Satanism rising in the gay community .

Too bad our God is not a God of love and grace. They might have a better option.
Your God...

biden tent city 1.jpg
Yes if you think God praises homosexuality. Let me remind you of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the reason they were destroyed.

The true God does no elevate anyone. All are equal in his eyes.

Sodam and Gamora are biblical fairy tales to scare weak minded dupes.

Please seek the true God and be at in eternal piece.

I will pray for you.
Yes ... I was very much into various psychedelics way back in the day. Shrooms; L25; Purple Haze; Window Pane; Orange Sunshine; other forms of LSD; mescaline. I generally recognized the existence of Satan during a trip. Each trip was a spiritual experience, but not of the good variety. Those drugs actually helped bring me to a place of repentance and a desire to turn my life around.
Whereas my experience was completely opposite. While of course I did all manner of psychedelics in the day, I generally accepted that supernatural existence was as impossible as the immaculate conception, the resurrection, and the ascension into heaven. They did help my future wife get free of a nasty Coke habit from back then too.
As will haters pretending to be Christians.
Stating the facts you don't like isn't hate. All sin will be destroyed forever when Jesus comes back. His people will go to heaven and the rest to hell and the earth will be destroyed by fire.
The true God does no elevate anyone. All are equal in his eyes.

Sodam and Gamora are biblical fairy tales to scare weak minded dupes.

Please seek the true God and be at in eternal piece.

I will pray for you.
Thanks for proving my point of false god's. If your god isn't of the Bible he is a false god. Satan.
I will not forgive someone who routinely heads to the local Kindergarten to indoctrinate little kids.
Who exactly is doing this?

How about people who spread lies that our kindergartens are indoctrination centers routinely visited by random strangers. Stupid lies at that.........
Who exactly is doing this?

How about people who spread lies that our kindergartens are indoctrination centers routinely visited by random strangers. Stupid lies at that.........
They think this will cover their surfing history, saving the children and all. Cause if they really believe it they would be at the kindergarten and not on their computer.
Ok, I agree, so am I. So I believe we should not be so quick to judge.
If a gay couple is having sex the Bible says it's an abomination against him. But saying that so is heterosexual sex out of marriage. God spells it out in the Bible, but he will be the final decision for everyone. But he states most won't make it to heaven.
Yes if you think God praises homosexuality. Let me remind you of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the reason they were destroyed.

They threaten to rape Gods angels. They even turned down Lots Virgin Daughters.......but God set them up.

He was an Angry God, until he had a kid.......

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