SAT Scores of Asian Students Cancelled Over Cheating

I agreed with that the other day and told a story about how I think it's hurting them. In college, this happened to me and I see today it happened to my nephew. Blacks from the hood go off to college and meet white friends for the first time.

You talk like we don't know we white people. Black people know white people better than white people know blacks. We have to. Black people (for the most part) are reliant on whites for jobs, housing educations etc. So we have to know you.

Secondly in colleges all racial group pair off with own race.

They meet other blacks who teach them CRT.

Is that we do white man? You're the expert on how black people talk and interact - white man ?

Black people are well aware of the negative stereotypes held about our racial group and we learn that at an early age. Not CRT needed.

Suddenly, they stop hanging out with white kids.

Yeah because white people have always been so willing to be around black people lol

So those black kids don't make the same business connections as they would if that black person didn't fuck them up in the head with that shit.

Yeah because white people have always rolled out the red carpet for black people as far employment and business connections go lol

It wasn't us liberal whites who did it. It was blacks.

So what are you doing to root out the white supremacists in your area ?
You said name calling wasnt racist so since almost no white people attack blacks then there is no white supremacy problem.
I agreed with that the other day and told a story about how I think it's hurting them. In college, this happened to me and I see today it happened to my nephew. Blacks from the hood go off to college and meet white friends for the first time.

You talk like we don't know we white people. Black people know white people better than white people know blacks. We have to. Black people (for the most part) are reliant on whites for jobs, housing educations etc. So we have to know you.

Secondly in colleges all racial group pair off with own race.

They meet other blacks who teach them CRT.

Is that we do white man? You're the expert on how black people talk and interact - white man ?

Black people are well aware of the negative stereotypes held about our racial group and we learn that at an early age. Not CRT needed.

Suddenly, they stop hanging out with white kids.

Yeah because white people have always been so willing to be around black people lol

So those black kids don't make the same business connections as they would if that black person didn't fuck them up in the head with that shit.

Yeah because white people have always rolled out the red carpet for black people as far employment and business connections go lol

It wasn't us liberal whites who did it. It was blacks.

So what are you doing to root out the white supremacists in your area ?
What am I doing? Absolutely nothing. All I can do is worry about myself.

And yes I do know what you black boys talked about. Because Ephrum was a good friend. Suddenly he comes back from the black eateries and every other sentence was "it's because I'm black right?" or "why because I'm black?" They certainly taught him something.

And I saw it happen to my nephew. He had a bunch of black friends in high school. Went to the same college. Now they don't hang anymore. My nephew said in high school they used to say N and fag and no one ever got offended. One night at college the black kid got really offended at something he said light heatedly.

I get it. It's a time for learning. Blacks should learn from other educated brothers. But I'm telling you yall are shooting yourselves in the foot. If you would stop this, we'd help you find jobs when you graduate. But none of the blacks made any effort to friend us whites. You actually took a step backwards.

Yes, we all love hanging out with black people. Look at George on Seinfeld. We all wish we had at least one good black friend. But most of us don't. It's not because we don't want to. Either you don't want to meet us or when we meet, you're too ghetto. It was a mistake. I have my own personal experiences. You see I'm the idiot who does befriend the black. Suddenly, "you need to give me a ride to the store" or "I need to borrow some money" and of course in the end, "it's because I'm black right?"
I agreed with that the other day and told a story about how I think it's hurting them. In college, this happened to me and I see today it happened to my nephew. Blacks from the hood go off to college and meet white friends for the first time.

You talk like we don't know we white people. Black people know white people better than white people know blacks. We have to. Black people (for the most part) are reliant on whites for jobs, housing educations etc. So we have to know you.

Secondly in colleges all racial group pair off with own race.

They meet other blacks who teach them CRT.

Is that we do white man? You're the expert on how black people talk and interact - white man ?

Black people are well aware of the negative stereotypes held about our racial group and we learn that at an early age. Not CRT needed.

Suddenly, they stop hanging out with white kids.

Yeah because white people have always been so willing to be around black people lol

So those black kids don't make the same business connections as they would if that black person didn't fuck them up in the head with that shit.

Yeah because white people have always rolled out the red carpet for black people as far employment and business connections go lol

It wasn't us liberal whites who did it. It was blacks.

So what are you doing to root out the white supremacists in your area ?
Ephram before the blacks got a hold of him


Ephram after

Is you having a black friend supposed to impress me ? I see you as hardcore white supremacist. Simple as that.
I’m not idiot. And I forgot to finish a thought in a previous post. You are wrong about a lot of us whites. We do want to be friends. Unfortunately you guys are snowflakes and too many of us aren’t trustworthy.

Sorry about the stereotypes. That won’t change till black culture changes, perception is reality.
Imagine him walking into a company for a job interview

I would hire someone dressed like Davy Crocket or Shaka Zulu for anything other than sweeping the floor
If you ran a strip club you’d hire him to pimp hoes.
What am I doing? Absolutely nothing.

Exactly. I rest my case
What did I do? I was one of the only white guys on my dorm floor who befriended Ephrum. Not a lot of blacks in our dorm. On other guy Sean was a walk on for our football team. Cool guy. He and ephrum were close because they were the only two black guys on our floor but we were all cool. Soon ephrum became militant.

You would probably agree with everything he said and did. And he’s not here to defend himself. But I’m telling you, black people are holding themselves back.

Im not saying you’re wrong. Probably most of the white guys on my floor were racists. But some of us weren’t. I think ephrum and you are doing yourselves a disservice thinking we are all racist.

We are but so are you. We all are. But some are worse than others. Me? I believe in diversity programs to help ignorant blacks. Is that racist?
Is you having a black friend supposed to impress me ? I see you as hardcore white supremacist. Simple as that.
Would you rather a white guy who doesn’t mind you banging his sister but won’t hire you or a guy like me who doesn’t want you banging my sister but I would give you a job?
Why does it matter who your sister sees, I learned real quick that what you want and what your sister want dont matter, it is HER choice not yours,
My sister married a black man and my oldest niece is black. My daughter dated a black guy but they eventually broke up. My opinion is that it is none of your business who someone else dates or marries.
My sister married a black man and my oldest niece is black. My daughter dated a black guy but they eventually broke up. My opinion is that it is none of your business who someone else dates or marries.

The plot thickens lol

I guess this is your daughter and sister


But that don't mean nothing that your daughter or sister being with a black man (And I'm guessing that you clearly made it known to your daugher and sister that you wasn't too happy, to say the least, about them being with black man and I'm also guessing that you wasn't too friendly and welcoming to your daughter and sisters black exes) After all you said this in the past.


See you like to think your smart and that blk ppl can't see through you. I see through you.

And the irony is you have admitted yourself that you have had sex and relationships with blackwomen.

White people having been sex with black people for centuries.

Has not stopped white supremacy

In fact I'll take it further. Having sex with a black woman / black man is a white supremacist rites of passage. That's something that white supremacists have to do.

Just last year their was a HIV postive white man running through Africa infecting black woman with HIV and he did this to 100's of women


Just this week there was white women that killed her black boyfriend


They didn't even arrest this women and they are gonna let her walk free because she's claming mental breakdown. Google it.
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I have zero sympathy for black people born in America today, and no guilt whatsoever for events that I was not a part of

Yet I dont go out of my way to be unpleasant to black people

I treat them the way I want to be treated

but if they have a chip on their shoulder about slavery I simply remind them that modern day blacks are the sole beneficiaries of slavery, and most likely would not be in America without slavery
The plot thickens lol

I guess this is your daughter and sister


But that don't mean nothing that your daughter or sister being with a black man (And I'm guessing that you clearly made it known to your daugher and sister that you wasn't too happy, to say the least, about them being with black man and I'm also guessing that you wasn't too friendly and welcoming to your daughter and sisters black exes) After all you said this in the past.

View attachment 627730

See you like to think your smart and that blk ppl can't see through you. I see through you.

And the irony is you have admitted yourself that you have had sex and relationships with blackwomen.

White people having been sex with black people for centuries.

Has not stopped white supremacy

In fact I'll take it further. Having sex with a black woman / black man is a white supremacist rites of passage. That's something that white supremacists have to do.

Just last year their was a HIV postive white man running through Africa infecting black woman with HIV and he did this to 100's of women

View attachment 627710

Just this week there was white women that killed her black boyfriend

View attachment 627712

They didn't even arrest this women and they are gonna let her walk free because she's claming mental breakdown. Google it.
I think you confused him with me. He was saying all his female relatives love black guys. His last name is practically Kardashian.
I have zero sympathy for black people born in America today, and no guilt whatsoever for events that I was not a part of

Dude. We know that white supremacists have a heart of stone when it comes to black people. Zero sympathy ? lol Like black people can appeal to your heart, or your sense of morality.

Are you crazy ? This is why we fight and fight you for 400 years. Because we have to

This system of white supremacy were people think they can dominate and mistreat based on race. That is just not gonna work and the only way white people can maintain that system is because of military force. That's why whites spend a gazillion dollars on different ways to kill people

And that's the beginning of decline of a society. You can't keep dumping all your money into military protection for a specfic group of people.

Yet I dont go out of my way to be unpleasant to black people

You don't have to. You have a system that does just that.

I treat them the way I want to be treated

Yeah until a few too many blks move into the place were you live ...right ?
The plot thickens lol

I guess this is your daughter and sister


But that don't mean nothing that your daughter or sister being with a black man (And I'm guessing that you clearly made it known to your daugher and sister that you wasn't too happy, to say the least, about them being with black man and I'm also guessing that you wasn't too friendly and welcoming to your daughter and sisters black exes) After all you said this in the past.

View attachment 627730

See you like to think your smart and that blk ppl can't see through you. I see through you.

And the irony is you have admitted yourself that you have had sex and relationships with blackwomen.

White people having been sex with black people for centuries.

Has not stopped white supremacy

In fact I'll take it further. Having sex with a black woman / black man is a white supremacist rites of passage. That's something that white supremacists have to do.

Just last year their was a HIV postive white man running through Africa infecting black woman with HIV and he did this to 100's of women

View attachment 627710

Just this week there was white women that killed her black boyfriend

View attachment 627712

They didn't even arrest this women and they are gonna let her walk free because she's claming mental breakdown. Google it.
That's why I said before to a Republican who is anti affirmative action but says he's ok if his sister dates black guys and I'm a racist because I would not be happy about it.

Wouldn't you prefer he be pro Affirmative Action? And who knows if he's really okay with it. Probably nothing he can do about it. So it's easy to say he's ok with his daughter or mom dating a black guy. Because either it's never gonna happen or it's happening whether he likes it or not. So just because you're female relatives sleep with black guys, that does not mean you aren't racist. Especially if you are against diversity programs.

So he's ok if a black guy screws his sister but he won't hire him to work at his company. Or he's ok if his company has zero blacks working for the organization. No bias here. Not racist. How can I be racist? My sister fucks black guys. Black guys we won't hire for a myriad of reasons.

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