Satellite Snafu Masked True Sea Level Rise for Decades

I live in Florida. Have lived here since 1968. I surfed here as a kid. Fished the shore lines almost the circumference of the state. Been to Crystal River, Apalatchicola Bay, the channels and flats of the sawgrass, and most other costal places here.

The water is at the same level on the bridges, the piers, the boat ramps, the locks, the flats, the power plants, the shores, the brackish rivers and inlets. Beach erosion only happens at hurricanes and returns naturally. Old houses and hotels are still there.

There is no evidence of sea level rise at all.

The reality is that the satellite was right before, but it didn't show what the global warming scam artists wanted it to, so they have tweaked it until it did. Typical.

Indeed.........all part of the scam. Using "science" to do the fear mongering.

the dictaorship of science alan watt - Bing video
Satellite Snafu Masked True Sea Level Rise for Decades

Revised tallies confirm that the rate of sea level rise is accelerating as Earth warms and ice sheets thaw

The numbers didn’t add up. Even as Earth grew warmer and glaciers and ice sheets thawed, decades of satellite data seemed to show that the rate of sea-level rise was holding steady—or even declining.

Now, after puzzling over this discrepancy for years, scientists have identified its source: a problem with the calibration of a sensor on the first of several satellites launched to measure the height of the sea surface using radar. Adjusting the data to remove that error suggests that sea levels are indeed rising at faster rates each year

Not only temperatures misleading by satellite data because of this but now sea level rise.

DECADES HUH? When was Poseidon/Topex launched? 1992.. What happened to the data in transition from Tidal Gauge to satellite in 1990s? The rate changed from about 1.9 or 2,0 mm/year to about 3.3mm/year IMMEDIATELY. Never fully explained. Nobody CARES if satellites give GREATER measurements. Don't want to look that gift horse in the mouth. Don't believe ACTUAL MEASUREMENTS of water height that don't agree with a "good thing".

So just the change in methodology introduced MOST of this "acceleration".. When in fact, the underlying disagreement probably stems from more "mid ocean" pools of water where the GREATEST rise rates are usually seen. Those mid ocean surface heights doesn't mean the COASTS are rising at that rate.

Sounds like more HONEST interpretation and analysis is due here before Gavin Schmitt is allowed to panic the herd once again.

Gavin is a damn fool. His agency has been adding 1.8mm per year, just because. He has no scientific basis for his additions..

Another bull shit.... OMG... WERE ALL GONA DIE... cry from the boys who like to cry wolf... Lyin-scumbag pieces of shit at NASA.. The whole article is based on a fantasy model that has no empirically observed evidence to back it up..
Satellite Snafu Masked True Sea Level Rise for Decades

Revised tallies confirm that the rate of sea level rise is accelerating as Earth warms and ice sheets thaw

The numbers didn’t add up. Even as Earth grew warmer and glaciers and ice sheets thawed, decades of satellite data seemed to show that the rate of sea-level rise was holding steady—or even declining.

Now, after puzzling over this discrepancy for years, scientists have identified its source: a problem with the calibration of a sensor on the first of several satellites launched to measure the height of the sea surface using radar. Adjusting the data to remove that error suggests that sea levels are indeed rising at faster rates each year

Not only temperatures misleading by satellite data because of this but now sea level rise.

DECADES HUH? When was Poseidon/Topex launched? 1992.. What happened to the data in transition from Tidal Gauge to satellite in 1990s? The rate changed from about 1.9 or 2,0 mm/year to about 3.3mm/year IMMEDIATELY. Never fully explained. Nobody CARES if satellites give GREATER measurements. Don't want to look that gift horse in the mouth. Don't believe ACTUAL MEASUREMENTS of water height that don't agree with a "good thing".

So just the change in methodology introduced MOST of this "acceleration".. When in fact, the underlying disagreement probably stems from more "mid ocean" pools of water where the GREATEST rise rates are usually seen. Those mid ocean surface heights doesn't mean the COASTS are rising at that rate.

Sounds like more HONEST interpretation and analysis is due here before Gavin Schmitt is allowed to panic the herd once again.

Gavin is a damn fool. His agency has been adding 1.8mm per year, just because. He has no scientific basis for his additions..

Another bull shit.... OMG... WERE ALL GONA DIE... cry from the boys who like to cry wolf... Lyin-scumbag pieces of shit at NASA.. The whole article is based on a fantasy model that has no empirically observed evidence to back it up..

Where do these people come from?
Seal level is falling since 2016.........thread in here recently about it.

Only folks who tend to the hysterical all the time are worried about "sea level".:popcorn:

This happens all the time kind of like the carbon cycle and global temperatures year to year.
. Sea levels go up and down slightly but the trend is for ever higher. Same thing happen in 2013, 2011, 2007, 2004, 2000, 1998, 1996, etc
Seal level is falling since 2016.........thread in here recently about it.

Only folks who tend to the hysterical all the time are worried about "sea level".:popcorn:

This happens all the time kind of like the carbon cycle and global temperatures year to year.View attachment 142379 . Sea levels go up and down slightly but the trend is for ever higher. Same thing happen in 2013, 2011, 2007, 2004, 2000, 1998, 1996, etc

Hey nutjob.. There's a "DECADES LONG" [sic] --- "trend line" RIGHT ON the fucking graph.. Do you see "massive acceleration"? Not only that --- but anything from NASA will ONLY show the satellite era here. They don't want to "advertise" that discontinuity with ACTUAL COASTAL measurements by tide gauge.
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