'Satan first to demand equal rights'

What we're left with is the gawds being the creator of all ultimately makes them responsible for all. The particular, partisan version of the christian gawds includes a nasty and capricious nature which will kill people via myriad ways because "their" creation is a disappointment to them.

Yep.... just like my father told myself and my two brothers..... "I brought you into this world and I can damn well take you back out of it." All three of us believed every single word of that. Just as any children of mine that may come to be will believe ME when I say it.
All human beings deserve basic human rights...period.
... some other rights are debatable.

The sign is correct. =>

WRONG. Nobody DESERVES anything. Never have and never will. You EARN, or you TAKE what you want and need in life. Do not expect ANYTHING to be just GIVEN to you because you DESERVE it. DESERVING IT is the mentality of the low lifes, the welfare freaks and the worthless at the bottom rung of life.

Well there's a distinction between the entitlement mentality (who typically believe only in their OWN rights, not the rights of others) and the belief that all men are created equal, and are born with inherent, human rights. We don't believe we DESERVE human rights, but that they have been granted to us all by God, and are sacrosanct until we do something to justify their removal.
Equal rights the way you loons conceive of it doesn't exist in nature, nor under God.

The definition of "equal rights" isn't "You must give anything that queers, criminals and ne'er do wells anything they ask for".

You're welcome.

And I'm sure that when they ask for a coat, Christians give them their tunic also, because there is no hypocrisy among y'all, right :p

I have no problem with giving them a coat.
But don't force me to attend their sacrilegious unification ceremonies that they pretend are *weddings*. A wedding is a sacrament, and it's my right to refuse to participate in ceremonies I think are an affront to God.

Sounds like an opportunity to be the salt and light in the temporal world, but if straining gnats is more important....

Some people have a problem separating church and state.

I'm not one of them. The state has no right to dictate what is *religious* and what isn't, not does the state have the authority to force people to commit sacrilege in order to operate in the business world.

THAT'S what separation of church and state means.

So, I take it you have never attended the remarriage of a divorced person?

Irrelevant. The bonds of marriage have always been revocable under the right circumstances.
Well there's a distinction between the entitlement mentality (who typically believe only in their OWN rights, not the rights of others) and the belief that all men are created equal, and are born with inherent, human rights. We don't believe we DESERVE human rights, but that they have been granted to us all by God, and are sacrosanct until we do something to justify their removal.

No, all people are NOT created equal. Trust me, as someone with two brothers, I became WELL AWARE of that fact very early in life. There are no such things as human rights, and modern human beings wouldn't deserve them even if there were because of what humanity has become.
Well there's a distinction between the entitlement mentality (who typically believe only in their OWN rights, not the rights of others) and the belief that all men are created equal, and are born with inherent, human rights. We don't believe we DESERVE human rights, but that they have been granted to us all by God, and are sacrosanct until we do something to justify their removal.

No, all people are NOT created equal. Trust me, as someone with two brothers, I became WELL AWARE of that fact very early in life. There are no such things as human rights, and modern human beings wouldn't deserve them even if there were because of what humanity has become.

I have two brothers too.

And there are such things as human rights. Denying them won't make them go away. You may continue your hysterical and nonsensical ranting now.
I have two brothers too.

Then you know, as do pretty much all human beings that people are NOT created equal and never have been.

And there are such things as human rights. Denying them won't make them go away. You may continue your hysterical and nonsensical ranting now.

Human beings have devolved so far (especially in the last 150 years) that no sane Diety would grant the virus that humanity has become any level of innate "rights". Hell, any sane Diety would have wiped humanity off the faca of the planet ages ago.
But he brings up a good point.

Nowhere in the bible does it endorse equal rights for everyone and when Satan wanted them he was sent to Hell just for asking for them.

If God doesn't support equal rights then why are we giving tax breaks to religions? Isn't that a violation of the Constitution?

God is discriminating by not allowing everyone to be treated as equals under his law. Organizations that endorse discrimination should not be entitled to tax breaks IMO.


Satan wasn't condemned for asking for equal rights. He was condemned for trying to be greater than God Himself. Big difference. The church is displaying bad theology.
Irrelevant. The bonds of marriage have always been revocable under the right circumstances.

Catherine of Aragon disagrees!

And the Pope on many occasions.
And Henry VIII

The point is, it's not about whether or not people can get out of it or not, that depends on the religion and the times...

The point is, the state has no authority in this matter.
But he brings up a good point.

Nowhere in the bible does it endorse equal rights for everyone and when Satan wanted them he was sent to Hell just for asking for them.

If God doesn't support equal rights then why are we giving tax breaks to religions? Isn't that a violation of the Constitution?

God is discriminating by not allowing everyone to be treated as equals under his law. Organizations that endorse discrimination should not be entitled to tax breaks IMO.

There should be no tax breaks for any person or corporation.

Any able-bodied person that cannot pay his fair share of taxes should be allowed to work them off, or, jailed.

Any business that cannot pay its taxes should be closed.
Tennessee church sign: ‘Remember, Satan was the first to demand equal rights’

Sign in front of the Knoxville Baptist Tabernacle Church (Facebook)

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A Tennessee pastor said this week that his church was “not trying to offend anyone” when it put up a sign linking “equal rights” to Satan.

Members of the community expressed outrage ..... The sign read, “Remember, Satan was the first to demand equal rights.”

“Who was your target audience? .....Knoxville resident Rick Staples, asked, according to WBIR. “And when you say you’re asking for your equal rights, who’s asking for their equal rights and who are you comparing to Satan? That was very strong language.”

Andy Henry said that the church was trying to make a statement about gay rights.

“It’s clearly a sign that was meant to offend a particular community – the LGBT community. Because of (the church’s) lack of foresight, they ended up offending everybody who had ever fought for equality or civil rights in general,” Henry observed.

But Pastor Tony Greene insisted that everyone misunderstood the message.

“Our sign referencing Satan demanding his equal rights to ascend into the heavens and be God was simply ‘I’ and all about that individual,” Greene told WATE. “It was not a statement against any one group in particular, you know what about the rights of the unborn babies, the rights of children, the rights of everyone?”

He added: “My heart breaks in the dividedness of our country.”

On Monday, the sign was changed to read, “Glad you reading, did not intend to offend, we all need Christ.”

Disgusting and transparent but the good news is the community objected to comparing women and gays to satan.

Actually no. The first to demand equal rights, quite literally too, was Lilith. First wife of Adam according to Jewish folklore. Not wanting to be completely subserviant to Adam's sexual needs she demanded to be treated as his equal (God having created her from the dust of the earth just as He did Adam, as opposed to FROM Adam.) Adam whined and bitched, and an angel of the Lord came to demand she do as Adam says. She refused, was cursed and expelled from the Garden becomming a demon. Then God made Eve from Adam's own body to be subserviant to him.

I was taught a slightly different yet very similar version.

That it was as you said, Lilith refused to be anything less than an equal to Adam (especially during sex), and when she concluded that he would not treat her as such, she went away from him and screamed out the most sacred name of God/ YHWH, and experienced an Apotheosis of sorts. She became a demon and escaped Eden using her newfound powers... through her own free Will.

When Adam learned of this, he begged God/ YHWH to return Lilith to him. God sent three Angels after her, and they found Lilith on Earth hovering over the Red Sea all badass like. They gave her a chance to return to Eden, and when she refused, they cursed her.

Since Lilith was a lost cause for Adam, God created Eve from Adam, and she became the subservient wife that Adam had always wanted.

Epic story either way you look at it.

Are you attempting to make a point with the above? It seems that the tales and fables surrounding the the christian version of gawds indicates a chronic pattern of contentious relations between those gawds and their "creation". The tales read like a clinical case of a parent who is wholly unable and unprepared for the responsibilities of parenthood.

What we're left with is the gawds being the creator of all ultimately makes them responsible for all. The particular, partisan version of the christian gawds includes a nasty and capricious nature which will kill people via myriad ways because "their" creation is a disappointment to them.

My "point" was... I was in agreement with D4E that within the alleged timeline of Abrahamic mythology, Lilith did seem to be the first to '"demand equal rights". My other "point" was that I really liked that story ^_^

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Irrelevant. The bonds of marriage have always been revocable under the right circumstances.

Catherine of Aragon disagrees!

And the Pope on many occasions.
And Henry VIII

The point is, it's not about whether or not people can get out of it or not, that depends on the religion and the times...

The point is, the state has no authority in this matter.

Judaism permits divorce. Though modern rabbis have likened it to "Sure, you can amputate a limb if need be but should try other things first." :)
Tennessee church sign: ‘Remember, Satan was the first to demand equal rights’

Sign in front of the Knoxville Baptist Tabernacle Church (Facebook)

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A Tennessee pastor said this week that his church was “not trying to offend anyone” when it put up a sign linking “equal rights” to Satan.

Members of the community expressed outrage ..... The sign read, “Remember, Satan was the first to demand equal rights.”

“Who was your target audience? .....Knoxville resident Rick Staples, asked, according to WBIR. “And when you say you’re asking for your equal rights, who’s asking for their equal rights and who are you comparing to Satan? That was very strong language.”

Andy Henry said that the church was trying to make a statement about gay rights.

“It’s clearly a sign that was meant to offend a particular community – the LGBT community. Because of (the church’s) lack of foresight, they ended up offending everybody who had ever fought for equality or civil rights in general,” Henry observed.

But Pastor Tony Greene insisted that everyone misunderstood the message.

“Our sign referencing Satan demanding his equal rights to ascend into the heavens and be God was simply ‘I’ and all about that individual,” Greene told WATE. “It was not a statement against any one group in particular, you know what about the rights of the unborn babies, the rights of children, the rights of everyone?”

He added: “My heart breaks in the dividedness of our country.”

On Monday, the sign was changed to read, “Glad you reading, did not intend to offend, we all need Christ.”

Disgusting and transparent but the good news is the community objected to comparing women and gays to satan.

Actually no. The first to demand equal rights, quite literally too, was Lilith. First wife of Adam according to Jewish folklore. Not wanting to be completely subserviant to Adam's sexual needs she demanded to be treated as his equal (God having created her from the dust of the earth just as He did Adam, as opposed to FROM Adam.) Adam whined and bitched, and an angel of the Lord came to demand she do as Adam says. She refused, was cursed and expelled from the Garden becomming a demon. Then God made Eve from Adam's own body to be subserviant to him.

I was taught a slightly different yet very similar version.

That it was as you said, Lilith refused to be anything less than an equal to Adam (especially during sex), and when she concluded that he would not treat her as such, she went away from him and screamed out the most sacred name of God/ YHWH, and experienced an Apotheosis of sorts. She became a demon and escaped Eden using her newfound powers... through her own free Will.

When Adam learned of this, he begged God/ YHWH to return Lilith to him. God sent three Angels after her, and they found Lilith on Earth hovering over the Red Sea all badass like. They gave her a chance to return to Eden, and when she refused, they cursed her.

Since Lilith was a lost cause for Adam, God created Eve from Adam, and she became the subservient wife that Adam had always wanted.

Epic story either way you look at it.

Are you attempting to make a point with the above? It seems that the tales and fables surrounding the the christian version of gawds indicates a chronic pattern of contentious relations between those gawds and their "creation". The tales read like a clinical case of a parent who is wholly unable and unprepared for the responsibilities of parenthood.

What we're left with is the gawds being the creator of all ultimately makes them responsible for all. The particular, partisan version of the christian gawds includes a nasty and capricious nature which will kill people via myriad ways because "their" creation is a disappointment to them.

My "point" was... I was in agreement with D4E that within the alleged timeline of Abrahamic mythology, Lilith did seem to be the first to '"demand equal rights". My other "point" was that I really liked that story ^_^

Yes, it was Lilith that demanded equal rights first.

And since she was denied equal rights that exposes the myth that there are any "God given rights" at all.

Any Deity demanding to be "served" isn't in the business of giving any rights to anyone.
Tennessee church sign: ‘Remember, Satan was the first to demand equal rights’

Sign in front of the Knoxville Baptist Tabernacle Church (Facebook)

Don't miss stories. Follow Raw Story!

A Tennessee pastor said this week that his church was “not trying to offend anyone” when it put up a sign linking “equal rights” to Satan.

Members of the community expressed outrage ..... The sign read, “Remember, Satan was the first to demand equal rights.”

“Who was your target audience? .....Knoxville resident Rick Staples, asked, according to WBIR. “And when you say you’re asking for your equal rights, who’s asking for their equal rights and who are you comparing to Satan? That was very strong language.”

Andy Henry said that the church was trying to make a statement about gay rights.

“It’s clearly a sign that was meant to offend a particular community – the LGBT community. Because of (the church’s) lack of foresight, they ended up offending everybody who had ever fought for equality or civil rights in general,” Henry observed.

But Pastor Tony Greene insisted that everyone misunderstood the message.

“Our sign referencing Satan demanding his equal rights to ascend into the heavens and be God was simply ‘I’ and all about that individual,” Greene told WATE. “It was not a statement against any one group in particular, you know what about the rights of the unborn babies, the rights of children, the rights of everyone?”

He added: “My heart breaks in the dividedness of our country.”

On Monday, the sign was changed to read, “Glad you reading, did not intend to offend, we all need Christ.”

Disgusting and transparent but the good news is the community objected to comparing women and gays to satan.

Actually no. The first to demand equal rights, quite literally too, was Lilith. First wife of Adam according to Jewish folklore. Not wanting to be completely subserviant to Adam's sexual needs she demanded to be treated as his equal (God having created her from the dust of the earth just as He did Adam, as opposed to FROM Adam.) Adam whined and bitched, and an angel of the Lord came to demand she do as Adam says. She refused, was cursed and expelled from the Garden becomming a demon. Then God made Eve from Adam's own body to be subserviant to him.

I was taught a slightly different yet very similar version.

That it was as you said, Lilith refused to be anything less than an equal to Adam (especially during sex), and when she concluded that he would not treat her as such, she went away from him and screamed out the most sacred name of God/ YHWH, and experienced an Apotheosis of sorts. She became a demon and escaped Eden using her newfound powers... through her own free Will.

When Adam learned of this, he begged God/ YHWH to return Lilith to him. God sent three Angels after her, and they found Lilith on Earth hovering over the Red Sea all badass like. They gave her a chance to return to Eden, and when she refused, they cursed her.

Since Lilith was a lost cause for Adam, God created Eve from Adam, and she became the subservient wife that Adam had always wanted.

Epic story either way you look at it.

Are you attempting to make a point with the above? It seems that the tales and fables surrounding the the christian version of gawds indicates a chronic pattern of contentious relations between those gawds and their "creation". The tales read like a clinical case of a parent who is wholly unable and unprepared for the responsibilities of parenthood.

What we're left with is the gawds being the creator of all ultimately makes them responsible for all. The particular, partisan version of the christian gawds includes a nasty and capricious nature which will kill people via myriad ways because "their" creation is a disappointment to them.

My "point" was... I was in agreement with D4E that within the alleged timeline of Abrahamic mythology, Lilith did seem to be the first to '"demand equal rights". My other "point" was that I really liked that story ^_^

Yes, it was Lilith that demanded equal rights first.

And since she was denied equal rights that exposes the myth that there are any "God given rights" at all.

Any Deity demanding to be "served" isn't in the business of giving any rights to anyone.

Our Founding Fathers thought rights came from God and not the state. :)

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Actually no. The first to demand equal rights, quite literally too, was Lilith. First wife of Adam according to Jewish folklore. Not wanting to be completely subserviant to Adam's sexual needs she demanded to be treated as his equal (God having created her from the dust of the earth just as He did Adam, as opposed to FROM Adam.) Adam whined and bitched, and an angel of the Lord came to demand she do as Adam says. She refused, was cursed and expelled from the Garden becomming a demon. Then God made Eve from Adam's own body to be subserviant to him.

I was taught a slightly different yet very similar version.

That it was as you said, Lilith refused to be anything less than an equal to Adam (especially during sex), and when she concluded that he would not treat her as such, she went away from him and screamed out the most sacred name of God/ YHWH, and experienced an Apotheosis of sorts. She became a demon and escaped Eden using her newfound powers... through her own free Will.

When Adam learned of this, he begged God/ YHWH to return Lilith to him. God sent three Angels after her, and they found Lilith on Earth hovering over the Red Sea all badass like. They gave her a chance to return to Eden, and when she refused, they cursed her.

Since Lilith was a lost cause for Adam, God created Eve from Adam, and she became the subservient wife that Adam had always wanted.

Epic story either way you look at it.

Are you attempting to make a point with the above? It seems that the tales and fables surrounding the the christian version of gawds indicates a chronic pattern of contentious relations between those gawds and their "creation". The tales read like a clinical case of a parent who is wholly unable and unprepared for the responsibilities of parenthood.

What we're left with is the gawds being the creator of all ultimately makes them responsible for all. The particular, partisan version of the christian gawds includes a nasty and capricious nature which will kill people via myriad ways because "their" creation is a disappointment to them.

My "point" was... I was in agreement with D4E that within the alleged timeline of Abrahamic mythology, Lilith did seem to be the first to '"demand equal rights". My other "point" was that I really liked that story ^_^

Yes, it was Lilith that demanded equal rights first.

And since she was denied equal rights that exposes the myth that there are any "God given rights" at all.

Any Deity demanding to be "served" isn't in the business of giving any rights to anyone.

Our Founding Fathers thought rights came from God and not the state. :)

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

I uphold the rights of the Founding Fathers to believe that.

Nowhere in the Bible does God grant anyone rights such as freedom or religion or free speech or even just liberty. He seems quite happy with the concept of slavery. Then again so were a number of the Founding Fathers.

Except Lilith wasn't demanding "equal rights" from God. She was demanding Adam to treat her as an equal, instead of expecting her to act like his subservient bitch.

Was Lilith an equal to Adam? In the beginning, yes... yet her choices caused her retain her immortality and achieve Apotheosis, while Adam's choices.... well, you know. The snake and the bitch and the fruit. Now we all die.

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Except Lilith wasn't demanding "equal rights" from God. She was demanding Adam to treat her as an equal, instead of expecting her to act like his subservient bitch.

Was Lilith an equal to Adam? In the beginning, yes... yet her choices caused her retain her immortality and achieve Apotheosis, while Adam's choices.... well, you know. The snake and the bitch and the fruit. Now we all die.

Our Constitution treats us as all being equal under the law. No one is above the law and no one is exempt from the law. It is the law that grants us equality and each of us has a duty to ensure that everyone is treated equally.

If we fail to uphold that equality for others then we jeopardize our own right to equal treatment.

You are correct that what Lilith was demanding was equality with Adam. The fact that God, AKA the law, sided with Adam in expecting her to be subservient to him is what exposes the fallacy of "God given rights".

There is no equality under "God's law".

There is only equality under the Constitution which is a social contract between We the People.

I was taught a slightly different yet very similar version.

That it was as you said, Lilith refused to be anything less than an equal to Adam (especially during sex), and when she concluded that he would not treat her as such, she went away from him and screamed out the most sacred name of God/ YHWH, and experienced an Apotheosis of sorts. She became a demon and escaped Eden using her newfound powers... through her own free Will.

When Adam learned of this, he begged God/ YHWH to return Lilith to him. God sent three Angels after her, and they found Lilith on Earth hovering over the Red Sea all badass like. They gave her a chance to return to Eden, and when she refused, they cursed her.

Since Lilith was a lost cause for Adam, God created Eve from Adam, and she became the subservient wife that Adam had always wanted.

Epic story either way you look at it.

Are you attempting to make a point with the above? It seems that the tales and fables surrounding the the christian version of gawds indicates a chronic pattern of contentious relations between those gawds and their "creation". The tales read like a clinical case of a parent who is wholly unable and unprepared for the responsibilities of parenthood.

What we're left with is the gawds being the creator of all ultimately makes them responsible for all. The particular, partisan version of the christian gawds includes a nasty and capricious nature which will kill people via myriad ways because "their" creation is a disappointment to them.

My "point" was... I was in agreement with D4E that within the alleged timeline of Abrahamic mythology, Lilith did seem to be the first to '"demand equal rights". My other "point" was that I really liked that story ^_^

Yes, it was Lilith that demanded equal rights first.

And since she was denied equal rights that exposes the myth that there are any "God given rights" at all.

Any Deity demanding to be "served" isn't in the business of giving any rights to anyone.

Our Founding Fathers thought rights came from God and not the state. :)

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

I uphold the rights of the Founding Fathers to believe that.

Nowhere in the Bible does God grant anyone rights such as freedom or religion or free speech or even just liberty. He seems quite happy with the concept of slavery. Then again so were a number of the Founding Fathers.

Except the bible is where the founders found the concept of freedom and liberty.

Choose this day whom you will serve but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

Liberation from Egypt.
Liberation from their neighbors.

The messiah mission was to preach liberty to the captives.

Where the spirit of God is, there is liberty.

The truth shall set you free.

But sure, it must be a foreign concept from the bible
Are you attempting to make a point with the above? It seems that the tales and fables surrounding the the christian version of gawds indicates a chronic pattern of contentious relations between those gawds and their "creation". The tales read like a clinical case of a parent who is wholly unable and unprepared for the responsibilities of parenthood.

What we're left with is the gawds being the creator of all ultimately makes them responsible for all. The particular, partisan version of the christian gawds includes a nasty and capricious nature which will kill people via myriad ways because "their" creation is a disappointment to them.

My "point" was... I was in agreement with D4E that within the alleged timeline of Abrahamic mythology, Lilith did seem to be the first to '"demand equal rights". My other "point" was that I really liked that story ^_^

Yes, it was Lilith that demanded equal rights first.

And since she was denied equal rights that exposes the myth that there are any "God given rights" at all.

Any Deity demanding to be "served" isn't in the business of giving any rights to anyone.

Our Founding Fathers thought rights came from God and not the state. :)

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

I uphold the rights of the Founding Fathers to believe that.

Nowhere in the Bible does God grant anyone rights such as freedom or religion or free speech or even just liberty. He seems quite happy with the concept of slavery. Then again so were a number of the Founding Fathers.

Except the bible is where the founders found the concept of freedom and liberty.

Choose this day whom you will serve but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

Liberation from Egypt.
Liberation from their neighbors.

The messiah mission was to preach liberty to the captives.

Where the spirit of God is, there is liberty.

The truth shall set you free.

But sure, it must be a foreign concept from the bible

Except that the same biblical source endorses slavery which is the opposite of liberty and freedom.

Preaching liberty is not the same thing as actually providing slaves with the right to be free under the law. If your claim is true then the Founding Fathers used your bible as a justification for including slavery in the Constitution.

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