Sattelite Data Show 2015 Was NOT EVEN CLOSE to Being Hottest on Record.

Ian, for the edification of your fellow deniers, please answer this question: do research scientists put grant money into their own pockets? Is grant money paid to researchers as some sort of bonus to do with as they please? Do researchers get rich from grant money?

And please keep this separate from the scenario in which researchers who bring more grant money to a university or research institution will likely earn more in the long run than one who doesn't. These are, after all, researchers. Their job is to do research and the more of it they do and the more value their fellow researchers place on their results, the better they are doing their job and the greater the pay they deserve.

I would like to see the common denier misconception that researchers are getting rich from grant money receive the quashing it deserves.

I just addressed that question.. If you don't HAVE a job -- you can't profit or get rich --- can ya Bullwinkle?

The grant money is totally fungible. Makes for bigger labs, more support overhead, and more researchers. OR researchers with higher salaries. The contracts allow so much "overhead" that you have CHOICE of taking it as "profit" or investing it in your business. For groups doing "pure research" they are essentially a SELF - EMPLOYED partnership -- expected to "lose money" -- but not cost the institution more than the institution wants to spend.

Grantors are very careful about how their money is spent. Certainly government agencies require all manner of detailed accounting of the allocation of grant money. The first time a researcher was found to be lining their own pockets with grant money would be the last time they'd get a grant from that organization.

What you are all saying is that climate researchers, unlike other researchers and unlike the workforce in general, are willing to risk their jobs and perhaps even their personal freedom (ie go to jail) for short term gains. How many people where you work decide that their best course of action is to steal money from their employers?

Not at all. Didn't say that. Read what I wrote again or you'll have no hope of understanding how Research institutions are run in this country.. Or how they prosper or how grant contracts are constructed. I've not only gone out and SOLD research to grantors, but I've been responsible for the performance of the contracts and the accounting and the ways the money is used. That cash flow is no different from any other source of income that comes into that research institution. Except for the immense amount of paperwork that comes with them.

A researcher is SOLD at a price. That price is "marked up" FAR BEYOND what it is required to sustain them on staff. That's a form of profit. If it's a BIDDING contract -- you're only restraining factor is what the "other guy" is gonna bid for the same work.
Ian, for the edification of your fellow deniers, please answer this question: do research scientists put grant money into their own pockets? Is grant money paid to researchers as some sort of bonus to do with as they please? Do researchers get rich from grant money?

And please keep this separate from the scenario in which researchers who bring more grant money to a university or research institution will likely earn more in the long run than one who doesn't. These are, after all, researchers. Their job is to do research and the more of it they do and the more value their fellow researchers place on their results, the better they are doing their job and the greater the pay they deserve.

I would like to see the common denier misconception that researchers are getting rich from grant money receive the quashing it deserves.

I just addressed that question.. If you don't HAVE a job -- you can't profit or get rich --- can ya Bullwinkle?

The grant money is totally fungible. Makes for bigger labs, more support overhead, and more researchers. OR researchers with higher salaries. The contracts allow so much "overhead" that you have CHOICE of taking it as "profit" or investing it in your business. For groups doing "pure research" they are essentially a SELF - EMPLOYED partnership -- expected to "lose money" -- but not cost the institution more than the institution wants to spend.

Grantors are very careful about how their money is spent. Certainly government agencies require all manner of detailed accounting of the allocation of grant money. The first time a researcher was found to be lining their own pockets with grant money would be the last time they'd get a grant from that organization.

What you are all saying is that climate researchers, unlike other researchers and unlike the workforce in general, are willing to risk their jobs and perhaps even their personal freedom (ie go to jail) for short term gains. How many people where you work decide that their best course of action is to steal money from their employers?

BTW -- there is no opportunity to STEAL anything. Since the stupid auditors will do anything the Fed agency says they need. So you are free to ask for WAY TOO MUCH to do the work. That's not stealing.. It's doing business with the Government. And it is profit -- if they AGREE to the terms.
But you and yours are claiming that climate scientists have a massive conspiracy where they are falsifying data and producing evidence for manmade global warming that doesn't exist. We can nit pick as to what behavior in a typical office setting is analogous to such behavior, but the standard denier claim is that data and models have all been twisted by scientists to make a false appearance in order to increase their incomes. Were such behavior to come to light, it would mean the ends of their careers. How about it FCT? Do you think that's a realistic charge?
Here are thousands

Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyMayclopedia

And what is your point here jc? Are you attempting to claim that an overwhelming majority of climate scientists do NOT concur with the IPCC conclusions?

Maybe if the scientists that dispute global warming weren't ostracized, demeaned and blackballed for their beliefs, it would be easier to prove consensus. Since fighting the establishment becomes a "death knell" for your career, I would be surprised if most scientist don't fall in line.

How about you?

It is sorta telling that the scientists that are in the denier camp are usually insulated from these actions by the positions they hold?

It is to me.


Maybe if those scientists would submit papers of high enough quality to be published in peer reviewed journals, they would not be considered to be on the fringe.
But you and yours are claiming that climate scientists have a massive conspiracy where they are falsifying data and producing evidence for manmade global warming that doesn't exist. We can nit pick as to what behavior in a typical office setting is analogous to such behavior, but the standard denier claim is that data and models have all been twisted by scientists to make a false appearance in order to increase their incomes. Were such behavior to come to light, it would mean the ends of their careers. How about it FCT? Do you think that's a realistic charge?
Hmm. So they have a choice. Conspire with the group, and MAYBE lose their job, or break away from the group and SURELY lose their job.

Is that about right?

Here are thousands

Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyMayclopedia

And what is your point here jc? Are you attempting to claim that an overwhelming majority of climate scientists do NOT concur with the IPCC conclusions?

Maybe if the scientists that dispute global warming weren't ostracized, demeaned and blackballed for their beliefs, it would be easier to prove consensus. Since fighting the establishment becomes a "death knell" for your career, I would be surprised if most scientist don't fall in line.

How about you?

It is sorta telling that the scientists that are in the denier camp are usually insulated from these actions by the positions they hold?

It is to me.


Maybe if those scientists would submit papers of high enough quality to be published in peer reviewed journals, they would not be considered to be on the fringe.
Do you actually believe there is no pressure on these journals to not print this research?

So to summarize, deniers couldn't put forth any evidence for their conspiracy theory that scentists are just in it for the money, and are now waving their hands around wildly in an attempt to deflect, and circling the wagons for a last-ditch defense.

That is, same as for every other denier conspiracy theory.

Now, it is true that all the deniers are old. To paraphrase Max Planck, science advances one funeral at a time. There were once Relativity deniers, and it took time for them to all die off as well. There's always a tiny handful who won't accept that science advanced from what they knew, and vainly attempt to stop the progress.
So to summarize, deniers couldn't put forth any evidence for their conspiracy theory that scentists are just in it for the money, and are now waving their hands around wildly in an attempt to deflect, and circling the wagons for a last-ditch defense.

That is, same as for every other denier conspiracy theory.

Now, it is true that all the deniers are old. To paraphrase Max Planck, science advances one funeral at a time. There were once Relativity deniers, and it took time for them to all die off as well. There's always a tiny handful who won't accept that science advanced from what they knew, and vainly attempt to stop the progress.
You know the nice thing about your "dying off" theory? We'll all probably live long enough to see which side is right.

But you and yours are claiming that climate scientists have a massive conspiracy where they are falsifying data and producing evidence for manmade global warming that doesn't exist. We can nit pick as to what behavior in a typical office setting is analogous to such behavior, but the standard denier claim is that data and models have all been twisted by scientists to make a false appearance in order to increase their incomes. Were such behavior to come to light, it would mean the ends of their careers. How about it FCT? Do you think that's a realistic charge?

The grantor is the boss.. They TELL you what the topic is and how it needs to be portrayed. You SATISFY them by tossing enough kudos to their cause in the abstract, the conclusion, and what you put in press releases, and what you say at conferences. EVEN IF -- the work within that paper does not PROVE any of your "coerced" assertions.

You make those assertions so that the grantors can point to your work as supporting their premise. And as long as you include the agency and some of their people in your credits --- THEY KNOW -- that press nidgets, and morons like you will point to abstracts and your PR and CLAIM the work as supporting the cause.

EVERY Fed Science grant is tied to a pot of money attached to some political goal. I often sold the same basic technology and capability to MULTIPLE federal agencies by looking at where the money was for that year. The HOT list of honey pots -- we used to call it. One year it was Star Wars -- the next year it was nuclear testing verification, and the year after that -- it might be earth resources, satellite imaging, artifiicial intel, anti-submarine warfare or DNA sequencing. That's why I've been in so many technical areas.

Because we had to learn to adjust to what causes were "hot".. And my pals at Lawrence Livermore and Lockheed did the same things. When the atomic weapons budget got cut back -- Lawr. Livermore guys learned a lot about biology and biomedical/biochemical processes. But it's likely very similar science. And they (we) simply needed to invest in the "lingo" and the different definitions of each application area..

That's why there's no grant money for sea slugs -- unless you SAY they "MIGHT BE" endangered by pollution or global warming or ocean acidification..

It's a mild arm-twisting -- you STILL get to keep your job and truly you haven't "lied".. It's just smelly and unseemly to BEG like that.. After all sea slugs "COULD BE" affected by any of those things and a dozen other factors.

GOT IT?? Great...... Don't ask a 4th time..
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Here are thousands

Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyMayclopedia

And what is your point here jc? Are you attempting to claim that an overwhelming majority of climate scientists do NOT concur with the IPCC conclusions?

Maybe if the scientists that dispute global warming weren't ostracized, demeaned and blackballed for their beliefs, it would be easier to prove consensus. Since fighting the establishment becomes a "death knell" for your career, I would be surprised if most scientist don't fall in line.

How about you?

It is sorta telling that the scientists that are in the denier camp are usually insulated from these actions by the positions they hold?

It is to me.


Maybe if those scientists would submit papers of high enough quality to be published in peer reviewed journals, they would not be considered to be on the fringe.
high enough quality where what they write agrees with them rather than make a statement of fact. Yep, we already know the Pal Review process.

Here are thousands

Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyMayclopedia

And what is your point here jc? Are you attempting to claim that an overwhelming majority of climate scientists do NOT concur with the IPCC conclusions?

Maybe if the scientists that dispute global warming weren't ostracized, demeaned and blackballed for their beliefs, it would be easier to prove consensus. Since fighting the establishment becomes a "death knell" for your career, I would be surprised if most scientist don't fall in line.

How about you?

It is sorta telling that the scientists that are in the denier camp are usually insulated from these actions by the positions they hold?

It is to me.


Maybe if those scientists would submit papers of high enough quality to be published in peer reviewed journals, they would not be considered to be on the fringe.

"High enough quality"

Your an ignorant twat! You know full well that the journals dont care about any quality, just look at the crap from alarmists they print that has to be retracted daily. The editors are gate keepers, and have been for a very long time, of the alarmist agenda. This is why most journals are now just a farce and pal reviews.. Being published by them is meaningless. I would take greater pride in being published by the likes of WUWT where it will be openly discussed by real scientists and I am given the opportunity to defend the work in real time.

Another appeal to the gate keepers authority.. What a load of crap..
Reason #26 why we know deniers are dishonest paranoid cultists.

Compare the NOAA raw surface data with the NOAA corrected surface data for the 1970-2015 period.

The raw data shows a warming of about +0.80C.

The corrected data shows a warming of about +0.75C.

That is, there's almost no difference. Either way, it's still a huge amount warming. The 0.05C difference doesn't mean jack. If you use the raw data, the human-induced warming is all still there. The denier conspiracy theory is just stupid.

So why do deniers pretend that the warming would go away if only raw data was used? Because they're all some combination of either "sadly misinformed by their cult" and "deliberately dishonest".

And rather than address this simple issue, they'll instead try either their "I HATE YOU MAMOOTH!" standard response, or their "Look! Over there! A bird! Pay no attention to the arguments that destroy my conspiracy theory!" standard response.
A nice breakdown of the smoke and mirrors math used.

NOAA Butchers Math in Report Claiming 2015 Was Hottest Year Ever
Now, it's math time:
  1. According to NOAA, the global average temperature for the 20th century was 57 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. And the 2015 average was 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit above that average.
  3. In other words, according to this recent NOAA report, 2015 was the hottest year ever at 58.62 degrees Fahrenheit (57+1.62).
  4. And, that 1997 NOAA report states 1997 had an average global temperature of 62.45 degrees.

Very funny....

1997's 62.45 degrees is 3.83 degrees Fahrenheit higher than 2015's 58.62 degrees Fahrenheit, meaning that - using NOAA's own numbers - 2015 cannot be the hottest year on record.


It cant be the hottest by their own numbers... but then I remember that they adjust them at will, so even that statement is predicated on how soon they adjust them....
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Global Temperatures

The State of the Climate November 2015 report noted that in order for 2015 to not become the warmest year in the 136-year period of record, the December global temperature would have to be at least 0.81°C (1.46°F) below the 20th century average—or 0.24°C (0.43°F) colder than the current record low December temperature of 1916. In fact, December 2015 was the warmest month of any month in the period of record, at 1.11°C (2.00°F) higher than the monthly average, breaking the previous all-time record set just two months ago in October 2015 by 0.12°C (0.21°F). This is the first time in the NOAA record that a monthly temperature departure from average exceeded 1°C or reached 2°F and the second widest margin by which an all-time monthly global temperature record has been broken. (February 1998 broke the previous record of March 1990 by 0.13°C / 0.23°F.)
With the contribution of such record warmth at year's end and with 10 months of the year record warm for their respective months, including the last 8 (January was second warmest for January and April was third warmest), the average global temperature across land and ocean surface areas for 2015 was 0.90°C (1.62°F) above the 20th century average of 13.9°C (57.0°F), beating the previous record warmth of 2014 by 0.16°C (0.29°F). This is not only the highest calendar year temperature, but also the highest temperature for any 12-month period on record. The global temperatures in 2015 were strongly influenced by strong El Niño conditions that developed during the year.
The 2015 temperature also marks the largest margin by which an annual temperature record has been broken. Prior to this year, the largest margin occurred in 1998, when the annual temperature surpassed the record set in 1997 by 0.12°C (0.22°F). Incidentally, 1997 and 1998 were the last years in which a similarly strong El Niño was occurring. The annual temperature anomalies for 1997 and 1998 were 0.51°C (0.92°F) and 0.63°C (1.13°F), respectively, above the 20th century average, both well below the 2015 temperature departure.
This marks the fourth time in the 21st century a new record high annual temperature has been set (along with 2005, 2010, and 2014) and also marks the 39th consecutive year (since 1977) that the annual temperature has been above the 20th century average. To date, including 2015, 15 of the 16 warmest years on record have occurred during the 21st century. 1998 is currently tied with 2009 as the sixth warmest year on record.
Overall, the global annual temperature has increased at an average rate of 0.07°C (0.13°F) per decade since 1880 and at an average rate of 0.17°C (0.31°F) per decade since 1970.

Sixteen Warmest Years (1880–2015)

The following table lists the global combined land and ocean annually-averaged temperature rank and anomaly for each of the 16 (two tied at #15) warmest years on record.
[TR][TD]6 (tie)[/TD][TD]1998[/TD][TD]0.63[/TD][TD]1.13[/TD][/TR]
[TR][TD]6 (tie)[/TD][TD]2009[/TD][TD]0.63[/TD][TD]1.13[/TD][/TR]
[TR][TD]9 (tie)[/TD][TD]2003[/TD][TD]0.61[/TD][TD]1.10[/TD][/TR]
[TR][TD]9 (tie)[/TD][TD]2006[/TD][TD]0.61[/TD][TD]1.10[/TD][/TR]
[TR][TD]9 (tie)[/TD][TD]2007[/TD][TD]0.61[/TD][TD]1.10[/TD][/TR]
[TR][TD]13 (tie)[/TD][TD]2004[/TD][TD]0.57[/TD][TD]1.03[/TD][/TR]
[TR][TD]13 (tie)[/TD][TD]2011[/TD][TD]0.57[/TD][TD]1.03[/TD][/TR]
[TR][TD]15 (tie)[/TD][TD]2001[/TD][TD]0.54[/TD][TD]0.97[/TD][/TR]
[TR][TD]15 (tie)[/TD][TD]2008[/TD][TD]0.54[/TD][TD]0.97[/TD][/TR][/TBODY]

Much of the record warmth for the globe can be attributed to record warmth in the global oceans. The annually-averaged temperature for ocean surfaces around the world was 0.74°C (1.33°F) higher than the 20th century average, easily breaking the previous record of 2014 by 0.11°C (0.20°F). Ocean temperatures for the year started with the first three months each third warmest for their respective months, followed by record high monthly temperatures for the remainder of the year as one of thestongest El Niños in the historical record evolved.
Prior to 2015, the highest monthly anomaly on record for the global oceans was 0.74°C (1.33°F) above the 20th century average, occurring just last year in September 2014. This all-time monthly record was broken in August 2015 (+0.78°C / +1.40°F), then broken again in September (+0.83°C / +1.49°F), and then broken once more in October (0.86°C / 1.55°F)—making three all-time new monthly high global ocean temperature records set in a single calendar year. [Three all-time records (at the time) were also broken in 2014.] In 2015, the last four months of the year were more than 0.80°C higher than their respective average, the first instances in which this monthly-average threshold has been crossed.
The warmth was due to the near-record strong El Niño that developed during the Northern Hemisphere spring in the eastern and central equatorial Pacific Ocean and to large regions of record warm and much warmer-than-average sea surface temperatures in parts of every major ocean basin. Record warmth for the year was particularly notable in large parts of the northeastern and equatorial Pacific, a large swath of the western North Atlantic, most of the Indian Ocean where a positive Indian Ocean dipole prevailed, and parts of the Arctic Ocean. Similar to 2014, some of the Southern Ocean waters off the tip of South America and part of the Atlantic Ocean south of Greenland were much cooler than average, with one localized area in the Atlantic region record cold.
Separately, temperatures were record warm across land surfaces as well. The global land temperature for 2015 was 1.33°C (2.39°F) above the 20th century average, surpassing the previous records of 2007 and 2010 by 0.25°C (0.45°F). This is the largest margin by which an annual global land surface temperature has been broken. Previously, 1981 had broken the record of 1980 by 0.22°C (0.40°F).

Because land surfaces generally have low heat capacity relative to oceans, temperature anomalies can vary greatly between months. In 2015, the average monthly land temperature anomaly ranged from +0.94°C (+1.69°F) in June to +1.89°C (+3.40°F) in December, a difference of 0.95°C (1.71°F). The ocean has a much higher heat capacity than land and thus anomalies tend to vary less over monthly timescales. During the year, the global monthly ocean temperature anomaly ranged from +0.58°C (+1.04°F; February) to +0.86°C (+1.55°F; October), a difference of 0.28°C (0.51°F).

[TBODY][TR][TH="rowspan: 2"]JANUARY–DECEMBER[/TH][TH="colspan: 2"]ANOMALY[/TH][TH="colspan: 2, rowspan: 2"]RANK
[/TH][TH="colspan: 3"]RECORDS[/TH]
[TR][TD="colspan: 8"]Global[/TD][/TR]
[TR][TD="rowspan: 2, align: right"]
[/TD][TD="rowspan: 2, align: center"]
+1.33 ± 0.18
[/TD][TD="rowspan: 2, align: center"]
+2.39 ± 0.32
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[TR][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[TR][TD="rowspan: 2, align: right"][/TD][TD="rowspan: 2, align: center"]
+0.74 ± 0.00
[/TD][TD="rowspan: 2, align: center"]
+1.33 ± 0.00
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[TR][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[TR][TD="rowspan: 2, align: right"][/TD][TD="rowspan: 2, align: center"]
+0.90 ± 0.08
[/TD][TD="rowspan: 2, align: center"]
+1.62 ± 0.14
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[TR][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[TR][TD="colspan: 8"]Northern Hemisphere[/TD][/TR]
[TR][TD="rowspan: 2, align: right"]
[/TD][TD="rowspan: 2, align: center"]
+1.44 ± 0.21
[/TD][TD="rowspan: 2, align: center"]
+2.59 ± 0.38
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[TR][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[TR][TD="rowspan: 2, align: right"][/TD][TD="rowspan: 2, align: center"]
+0.87 ± 0.00
[/TD][TD="rowspan: 2, align: center"]
+1.57 ± 0.00
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[TR][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
1908, 1909
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[TR][TD="rowspan: 2, align: right"][/TD][TD="rowspan: 2, align: center"]
+1.09 ± 0.11
[/TD][TD="rowspan: 2, align: center"]
+1.96 ± 0.20
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[TR][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[TR][TD="colspan: 8"]Southern Hemisphere[/TD][/TR]
[TR][TD="rowspan: 2, align: right"]
[/TD][TD="rowspan: 2, align: center"]
+1.04 ± 0.11
[/TD][TD="rowspan: 2, align: center"]
+1.87 ± 0.20
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[TR][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[TR][TD="rowspan: 2, align: right"][/TD][TD="rowspan: 2, align: center"]
+0.64 ± 0.02
[/TD][TD="rowspan: 2, align: center"]
+1.15 ± 0.04
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[TR][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[TR][TD="rowspan: 2, align: right"][/TD][TD="rowspan: 2, align: center"]
+0.70 ± 0.06
[/TD][TD="rowspan: 2, align: center"]
+1.26 ± 0.11
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[TR][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
[/TD][TD="align: center"]
The 1901-2000 average combined land and ocean annual temperature is 13.9°C (56.9°F), the annually averaged land temperature for the same period is 8.5°C (47.3°F), and the long-term annually averaged sea surface temperature is 16.1°C (60.9°F).

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The Climate of 1997

Annual Global Temperature Index

Please note: the estimate for the baseline global temperature used in this study differed, and was warmer than, the baseline estimate (Jones et al., 1999) used currently. This report has been superseded by subsequent analyses. However, as with all climate monitoring reports, it is left online as it was written at the time.
The global average temperature of 62.45 degrees Fahrenheit for 1997 was the warmest year on record, surpassing the previous record set in 1995 by 0.15 degrees Fahrenheit. The chart reflects variations from the 30-year average (1961-1990) of the combined land and sea surface temperatures.

Citing This Report

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, State of the Climate: Global Analysis for Annual 1997, published online January 1998, retrieved on January 23, 2016 fromGlobal Analysis - Annual 1997 | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).

So, where do you believe smoke and mirrors are being employed?

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The Climate of 1997

Annual Global Temperature Index

Please note: the estimate for the baseline global temperature used in this study differed, and was warmer than, the baseline estimate (Jones et al., 1999) used currently. This report has been superseded by subsequent analyses. However, as with all climate monitoring reports, it is left online as it was written at the time.
The global average temperature of 62.45 degrees Fahrenheit for 1997 was the warmest year on record, surpassing the previous record set in 1995 by 0.15 degrees Fahrenheit. The chart reflects variations from the 30-year average (1961-1990) of the combined land and sea surface temperatures.

Citing This Report

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, State of the Climate: Global Analysis for Annual 1997, published online January 1998, retrieved on January 23, 2016 fromGlobal Analysis - Annual 1997 | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).

So, where do you believe smoke and mirrors are being employed?

Jones? Phil "Hide the decline" Jones?

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