Satanism rising in the gay community .

I am very nonjudgemental because I know I have a lot of work to do on me. But, there are some people that profess to be Christian I just would not want to be.
We all have a lot of work yet to do on ourselves and we stumble, some of us, often. The difference is that we realize we are struggling and do not fail to repent of it and ask forgiveness while we try to move forward. We either will be saved by grace or we will perish without it for none are righteous, no, not one...
So when you guys are all together at your favorite place, AKA The Closet, is this what you talk about? Trying to deflect from your reality by bringing hate on your fellows?

Sad. So Sad.
Fags aren't out "fellows." They're your "fellas."
the thread isnt about whether its legal or not .. the thread is about gays turning to Satanism ...
Satan is a supernatural being from Christian Mythology. Why on earth would worshiping the Bad God so to speak be some thing gay folks turn too? I understand turning away from a belief in all supernatural creatures ......... not worshiping one.
Not surprised. Probably much more accepting then many popular religions today.
Christ was not about "coexistence" with evil. He made it clear that He was the only way to eternal life with God in heaven. That is the reason so many today hate Christians and even more, their God. They do not want any one or anything to control them. They want to be the god of their own lives. That is their choice. They are free to make it and any Christian who hates them for that choice, will themselves be judged for that. Our calling is to share the good news and to leave the judgment of our brothers and sisters to the God who created us all.
Satan is a supernatural being from Christian Mythology. Why on earth would worshiping the Bad God so to speak be some thing gay folks turn too? I understand turning away from a belief in all supernatural creatures ......... not worshiping one.
Because humans are naturally spiritual beings. They seek a spiritual guide. Unfortunately, many choose the wrong one(s).
a Satanic Temple founder says that more than half [majority] of the congregation identifies as lgbt !

This must be truly terrifying to you. How will you protect against your gentle Christian butts being sacrificed to Satan!
Christ was not about "coexistence" with evil. He made it clear that He was the only way to eternal life with God in heaven. That is the reason so many today hate Christians and even more, their God. They do not want any one or anything to control them. They want to be the god of their own lives. That is their choice. They are free to make it and any Christian who hates them for that choice, will themselves be judged for that. Our calling is to share the good news and to leave the judgment of our brothers and sisters to the God who created us all.
We're not to judge the hearts of men. However, we are urged to "judge righteously."

John 7:24, "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment."
Christ was not about "coexistence" with evil. He made it clear that He was the only way to eternal life with God in heaven. That is the reason so many today hate Christians and even more, their God. They do not want any one or anything to control them. They want to be the god of their own lives. That is their choice. They are free to make it and any Christian who hates them for that choice, will themselves be judged for that. Our calling is to share the good news and to leave the judgment of our brothers and sisters to the God who created us all.
But he isn't the only way. It's not even one way.

You got duped. If you can find it within yourself to seek the one true God, he will embrace you eternally. I will pray for you.

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