Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked The Restaurant That Refused To Serve Her

Mike Huckabee was saying it on the radio show.....
Yes, on his radio blog, regurgitating the opinions handed to home by strategists. He is feeding you sheep your opinions. That is why all of you goobers regurgitate the same nonsense verbatim, each and every day.
I heard Mike Huckabee speaking and that's all I need to know...........If you don't like it I could care less........

Now breath deeply...........again.........again..............Now shout I Hate Trump and call a doctor in the morning for your TDS
You Fascists are always trying to squash free speech; but as we Normal People are on to you, your thug tactics aren't going to work.

But keep it up! The more you post crap like this, the more we get Trump 2020.

Hitler closed 90% of German newspapers.
What whiny nonsense. Not being able to broadcast every idiotic thought that fizzles into your brain on someone else's private forum is not.censorship.

Your jackboots must be a bit tight today.
You Fascists are always trying to squash free speech; but as we Normal People are on to you, your thug tactics aren't going to work.

But keep it up! The more you post crap like this, the more we get Trump 2020.

Yeah, that worked out for you, huh.

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