Saudi Arabia holds a Royal Flush over America.

Saudi could quite easily drive our economy straight into the shitter with their control over oil.

How the hell do we avoid the inevitable disaster that may well result from any consequences we try to impose on them?
And why does every Americans financial well being have to be tied to a solitary individual who is not even an American citizen and did not die on American soil?

Are you all willing to goto war over a single individual?

It's not 1972 anymore. America exports more crude oil than Saudi Arabia does.

Oblivious to world markets too?

If OPEC boycotts oil production it will affect prices, but there will not be a shortage. Again, America is energy independent. We produce more oil than we consume.
Saudi could quite easily drive our economy straight into the shitter with their control over oil.

How the hell do we avoid the inevitable disaster that may well result from any consequences we try to impose on them?
And why does every Americans financial well being have to be tied to a solitary individual who is not even an American citizen and did not die on American soil?

Are you all willing to goto war over a single individual?

It's not 1972 anymore. America exports more crude oil than Saudi Arabia does.

Oblivious to world markets too?

If OPEC boycotts oil production it will affect prices, but there will not be a shortage. Again, America is energy independent. We produce more oil than we consume.
Oil prices are not determined by our production alone.
This exact situation is why Palin was right. Drill baby, drill.

The Saudis flooded the market so that Fracking became financially undesirable. When they stop, we will again begin in earnest. That puts gas at $4 mark, but we have plenty of oil.

That does nothing to offset an immediate major market fluctuation
Saudi could quite easily drive our economy straight into the shitter with their control over oil.

How the hell do we avoid the inevitable disaster that may well result from any consequences we try to impose on them?
And why does every Americans financial well being have to be tied to a solitary individual who is not even an American citizen and did not die on American soil?

Are you all willing to goto war over a single individual?

It's not 1972 anymore. America exports more crude oil than Saudi Arabia does.

Oblivious to world markets too?

If OPEC boycotts oil production it will affect prices, but there will not be a shortage. Again, America is energy independent. We produce more oil than we consume.

Again, America is energy independent. We produce more oil than we consume.

We produce about 11 million barrels of crude a day.
We consume over 19 million barrels a day.


Oil Imports and Exports - Energy Explained, Your Guide To Understanding Energy - Energy Information Administration
This exact situation is why Palin was right. Drill baby, drill.

The Saudis flooded the market so that Fracking became financially undesirable. When they stop, we will again begin in earnest. That puts gas at $4 mark, but we have plenty of oil.

They stopped in 2017.
That's why oil prices have increased over the last 18 months.
Oil prices are not determined by our production alone.

Where you have gone off the rails is in thinking it is determined by OPEC production alone. OPEC represents about 10% of the market. They can affect prices, but not as dramatically as you think. Mexico, Russia, and the USA all produce more than OPEC.

It's not 1974.

Mexico, Russia, and the USA all produce more than OPEC.

You're kidding, right?
OPEC produces about 32 million barrels a day.
OPEC Oil Production Hits 2018 High In July |

Russia, about 11 million barrels.
The US, a bit more than Russia.
Mexico, less than 2 million barrels a day.
Oil prices are not determined by our production alone.

Where you have gone off the rails is in thinking it is determined by OPEC production alone. OPEC represents about 10% of the market. They can affect prices, but not as dramatically as you think. Mexico, Russia, and the USA all produce more than OPEC.

It's not 1974.
I don't think I am off the rails.

I am a VERY concerned citizen. It took years to recover from the crash and I don't want to deal with more self imposed bullshit because of ridiculous political decisions.

First we finance the poor's homes "just because"
And now we're dipping our toes in the fires of other nations.

All bullshit and neither have/had a possible positive outcome.

Not sure about you but my righteous indignation doesn't pay the Bill's.
Saudi could quite easily drive our economy straight into the shitter with their control over oil.

How the hell do we avoid the inevitable disaster that may well result from any consequences we try to impose on them?
And why does every Americans financial well being have to be tied to a solitary individual who is not even an American citizen and did not die on American soil?

Are you all willing to goto war over a single individual?

How does Saudi Arabia hold a royal flush. We produce more oil than they do, and we are a net exporter of oil. So we don’t depend on the towel heads for our energy.

We're still a net oil importer.

Sorry, mu mistake you’re right, but we will be net exporter within 5 years, and if the Saudi’s run up prices, probably sooner.
Saudi could quite easily drive our economy straight into the shitter with their control over oil.

How the hell do we avoid the inevitable disaster that may well result from any consequences we try to impose on them?
And why does every Americans financial well being have to be tied to a solitary individual who is not even an American citizen and did not die on American soil?

Are you all willing to goto war over a single individual?

So we should let them get away with murdering a person because you might have to spend .10 cents more for a gallon of gas? Is this your argument, buddy?

If the Saudis have that kind of power, then we need to do something about it. It would help if we had a president who didn't owe them a shitload of money.

Now, I've got mixed feelings about this. The Saudis have killed tens of thousands of people in Yemen and Syria, they've supported terrorism around the world and we are going to get upset because they killed one guy?
Trump has made it clear that profit is more important than human life
Saudi could quite easily drive our economy straight into the shitter with their control over oil.

How the hell do we avoid the inevitable disaster that may well result from any consequences we try to impose on them?
And why does every Americans financial well being have to be tied to a solitary individual who is not even an American citizen and did not die on American soil?

Are you all willing to goto war over a single individual?

So we should let them get away with murdering a person because you might have to spend .10 cents more for a gallon of gas? Is this your argument, buddy?

If the Saudis have that kind of power, then we need to do something about it. It would help if we had a president who didn't owe them a shitload of money.

Now, I've got mixed feelings about this. The Saudis have killed tens of thousands of people in Yemen and Syria, they've supported terrorism around the world and we are going to get upset because they killed one guy?
They were also responsible for 9-11 and we bought their feeble excuses then too
Are you all willing to go to war over a single individual?

How do you figure World War I started bud ? All it takes is a trigger. Archduke Franz Ferdinand ring a bell ?

This time the guy's name is Jamal Khashoggi. With his execution he lands in the middle of a moral principles vs CASH debate which will define the future of post-WWII democracies and whether America will still be viewed as a shining city upon a hill. Now wear your Trump glasses and ask yourself if you'll take the cash?

Britain, France, Ireland and Russia were part of an alliance called the Triple Entente, while Germany aligned itself with Austria-Hungary – known as the Central Powers. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on 28th June 1914, it triggered a chain of events that resulted in World War 1.
Ferdinand was a lot more important than this unknown
It boggles my mind that we are willing to put our economy on the line for a single individual who isn't even a citizen.
It boggles the mind that morality has a price tag for you.
Saudi could quite easily drive our economy straight into the shitter with their control over oil.

How the hell do we avoid the inevitable disaster that may well result from any consequences we try to impose on them?
And why does every Americans financial well being have to be tied to a solitary individual who is not even an American citizen and did not die on American soil?

Are you all willing to goto war over a single individual?
I hear the Saudi King got free shipping from Amazon to get the 15 suitcases back home to SA....the guy knows how to do a deal!

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