Sattelite Data Show 2015 Was NOT EVEN CLOSE to Being Hottest on Record.


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The Climate of 1997

Annual Global Temperature Index

Please note: the estimate for the baseline global temperature used in this study differed, and was warmer than, the baseline estimate (Jones et al., 1999) used currently. This report has been superseded by subsequent analyses. However, as with all climate monitoring reports, it is left online as it was written at the time.
The global average temperature of 62.45 degrees Fahrenheit for 1997 was the warmest year on record, surpassing the previous record set in 1995 by 0.15 degrees Fahrenheit. The chart reflects variations from the 30-year average (1961-1990) of the combined land and sea surface temperatures.

Citing This Report

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, State of the Climate: Global Analysis for Annual 1997, published online January 1998, retrieved on January 23, 2016 fromGlobal Analysis - Annual 1997 | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).

So, where do you believe smoke and mirrors are being employed?

Therefore 58.62 > 62.45
A nice breakdown of the smoke and mirrors math used.

NOAA Butchers Math in Report Claiming 2015 Was Hottest Year Ever


Just fucking wow!

Their own records show they're lying


NOAA report, 2015 was the hottest year ever at 58.62 degrees Fahrenheit (57+1.62).

Therefore 58.62 > 62.45

I think this is an important point. We seldom keep track of the absolute temperature that is given to the globe. Anomalies are the preferred metric to show the change over time.

What we are seeing here is a large change in absolute numbers to give yet another jump in anomalies and trend. It is hard to decipher whether it is a case of moving the goal posts or comparing apples to oranges but there is a stench of inappropriate methodologies who's sole purpose is too prop up a failing AGW theory.

An ever warming trend but lower overall temperature? Odd to say the least.
Frank, Weatherman and Billy are making the rookie bonehead error of comparing different baselines. But it's not like they could have known any better, since WUWT misinformed them, and none of them is permitted to look at non-cult sources. They all ignored this part. NOAA even tried to explain it to them, but cultists always ignore information that contradicts the religion of the cult.

Please note: the estimate for the baseline global temperature used in this study differed, and was warmer than, the baseline estimate (Jones et al., 1999) used currently. This report has been superseded by subsequent analyses. However, as with all climate monitoring reports, it is left online as it was written at the time.'

Jones 1999 changed everything. Post-Jones, the baseline got much cooler. The difference is about 2.4C (4.3F).

Surface air temperature and its changes over the past 150 years - Jones - 2010 - Reviews of Geophysics - Wiley Online Library

Hence, making direct comparisons between pre- and post- Jones baselines, as WUWT tries to do, is stupid and dishonest. To be honest, Frank and Weatherman and Billy would have to subtract 4.3F from the 1997 data, which destroys their whole conspiracy theory. Hence, they will absolutely refuse to do so, or to admit error in any way. The cult demands that cultists never admit error under any circumstances, so they'll keep defending their initial mistake, no matter how ridiculous and dishonest it makes them look.

Frank, Weatherman, Billy, learn from this. Never believe anything from WUWT, because WUWT always gets everything wrong. A screwup of this magnitude requires staggering incompetence to get the basics wrong, and staggering narcissism to assume that you're one of the select few elite who have spotted an error that the whole planet missed.
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Frank, Weatherman and Billy are making the rookie bonehead error of comparing different baselines. But it's not like they could have known any better, since WUWT misinformed them, and none of them is permitted to look at non-cult sources. They all ignored this part. NOAA even tried to explain it to them, but cultists always ignore information that contradicts the religion of the cult.

Please note: the estimate for the baseline global temperature used in this study differed, and was warmer than, the baseline estimate (Jones et al., 1999) used currently. This report has been superseded by subsequent analyses. However, as with all climate monitoring reports, it is left online as it was written at the time.'

Jones 1999 changed everything. Post-Jones, the baseline got much cooler. The difference is about 2.4C (4.3F).

Surface air temperature and its changes over the past 150 years - Jones - 2010 - Reviews of Geophysics - Wiley Online Library

Hence, making direct comparisons between pre- and post- Jones baselines, as WUWT tries to do, is stupid and dishonest. To be honest, Frank and Weatherman and Billy would have to subtract 4.3F from the 1997 data, which destroys their whole conspiracy theory. Hence, they will absolutely refuse to do so, or to admit error in any way. The cult demands that cultists never admit error under any circumstances, so they'll keep defending their initial mistake, no matter how ridiculous and dishonest it makes them look.

Frank, Weatherman, Billy, learn from this. Never believe anything from WUWT, because WUWT always gets everything wrong. A screwup of this magnitude requires staggering incompetence to get the basics wrong, and staggering narcissism to assume that you're one of the select few elite who have spotted an error that the whole planet missed.


WUWT posted data from the fucking NOAA, dipshit
Frank, Weatherman and Billy are making the rookie bonehead error of comparing different baselines. But it's not like they could have known any better, since WUWT misinformed them, and none of them is permitted to look at non-cult sources. They all ignored this part. NOAA even tried to explain it to them, but cultists always ignore information that contradicts the religion of the cult.

Please note: the estimate for the baseline global temperature used in this study differed, and was warmer than, the baseline estimate (Jones et al., 1999) used currently. This report has been superseded by subsequent analyses. However, as with all climate monitoring reports, it is left online as it was written at the time.'

Jones 1999 changed everything. Post-Jones, the baseline got much cooler. The difference is about 2.4C (4.3F).

Surface air temperature and its changes over the past 150 years - Jones - 2010 - Reviews of Geophysics - Wiley Online Library

Hence, making direct comparisons between pre- and post- Jones baselines, as WUWT tries to do, is stupid and dishonest. To be honest, Frank and Weatherman and Billy would have to subtract 4.3F from the 1997 data, which destroys their whole conspiracy theory. Hence, they will absolutely refuse to do so, or to admit error in any way. The cult demands that cultists never admit error under any circumstances, so they'll keep defending their initial mistake, no matter how ridiculous and dishonest it makes them look.

Frank, Weatherman, Billy, learn from this. Never believe anything from WUWT, because WUWT always gets everything wrong. A screwup of this magnitude requires staggering incompetence to get the basics wrong, and staggering narcissism to assume that you're one of the select few elite who have spotted an error that the whole planet missed.

Jones? Phil "Hide the decline" Jones?
And, as predicted, Frank now goes into meltdown mode.

And in case anyone is wondering, no, I never get tired of being proven correct every time.
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And, as predicted, Frank now goes into meltdown mode.

In case you're wondering, no, I never get tired of being proven correct every time.

This is why I support Federal Deprogramming for the AGW Cult

They believe that 58 is a bigger number that 62. It's brainwashing, there's no other explanation. In 1997 NOAA said the temperature was 62%, now they claim that the 58 temperature in 2015 classify it as the "Hottest ever"

Frank, Weatherman and Billy are making the rookie bonehead error of comparing different baselines. But it's not like they could have known any better, since WUWT misinformed them, and none of them is permitted to look at non-cult sources. They all ignored this part. NOAA even tried to explain it to them, but cultists always ignore information that contradicts the religion of the cult.

Please note: the estimate for the baseline global temperature used in this study differed, and was warmer than, the baseline estimate (Jones et al., 1999) used currently. This report has been superseded by subsequent analyses. However, as with all climate monitoring reports, it is left online as it was written at the time.'

Jones 1999 changed everything. Post-Jones, the baseline got much cooler. The difference is about 2.4C (4.3F).

Surface air temperature and its changes over the past 150 years - Jones - 2010 - Reviews of Geophysics - Wiley Online Library

Hence, making direct comparisons between pre- and post- Jones baselines, as WUWT tries to do, is stupid and dishonest. To be honest, Frank and Weatherman and Billy would have to subtract 4.3F from the 1997 data, which destroys their whole conspiracy theory. Hence, they will absolutely refuse to do so, or to admit error in any way. The cult demands that cultists never admit error under any circumstances, so they'll keep defending their initial mistake, no matter how ridiculous and dishonest it makes them look.

Frank, Weatherman, Billy, learn from this. Never believe anything from WUWT, because WUWT always gets everything wrong. A screwup of this magnitude requires staggering incompetence to get the basics wrong, and staggering narcissism to assume that you're one of the select few elite who have spotted an error that the whole planet missed.

Jones? Phil "Hide the decline" Jones?

I think Mann and Briffa are more representative of 'Hide the Decline'. Phil is more known for his famous climategate emails like 'delete all AR4 emails before you get an FOI request', and my favourite, 'why should I give you my data when you are going to find something wrong with it?'
The people of the religion are so boneheaded. They think when it is unusually hot, people pay attention to the science but when we get blizzards, they think the people are thinking about climate change....pretty damn hysterical when you think about it.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:. Like people are in t heir driveways shoveling tons of snow today saying, "Shit....that Al Gore guy was right about this global warming stuff!!":spinner:
And, as predicted, Frank now goes into meltdown mode.

In case you're wondering, no, I never get tired of being proven correct every time.

This is why I support Federal Deprogramming for the AGW Cult

They believe that 58 is a bigger number that 62. It's brainwashing, there's no other explanation. In 1997 NOAA said the temperature was 62%, now they claim that the 58 temperature in 2015 classify it as the "Hottest ever"


Yup. It is interesting to follow the changes in specific years as time goes by and methodologies change. Recent years go up and historical years go down.

I wouldn't mind even if they used a bad methodology, as long as they used it consistently. As it is they keep changing it to prop up their failing theory.
It really is that obvious that all the deniers here are now simply proudly lying on behalf of their cult, and that they don't care who knows it. With them, it's entirely about scoring brownie points with fellow cultists. There isn't a more dishonest group of cult pissdrinkers on the planet, and that would be why nobody pays attention to denier liars.

Fortunately for the denier cultists, they can still all have these group weeping sessions here on message boards, where they work on dreaming up even crazier and more dishonest conspiracy theories. Good thing for them, too, given how that's literally all they're capable of.
Frank, Weatherman and Billy are making the rookie bonehead error of comparing different baselines. But it's not like they could have known any better, since WUWT misinformed them, and none of them is permitted to look at non-cult sources. They all ignored this part. NOAA even tried to explain it to them, but cultists always ignore information that contradicts the religion of the cult.

Please note: the estimate for the baseline global temperature used in this study differed, and was warmer than, the baseline estimate (Jones et al., 1999) used currently. This report has been superseded by subsequent analyses. However, as with all climate monitoring reports, it is left online as it was written at the time.'

Jones 1999 changed everything. Post-Jones, the baseline got much cooler. The difference is about 2.4C (4.3F).

Surface air temperature and its changes over the past 150 years - Jones - 2010 - Reviews of Geophysics - Wiley Online Library

Hence, making direct comparisons between pre- and post- Jones baselines, as WUWT tries to do, is stupid and dishonest. To be honest, Frank and Weatherman and Billy would have to subtract 4.3F from the 1997 data, which destroys their whole conspiracy theory. Hence, they will absolutely refuse to do so, or to admit error in any way. The cult demands that cultists never admit error under any circumstances, so they'll keep defending their initial mistake, no matter how ridiculous and dishonest it makes them look.

Frank, Weatherman, Billy, learn from this. Never believe anything from WUWT, because WUWT always gets everything wrong. A screwup of this magnitude requires staggering incompetence to get the basics wrong, and staggering narcissism to assume that you're one of the select few elite who have spotted an error that the whole planet missed.

Jones? Phil "Hide the decline" Jones?

I think Mann and Briffa are more representative of 'Hide the Decline'. Phil is more known for his famous climategate emails like 'delete all AR4 emails before you get an FOI request', and my favourite, 'why should I give you my data when you are going to find something wrong with it?'

I forgot about the AR4 fraud.

Jesus, there's NOTHING real about this AGWCult
It really is that obvious that all the deniers here are now simply proudly lying on behalf of their cult, and that they don't care who knows it. With them, it's entirely about scoring brownie points with fellow cultists. There isn't a more dishonest group of cult pissdrinkers on the planet, and that would be why nobody pays attention to denier liars.

Fortunately for the denier cultists, they can still all have these group weeping sessions here on message boards, where they work on dreaming up even crazier and more dishonest conspiracy theories. Good thing for them, too, given how that's literally all they're capable of.

Can you tell us in your own words how 58 is warmer than 62?
Frank, Weatherman and Billy are making the rookie bonehead error of comparing different baselines. But it's not like they could have known any better, since WUWT misinformed them, and none of them is permitted to look at non-cult sources. They all ignored this part. NOAA even tried to explain it to them, but cultists always ignore information that contradicts the religion of the cult.

Please note: the estimate for the baseline global temperature used in this study differed, and was warmer than, the baseline estimate (Jones et al., 1999) used currently. This report has been superseded by subsequent analyses. However, as with all climate monitoring reports, it is left online as it was written at the time.'

Jones 1999 changed everything. Post-Jones, the baseline got much cooler. The difference is about 2.4C (4.3F).

Surface air temperature and its changes over the past 150 years - Jones - 2010 - Reviews of Geophysics - Wiley Online Library

Hence, making direct comparisons between pre- and post- Jones baselines, as WUWT tries to do, is stupid and dishonest. To be honest, Frank and Weatherman and Billy would have to subtract 4.3F from the 1997 data, which destroys their whole conspiracy theory. Hence, they will absolutely refuse to do so, or to admit error in any way. The cult demands that cultists never admit error under any circumstances, so they'll keep defending their initial mistake, no matter how ridiculous and dishonest it makes them look.

Frank, Weatherman, Billy, learn from this. Never believe anything from WUWT, because WUWT always gets everything wrong. A screwup of this magnitude requires staggering incompetence to get the basics wrong, and staggering narcissism to assume that you're one of the select few elite who have spotted an error that the whole planet missed.

Snagletooth shows that it is allergic to factual reporting...

Tell me fucktard, which absolute average temperature is higher? 58.62 deg C OR 62.45 Deg C? 62.45 deg C happened in 1998, 58.62 deg C happened in 2015...

Arguing with left wing idiot fools...
It really is that obvious that all the deniers here are now simply proudly lying on behalf of their cult, and that they don't care who knows it. With them, it's entirely about scoring brownie points with fellow cultists. There isn't a more dishonest group of cult pissdrinkers on the planet, and that would be why nobody pays attention to denier liars.

Fortunately for the denier cultists, they can still all have these group weeping sessions here on message boards, where they work on dreaming up even crazier and more dishonest conspiracy theories. Good thing for them, too, given how that's literally all they're capable of.

Can you tell us in your own words how 58 is warmer than 62?
"In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy." -- Dem Philosophy 2015

Yes 58 is indeed warmer than 62
Can you tell us in your own words how 58 is warmer than 62?

I already did. You used a baseline that was 4.3F colder. If you were honest, you'd admit that 58 + 4.3 = 62.3 is warmer than 62, but you won't admit it, being that you're pathologically dishonest.

And every denier here weighing in on the topic has joined in with circling the wagons and backing your open dishonesty. Not one of them has the courage and integrity to contradict the official cult line. The denier cult said "lie", hence all the cultists are complying.
It really is that obvious that all the deniers here are now simply proudly lying on behalf of their cult, and that they don't care who knows it. With them, it's entirely about scoring brownie points with fellow cultists. There isn't a more dishonest group of cult pissdrinkers on the planet, and that would be why nobody pays attention to denier liars.

Fortunately for the denier cultists, they can still all have these group weeping sessions here on message boards, where they work on dreaming up even crazier and more dishonest conspiracy theories. Good thing for them, too, given how that's literally all they're capable of.

Can you tell us in your own words how 58 is warmer than 62?

the lefties have often claimed less is more

losing actually means winning and such


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