Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked The Restaurant That Refused To Serve Her


Hey, I love that meme

ok back to our regular scheduled bitchfest……..
Oh poor Huckleberry Saddle Bags, she actually got called out for being a lying POS.

Now, here is what I am loving so very damn much about this. All thse mealy mouth lying Cons who are having Red, White and Blue Screaming Shit Fits over this are the same Cons who cheered on Bakeries who refused to serve Same Sex Couples who wanted them to bake them a cake for their Wedding.

IF such bakeries do have a Right to Refuse Service to a Same Sex Couple for religious reasons, then the restaurant in Viriginia has the Right to Resuse Service to a lying shit stain like Huckleberry Saddle Bags.

You cannot bitch forcing these poor bakeries to violate their personal/religious/political principals (I know Conservatives have few if any principals), and then turn and bitch Huckabooboo being denied service.

Now, what is NOT being mentioned is the fact the Staff of the Restaurant in question is that the Manager asked her staff if they wanted to serve Huckabooboo and they said NO. She abided by wishes of her staff.

The owner of the Red Hen explains why she asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave.

Any establishment that reserves the Right To Refuse can exercise that right when deemed necessary.

Good the Manager and Good for Wait Staff for NOT SERVING Sanders.

She is a Lying POS.

I'm still waiting to find out how Sanders attacked the restaurant.

She tweeted about being kicked out of the restaurant. Apparently the Truth and Free Speech are forms of violence to Proggies.

The Owner/Manager of a Bakery refuses to bake a cake for Same Sex Couple out of their "Moral Conviction", and they are hero's for RWNJ.

A restaurant in Virginia refused to serve the mouth piece for a Facist/Racist/Islamophobic Draft Dodger, ou their Moral Conviction and the saem RWNJ go bat shit crazy over how wrong these people are.

Right to Refuse Service means exactly that, the Right To Refuse Service. The Refusal was NOT based on Race, Ethnic Background, Gender, or Religion but rather on personally held beliefs rooted in politics. No group was denied service, only a lying Republican Press Secretary.

My heart bleeds for all of you two faced lying Cons. You cannnot take a dose of your own medicine.

Oh poor Huckleberry Saddle Bags, she actually got called out for being a lying POS.

Now, here is what I am loving so very damn much about this. All thse mealy mouth lying Cons who are having Red, White and Blue Screaming Shit Fits over this are the same Cons who cheered on Bakeries who refused to serve Same Sex Couples who wanted them to bake them a cake for their Wedding.

IF such bakeries do have a Right to Refuse Service to a Same Sex Couple for religious reasons, then the restaurant in Viriginia has the Right to Resuse Service to a lying shit stain like Huckleberry Saddle Bags.

You cannot bitch forcing these poor bakeries to violate their personal/religious/political principals (I know Conservatives have few if any principals), and then turn and bitch Huckabooboo being denied service.

Now, what is NOT being mentioned is the fact the Staff of the Restaurant in question is that the Manager asked her staff if they wanted to serve Huckabooboo and they said NO. She abided by wishes of her staff.

The owner of the Red Hen explains why she asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave.

Any establishment that reserves the Right To Refuse can exercise that right when deemed necessary.

Good the Manager and Good for Wait Staff for NOT SERVING Sanders.

She is a Lying POS.

I'm still waiting to find out how Sanders attacked the restaurant.

She tweeted about being kicked out of the restaurant. Apparently the Truth and Free Speech are forms of violence to Proggies.

The Owner/Manager of a Bakery refuses to bake a cake for Same Sex Couple out of their "Moral Conviction", and they are hero's for RWNJ.

A restaurant in Virginia refused to serve the mouth piece for a Facist/Racist/Islamophobic Draft Dodger, ou their Moral Conviction and the saem RWNJ go bat shit crazy over how wrong these people are.

Right to Refuse Service means exactly that, the Right To Refuse Service. The Refusal was NOT based on Race, Ethnic Background, Gender, or Religion but rather on personally held beliefs rooted in politics. No group was denied service, only a lying Republican Press Secretary.

My heart bleeds for all of you two faced lying Cons. You cannnot take a dose of your own medicine.
Your side attacked them with Zeal......forced them to close.................

We shall return the favor........They have every right to deny service.........We have every right to boycott their Sorry asses.

As many of us have noted: The Proggies aren't going to like it when the New Rules they created are applied to them.
I love how rude and disrespectful the media is to Sarah and yet liberals get their panties in a wad when she actually snaps back and they yell "Disrespectful!!"

Well hell if they'd treat her with an ounce of respect they would get a pound in return. She's got far more patience than I do. I'd have told some of those fucktwats off a long time ago.

It's called being a professional. Maybe something you don't know much about?

Sarah isn't all that professional, but at least she keeps her cool better than Spicer did.
Professionalism doesn't require you to keep quiet about insults.

No it doesn't. Nor does it require things be "fair."

So you can only speak out against someone who throws you out of their restaurant for no reason if you're on their level? What if you make more money? What if you make less? What if your car is faster? What if their house is bigger but your boat is bigger?

It's a stupid claim, obviously. Snowflakes are always inventing these rules of behavior that no one ever heard of before.
If I owned a resistant and that asshole Obama and his Wookie Transvestite husband came in I would not kick them out.

I would serve them.

Of course later on that night they would have the worse case of diarrhea they ever had in their lives.

Not really. Unlike these filthy ass hateful shithead pink pussy hat Moon Bats I would be civil.
I love how rude and disrespectful the media is to Sarah and yet liberals get their panties in a wad when she actually snaps back and they yell "Disrespectful!!"

Well hell if they'd treat her with an ounce of respect they would get a pound in return. She's got far more patience than I do. I'd have told some of those fucktwats off a long time ago.

It's called being a professional. Maybe something you don't know much about?

Sarah isn't all that professional, but at least she keeps her cool better than Spicer did.
Professionalism doesn't require you to keep quiet about insults.

No it doesn't. Nor does it require things be "fair."

So you can only speak out against someone who throws you out of their restaurant for no reason if you're on their level? What if you make more money? What if you make less? What if your car is faster? What if their house is bigger but your boat is bigger?

It's a stupid claim, obviously. Snowflakes are always inventing these rules of behavior that no one ever heard of before.
That's adorable, but the actual laws are cited in the article linked in the OP.
If I owned a resistant and that asshole Obama and his Wookie Transvestite husband came in I would not kick them out.

I would serve them.

Of course later on that night they would have the worse case of diarrhea they ever had in their lives.

Not really. Unlike these filthy ass hateful shithead pink pussy hat Moon Bats I would be civil.
Well naturally, because you are a sissy.
I love how rude and disrespectful the media is to Sarah and yet liberals get their panties in a wad when she actually snaps back and they yell "Disrespectful!!"

Well hell if they'd treat her with an ounce of respect they would get a pound in return. She's got far more patience than I do. I'd have told some of those fucktwats off a long time ago.

It's called being a professional. Maybe something you don't know much about?

Sarah isn't all that professional, but at least she keeps her cool better than Spicer did.
Professionalism doesn't require you to keep quiet about insults.

No it doesn't. Nor does it require things be "fair."

So you can only speak out against someone who throws you out of their restaurant for no reason if you're on their level? What if you make more money? What if you make less? What if your car is faster? What if their house is bigger but your boat is bigger?

It's a stupid claim, obviously. Snowflakes are always inventing these rules of behavior that no one ever heard of before.
That's adorable, but the actual laws are cited in the article linked in the OP.
You mean the laws that don't apply?
There will be no ethics investigation.
Of course not, the GOP is terrified of trump.

The estblishment RINO douchebags are terrified of him. They should be.
Ah yes, the idiotic "purity test"...designed solely to protect the delicate fee fees of people like you.
Ever notice how snoflakes love all the douchebag Republicans who don't pass the purity test?

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