Sattelite Data Show 2015 Was NOT EVEN CLOSE to Being Hottest on Record.

Izhar Cohen
[FONT=Georgia, serif]Why Climate Skeptics Are Wrong[/FONT]

At some point in the history of all scientific theories, only a minority of scientists—or even just one—supported them, before evidence accumulated to the point of general acceptance. The Copernican model, germ theory, the vaccination principle, evolutionary theory, plate tectonics and the big bang theory were all once heretical ideas that became consensus science. How did this happen?
An answer may be found in what 19th-century philosopher of science William Whewell called a “consilience of inductions.” For a theory to be accepted, Whewell argued, it must be based on more than one induction—or a single generalization drawn from specific facts. It must have multiple inductions that converge on one another, independently but in conjunction. “Accordingly the cases in which inductions from classes of facts altogether different have thus jumped together,” he wrote in his 1840 book The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, “belong only to the best established theories which the history of science contains.” Call it a “convergence of evidence.”
Consensus science is a phrase often heard today in conjunction with anthropogenic global warming (AGW). Is there a consensus on AGW? There is. The tens of thousands of scientists who belong to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Medical Association, the American Meteorological Society, the American Physical Society, the Geological Society of America, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and, most notably, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change all concur that AGW is in fact real. Why?
It is not because of the sheer number of scientists. After all, science is not conducted by poll. As Albert Einstein said in response to a 1931 book skeptical of relativity theory entitled 100 Authors against Einstein, “Why 100? If I were wrong, one would have been enough.” The answer is that there is a convergence of evidence from multiple lines of inquiry—pollen, tree rings, ice cores, corals, glacial and polar ice-cap melt, sea-level rise, ecological shifts, carbon dioxide increases, the unprecedented rate of temperature increase—that all converge to a singular conclusion. AGW doubters point to the occasional anomaly in a particular data set, as if one incongruity gainsays all the other lines of evidence. But that is not how consilience science works. For AGW skeptics to overturn the consensus, they would need to find flaws with all the lines of supportive evidence andshow a consistent convergence of evidence toward a different theory that explains the data. (Creationists have the same problem overturning evolutionary theory.) This they have not done.
Rather long, but sums up the findings of scientists. And if you want the names of the scientists on the board of the various Scientific Societies, they are on the sites of those societies. Look them up for yourself.

Skeptical Science .... REALLY?

Appeal to authority... Check

Use adhomenim attack... Check

Use political statements of professional societies which have no proof to back them up... Check

I could go on but its the same old shit every day from Old Fool and Crick.. Same appeals to bastardized and made up data over and over again.. Then they post up crap from John Cook and Dana Nutterceliie among others..
You need to know who signs the grant contract and who is held responsible for contract performance. The situational bookkeeping becomes even more apparent if the grant goes to non-academic institution. THERE the bookkeeping is CLEARLY tagged to your resources and YOUR job..

But you're not making any actual money off of it.

Hence, the "getting rich off grants" conspiracy theory goes boom.

Bullshit. You're being subsidized. That is a form of making money. Take the grants away and watch your research group and lab space shrink.. Clear as day..

NOBODY really makes money off of research as it's performed. It's all about reputation, prestige and keeping brainpower in your organization. It's a necessary write-off for the success of the school, corporation, or private organization..

You DO understand that you don't make money if you don't HAVE a job.. Right Squidward???
You need to know who signs the grant contract and who is held responsible for contract performance. The situational bookkeeping becomes even more apparent if the grant goes to non-academic institution. THERE the bookkeeping is CLEARLY tagged to your resources and YOUR job..

But you're not making any actual money off of it.

Hence, the "getting rich off grants" conspiracy theory goes boom.


Double dipping, nepotism, etc. Need I say more?
You need to know who signs the grant contract and who is held responsible for contract performance. The situational bookkeeping becomes even more apparent if the grant goes to non-academic institution. THERE the bookkeeping is CLEARLY tagged to your resources and YOUR job..

But you're not making any actual money off of it.

Hence, the "getting rich off grants" conspiracy theory goes boom.
Not quite. Try publishing something contrary to the "accepted science". Then watch your job go boom.

You need to know who signs the grant contract and who is held responsible for contract performance. The situational bookkeeping becomes even more apparent if the grant goes to non-academic institution. THERE the bookkeeping is CLEARLY tagged to your resources and YOUR job..

But you're not making any actual money off of it.

Hence, the "getting rich off grants" conspiracy theory goes boom.
Not quite. Try publishing something contrary to the "accepted science". Then watch your job go boom.


More precisely, something that disproves the political agenda driver.. Poof...
You need to know who signs the grant contract and who is held responsible for contract performance. The situational bookkeeping becomes even more apparent if the grant goes to non-academic institution. THERE the bookkeeping is CLEARLY tagged to your resources and YOUR job..

But you're not making any actual money off of it.

Hence, the "getting rich off grants" conspiracy theory goes boom.


Double dipping, nepotism, etc. Need I say more?

Well Yeah !!! I totally missed that story.. Sounds like this guy "got rich" off of grant money.. :biggrin:
Pretty much his whole operation.. Funny how all that happens "by not making a profit" isn't it???

Needs a business mgr and an ASSOCIATE biz mgr.. Must be some cash flow to fund all that..

Then there’s the apparent nepotism going on with all that public money used to fund Shukla’s climate dreams:
IGES Personnel:
President Shukla, Jagadish
Business Manager Shukla, Anastasia
Assistant Business Manager Shukla, Sonia
Director, COLA Kinter, James
Assistant to the President Shukla, Sonia
Source: About IGES
You need to know who signs the grant contract and who is held responsible for contract performance. The situational bookkeeping becomes even more apparent if the grant goes to non-academic institution. THERE the bookkeeping is CLEARLY tagged to your resources and YOUR job..

But you're not making any actual money off of it.

Hence, the "getting rich off grants" conspiracy theory goes boom.


Double dipping, nepotism, etc. Need I say more?

Well Yeah !!! I totally missed that story.. Sounds like this guy "got rich" off of grant money.. :biggrin:
Pretty much his whole operation.. Funny how all that happens "by not making a profit" isn't it???

Needs a business mgr and an ASSOCIATE biz mgr.. Must be some cash flow to fund all that..

Then there’s the apparent nepotism going on with all that public money used to fund Shukla’s climate dreams:
IGES Personnel:
President Shukla, Jagadish
Business Manager Shukla, Anastasia
Assistant Business Manager Shukla, Sonia
Director, COLA Kinter, James
Assistant to the President Shukla, Sonia
Source: About IGES

A little nepotism never hurts... Wife, Kids, Kids spouses... whats not to like...

And George Mason University still employs them as STAFF too boot.. Hard Left Wing socialist school... Must be acceptable practice to defraud the US government and take our tax money to pay them..
You need to know who signs the grant contract and who is held responsible for contract performance. The situational bookkeeping becomes even more apparent if the grant goes to non-academic institution. THERE the bookkeeping is CLEARLY tagged to your resources and YOUR job..

But you're not making any actual money off of it.

Hence, the "getting rich off grants" conspiracy theory goes boom.


Double dipping, nepotism, etc. Need I say more?

Well Yeah !!! I totally missed that story.. Sounds like this guy "got rich" off of grant money.. :biggrin:
Pretty much his whole operation.. Funny how all that happens "by not making a profit" isn't it???

Needs a business mgr and an ASSOCIATE biz mgr.. Must be some cash flow to fund all that..

Then there’s the apparent nepotism going on with all that public money used to fund Shukla’s climate dreams:
IGES Personnel:
President Shukla, Jagadish
Business Manager Shukla, Anastasia
Assistant Business Manager Shukla, Sonia
Director, COLA Kinter, James
Assistant to the President Shukla, Sonia
Source: About IGES

A little nepotism never hurts... Wife, Kids, Kids spouses... whats not to like...

And George Mason University still employs them as STAFF too boot.. Hard Left Wing socialist school... Must be acceptable practice to defraud the US government and take our tax money to pay them..

Oh hell no.. I remember a discussion where ThinkProgress rated it 3rd on the list of CONSERVATIVE colleges. Right after Hillsdale and Falwell's Liberty Univ..

REPORT: America’s Top 5 Most Conservative Colleges

Besides -- my favorite conservative economist and oft-times radio personality Walter Williams was on staff there for years..

Guess they are just interested in that GW money....
You need to know who signs the grant contract and who is held responsible for contract performance. The situational bookkeeping becomes even more apparent if the grant goes to non-academic institution. THERE the bookkeeping is CLEARLY tagged to your resources and YOUR job..

But you're not making any actual money off of it.

Hence, the "getting rich off grants" conspiracy theory goes boom.
Not quite. Try publishing something contrary to the "accepted science". Then watch your job go boom.


the only scientists that object to cagw PUBLICLY are those that are tenured, or retired. unfortunately the poisonous atmosphere in climate science is scaring off the top notch PhD students who would rather work in an open environment where they don't have to watch their words under penalty of losing their career.
Ian, for the edification of your fellow deniers, please answer this question: do research scientists put grant money into their own pockets? Is grant money paid to researchers as some sort of bonus to do with as they please? Do researchers get rich from grant money?

And please keep this separate from the scenario in which researchers who bring more grant money to a university or research institution will likely earn more in the long run than one who doesn't. These are, after all, researchers. Their job is to do research and the more of it they do and the more value their fellow researchers place on their results, the better they are doing their job and the greater the pay they deserve.

I would like to see the common denier misconception that researchers are getting rich from grant money receive the quashing it deserves.
Ian, for the edification of your fellow deniers, please answer this question: do research scientists put grant money into their own pockets? Is grant money paid to researchers as some sort of bonus to do with as they please? Do researchers get rich from grant money?

And please keep this separate from the scenario in which researchers who bring more grant money to a university or research institution will likely earn more in the long run than one who doesn't. These are, after all, researchers. Their job is to do research and the more of it they do and the more value their fellow researchers place on their results, the better they are doing their job and the greater the pay they deserve.

I would like to see the common denier misconception that researchers are getting rich from grant money receive the quashing it deserves.
You stated:And please keep this separate from the scenario in which researchers who bring more grant money to a university or research institution will likely earn more in the long run than one who doesn't. These are, after all, researchers.

How can you separate them? If an action EVENTUALLY makes them money, or provides a better gig, don't you think it would come into play?

You need to know who signs the grant contract and who is held responsible for contract performance. The situational bookkeeping becomes even more apparent if the grant goes to non-academic institution. THERE the bookkeeping is CLEARLY tagged to your resources and YOUR job..

But you're not making any actual money off of it.

Hence, the "getting rich off grants" conspiracy theory goes boom.


Double dipping, nepotism, etc. Need I say more?

Well Yeah !!! I totally missed that story.. Sounds like this guy "got rich" off of grant money.. :biggrin:
Pretty much his whole operation.. Funny how all that happens "by not making a profit" isn't it???

Needs a business mgr and an ASSOCIATE biz mgr.. Must be some cash flow to fund all that..

Then there’s the apparent nepotism going on with all that public money used to fund Shukla’s climate dreams:
IGES Personnel:
President Shukla, Jagadish
Business Manager Shukla, Anastasia
Assistant Business Manager Shukla, Sonia
Director, COLA Kinter, James
Assistant to the President Shukla, Sonia
Source: About IGES

A little nepotism never hurts... Wife, Kids, Kids spouses... whats not to like...

And George Mason University still employs them as STAFF too boot.. Hard Left Wing socialist school... Must be acceptable practice to defraud the US government and take our tax money to pay them..

Oh hell no.. I remember a discussion where ThinkProgress rated it 3rd on the list of CONSERVATIVE colleges. Right after Hillsdale and Falwell's Liberty Univ..

REPORT: America’s Top 5 Most Conservative Colleges

Besides -- my favorite conservative economist and oft-times radio personality Walter Williams was on staff there for years..

Guess they are just interested in that GW money....

ThinkProgress is a hard left wing organization.. So I could see a college that is moderate and has both sides of the coin as staff could be seen by them as "conservative"..

But still employing them after the fraud disclosure doesn't seem to lend itself to conservative values. IMHO..
You need to know who signs the grant contract and who is held responsible for contract performance. The situational bookkeeping becomes even more apparent if the grant goes to non-academic institution. THERE the bookkeeping is CLEARLY tagged to your resources and YOUR job..

But you're not making any actual money off of it.

Hence, the "getting rich off grants" conspiracy theory goes boom.
Not quite. Try publishing something contrary to the "accepted science". Then watch your job go boom.


the only scientists that object to cagw PUBLICLY are those that are tenured, or retired. unfortunately the poisonous atmosphere in climate science is scaring off the top notch PhD students who would rather work in an open environment where they don't have to watch their words under penalty of losing their career.

This is why I work where I do... And why I wont be teaching at any lib university.
So tooth, do you believe there are scientists out there who don't believe in AGW? And if you do, are any funded by government money?

Yes and yes, which proves that there's no conspiracy to silence anyone.

Was there any point to asking that?
yeah, name the scientist funded by the government and doesn't believe in AGW.
You need to know who signs the grant contract and who is held responsible for contract performance. The situational bookkeeping becomes even more apparent if the grant goes to non-academic institution. THERE the bookkeeping is CLEARLY tagged to your resources and YOUR job..

But you're not making any actual money off of it.

Hence, the "getting rich off grants" conspiracy theory goes boom.
You need to know who signs the grant contract and who is held responsible for contract performance. The situational bookkeeping becomes even more apparent if the grant goes to non-academic institution. THERE the bookkeeping is CLEARLY tagged to your resources and YOUR job..

But you're not making any actual money off of it.

Hence, the "getting rich off grants" conspiracy theory goes boom.

Bullshit. You're being subsidized. That is a form of making money. Take the grants away and watch your research group and lab space shrink.. Clear as day..

NOBODY really makes money off of research as it's performed. It's all about reputation, prestige and keeping brainpower in your organization. It's a necessary write-off for the success of the school, corporation, or private organization..

You DO understand that you don't make money if you don't HAVE a job.. Right Squidward???
and your salary may be way more than someone elses thanks to the money your research brings in, so you in fact get rich from the money. Sorry for buttin in.
Last edited:
In order to properly account for 90% of the heat being absorbed by the oceans, you have to adjust all the readings prior to 1990 up by at least a degree or two to make it conform to the new modern standard
Ian, for the edification of your fellow deniers, please answer this question: do research scientists put grant money into their own pockets? Is grant money paid to researchers as some sort of bonus to do with as they please? Do researchers get rich from grant money?

And please keep this separate from the scenario in which researchers who bring more grant money to a university or research institution will likely earn more in the long run than one who doesn't. These are, after all, researchers. Their job is to do research and the more of it they do and the more value their fellow researchers place on their results, the better they are doing their job and the greater the pay they deserve.

I would like to see the common denier misconception that researchers are getting rich from grant money receive the quashing it deserves.

I just addressed that question.. If you don't HAVE a job -- you can't profit or get rich --- can ya Bullwinkle?

The grant money is totally fungible. Makes for bigger labs, more support overhead, and more researchers. OR researchers with higher salaries. The contracts allow so much "overhead" that you have CHOICE of taking it as "profit" or investing it in your business. For groups doing "pure research" they are essentially a SELF - EMPLOYED partnership -- expected to "lose money" -- but not cost the institution more than the institution wants to spend.
Ian, for the edification of your fellow deniers, please answer this question: do research scientists put grant money into their own pockets? Is grant money paid to researchers as some sort of bonus to do with as they please? Do researchers get rich from grant money?

And please keep this separate from the scenario in which researchers who bring more grant money to a university or research institution will likely earn more in the long run than one who doesn't. These are, after all, researchers. Their job is to do research and the more of it they do and the more value their fellow researchers place on their results, the better they are doing their job and the greater the pay they deserve.

I would like to see the common denier misconception that researchers are getting rich from grant money receive the quashing it deserves.

I just addressed that question.. If you don't HAVE a job -- you can't profit or get rich --- can ya Bullwinkle?

The grant money is totally fungible. Makes for bigger labs, more support overhead, and more researchers. OR researchers with higher salaries. The contracts allow so much "overhead" that you have CHOICE of taking it as "profit" or investing it in your business. For groups doing "pure research" they are essentially a SELF - EMPLOYED partnership -- expected to "lose money" -- but not cost the institution more than the institution wants to spend.

Grantors are very careful about how their money is spent. Certainly government agencies require all manner of detailed accounting of the allocation of grant money. The first time a researcher was found to be lining their own pockets with grant money would be the last time they'd get a grant from that organization.

What you are all saying is that climate researchers, unlike other researchers and unlike the workforce in general, are willing to risk their jobs and perhaps even their personal freedom (ie go to jail) for short term gains. How many people where you work decide that their best course of action is to steal money from their employers?
Ian, for the edification of your fellow deniers, please answer this question: do research scientists put grant money into their own pockets? Is grant money paid to researchers as some sort of bonus to do with as they please? Do researchers get rich from grant money?

And please keep this separate from the scenario in which researchers who bring more grant money to a university or research institution will likely earn more in the long run than one who doesn't. These are, after all, researchers. Their job is to do research and the more of it they do and the more value their fellow researchers place on their results, the better they are doing their job and the greater the pay they deserve.

I would like to see the common denier misconception that researchers are getting rich from grant money receive the quashing it deserves.

I just addressed that question.. If you don't HAVE a job -- you can't profit or get rich --- can ya Bullwinkle?

The grant money is totally fungible. Makes for bigger labs, more support overhead, and more researchers. OR researchers with higher salaries. The contracts allow so much "overhead" that you have CHOICE of taking it as "profit" or investing it in your business. For groups doing "pure research" they are essentially a SELF - EMPLOYED partnership -- expected to "lose money" -- but not cost the institution more than the institution wants to spend.

Grantors are very careful about how their money is spent. Certainly government agencies require all manner of detailed accounting of the allocation of grant money. The first time a researcher was found to be lining their own pockets with grant money would be the last time they'd get a grant from that organization.

What you are all saying is that climate researchers, unlike other researchers and unlike the workforce in general, are willing to risk their jobs and perhaps even their personal freedom (ie go to jail) for short term gains. How many people where you work decide that their best course of action is to steal money from their employers?

Not at all. Didn't say that. Read what I wrote again or you'll have no hope of understanding how Research institutions are run in this country.. Or how they prosper or how grant contracts are constructed. I've not only gone out and SOLD research to grantors, but I've been responsible for the performance of the contracts and the accounting and the ways the money is used. That cash flow is no different from any other source of income that comes into that research institution. Except for the immense amount of paperwork that comes with them.

A researcher is SOLD at a price. That price is "marked up" FAR BEYOND what it is required to sustain them on staff. Not unusual for that overhead to be use to hire juniors and support folks. That's a form of profit. If it's a BIDDING contract -- you're only restraining factor is what the "other guy" is gonna bid for the same work. If you want PRESTIGE for your research -- you spend "the profit" wisely to support the work you DESIRE to be doing..

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