SAT Averages by Race and Ethnicity, 2013


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
SAT Averages by Race and Ethnicity, 2013
Group........Critical Reading Mathematics Writing Total
American Indian....480.....486.........461.....1,427
Puerto Rican.........456.....453.........445.....1,354
Other Latino........450.....461.........443.....1,354
White ..................527.....534.........515.....1,576

SAT scores are flat | Inside Higher Ed

How do we charge this?
SAT Averages by Race and Ethnicity, 2013
Group........Critical Reading Mathematics Writing Total
American Indian....480.....486.........461.....1,427
Puerto Rican.........456.....453.........445.....1,354
Other Latino........450.....461.........443.....1,354
White ..................527.....534.........515.....1,576

SAT scores are flat | Inside Higher Ed

How do we charge this?

who needs higher education,to make $100,000 @ year all you need is a HS diploma and go into the Blue collar industry.
SAT Averages by Race and Ethnicity, 2013
Group........Critical Reading Mathematics Writing Total
American Indian....480.....486.........461.....1,427
Puerto Rican.........456.....453.........445.....1,354
Other Latino........450.....461.........443.....1,354
White ..................527.....534.........515.....1,576

SAT scores are flat | Inside Higher Ed

How do we charge this?

Not sure how to "charge", I guess any major credit card will do. But to "change" it, requires preparation as with any test. There is probably a direct correlation between preparedness, and study habits as well as having access to the necessary tools to prepare. Encouragement to prepare for the test by secondary school instructors and administrators probably looks much different in poorly funded urban and rural institutions than it does in better funded, better equipped institutions in more affluent communitities. There is also a likely correlation between parents being involved in driving the process and how successful the student is in scoring well on the test.

Considering your interest in SAT scores, how well did you do when you took it?
SAT Averages by Race and Ethnicity, 2013
Group........Critical Reading Mathematics Writing Total
American Indian....480.....486.........461.....1,427
Puerto Rican.........456.....453.........445.....1,354
Other Latino........450.....461.........443.....1,354
White ..................527.....534.........515.....1,576

SAT scores are flat | Inside Higher Ed

How do we charge this?

Not sure how to "charge", I guess any major credit card will do. But to "change" it, requires preparation as with any test. There is probably a direct correlation between preparedness, and study habits as well as having access to the necessary tools to prepare. Encouragement to prepare for the test by secondary school instructors and administrators probably looks much different in poorly funded urban and rural institutions than it does in better funded, better equipped institutions in more affluent communitities. There is also a likely correlation between parents being involved in driving the process and how successful the student is in scoring well on the test.
He flunked the test.
Considering your interest in SAT scores, how well did you do when you took it?
Matt flunked the test,his scores were so low they told him to leave the bldg
SAT Averages by Race and Ethnicity, 2013
Group........Critical Reading Mathematics Writing Total
American Indian....480.....486.........461.....1,427
Puerto Rican.........456.....453.........445.....1,354
Other Latino........450.....461.........443.....1,354
White ..................527.....534.........515.....1,576

SAT scores are flat | Inside Higher Ed

How do we charge this?

Not sure how to "charge", I guess any major credit card will do. But to "change" it, requires preparation as with any test. There is probably a direct correlation between preparedness, and study habits as well as having access to the necessary tools to prepare. Encouragement to prepare for the test by secondary school instructors and administrators probably looks much different in poorly funded urban and rural institutions than it does in better funded, better equipped institutions in more affluent communitities. There is also a likely correlation between parents being involved in driving the process and how successful the student is in scoring well on the test.
He flunked the test.
Considering your interest in SAT scores, how well did you do when you took it?
Matt flunked the test,his scores were so low they told him to leave the bldg[/]

Of course that is not true. He would never practice such duplicity by not having scored well above the national average on the test and then mone to this forum and ask those in the forum "what should be done to improve overall scores"

And, as i mention in another thread, many people believe the company that administers the tests uses "affirmative action" scoring to help the blacks and this cause two things

1. Blacks get higher scores than they deserve

2. Many whites list themselves as black to get the benefit of AA scoring and this further raises black scores and lowers white scores.

The black white gap is listed as 1270- 1570 but it's prolly more like 1100- 1700.
Let's not forget that asians do even better than whites on the SAT, so the liberal excuse that the tests are culturally biased does not hold.
SAT Averages by Race and Ethnicity, 2013
Group........Critical Reading Mathematics Writing Total
American Indian....480.....486.........461.....1,427
Puerto Rican.........456.....453.........445.....1,354
Other Latino........450.....461.........443.....1,354
White ..................527.....534.........515.....1,576

SAT scores are flat | Inside Higher Ed

How do we charge this?

There are companies that offer courses to help with the SATs. Do these numbers take into account who can afford these courses?
SAT Averages by Race and Ethnicity, 2013
Group........Critical Reading Mathematics Writing Total
American Indian....480.....486.........461.....1,427
Puerto Rican.........456.....453.........445.....1,354
Other Latino........450.....461.........443.....1,354
White ..................527.....534.........515.....1,576

SAT scores are flat | Inside Higher Ed

How do we charge this?

There are companies that offer courses to help with the SATs. Do these numbers take into account who can afford these courses?

The numbers are just the numbers. I don't recall the OP saying that they were adjusted in any way.

Also, I'm guessing there are other economic factors that will affect a child's SAT score much more drastically than access to classes.

There are companies that offer courses to help with the SATs. Do these numbers take into account who can afford these courses?

Courses? HAHAHA. If you want preparation you just buy one of the many books that give sample SAT tests. Thrift stores have lots of such books for a couple bucks.
SAT Averages by Race and Ethnicity, 2013
Group........Critical Reading Mathematics Writing Total
American Indian....480.....486.........461.....1,427
Puerto Rican.........456.....453.........445.....1,354
Other Latino........450.....461.........443.....1,354
White ..................527.....534.........515.....1,576

SAT scores are flat | Inside Higher Ed

How do we charge this?

Personally, I'd like to see a study that compares SAT scores amongst racial groups in the same socioeconomic level.
Be interesting to know how mestizos do on the SAT. Mexican-american includes many latins of spanish descent and being euros, they are plenty smart. The mestizo is is descended from latin american indians and they are dumb!!! Dumber than american indians and maybe dumber than negros.

Personally, I'd like to see a study that compares SAT scores amongst racial groups in the same socioeconomic level.

Many such studies have been done and they show that blacks from rich families do better than blacks from poor families but WORSE than whites from poor families!!!

Actually such studies make little sense since intelligence and income are highly correlated. If you come from a poor family, odds are very strong your parents are stupid and so are you.
Actually such studies make little sense since intelligence and income are highly correlated. If you come from a poor family, odds are very strong your parents are stupid and so are you.

Intelligence and income are correlated, that makes sense, and it all comes down to education.

The child with a two parent home and access to great schools will over time become more intelligent over time than the child with a broken home who has access only to gang-ridden, sub par schools.
Actually such studies make little sense since intelligence and income are highly correlated. If you come from a poor family, odds are very strong your parents are stupid and so are you.

Intelligence and income are correlated, that makes sense, and it all comes down to education.

The child with a two parent home and access to great schools will over time become more intelligent over time than the child with a broken home who has access only to gang-ridden, sub par schools.

The kid from the broken home was likely born stupid (like his parents) and very little can be done for him.

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