Saudi Arabia threatens Canada with a 9-11 style attack.

Tell me again how social media is good for humanity...

That is just mind boggling. It was an official Saudi government tweet. And sadly the US stood by silent.

Then again the plane has landing gear down. It's probably just because flights have been cancelled from the two countries. Yes, there is the possibility that plane could be headed for the CN tower, but most likely it's that the Saudis don't think about that sort of thing when they make such propaganda.

It is unthinkable that anyone capable of making such a video would also be so out of touch as to not be aware of the association. It is a bizarre piece.

Bizarre yes, the issue is what's salient for some people. Foreigners don't see things the same.

Tell me again how social media is good for humanity...

That is just mind boggling. It was an official Saudi government tweet. And sadly the US stood by silent.

Then again the plane has landing gear down. It's probably just because flights have been cancelled from the two countries. Yes, there is the possibility that plane could be headed for the CN tower, but most likely it's that the Saudis don't think about that sort of thing when they make such propaganda.

It is unthinkable that anyone capable of making such a video would also be so out of touch as to not be aware of the association. It is a bizarre piece.

Bizarre yes, the issue is what's salient for some people. Foreigners don't see things the same.

I think it is a threat and they knew EXACTLY how it would be perceived.

They have cancelled all tuition payments and called home hundred of Saudi students enrolled at Canadian Universities, and doctors interning or in residence at Canadian hospitals, in addition to cancelling all trade deals with Canada and expelling our ambassador.

The Europeans are now going after the Saudis on these arrests too. This is not going to end well for them. I hope our Canadian guy gets released before this is all over.
Muslims should be able to welcome modernity, not be forced to wall themselves off, or live in a state of cognitive dissonance, or lash out in violent rejection

Tell me again how social media is good for humanity...

That is just mind boggling. It was an official Saudi government tweet. And sadly the US stood by silent.

Then again the plane has landing gear down. It's probably just because flights have been cancelled from the two countries. Yes, there is the possibility that plane could be headed for the CN tower, but most likely it's that the Saudis don't think about that sort of thing when they make such propaganda.

It is unthinkable that anyone capable of making such a video would also be so out of touch as to not be aware of the association. It is a bizarre piece.

Bizarre yes, the issue is what's salient for some people. Foreigners don't see things the same.

I think it is a threat and they knew EXACTLY how it would be perceived.

They have cancelled all tuition payments and called home hundred of Saudi students enrolled at Canadian Universities, and doctors interning or in residence at Canadian hospitals, in addition to cancelling all trade deals with Canada and expelling our ambassador.

The Europeans are now going after the Saudis on these arrests too. This is not going to end well for them. I hope our Canadian guy gets released before this is all over.

Potentially, it's difficult to know what's going on in the mind of such people. They grow up being taught to be hateful and spiteful, think they're superior to women, Jews, anyone really.
I think they’ve grossly underestimated the world response to their arrests. With Trump ignoring civil rights issues, they thought they were immune from criticism with Obama gone.
Religions that are steeped in materialism are inherently at odds with the reality of the universe which is, after all, immaterial.
Muslims should be able to welcome modernity, not be forced to wall themselves off, or live in a state of cognitive dissonance, or lash out in violent rejection

I’m grateful to Trudeau for speaking out. It broke my heart that the world ignored the abuse of Afghan women under the Taliban. Women were becoming ill from lack of sunlight - being forced to stay indoors with the windows painted black, not allowed to go to school or to work or to leave the house alone. The world stood by and did nothing.
‘We don’t have a single friend’: Canada’s Saudi spat reveals country is alone

As Saudi officials lashed out at Canada, the US remained on the sidelines, signaling a blatant shift in the relationship

Ashifa Kassam in Toronto


Sat 11 Aug 2018 10.00 BST Last modified on Sun 12 Aug 2018 00.52 BST

Justin Trudeau said Canada will continue to speak firmly on human rights issues ‘wherever we see the need’. Photograph: Christinne Muschi/Reuters

Soon after Donald Trump took office, it became clear that the longstanding relationship between the United States and its northern neighbour was about to change: there were terse renegotiations of Nafta, thousands of asylum seekers walking across the shared border and attacks on against Canada’s protectionist trade policies.

A tweet, then a trade freeze: latest row shows Saudi Arabia is asserting new rules

But this week laid bare perhaps the most blatant shift in the relationship, as the US said it would remain on the sidelines while Saudi officials lashed out at Canada over its call to release jailed civil rights activists.

“It’s up for the government of Saudi Arabia and the Canadians to work this out,” state department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said this week. “Both sides need to diplomatically resolve this together. We can’t do it for them.”

Canada’s lonely stance was swiftly noticed north of the border. “We do not have a single friend in the whole entire world,” Rachel Curran, a policy director under former Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper, lamented on Twitter.

The UK was similarly muted in its response, noted Bob Rae, a former leader of the federal Liberal party. “The Brits and the Trumpians run for cover and say ‘we’re friends with both the Saudis and the Canadians,’” Rae wrote on Twitter. “Thanks for the support for human rights, guys, and we’ll remember this one for sure.”

Read more: ‘We don’t have a single friend’: Canada’s Saudi spat reveals country is alone

Tell me again how social media is good for humanity...

That is just mind boggling. It was an official Saudi government tweet. And sadly the US stood by silent.

SA is our strongest ally and Canada is our enemy. Why would our GOP controlled government say anything?

Canada is your enemy. Are you deranged?

Every one of the 911 terrorists was from Saudi Arabia. The attacked was financed and masterminded by a Saudi. They want to destroy Isreal. This is your idea of a friend and ally? You’re an idiot.

Deranged? I am informing you about the stance of our current government. It is not deranged, it is reality.
we already know which way "the markets" are going.

i love modern textile technologies in modern times.

What the Saudis did is indefensible and governments all over the world should condemn this threat.

Trudeau’s foreign policy is a mess and his inconsistency has created this mess. He has screwed up with India, Iran, China and Cuba, he is naive in his foreign policy.
It seems, any given dey may have more "tricks up his sleeve", than any emir, in any given theatre.

What it women should ask a dey, as lord temporal (and spiritual); My lord, i am here to humbly, render All of my Problems unto You.

A dey should have no excuse, in being a lord.

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