Saudi Arabia has 100,000 air-conditioned tents sitting empty, still wont take Syrian refugees

Bomb Mecca. Problem solved.

Innocent people , no, but SA needs to quit their funding of terrorism. What we do for Israel and SA is crazy. SA wants the spread of Islam , and how more easy to get it. They are offering to build mosques.

the government of Saudi arabia does not fund terrorism-----but persons flush with money in oil rich Saudi arabia----do. One of them was the YEMENI FAMILY ----the BIN LADENS. Another oil enriched person who funded terrorism was SADDAM HUSSEIN -----and----the most active in supporting terrorism using OIL MONEY---is IRAN. Iran is the MOST ARDENT about forcing the filth of islam down the throats of the world-----in fact-----ACHMADINEJAD asserted that fact in the UN-----HE ANNOUNCED "ISLAM IS THE RELIGION FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD"----the islamo Nazi bitch-----Penelope-----missed it. For the record----The Saudi arabian government is resisting the aggression of those elements in Yemen that are seeking terrorism and world wide imposition of the filth of islam------AL QAEDA types-----and the Iranian proxy dogs----HOUTHIS AND HEZBOLLAH.
ALL islamo Nazi shit wants to get rid of the SAUDI GOVERNMENT resistence to
islamo Nazi aggression -----weak and inefficient as it is------it is a bar to the kind of
filth for which Penelope longs
active in terrorism
Bomb Mecca. Problem solved.

Innocent people , no, but SA needs to quit their funding of terrorism. What we do for Israel and SA is crazy. SA wants the spread of Islam , and how more easy to get it. They are offering to build mosques.
SA? Oh, you mean Iran.

No I mean Saudi Arabia, here is a little light reading.
Wahhabism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Penelope----you have cited the wiki article on the issue of "Wahhabism"
many many times. Do you have any notion as to why you cite it? In fact
you are right on one factoid-----it is very 'light' reading. Wahhabism is
simply a phenomenon that has recurred scores of times and in dozens of places
in the world and history of islam over the past 1400 years. Anyone not completely ignorant of the history of the world and of islam KNOWS that. Wahhabism is to
islam like Calvinism is to Protestantism----or Protestantism is to Catholicism or ---
the INQUISITION is to Catholicism-------it is a "BACK TO STRICT INTERPRETATION AND IMPOSITION ideology. ----in fact, the very same
phenomenon has transformed moderate Iran into the terrorist,, imperialist pile
of shit it is today------the same phenomenon created the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD in Egypt and is transforming TURKEY into the fascist cesspit it has become. You make no point. You red-flag the fact that you are extremely ignorant. Feel free to
ask questions.
As Saudi Arabia faces mounting criticism for refusing to take in any of the millions of Syrians fleeing conflict in their homeland, it was revealed this weekend that the country has over 100,000 empty, air-conditioned tents that could house up to 3 million refugees.

The tents, located roughly 2,150 miles from Syria in the city of Mina, are only used a few days a year to house pilgrims on their way to Mecca for the hajj, the news station TeleSUR reported.

The huge tents are also fireproof and equipped with kitchen and bathroom facilities.

But while Europe struggles to find space to take in the millions of asylum seekers making the perilous journey there, Saudi Arabia has been largely unresponsive to the crisis.

According to the to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), there are about 500,000 Syrians living in Saudi Arabia, but they are not classified as asylum seekers and it is not known when they arrived in the country.

Other reports indicate that Saudi Arabia has not taken in any new refugees, along with Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

Saudi Arabia has 100,000 air-conditioned tents sitting empty, still won’t take Syrian refugees

The disaster of the obama "arab spring."

Bravo obama!!! No really. Bravo!!!!


Have the lefties blamed Israel and Boooosh for all of this mess yet? What am I talking about? Of course they have.


I don't think we should be taking any of them either.

Saudi arabia is very vulnerable------there are LOTS of muslim "factions" out
to topple the Saudi "royals"-------why? well---because that is how Islamic
societies work. It has been so since "arabs" consisted of the desert dwellers
of arabia---------thing of the movie LAWRENCE OF ARABIA------a very good representation of "arab society". It is a tribal society------contentious----with
fierce loyalties to ones own "tribe" Islam took this ethos with it wherever it went-----whether to Spain or the Indian subcontinent -------anyone interested ---read the
INTRIGUES of the family of SHAH JAHAN ---(the schmuck who built the Taj Mahal). Saudi arabia cannot take them ------they would be inviting too many
enemies. Lots of muslim countries can take only ----vetted persons suitable
to their specific societies--------I am all for VETTING and passing the refugees to
those who can accommodate them SAFELY--------all the Shiites and alawites should shipped to IRAN
Irosie's version of Islamic history and geopolitics is always good for a hardy chuckle. ....... :cool:

right-----too damned accurate-----it frightens you that I KNOW you so well-----A few years ago an idiot similar to you decided that my statement that I read the koran
long ago----(English version of course) like at about age 20 is a lie-----because had I READ it -----I would have "reverted" (roflmao) Then someone else decided that
my statement that I visited a mosque is also a lie--------the idiot demanded the NAME
of the mosque.
Bomb Mecca. Problem solved.

Innocent people , no, but SA needs to quit their funding of terrorism. What we do for Israel and SA is crazy. SA wants the spread of Islam , and how more easy to get it. They are offering to build mosques.

the government of Saudi arabia does not fund terrorism-----but persons flush with money in oil rich Saudi arabia----do. One of them was the YEMENI FAMILY ----the BIN LADENS. Another oil enriched person who funded terrorism was SADDAM HUSSEIN -----and----the most active in supporting terrorism using OIL MONEY---is IRAN. Iran is the MOST ARDENT about forcing the filth of islam down the throats of the world-----in fact-----ACHMADINEJAD asserted that fact in the UN-----HE ANNOUNCED "ISLAM IS THE RELIGION FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD"----the islamo Nazi bitch-----Penelope-----missed it. For the record----The Saudi arabian government is resisting the aggression of those elements in Yemen that are seeking terrorism and world wide imposition of the filth of islam------AL QAEDA types-----and the Iranian proxy dogs----HOUTHIS AND HEZBOLLAH.
ALL islamo Nazi shit wants to get rid of the SAUDI GOVERNMENT resistence to
islamo Nazi aggression -----weak and inefficient as it is------it is a bar to the kind of
filth for which Penelope longs
active in terrorism

Two peas in a pod= Saud family and Israel.
Bomb Mecca. Problem solved.

Innocent people , no, but SA needs to quit their funding of terrorism. What we do for Israel and SA is crazy. SA wants the spread of Islam , and how more easy to get it. They are offering to build mosques.

the government of Saudi arabia does not fund terrorism-----but persons flush with money in oil rich Saudi arabia----do. One of them was the YEMENI FAMILY ----the BIN LADENS. Another oil enriched person who funded terrorism was SADDAM HUSSEIN -----and----the most active in supporting terrorism using OIL MONEY---is IRAN. Iran is the MOST ARDENT about forcing the filth of islam down the throats of the world-----in fact-----ACHMADINEJAD asserted that fact in the UN-----HE ANNOUNCED "ISLAM IS THE RELIGION FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD"----the islamo Nazi bitch-----Penelope-----missed it. For the record----The Saudi arabian government is resisting the aggression of those elements in Yemen that are seeking terrorism and world wide imposition of the filth of islam------AL QAEDA types-----and the Iranian proxy dogs----HOUTHIS AND HEZBOLLAH.
ALL islamo Nazi shit wants to get rid of the SAUDI GOVERNMENT resistence to
islamo Nazi aggression -----weak and inefficient as it is------it is a bar to the kind of
filth for which Penelope longs
active in terrorism

Two peas in a pod= Saud family and Israel.

two lumps in a toilet bowl = Penelope and Sunni

Felllow posters-----now you know-----the Nazi agenda as personified by
Penelope and the Isis agenda as personified by Sunni represents the current
islamo Nazi agenda--------- so well represented in the HADJ FARTS-----
DEATH TO ISRAEL DEATH TO THE USA -----as the dogs and pigs circle
the holy turd in the sand--------is the force that SAUDI ARABIA FACES and from
which it seeks to protect itself, Saudi arabia-----as the epicenter of the filth of
muhummad is no bargain for the world------but it is a lot better than the ISLAMO NAZI ATROCITY which is Iran, Isis, and the children of Adolf
represents the current
islamo Nazi agenda--------- so well represented in the HADJ FARTS-----
DEATH TO ISRAEL DEATH TO THE USA -----as the dogs and pigs circle
the holy turd in the sand--------is the force that SAUDI ARABIA FACES and from
which it seeks to protect itself, Saudi arabia-----as the epicenter of the filth of
muhummad is no bargain for the world------but it is a lot better than the ISLAMO NAZI ATROCITY which is Iran, Isis, and the children of Adolf
Seriously irosie, your post's read a psycho in a mental institution wrote them. ...... :cuckoo: .... :lol: :lol:
represents the current
islamo Nazi agenda--------- so well represented in the HADJ FARTS-----
DEATH TO ISRAEL DEATH TO THE USA -----as the dogs and pigs circle
the holy turd in the sand--------is the force that SAUDI ARABIA FACES and from
which it seeks to protect itself, Saudi arabia-----as the epicenter of the filth of
muhummad is no bargain for the world------but it is a lot better than the ISLAMO NAZI ATROCITY which is Iran, Isis, and the children of Adolf
Seriously irosie, your post's read a psycho in a mental institution wrote them. ...... :cuckoo: .... :lol:

Seriously, sunni. You know nothing at all about the field of psychiatry and the
manner in which psychotic people express themselves. The fact is that my writing reveals that I am both intelligent and cognitively intact. Try to stick to a subject which you understand. Do you have any education past high school?
represents the current
islamo Nazi agenda--------- so well represented in the HADJ FARTS-----
DEATH TO ISRAEL DEATH TO THE USA -----as the dogs and pigs circle
the holy turd in the sand--------is the force that SAUDI ARABIA FACES and from
which it seeks to protect itself, Saudi arabia-----as the epicenter of the filth of
muhummad is no bargain for the world------but it is a lot better than the ISLAMO NAZI ATROCITY which is Iran, Isis, and the children of Adolf
Seriously irosie, your post's read a psycho in a mental institution wrote them. ...... :cuckoo: .... :lol:

Seriously, sunni. You know nothing at all about the field of psychiatry and the
manner in which psychotic people express themselves. The fact is that my writing reveals that I am both intelligent and cognitively intact. Try to stick to a subject which you understand. Do you have any education past high school?
gee-----it seems that the next DEATH TO FART session will be in something like
a week. I wonder what the Saudis are doing for security purposes. There was
an interesting innovation in the system in the synagogue I attended this week for
the New Year thing. Usually they get a letter from the police department demanding hired guards-------this time there were REAL UNIFORMED COPS--------
You know nothing at all about the field of psychiatry and the
manner in which psychotic people express themselves. The fact is that my writing reveals that I am both intelligent and cognitively intact. Try to stick to a subject which you understand. Do you have any education past high school?
I have a graduate degree in Psychology and my professional diagnosis is that you are loony tunes bat sh!t crazy. ........ :cool:
You know nothing at all about the field of psychiatry and the
manner in which psychotic people express themselves. The fact is that my writing reveals that I am both intelligent and cognitively intact. Try to stick to a subject which you understand. Do you have any education past high school?
I have a graduate degree in Psychology and my professional diagnosis is that you are loony tunes bat sh!t crazy. ........ :cool:

you do not even know the lingo of psychology. Try a different lie
represents the current
islamo Nazi agenda--------- so well represented in the HADJ FARTS-----
DEATH TO ISRAEL DEATH TO THE USA -----as the dogs and pigs circle
the holy turd in the sand--------is the force that SAUDI ARABIA FACES and from
which it seeks to protect itself, Saudi arabia-----as the epicenter of the filth of
muhummad is no bargain for the world------but it is a lot better than the ISLAMO NAZI ATROCITY which is Iran, Isis, and the children of Adolf
Seriously irosie, your post's read a psycho in a mental institution wrote them. ...... :cuckoo: .... :lol:

Seriously, sunni. You know nothing at all about the field of psychiatry and the
manner in which psychotic people express themselves. The fact is that my writing reveals that I am both intelligent and cognitively intact. Try to stick to a subject which you understand. Do you have any education past high school?

you too, penelope
Bomb Mecca. Problem solved.

Innocent people , no, but SA needs to quit their funding of terrorism. What we do for Israel and SA is crazy. SA wants the spread of Islam , and how more easy to get it. They are offering to build mosques.

the government of Saudi arabia does not fund terrorism-----but persons flush with money in oil rich Saudi arabia----do. One of them was the YEMENI FAMILY ----the BIN LADENS. Another oil enriched person who funded terrorism was SADDAM HUSSEIN -----and----the most active in supporting terrorism using OIL MONEY---is IRAN. Iran is the MOST ARDENT about forcing the filth of islam down the throats of the world-----in fact-----ACHMADINEJAD asserted that fact in the UN-----HE ANNOUNCED "ISLAM IS THE RELIGION FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD"----the islamo Nazi bitch-----Penelope-----missed it. For the record----The Saudi arabian government is resisting the aggression of those elements in Yemen that are seeking terrorism and world wide imposition of the filth of islam------AL QAEDA types-----and the Iranian proxy dogs----HOUTHIS AND HEZBOLLAH.
ALL islamo Nazi shit wants to get rid of the SAUDI GOVERNMENT resistence to
islamo Nazi aggression -----weak and inefficient as it is------it is a bar to the kind of
filth for which Penelope longs
active in terrorism
Saudi Arabia funds terrorism, it is sanctioned by the royal family i.e. the government.

By 1994, the National Security Agency (NSA) was listening into telephone conversations between members of the Saudi royal family. One NSA official familiar with the intercepts revealed to Pulitzer Prize winner reporter Seymour Hersh that “the intercepts show that the Saudi government, working through Prince Salman [bin Abdul Aziz], contributed millions to charities that, in turn, relayed the money to fundamentalists. ‘We knew that Salman was supporting all of the causes.’”

The NSA intercepts proved, according to the New Yorker, that senior Saudi royals were “channelling hundreds of millions of dollars in what amounts to protection money to fundamentalist groups that wish to overthrow it.” By 1996, the US intelligence community had amassed clear evidence that “Saudi money was supporting Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda and other extremist groups in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Yemen, and Central Asia, and throughout the Persian Gulf region.”

Indeed, that year an extensive CIA report on the use of NGOs as fronts for terrorist financing concluded: “We continue to have evidence that even high ranking members of the collecting or monitoring agencies in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Pakistan – such as the Saudi High Commission [run by then Prince Salman]– are involved in illicit activities, including support for terrorists.”

- See more at: Saudi’s new king of terror
Bomb Mecca. Problem solved.

Innocent people , no, but SA needs to quit their funding of terrorism. What we do for Israel and SA is crazy. SA wants the spread of Islam , and how more easy to get it. They are offering to build mosques.

the government of Saudi arabia does not fund terrorism-----but persons flush with money in oil rich Saudi arabia----do. One of them was the YEMENI FAMILY ----the BIN LADENS. Another oil enriched person who funded terrorism was SADDAM HUSSEIN -----and----the most active in supporting terrorism using OIL MONEY---is IRAN. Iran is the MOST ARDENT about forcing the filth of islam down the throats of the world-----in fact-----ACHMADINEJAD asserted that fact in the UN-----HE ANNOUNCED "ISLAM IS THE RELIGION FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD"----the islamo Nazi bitch-----Penelope-----missed it. For the record----The Saudi arabian government is resisting the aggression of those elements in Yemen that are seeking terrorism and world wide imposition of the filth of islam------AL QAEDA types-----and the Iranian proxy dogs----HOUTHIS AND HEZBOLLAH.
ALL islamo Nazi shit wants to get rid of the SAUDI GOVERNMENT resistence to
islamo Nazi aggression -----weak and inefficient as it is------it is a bar to the kind of
filth for which Penelope longs
active in terrorism
Saudi Arabia funds terrorism, it is sanctioned by the royal family i.e. the government.

By 1994, the National Security Agency (NSA) was listening into telephone conversations between members of the Saudi royal family. One NSA official familiar with the intercepts revealed to Pulitzer Prize winner reporter Seymour Hersh that “the intercepts show that the Saudi government, working through Prince Salman [bin Abdul Aziz], contributed millions to charities that, in turn, relayed the money to fundamentalists. ‘We knew that Salman was supporting all of the causes.’”

The NSA intercepts proved, according to the New Yorker, that senior Saudi royals were “channelling hundreds of millions of dollars in what amounts to protection money to fundamentalist groups that wish to overthrow it.” By 1996, the US intelligence community had amassed clear evidence that “Saudi money was supporting Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda and other extremist groups in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Yemen, and Central Asia, and throughout the Persian Gulf region.”

Indeed, that year an extensive CIA report on the use of NGOs as fronts for terrorist financing concluded: “We continue to have evidence that even high ranking members of the collecting or monitoring agencies in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Pakistan – such as the Saudi High Commission [run by then Prince Salman]– are involved in illicit activities, including support for terrorists.”

- See more at: Saudi’s new king of terror

ROFLMAO there are THOUSANDS of members of the "ROYAL FAMILY" --
sheeeesh-------you are dim being a "member of the SAUDI ROYAL FAMILY"--is
kinda like being born in Boston in the USA and there is lots of money floating in their
hands------your comment is something like "lots of las vegas money funds mafia"

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