'Satan first to demand equal rights'

Don't befuddle them with facts, avatar.

Religions are not fact based.

Some are. Some aren't. Atheism for example isn't.

But we aren't talking about religion anyway. We are talking about the bible. And it's undeniable that it teaches a theme of liberty, that liberty is the mission of the messiah, and the Founders used the bible for many of their arguments.

See they were familiar with the bible. They studied it throughout their life and the light they received from it lead them to establish this nation.
Don't befuddle them with facts, avatar.

Religions are not fact based.

Some are. Some aren't. Atheism for example isn't.

But we aren't talking about religion anyway. We are talking about the bible. And it's undeniable that it teaches a theme of liberty, that liberty is the mission of the messiah, and the Founders used the bible for many of their arguments.

See they were familiar with the bible. They studied it throughout their life and the light they received from it lead them to establish this nation.

Onus is on you to prove that your claims about the Founding Fathers are "fact based" rather than just wishful thinking on your part.
Don't befuddle them with facts, avatar.

Religions are not fact based.

Some are. Some aren't. Atheism for example isn't.

But we aren't talking about religion anyway. We are talking about the bible. And it's undeniable that it teaches a theme of liberty, that liberty is the mission of the messiah, and the Founders used the bible for many of their arguments.

See they were familiar with the bible. They studied it throughout their life and the light they received from it lead them to establish this nation.
I hadn't realized that such things as golden plates, magic underwear, the planet Kolob, etc., were fact based.
Don't befuddle them with facts, avatar.

Religions are not fact based.

Some are. Some aren't. Atheism for example isn't.

But we aren't talking about religion anyway. We are talking about the bible. And it's undeniable that it teaches a theme of liberty, that liberty is the mission of the messiah, and the Founders used the bible for many of their arguments.

See they were familiar with the bible. They studied it throughout their life and the light they received from it lead them to establish this nation.
I hadn't realized that such things as golden plates, magic underwear, the planet Kolob, etc., were fact based.

There are a lot of things you don't know. In fact I don't know if we could cover what you don't know in a single lifetime.
I just quoted it to you, but it doesn't exist.

Did it ever occur to you to actually study the bible before you pronounce what isn't in it?
All human beings deserve basic human rights...period.
... some other rights are debatable.

The sign is correct. =>

WRONG. Nobody DESERVES anything. Never have and never will. You EARN, or you TAKE what you want and need in life. Do not expect ANYTHING to be just GIVEN to you because you DESERVE it. DESERVING IT is the mentality of the low lifes, the welfare freaks and the worthless at the bottom rung of life.

Yeah well I kind of threw that comment out there. Ill clarify what I meant.
People who truly cant fend for themselves...physically or mentally disabled people, elderly, children. They should always receive help. All the other people ( imo) do deserve the basics but they should earn it.
I'm not sure if I can claim to KNOW who the "worthless at the bottom rung of life are". Humans don't have a great track record of judging others.
Although last year I did come across a group of people who openly bragged about abusing the system. There is no other way to describe this group other than white trash teen girls. Most had a kid or two. They would volunteer in small groups at a riding facility I worked at and constantly bragged about getting away with things. Minimal job searches, forms filled out wrong, volunteering at places they didn't thing they would have to work at all. I'm surprised their dumb asses weren't scared of being turned in. We would give them a shovel and have them move manure piles....since that was their line of expertise:lol:

To be fair...a few really were trying to better themselves and their kids lives...most just seemed to enjoy the free ride and had a nasty attitude on top of that.
I have no problem with giving them a coat.
But don't force me to attend their sacrilegious unification ceremonies that they pretend are *weddings*. A wedding is a sacrament, and it's my right to refuse to participate in ceremonies I think are an affront to God.

Sounds like an opportunity to be the salt and light in the temporal world, but if straining gnats is more important....

Some people have a problem separating church and state.

I'm not one of them. The state has no right to dictate what is *religious* and what isn't, not does the state have the authority to force people to commit sacrilege in order to operate in the business world.

THAT'S what separation of church and state means.

Ironic coming from someone who cannot separate holy matrimony from a state wedding contract.

It's is very ironic, given that church-solemnized marriage was mostly reserved for the aristocracy prior to the 18th Century.

Crackpot Doom Scandal Traditional Marriage

But marriage was still considered a sacrament and even before the advent of Christianity, was recognized as a solemn and binding contract between male and female. It's the fact that the state got involved in the FIRST place that we're in such a bind now. The state should not define or dictate what a marriage is, it's a RELIGIOUS ceremony.

Well, you can skip the part where you license your marriage with the state if you want to. Just don't expect the tax benefits.
I have no problem with giving them a coat.
But don't force me to attend their sacrilegious unification ceremonies that they pretend are *weddings*. A wedding is a sacrament, and it's my right to refuse to participate in ceremonies I think are an affront to God.

Sounds like an opportunity to be the salt and light in the temporal world, but if straining gnats is more important....

Some people have a problem separating church and state.

I'm not one of them. The state has no right to dictate what is *religious* and what isn't, not does the state have the authority to force people to commit sacrilege in order to operate in the business world.

THAT'S what separation of church and state means.

Ironic coming from someone who cannot separate holy matrimony from a state wedding contract.

It's is very ironic, given that church-solemnized marriage was mostly reserved for the aristocracy prior to the 18th Century.

Crackpot Doom Scandal Traditional Marriage

But marriage was still considered a sacrament and even before the advent of Christianity, was recognized as a solemn and binding contract between male and female. It's the fact that the state got involved in the FIRST place that we're in such a bind now. The state should not define or dictate what a marriage is, it's a RELIGIOUS ceremony.

Well, you can skip the part where you license your marriage with the state if you want to. Just don't expect the tax benefits.
All human beings deserve basic human rights...period.
... some other rights are debatable.

The sign is correct. =>

WRONG. Nobody DESERVES anything. Never have and never will. You EARN, or you TAKE what you want and need in life. Do not expect ANYTHING to be just GIVEN to you because you DESERVE it. DESERVING IT is the mentality of the low lifes, the welfare freaks and the worthless at the bottom rung of life.

If we must submit to civilization, then we are entitled to a share of its protection, in exchange for the freedom we have given up. If civilization doesn't protect all equally, then it is a complete sham.
Don't befuddle them with facts, avatar.

Religions are not fact based.

Some are. Some aren't. Atheism for example isn't.

Atheism is not a "religion". It's a term for the absence of theism, and theism is one avenue a religion may take. Atheism simply dismisses that avenue.

We do not define a religion by what it does not include. Christianism for example does not include belief in reincarnation. That doesn't make a-reincarnationism a "religion".
Don't befuddle them with facts, avatar.

Religions are not fact based.

Some are. Some aren't. Atheism for example isn't.

But we aren't talking about religion anyway. We are talking about the bible. And it's undeniable that it teaches a theme of liberty, that liberty is the mission of the messiah, and the Founders used the bible for many of their arguments.

See they were familiar with the bible. They studied it throughout their life and the light they received from it lead them to establish this nation.
I hadn't realized that such things as golden plates, magic underwear, the planet Kolob, etc., were fact based.

There are a lot of things you don't know. In fact I don't know if we could cover what you don't know in a single lifetime.
Like a lot of the more excitable religionists, you get angry and emotive when your religions are subject to the incidentals of a reality based world.
Don't befuddle them with facts, avatar.

Religions are not fact based.

Some are. Some aren't. Atheism for example isn't.

Atheism is not a "religion". It's a term for the absence of theism, and theism is one avenue a religion may take. Atheism simply dismisses that avenue.

We do not define a religion by what it does not include. Christianism for example does not include belief in reincarnation. That doesn't make a-reincarnationism a "religion".

What a ridiculous comment. Does that pass as a deep thought? Because if so, you sadly missed the mark.

Atheism, the way it is practiced by militant anti-Christian lunatics, is definitely a religion. They are fanatical, they have a creed, they have a mission. Go to the religion thread and see them in action.

It in no way relates to your silly blather about a-reincarnationsm or whatever stoned comment you made there. Omg that doesn't even make sense. I hope you are retired because nobody should get that high at work.
I dont think of Atheism as a religion but some do have an agenda. One seething with hate lol.

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