Saudi Arabia Greets Trump With Billions of Dollars of Deals Saudi Arabia welcomed U.S. President Don

Not bad for a "Nut Job", huh? Can't wait to see how the Libs will spin this!

A big win for the defense industry and its CEO's, not going to do much for the uneducated unskilled rubes in flyover country

A good paying job in any part of the manufacturing industry contributes to many other jobs. This is why manufacturing jobs are particularly vital and desired. There is a domino effect on the economy which could transcend across various states.

So, building military vehicles is going to require massive orders of various parts from other producers, suppliers and manufacturers, not just the companies receiving the contract. This has a trickle down effect of sorts, large manufacturers supporting others.

This is a massive win. Pretty damn good for his first visit outside the country.

Dumb ass liberals, in their world the only thing of value are government jobs and government welfare handouts.
Wow, 6 months ago this is what the POTUS was saying:

Screen Shot 2017-05-20 at 6.09.04 PM.png

I suppose it’s okay now???

Really, does this jerk have any scruples whatsoever?
Can't wait to see the UE rate once these new jobs are secured.
Yeah, but most of the groundwork was done by the Obama Administration. Google it...

What phony democratic website do you rely on for that horse-crap? Let me guess, Obama was just getting ready to combat ISIS, Iran, Syria and N. Korea and he JUST RAN OUT OF TIME. If only he'd gotten that third term he wanted he could have done so much more.
So he's taking care of the 1% and bowing to the military industrial base. No big surprise there.

That is right! All of those ammunitions, weapons and systems are all made by old white men in suits. And who ever got a job working for industry???!!! Sheeesh!
Saudi Arabia Greets Trump With Billions of Dollars of Deals

Saudi Arabia welcomed U.S. President Donald Trump with agreements for deals worth tens of billions of dollars on Saturday as he embarked on his first state visit to the kingdom, which is undertaking unprecedented economic reforms.

The Public Investment Fund, Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund, is contributing $20 billion in an infrastructure investment fund with Blackstone Group LP. The fund will eventually double in size “from other investors,” according to a statement. Saudi Aramco said it signed 16 accords with 11 companies valued at about $50 billion. One initial deal -- worth $15 billion -- was signed with General Electric Co. The U.S. and Saudi Defense Ministry also negotiated a package of about $110 billion, according to a White House transcript on Friday.

Yeah, but most of the groundwork was done by the Obama Administration. Google it...
We aren't talking about prostitution.
Saudi Arabia Greets Trump With Billions of Dollars of Deals

Saudi Arabia welcomed U.S. President Donald Trump with agreements for deals worth tens of billions of dollars on Saturday as he embarked on his first state visit to the kingdom, which is undertaking unprecedented economic reforms.

The Public Investment Fund, Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund, is contributing $20 billion in an infrastructure investment fund with Blackstone Group LP. The fund will eventually double in size “from other investors,” according to a statement. Saudi Aramco said it signed 16 accords with 11 companies valued at about $50 billion. One initial deal -- worth $15 billion -- was signed with General Electric Co. The U.S. and Saudi Defense Ministry also negotiated a package of about $110 billion, according to a White House transcript on Friday.
What's good for American businesses is really bad for Democrats.
Saudi Arabia Greets Trump With Billions of Dollars of Deals

Saudi Arabia welcomed U.S. President Donald Trump with agreements for deals worth tens of billions of dollars on Saturday as he embarked on his first state visit to the kingdom, which is undertaking unprecedented economic reforms.

The Public Investment Fund, Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund, is contributing $20 billion in an infrastructure investment fund with Blackstone Group LP. The fund will eventually double in size “from other investors,” according to a statement. Saudi Aramco said it signed 16 accords with 11 companies valued at about $50 billion. One initial deal -- worth $15 billion -- was signed with General Electric Co. The U.S. and Saudi Defense Ministry also negotiated a package of about $110 billion, according to a White House transcript on Friday.

Yeah, but most of the groundwork was done by the Obama Administration. Google it...
Just like the way Obama pulled us out of Iraq......he tries to take credit for everything as long as he thinks it's positive....but then blames everything on Bush when something he does turns to shit.
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This has been a lucrative business trip so far. 2,500 jobs are immediately going to Texas for a new refinery, with potential to grow to over 12,000 jobs .
Saudi Arabia Greets Trump With Billions of Dollars of Deals

Saudi Arabia welcomed U.S. President Donald Trump with agreements for deals worth tens of billions of dollars on Saturday as he embarked on his first state visit to the kingdom, which is undertaking unprecedented economic reforms.

The Public Investment Fund, Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund, is contributing $20 billion in an infrastructure investment fund with Blackstone Group LP. The fund will eventually double in size “from other investors,” according to a statement. Saudi Aramco said it signed 16 accords with 11 companies valued at about $50 billion. One initial deal -- worth $15 billion -- was signed with General Electric Co. The U.S. and Saudi Defense Ministry also negotiated a package of about $110 billion, according to a White House transcript on Friday.

Yeah, but most of the groundwork was done by the Obama Administration. Google it...

Pretty interesting that this guy who hates Muslims and wants to ban them all is getting an all out reception from the Saudis. This pretty much crushes the leftist narrative -- doesn't it bud?
Saudi Arabia Greets Trump With Billions of Dollars of Deals

Saudi Arabia welcomed U.S. President Donald Trump with agreements for deals worth tens of billions of dollars on Saturday as he embarked on his first state visit to the kingdom, which is undertaking unprecedented economic reforms.

The Public Investment Fund, Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund, is contributing $20 billion in an infrastructure investment fund with Blackstone Group LP. The fund will eventually double in size “from other investors,” according to a statement. Saudi Aramco said it signed 16 accords with 11 companies valued at about $50 billion. One initial deal -- worth $15 billion -- was signed with General Electric Co. The U.S. and Saudi Defense Ministry also negotiated a package of about $110 billion, according to a White House transcript on Friday.

Yeah, but most of the groundwork was done by the Obama Administration. Google it...

Pretty interesting that this guy who hates Muslims and wants to ban them all is getting an all out reception from the Saudis. This pretty much crushes the leftist narrative -- doesn't it bud?

Well, like they say - money talks. Trump nor the King really give a shit about religion.
Wow, 6 months ago this is what the POTUS was saying:

View attachment 127852

I suppose it’s okay now???

Really, does this jerk have any scruples whatsoever?

Is what he said the first time a lie ?

Okay ?

In what sense.

I didn't read him saying we should boycott those countries.

What I did read was that Clinton was making a big deal about inequality.....
Not bad for a "Nut Job", huh? Can't wait to see how the Libs will spin this!
"arms" deals. You realize that those are funded w/taxpayer dollars right?

Guess what? We sell them for more than we pay to make them!!! That is called a PROFIT.
do the taxpayers see any of it?
IT WORKS LIKE THIS: The us receives orders for over $100b in goods. That is equal to 2 million jobs of an annual salary of $50,000. That could very well reduce our welfare gimmes amd more people paying taxes.

Beyond those 2 million jobs, more jobs will get orders down the chain of residual parts and the producers of those products will mean more people getting jobs in residual manufacturing, even more taxpayers.

On late breaking news, the deal is more than 200 billion!

The agreement, which is worth $350 billion over 10 years and $110 billion that will take effect immediately, was hailed by the White House as "a significant expansion of…[the] security relationship" between the two countries.

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