Saudi Arabia has 100,000 air-conditioned tents sitting empty, still wont take Syrian refugees

Bomb Mecca. Problem solved.

Innocent people , no, but SA needs to quit their funding of terrorism. What we do for Israel and SA is crazy. SA wants the spread of Islam , and how more easy to get it. They are offering to build mosques.

the government of Saudi arabia does not fund terrorism-----but persons flush with money in oil rich Saudi arabia----do. One of them was the YEMENI FAMILY ----the BIN LADENS. Another oil enriched person who funded terrorism was SADDAM HUSSEIN -----and----the most active in supporting terrorism using OIL MONEY---is IRAN. Iran is the MOST ARDENT about forcing the filth of islam down the throats of the world-----in fact-----ACHMADINEJAD asserted that fact in the UN-----HE ANNOUNCED "ISLAM IS THE RELIGION FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD"----the islamo Nazi bitch-----Penelope-----missed it. For the record----The Saudi arabian government is resisting the aggression of those elements in Yemen that are seeking terrorism and world wide imposition of the filth of islam------AL QAEDA types-----and the Iranian proxy dogs----HOUTHIS AND HEZBOLLAH.
ALL islamo Nazi shit wants to get rid of the SAUDI GOVERNMENT resistence to
islamo Nazi aggression -----weak and inefficient as it is------it is a bar to the kind of
filth for which Penelope longs
active in terrorism
Saudi Arabia funds terrorism, it is sanctioned by the royal family i.e. the government.

By 1994, the National Security Agency (NSA) was listening into telephone conversations between members of the Saudi royal family. One NSA official familiar with the intercepts revealed to Pulitzer Prize winner reporter Seymour Hersh that “the intercepts show that the Saudi government, working through Prince Salman [bin Abdul Aziz], contributed millions to charities that, in turn, relayed the money to fundamentalists. ‘We knew that Salman was supporting all of the causes.’”

The NSA intercepts proved, according to the New Yorker, that senior Saudi royals were “channelling hundreds of millions of dollars in what amounts to protection money to fundamentalist groups that wish to overthrow it.” By 1996, the US intelligence community had amassed clear evidence that “Saudi money was supporting Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda and other extremist groups in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Yemen, and Central Asia, and throughout the Persian Gulf region.”

Indeed, that year an extensive CIA report on the use of NGOs as fronts for terrorist financing concluded: “We continue to have evidence that even high ranking members of the collecting or monitoring agencies in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Pakistan – such as the Saudi High Commission [run by then Prince Salman]– are involved in illicit activities, including support for terrorists.”

- See more at: Saudi’s new king of terror

ROFLMAO there are THOUSANDS of members of the "ROYAL FAMILY" --
sheeeesh-------you are dim being a "member of the SAUDI ROYAL FAMILY"--is
kinda like being born in Boston in the USA and there is lots of money floating in their
hands------your comment is something like "lots of las vegas money funds mafia"

Yes around 500, makes even more terrorists.
Bomb Mecca. Problem solved.

Innocent people , no, but SA needs to quit their funding of terrorism. What we do for Israel and SA is crazy. SA wants the spread of Islam , and how more easy to get it. They are offering to build mosques.

the government of Saudi arabia does not fund terrorism-----but persons flush with money in oil rich Saudi arabia----do. One of them was the YEMENI FAMILY ----the BIN LADENS. Another oil enriched person who funded terrorism was SADDAM HUSSEIN -----and----the most active in supporting terrorism using OIL MONEY---is IRAN. Iran is the MOST ARDENT about forcing the filth of islam down the throats of the world-----in fact-----ACHMADINEJAD asserted that fact in the UN-----HE ANNOUNCED "ISLAM IS THE RELIGION FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD"----the islamo Nazi bitch-----Penelope-----missed it. For the record----The Saudi arabian government is resisting the aggression of those elements in Yemen that are seeking terrorism and world wide imposition of the filth of islam------AL QAEDA types-----and the Iranian proxy dogs----HOUTHIS AND HEZBOLLAH.
ALL islamo Nazi shit wants to get rid of the SAUDI GOVERNMENT resistence to
islamo Nazi aggression -----weak and inefficient as it is------it is a bar to the kind of
filth for which Penelope longs
active in terrorism
Saudi Arabia funds terrorism, it is sanctioned by the royal family i.e. the government.

By 1994, the National Security Agency (NSA) was listening into telephone conversations between members of the Saudi royal family. One NSA official familiar with the intercepts revealed to Pulitzer Prize winner reporter Seymour Hersh that “the intercepts show that the Saudi government, working through Prince Salman [bin Abdul Aziz], contributed millions to charities that, in turn, relayed the money to fundamentalists. ‘We knew that Salman was supporting all of the causes.’”

The NSA intercepts proved, according to the New Yorker, that senior Saudi royals were “channelling hundreds of millions of dollars in what amounts to protection money to fundamentalist groups that wish to overthrow it.” By 1996, the US intelligence community had amassed clear evidence that “Saudi money was supporting Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda and other extremist groups in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Yemen, and Central Asia, and throughout the Persian Gulf region.”

Indeed, that year an extensive CIA report on the use of NGOs as fronts for terrorist financing concluded: “We continue to have evidence that even high ranking members of the collecting or monitoring agencies in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Pakistan – such as the Saudi High Commission [run by then Prince Salman]– are involved in illicit activities, including support for terrorists.”

- See more at: Saudi’s new king of terror

ROFLMAO there are THOUSANDS of members of the "ROYAL FAMILY" --
sheeeesh-------you are dim being a "member of the SAUDI ROYAL FAMILY"--is
kinda like being born in Boston in the USA and there is lots of money floating in their
hands------your comment is something like "lots of las vegas money funds mafia"
How does the size of the family in any way detract from my post and why would it cause you into fits of laughter. Word on these boards is that you are missing a few screws. I can see it.
Bomb Mecca. Problem solved.

Innocent people , no, but SA needs to quit their funding of terrorism. What we do for Israel and SA is crazy. SA wants the spread of Islam , and how more easy to get it. They are offering to build mosques.

the government of Saudi arabia does not fund terrorism-----but persons flush with money in oil rich Saudi arabia----do. One of them was the YEMENI FAMILY ----the BIN LADENS. Another oil enriched person who funded terrorism was SADDAM HUSSEIN -----and----the most active in supporting terrorism using OIL MONEY---is IRAN. Iran is the MOST ARDENT about forcing the filth of islam down the throats of the world-----in fact-----ACHMADINEJAD asserted that fact in the UN-----HE ANNOUNCED "ISLAM IS THE RELIGION FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD"----the islamo Nazi bitch-----Penelope-----missed it. For the record----The Saudi arabian government is resisting the aggression of those elements in Yemen that are seeking terrorism and world wide imposition of the filth of islam------AL QAEDA types-----and the Iranian proxy dogs----HOUTHIS AND HEZBOLLAH.
ALL islamo Nazi shit wants to get rid of the SAUDI GOVERNMENT resistence to
islamo Nazi aggression -----weak and inefficient as it is------it is a bar to the kind of
filth for which Penelope longs
active in terrorism
Saudi Arabia funds terrorism, it is sanctioned by the royal family i.e. the government.

By 1994, the National Security Agency (NSA) was listening into telephone conversations between members of the Saudi royal family. One NSA official familiar with the intercepts revealed to Pulitzer Prize winner reporter Seymour Hersh that “the intercepts show that the Saudi government, working through Prince Salman [bin Abdul Aziz], contributed millions to charities that, in turn, relayed the money to fundamentalists. ‘We knew that Salman was supporting all of the causes.’”

The NSA intercepts proved, according to the New Yorker, that senior Saudi royals were “channelling hundreds of millions of dollars in what amounts to protection money to fundamentalist groups that wish to overthrow it.” By 1996, the US intelligence community had amassed clear evidence that “Saudi money was supporting Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda and other extremist groups in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Yemen, and Central Asia, and throughout the Persian Gulf region.”

Indeed, that year an extensive CIA report on the use of NGOs as fronts for terrorist financing concluded: “We continue to have evidence that even high ranking members of the collecting or monitoring agencies in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Pakistan – such as the Saudi High Commission [run by then Prince Salman]– are involved in illicit activities, including support for terrorists.”

- See more at: Saudi’s new king of terror

ROFLMAO there are THOUSANDS of members of the "ROYAL FAMILY" --
sheeeesh-------you are dim being a "member of the SAUDI ROYAL FAMILY"--is
kinda like being born in Boston in the USA and there is lots of money floating in their
hands------your comment is something like "lots of las vegas money funds mafia"
How does the size of the family in any way detract from my post and why would it cause you into fits of laughter. Word on these boards is that you are missing a few screws. I can see it.

you talk to your fellow idiots. The "royal family" of Saudi arabia simply refers to
any of the thousands of people related to the sexual butterfly king------who, for years---fluttered in every tent in every Bedouin village in order to increase his tribe.
There are so many of them ------even I have encountered one-----a colleague
at the hospital in which I worked several years ago. -----nice kid. Of the thousands---some like to donate their considerable oil fortune money to the ****ISLAMIC CAUSE ****** ie they pay for bombs to tie on the asses of meccaista sluts who enjoy murdering children for allah. HOWEVER it is not Saudi government policy
to do so-----unlike Iran----Saudi arabia is not planting terrorist dogs and pigs around the world------not openly----LIKE HEZBOLLAH MILITIA and not surreptitiously.
The government of Iran is actively supporting aggression against several countries-----right now -----prominently Yemen and Israel and---SAUDI ARABIA
Innocent people , no, but SA needs to quit their funding of terrorism. What we do for Israel and SA is crazy. SA wants the spread of Islam , and how more easy to get it. They are offering to build mosques.

the government of Saudi arabia does not fund terrorism-----but persons flush with money in oil rich Saudi arabia----do. One of them was the YEMENI FAMILY ----the BIN LADENS. Another oil enriched person who funded terrorism was SADDAM HUSSEIN -----and----the most active in supporting terrorism using OIL MONEY---is IRAN. Iran is the MOST ARDENT about forcing the filth of islam down the throats of the world-----in fact-----ACHMADINEJAD asserted that fact in the UN-----HE ANNOUNCED "ISLAM IS THE RELIGION FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD"----the islamo Nazi bitch-----Penelope-----missed it. For the record----The Saudi arabian government is resisting the aggression of those elements in Yemen that are seeking terrorism and world wide imposition of the filth of islam------AL QAEDA types-----and the Iranian proxy dogs----HOUTHIS AND HEZBOLLAH.
ALL islamo Nazi shit wants to get rid of the SAUDI GOVERNMENT resistence to
islamo Nazi aggression -----weak and inefficient as it is------it is a bar to the kind of
filth for which Penelope longs
active in terrorism
Saudi Arabia funds terrorism, it is sanctioned by the royal family i.e. the government.

By 1994, the National Security Agency (NSA) was listening into telephone conversations between members of the Saudi royal family. One NSA official familiar with the intercepts revealed to Pulitzer Prize winner reporter Seymour Hersh that “the intercepts show that the Saudi government, working through Prince Salman [bin Abdul Aziz], contributed millions to charities that, in turn, relayed the money to fundamentalists. ‘We knew that Salman was supporting all of the causes.’”

The NSA intercepts proved, according to the New Yorker, that senior Saudi royals were “channelling hundreds of millions of dollars in what amounts to protection money to fundamentalist groups that wish to overthrow it.” By 1996, the US intelligence community had amassed clear evidence that “Saudi money was supporting Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda and other extremist groups in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Yemen, and Central Asia, and throughout the Persian Gulf region.”

Indeed, that year an extensive CIA report on the use of NGOs as fronts for terrorist financing concluded: “We continue to have evidence that even high ranking members of the collecting or monitoring agencies in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Pakistan – such as the Saudi High Commission [run by then Prince Salman]– are involved in illicit activities, including support for terrorists.”

- See more at: Saudi’s new king of terror

ROFLMAO there are THOUSANDS of members of the "ROYAL FAMILY" --
sheeeesh-------you are dim being a "member of the SAUDI ROYAL FAMILY"--is
kinda like being born in Boston in the USA and there is lots of money floating in their
hands------your comment is something like "lots of las vegas money funds mafia"
How does the size of the family in any way detract from my post and why would it cause you into fits of laughter. Word on these boards is that you are missing a few screws. I can see it.

you talk to your fellow idiots. The "royal family" of Saudi arabia simply refers to
any of the thousands of people related to the sexual butterfly king------who, for years---fluttered in every tent in every Bedouin village in order to increase his tribe.
There are so many of them ------even I have encountered one-----a colleague
at the hospital in which I worked several years ago. -----nice kid. Of the thousands---some like to donate their considerable oil fortune money to the ****ISLAMIC CAUSE ****** ie they pay for bombs to tie on the asses of meccaista sluts who enjoy murdering children for allah. HOWEVER it is not Saudi government policy
to do so-----unlike Iran----Saudi arabia is not planting terrorist dogs and pigs around the world------not openly----LIKE HEZBOLLAH MILITIA and not surreptitiously.
The government of Iran is actively supporting aggression against several countries-----right now -----prominently Yemen and Israel and---SAUDI ARABIA
But I'm not talking about just any member of the royal family, I'm talking about the highest ranks of the Monarchy that rules over that Wahhabi cesspit. And just because they do it surreptitiously and with diplomatic cover from Washington doesn't make it any less abhorrent. Only a sick fuck like you would try and downplay it to satisfy your own religiously motivated agenda. You are no different than those you condemn.
the government of Saudi arabia does not fund terrorism-----but persons flush with money in oil rich Saudi arabia----do. One of them was the YEMENI FAMILY ----the BIN LADENS. Another oil enriched person who funded terrorism was SADDAM HUSSEIN -----and----the most active in supporting terrorism using OIL MONEY---is IRAN. Iran is the MOST ARDENT about forcing the filth of islam down the throats of the world-----in fact-----ACHMADINEJAD asserted that fact in the UN-----HE ANNOUNCED "ISLAM IS THE RELIGION FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD"----the islamo Nazi bitch-----Penelope-----missed it. For the record----The Saudi arabian government is resisting the aggression of those elements in Yemen that are seeking terrorism and world wide imposition of the filth of islam------AL QAEDA types-----and the Iranian proxy dogs----HOUTHIS AND HEZBOLLAH.
ALL islamo Nazi shit wants to get rid of the SAUDI GOVERNMENT resistence to
islamo Nazi aggression -----weak and inefficient as it is------it is a bar to the kind of
filth for which Penelope longs
active in terrorism
Saudi Arabia funds terrorism, it is sanctioned by the royal family i.e. the government.

By 1994, the National Security Agency (NSA) was listening into telephone conversations between members of the Saudi royal family. One NSA official familiar with the intercepts revealed to Pulitzer Prize winner reporter Seymour Hersh that “the intercepts show that the Saudi government, working through Prince Salman [bin Abdul Aziz], contributed millions to charities that, in turn, relayed the money to fundamentalists. ‘We knew that Salman was supporting all of the causes.’”

The NSA intercepts proved, according to the New Yorker, that senior Saudi royals were “channelling hundreds of millions of dollars in what amounts to protection money to fundamentalist groups that wish to overthrow it.” By 1996, the US intelligence community had amassed clear evidence that “Saudi money was supporting Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda and other extremist groups in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Yemen, and Central Asia, and throughout the Persian Gulf region.”

Indeed, that year an extensive CIA report on the use of NGOs as fronts for terrorist financing concluded: “We continue to have evidence that even high ranking members of the collecting or monitoring agencies in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Pakistan – such as the Saudi High Commission [run by then Prince Salman]– are involved in illicit activities, including support for terrorists.”

- See more at: Saudi’s new king of terror

ROFLMAO there are THOUSANDS of members of the "ROYAL FAMILY" --
sheeeesh-------you are dim being a "member of the SAUDI ROYAL FAMILY"--is
kinda like being born in Boston in the USA and there is lots of money floating in their
hands------your comment is something like "lots of las vegas money funds mafia"
How does the size of the family in any way detract from my post and why would it cause you into fits of laughter. Word on these boards is that you are missing a few screws. I can see it.

you talk to your fellow idiots. The "royal family" of Saudi arabia simply refers to
any of the thousands of people related to the sexual butterfly king------who, for years---fluttered in every tent in every Bedouin village in order to increase his tribe.
There are so many of them ------even I have encountered one-----a colleague
at the hospital in which I worked several years ago. -----nice kid. Of the thousands---some like to donate their considerable oil fortune money to the ****ISLAMIC CAUSE ****** ie they pay for bombs to tie on the asses of meccaista sluts who enjoy murdering children for allah. HOWEVER it is not Saudi government policy
to do so-----unlike Iran----Saudi arabia is not planting terrorist dogs and pigs around the world------not openly----LIKE HEZBOLLAH MILITIA and not surreptitiously.
The government of Iran is actively supporting aggression against several countries-----right now -----prominently Yemen and Israel and---SAUDI ARABIA
But I'm not talking about just any member of the royal family, I'm talking about the highest ranks of the Monarchy that rules over that Wahhabi cesspit. And just because they do it surreptitiously and with diplomatic cover from Washington doesn't make it any less abhorrent. Only a sick fuck like you would try and downplay it to satisfy your own religiously motivated agenda. You are no different than those you condemn.

How fantastical----- "they do it surreptitiously and with diplomatic cover from Washington"------------OH!!!! that's BIG---------yes yes-------BTW "" 'THEY'
DO WhAT """???? poison the wells??? hand out aphrodisiac chewing
gum to little girls???? just what do "THEY" DO? I have noticed that your
fellows have endless nail bombs useful in blowing the brains out of the heads of
children--------and I HAVE NOTICED that the long range missile launchers useful
in throwing such bombs and the bombs themselves are fabricated in iran--and handed to your HEZBOALLAH worshippers of the Mahdi---------but this "SURREPTITIOUS" baby brain shattering by Saudi arabia-----just got SO
surreptitious--------that it has not even produced a dead baby. I will help you----you should accuse Saudi arabia of -------KILLING THE BEES

for more ideas -----review the stuff written by Nazi war criminals
who found refuge in Syria and Egypt------they were also FANTASTICAL
These are people of your culture Saudi Arabia, and not of Europe's.

Shame on you Saudi Arabia !!
Saudi Arabia funds terrorism, it is sanctioned by the royal family i.e. the government.

By 1994, the National Security Agency (NSA) was listening into telephone conversations between members of the Saudi royal family. One NSA official familiar with the intercepts revealed to Pulitzer Prize winner reporter Seymour Hersh that “the intercepts show that the Saudi government, working through Prince Salman [bin Abdul Aziz], contributed millions to charities that, in turn, relayed the money to fundamentalists. ‘We knew that Salman was supporting all of the causes.’”

The NSA intercepts proved, according to the New Yorker, that senior Saudi royals were “channelling hundreds of millions of dollars in what amounts to protection money to fundamentalist groups that wish to overthrow it.” By 1996, the US intelligence community had amassed clear evidence that “Saudi money was supporting Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda and other extremist groups in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Yemen, and Central Asia, and throughout the Persian Gulf region.”

Indeed, that year an extensive CIA report on the use of NGOs as fronts for terrorist financing concluded: “We continue to have evidence that even high ranking members of the collecting or monitoring agencies in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Pakistan – such as the Saudi High Commission [run by then Prince Salman]– are involved in illicit activities, including support for terrorists.”

- See more at: Saudi’s new king of terror

ROFLMAO there are THOUSANDS of members of the "ROYAL FAMILY" --
sheeeesh-------you are dim being a "member of the SAUDI ROYAL FAMILY"--is
kinda like being born in Boston in the USA and there is lots of money floating in their
hands------your comment is something like "lots of las vegas money funds mafia"
How does the size of the family in any way detract from my post and why would it cause you into fits of laughter. Word on these boards is that you are missing a few screws. I can see it.

you talk to your fellow idiots. The "royal family" of Saudi arabia simply refers to
any of the thousands of people related to the sexual butterfly king------who, for years---fluttered in every tent in every Bedouin village in order to increase his tribe.
There are so many of them ------even I have encountered one-----a colleague
at the hospital in which I worked several years ago. -----nice kid. Of the thousands---some like to donate their considerable oil fortune money to the ****ISLAMIC CAUSE ****** ie they pay for bombs to tie on the asses of meccaista sluts who enjoy murdering children for allah. HOWEVER it is not Saudi government policy
to do so-----unlike Iran----Saudi arabia is not planting terrorist dogs and pigs around the world------not openly----LIKE HEZBOLLAH MILITIA and not surreptitiously.
The government of Iran is actively supporting aggression against several countries-----right now -----prominently Yemen and Israel and---SAUDI ARABIA
But I'm not talking about just any member of the royal family, I'm talking about the highest ranks of the Monarchy that rules over that Wahhabi cesspit. And just because they do it surreptitiously and with diplomatic cover from Washington doesn't make it any less abhorrent. Only a sick fuck like you would try and downplay it to satisfy your own religiously motivated agenda. You are no different than those you condemn.

How fantastical----- "they do it surreptitiously and with diplomatic cover from Washington"------------OH!!!! that's BIG---------yes yes-------BTW "" 'THEY'
DO WhAT """???? poison the wells??? hand out aphrodisiac chewing
gum to little girls???? just what do "THEY" DO? I have noticed that your
fellows have endless nail bombs useful in blowing the brains out of the heads of
children--------and I HAVE NOTICED that the long range missile launchers useful
in throwing such bombs and the bombs themselves are fabricated in iran--and handed to your HEZBOALLAH worshippers of the Mahdi---------but this "SURREPTITIOUS" baby brain shattering by Saudi arabia-----just got SO
surreptitious--------that it has not even produced a dead baby. I will help you----you should accuse Saudi arabia of -------KILLING THE BEES

for more ideas -----review the stuff written by Nazi war criminals
who found refuge in Syria and Egypt------they were also FANTASTICAL
just what do "THEY" DO?
I will repeat it as many times as you would like.
"They" (Saudi Arabia) funds global terrorism. Surreptitiously and with diplomatic immunity from Washington.

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