Satellite data show Earth's glaciers in massive decline

So apparently there must be a negative feedback occurring.
The April 2021 temperature anomaly (relative to the highest temperature pre-industrialization) is 0.74 deg C.

View attachment 490493
Pretty sure the Earth was even hotter billions of years ago when it was all like cooling lava and stuff. Why stop at only 1000 yrs ago, cherry picker? Hell, why not pick March 2021 since you clearly don't really give a shit?
ohhhhhh the irony.........................

dRF=5.35ln(420/280) = 2.1692 W/m^2

2.169238328 W/m^2 x 0.75 C deg / W/m^2 = 1.6269 C deg
So like I said, your results are a temperature, meaning it's not a radiative forcing equation. You added the climate sensitivity parameter to the radiative forcing equation, which made it no longer a radiative forcing equation.

However, the climate sensitivity parameter is meant to apply to ECS results. We'd get pretty close to equilibrium in another 50 years, if CO2 was held constant, but we're not close now. That parameter isn't meant to apply to temperatures now, which are governed by TCS.

So there's no missing heat. You tried comparing apples to oranges.
so if C02 doesn't create heat how does it add to the energy budget? you never answered that.
so if C02 doesn't create heat how does it add to the energy budget? you never answered that.That's
That's because you never asked.

Just what is "CO2 adds to the energy budget" supposed to mean? You the only one using that phrase, so it's up to you to explain it, not us.

After you do that, try addressing what we actually say, instead of what the voices told you we said.
so if C02 doesn't create heat how does it add to the energy budget? you never answered that.That's
That's because you never asked.

Just what is "CO2 adds to the energy budget" supposed to mean? You the only one using that phrase, so it's up to you to explain it, not us.

After you do that, try addressing what we actually say, instead of what the voices told you we said.
So you agree C02 doesn’t warm the planet
Congratulations. You have just invalidated the basis for the temperature effect of greenhouses gases by shitting all of the fundamental equation for calculating the TEMPERATURE effect.
It calculates the very long-term temperature effect, but you compare it to the short term temperature effect. That's why you get it so wrong.

The equation I posted yields the immediate effect of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, dummy.

Again, radiative forcing is not temperature.

If I was going to say the radiative forcing equation was wrong, I'd look at actual measurements of ... radiative forcing. Not temperature. I'm funny that way. You won't do that. Instead, you look at ... not just a temperature, but the wrong temperature.

So it is the lowest prediction of temperature possible
You're just babbling. Here's a better quick calculation.

Half a doubling has resulted in a 1.0C of temp rise. That shows a TCS of 2.0C/doubling. Since ECS has to be bigger than TCS, an ECS of 3.0C/doubling looks about right.

That's right in the middle of what the models predict, so the models have been very good, and there's no missing heat.

The effects of pollution are adversely altering the environment. The situation can be improved. Not doing so is an irresponsible contradiction in human intelligence.
Congratulations. You have just invalidated the basis for the temperature effect of greenhouses gases by shitting all of the fundamental equation for calculating the TEMPERATURE effect.
It calculates the very long-term temperature effect, but you compare it to the short term temperature effect. That's why you get it so wrong.

The equation I posted yields the immediate effect of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, dummy.

Again, radiative forcing is not temperature.

If I was going to say the radiative forcing equation was wrong, I'd look at actual measurements of ... radiative forcing. Not temperature. I'm funny that way. You won't do that. Instead, you look at ... not just a temperature, but the wrong temperature.

So it is the lowest prediction of temperature possible
You're just babbling. Here's a better quick calculation.

Half a doubling has resulted in a 1.0C of temp rise. That shows a TCS of 2.0C/doubling. Since ECS has to be bigger than TCS, an ECS of 3.0C/doubling looks about right.

That's right in the middle of what the models predict, so the models have been very good, and there's no missing heat.

Do you know how long it's been since atmospheric CO2 was last 280 ppm? I'd say that was long term.
Do you know how long it's been since atmospheric CO2 was last 280 ppm? I'd say that was long term.

You were just talking about CO2 going up to 400ppm.

You can't even stay consistent within your own failed argument.
So when your theory is debunked, you just ignore the debunking and repeat the failed theory.

You're not intellectually honest, so I won't be wasting any more time on you.
So when your theory is debunked, you just ignore the debunking and repeat the failed theory.

You're not intellectually honest, so I won't be wasting any more time on you.
The calculation I did does not include any feedbacks that they pile on and is a conservative estimate.

So unless you can show me that they predicted only a 0.74C increase in temperature then there is missing heat that they over estimated.
Glaciers have been in decline since the end of the last Ice Age. What else is new? It is called "post glacial warming". It is nature's way of coming out of an ice age.

My gas guzzling pick up truck has nothing to do with it and if any of these stupid Moon Bats says otherwise then they are lying to you.
Glaciers have been in decline since the end of the last Ice Age. What else is new? It is called "post glacial warming". It is nature's way of coming out of an ice age.

My gas guzzling pick up truck has nothing to do with it and if any of these stupid Moon Bats says otherwise then they are lying to you.
Sorry Mr Flash, but your gas-guzzling pickup truck has almost everything to do with it.
Glaciers have been in decline since the end of the last Ice Age. What else is new? It is called "post glacial warming". It is nature's way of coming out of an ice age.

My gas guzzling pick up truck has nothing to do with it and if any of these stupid Moon Bats says otherwise then they are lying to you.
Sorry Mr Flash, but your gas-guzzling pickup truck has almost everything to do with it.

But not the ChiCom industries, right?
Glaciers have been in decline since the end of the last Ice Age. What else is new? It is called "post glacial warming". It is nature's way of coming out of an ice age.

My gas guzzling pick up truck has nothing to do with it and if any of these stupid Moon Bats says otherwise then they are lying to you.
someone should ask the demofks how the great lakes were formed. And then ask them for their video.
Glaciers have been in decline since the end of the last Ice Age. What else is new? It is called "post glacial warming". It is nature's way of coming out of an ice age.

My gas guzzling pick up truck has nothing to do with it and if any of these stupid Moon Bats says otherwise then they are lying to you.
Sorry Mr Flash, but your gas-guzzling pickup truck has almost everything to do with it.
prove it.

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