Saudi Arabia's Minister of State: It's Biden's Fault US Gas Prices Are High, Because President Hasn't Increased Domestic Oil Production

That's just a lie, we have greater reserves than they do. And much greater reserves of natural gas. We could easily offset their attempts to manipulate the market.

It's not the amount of reserves that is important it's how much it cost to recovery those reserves. In Saudi Araba the average cost of oil recovery is $5.40/barrel. Add refining cost of $7 a barrel and the Saudis are making money when oil is $20/barrel. In the US, oil companies go bankrupt at that price per barrel.
It's not the amount of reserves that is important it's how much it cost to recovery those reserves. In Saudi Araba the average cost of oil recovery is $5.40/barrel. Add refining cost of $7 a barrel and the Saudis are making money when oil is $20/barrel. In the US, oil companies go bankrupt at that price per barrel.

Nope. Your numbers are from 1970.
Nope. Your numbers are from 1970.
No, 2018.
OPEC members generally face much lower costs of production than other producers. In Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, production costs per barrel rarely exceeded $10 per barrel throughout the study period, and median costs were $5.40 a barrel.

"This expansion in higher-cost shale oil production was the primary driver behind an increase in the average cost per barrel of U.S. oil from $7.30 in 2002 to $20 in 2014.

As I said, US oil companies can not survive at oil prices of $20 a barrel. Today that figure is probably several dollars higher. Anything under $40 a barrel and the money for new wells starts drying up.
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The president can't tell the oil companies what to do. They opted to return profits to stockholders at first.
A President can’t tell any company or industry what to do but a President can push policies that are regulatory and can do so at an egregious level that hinders or limits a company or industry economically. That is what this President has done to the US Energy sector.
A President can’t tell any company or industry what to do but a President can push policies that are regulatory and can do so at an egregious level that hinders or limits a company or industry economically. That is what this President has done to the US Energy sector.

You forget that the oil business is a business. They have to make a profit.

What a joke.
Hmmm. Saudi Arabia and OPEC did indeed give your boy Xiden the middle finger and tell him to pound sand with his begging for increased production to counter his idiocy. Gas prices already rising again. So you have accurately described yourself as a joke.
A President can’t tell any company or industry what to do but a President can push policies that are regulatory and can do so at an egregious level that hinders or limits a company or industry economically. That is what this President has done to the US Energy sector.

Trump is a Saudi asseater & owned by them, so of course you MAGATards follow suit.

Way to go, halfwit.
Hey dumbfuck, it was your ass pal Xiden who went begging the Saudis for more oil and got shipped out of the country with ZERO results. Your pathetic attempts to deflect and lie about Trump just marks you as dumber than you sound.
Hey dumbfuck, it was your ass pal Xiden who went begging the Saudis for more oil and got shipped out of the country with ZERO results. Your pathetic attempts to deflect and lie about Trump just marks you as dumber than you sound.
You think Biden WANTED to go to S.A. & make that request, you asswipe? He did it in an attempt to get S.A. to act thereby lowering energy costs for the American people including Trum'ps asseating retards like you.

Now beat it, halfwit.
Hmmm. Saudi Arabia and OPEC did indeed give your boy Xiden the middle finger and tell him to pound sand with his begging for increased production to counter his idiocy. Gas prices already rising again. So you have accurately described yourself as a joke.
He's not my boy, and your inability to notice when the govt. controls the oil market only proves your novice status.
Sippy Cup ate Saudi ass recently, and gotz nothing, zero, zilch, nada!! :aargh::aargh::aargh:

Why don't you read the speech Nasser Amin made last week at the Schlumberger meeting in Switzerland? You don't know anything about the oil business and everyone around here is in an ignorant panic state.
Spoken like a true man with common sense. The Saudi's and Opec+ have given the Usurper the finger on the international stage. The Minister is basically saying if Biden had left Trump's domestic Oil and Gas policies in place instead of knee jerk reversing them by executive order on inauguration day, we'd be enjoying cheap gas by the gallon today and our strategic oil reserves would have not had to have been opened. Again, common sense!

No he is not. He clearly is backing Russia and attempting to interfere in our elections. Oil company executives cited shareholders as the reason they are not increasing drilling. Only 7% say that government is the reason they are not drilling.
Biden's and the left's CONSTANT anti-fossil fuel rhetoric is why the world is dealing with the highest prices in history!
Oil producers know that they only have a limited time now to sell their product on a large scale. Naturally they are going to maximize their profits in the time they have left.

It's disgusting that Biden has put America into this position where we go groveling to these criminals in Saudi Arabia.

That is such as big lie. You are the one who is disgusting.
Spoken like a true man with common sense. The Saudi's and Opec+ have given the Usurper the finger on the international stage. The Minister is basically saying if Biden had left Trump's domestic Oil and Gas policies in place instead of knee jerk reversing them by executive order on inauguration day, we'd be enjoying cheap gas by the gallon today and our strategic oil reserves would have not had to have been opened. Again, common sense!

You don't know al Jubeir and don't understand what he said.


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