Satanism rising in the gay community .

Stating the facts you don't like isn't hate. All sin will be destroyed forever when Jesus comes back. His people will go to heaven and the rest to hell and the earth will be destroyed by fire.
God is for sure not going to judge humanity by your standards.
Who exactly is doing this?

How about people who spread lies that our kindergartens are indoctrination centers routinely visited by random strangers. Stupid lies at that.........
You loons are grooming starting at eight years old. There are adults now suing because they got the surgery as a kid.
If a gay couple is having sex the Bible says it's an abomination against him. But saying that so is heterosexual sex out of marriage. God spells it out in the Bible, but he will be the final decision for everyone. But he states most won't make it to heaven.
I agree. Most will not.
They threaten to rape Gods angels. They even turned down Lots Virgin Daughters.......but God set them up.

He was an Angry God, until he had a kid.......
It was an evil city in God's eye's so he destroyed it. The United States is starting our falling also. We don't educate our kids anymore, major cities are turning into third world shitholes, and our debt is fixing to destroy us. We turned our back on God and we are the only ones to blame for letting this happen.
Who exactly is doing this?

How about people who spread lies that our kindergartens are indoctrination centers routinely visited by random strangers. Stupid lies at that.........
You loons are grooming starting at eight years old. There are adults now suing because they got the surgery as a kid.
You do not believe this or you would not be wasting your time talking to people on the internet who think you are crazy. Get out there and save the children.
You do not believe this or you would not be wasting your time talking to people on the internet who think you are crazy. Get out there and save the children.
There is a forum on here that three adults are suing the doctor that cut their breast off and prescribed puberty blockers. Two were 13 at the time and one was 15. California is trying to make California a sanctuary state for trans kids. If a student wants to transforms and the parents don't. Someone can bring them to California and once they get in. The parents have no say.
a Satanic Temple founder says that more than half [majority] of the congregation identifies as lgbt !

Why wouldn't they?

When religious wackos do nothing but denigrate them why would they not look for a place where they would be accepted?
A photograph showing a horned drag queen reading a picture book to children at a Long Beach public library event is one of the latest images to generate controversy.

Schwing and a Ms...

The person shown in the image is Xochi Mochi, who posted the photo on her Instagram account on Saturday afternoon, the same day Long Beach Public Library’s online calendar shows an event called Drag Queen Story Hour was scheduled to have taken place at Michelle Obama Neighborhood Library in North Long Beach.

Commentators in conservative news and social media have since attacked Xochi Mochi’s appearance. World Net Daily on Monday published an article headlined “drag-queen demon reads to kids at Michelle Obama library.” The American Conservative ran a post Tuesday under the words “Children’s story time in Weimer America,” a likely reference to the anything-goes culture prevailing in interwar Germany before the rise of the Nazi Party.

Locally, CBS 2 news covered the reaction to the event in the context of a Southern California political race after GOP congressional candidate Omar Navarro tweeted a picture of Xochi Mochi below the words, “Demonic teachings alive in Long Beach. I’m outraged they would allow this.”
The pretenders are them who tolerate evil in their midst. Listen to what Jesus says to the faces of the evil leaders of His day:

John 8:44, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

Matthew 23:33, "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"
How do you not tolerate evil in your midst in a free country?
If you are really a Christian, why the hate?

We are to hate the sin. Also:

And if any one will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town.
MT 10:14 (RSV)
a Satanic Temple founder says that more than half [majority] of the congregation identifies as lgbt !

Well, if it is a choice between Christianity and Satanism, why wouldn't they?

Christianity dislikes the very fact that homosexuals exist. They want them banned. They are openly hostile to anyone they even THINK is gay.

If you reject them so completely, don't cry when they go to another faith.
Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. ~ John Adams
Thanks for proving my point of false god's. If your god isn't of the Bible he is a false god. Satan.
You poor thing. I wish I could help you find the truth but you stubbornly cling to your fiction.

I hope someday you find the strength to find truth.

I will pray for you.

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