain like Huckleberry Saddle Bags.

You cannot bitch forcing these poor bakeries to violate their personal/religious/political principals (I know Conservatives have few if any principals), and then turn and bitch Huckabooboo being denied service.

Now, what is NOT being mentioned is the fact the Staff of the Restaurant in question is that the Manager asked her staff if they wanted to serve Huckabooboo and they said NO. She abided by wishes of her staff.

The owner of the Red Hen explains why she asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave.

Any establishment that reserves the Right To Refuse can exercise that right when deemed necessary.

Good the Manager and Good for Wait Staff for NOT SERVING Sanders.

She is a Lying POS.

I'm still waiting to find out how Sanders attacked the restaurant.

She tweeted about being kicked out of the restaurant. Apparently the Truth and Free Speech are forms of violence to Proggies.

The Owner/Manager of a Bakery refuses to bake a cake for Same Sex Couple out of their "Moral Conviction", and they are hero's for RWNJ.

A restaurant in Virginia refused to serve the mouth piece for a Facist/Racist/Islamophobic Draft Dodger, ou their Moral Conviction and the saem RWNJ go bat shit crazy over how wrong these people are.

Right to Refuse Service means exactly that, the Right To Refuse Service. The Refusal was NOT based on Race, Ethnic Background, Gender, or Religion but rather on personally held beliefs rooted in politics. No group was denied service, only a lying Republican Press Secretary.

My heart bleeds for all of you two faced lying Cons. You cannnot take a dose of your own medicine.
Your side attacked them with Zeal......forced them to close.................

We shall return the favor........They have every right to deny service.........We have every right to boycott their Sorry asses.

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