Saudi, Emirati Leaders Decline Calls With Biden During Ukraine Crisis

Russia is bargaining with Iran, on our behalf. To give Iran billions in dollars, to give Iran billions in Oil Contracts.

Now why would Saudi Arabia or any other enemy of Iran take offense?
" Iran billions in dollars" - you are wrong

Iran billions in roubles, that is a major difference...

BTW, OPEC wasn't picking up the phone because if you don't have to listen... OPEC are trying to tell US what to do and pretty pissed at trump's behaviour in his last year...
They are now having payback, Trump took advantage of his position at the time, now they are taking advantage of their position right now. Trump screwed them so now they screw America, trust and companionship has gone...

Another fuck up Biden has to fix...
Sure he let the leases go out, but won't give them the permit to drill. Don't worry, the great Trump will be president in 2025 to fix Biden's failures. Just like he did with Obama's.
Obama increased U.S. oil production more than Trump silly one!
It is pretty clear to all if I call you stupid nobody would say I am lying.

You are stupid.
Try informing yourself, pretty please.

The article explains a great deal....
Try informing yourself, pretty please.

The article explains a great deal....
I stated you were stupid, this article explains a great deal of this?
" Iran billions in dollars" - you are wrong

Iran billions in roubles, that is a major difference...

BTW, OPEC wasn't picking up the phone because if you don't have to listen... OPEC are trying to tell US what to do and pretty pissed at trump's behaviour in his last year...
They are now having payback, Trump took advantage of his position at the time, now they are taking advantage of their position right now. Trump screwed them so now they screw America, trust and companionship has gone...

Another fuck up Biden has to fix...
Obama gave Iran over a $100 billion

Biden will give Iran, billions, as soon as Russia negotiates the deal for the USA.

OPEC did not like us? Now Biden has to get OPEC to like us? Why not drill our own oil instead of kissing saudi Arabia's ass?

Yep, Obama Biden give Iran billions that Iran uses to fight a war against Saudi Arabia in Yemen, and now Biden against OPEC's wishes is negotiating to give Iran billions and to purchase non-opec oil.

And you think Biden can be respected, let alone liked by OPEC
Trump wouldnt need to ...because we would be energy independent .

Trump, like Biden is just the president. The oil market was due for a bust cycle. It would've happened regardless of who was in the white house.
I'm not siding with Biden. And I'm not anti oil. But oil companies run the world, in their own way. Bonuses have to be paid. Investors have to be paid.
Reducing overhead and jacking up prices is how it's been done for many many decades now.

Trump, for this situation, was lucky to not be president right now.
They don't like us to begin with really. Now they can fuck us by doing nothing.

But then again with a swipe of a pen Biden can solve our energy costs by reversing his decisions to put a stop to everything trump did. Just open up domestic oil production and we're good to go. It was working great in 2020, only thing that changed it was Biden. He can literally sit and use a pen to fix our energy costs, but he won't.

Domestic oil PRODUCTION hasn't been slowed down by anything Biden has done. Biden doesn't have the power to do that. He's just the president.
THE only thing Biden has the power to do is block NEW leases on federal lands and stop construction on new pipelines that go through federal lands.
He can't shut down a well that's producing. He hasn't even tried to do that.

New leases don't have wells pumping oil on them. In fact, the majority of them, the oil companies geologist don't even know if their oil on them yet. They do suspect there's oil there. Otherwise they wouldn't have applied for the permit. But exact locations haven't been verified. No construction on the wells have been started.

This whole lease issue is just propaganda put out by the oil companies to put the blame on Biden. They're using irrelevant facts as an excuse to slow existing production. It's a clever way of doing it. As you can see it's working. But the bottom line is, US oil companies can increase production any time they want, on federal lands and private lands. Especially on private lands.
But they're hoping the price per barrel will increase. The increases will net them billions more in profit, which will help with the next oil boom.
Obama did no such thing. He did everything he could to stop it. But he couldn't stop fracking on private land. Even you loons were crying that fracking was killing the environment. So stop lying.

Fracking was killing the land. Just west of Ft. Worth Texas, after the fracking started, they recorded record numbers of earth quakes. In PA, after fracking began, people's water wells were contaminated. Fracking creates crack. Cracks that leak oil/gas into aquifers. That's not a conspiracy. Those doing the fracking know this. And they try to minimize the explosions, but when you test say a 300 acres plot of ground and do the geological studies, sometimes they don't account for the effects of the geology AFTER the first set of explosion occur. As in the geology changes after the first explosion. So when you have 3 explosions go off, a lot changes to the earth. There are now new cracks that won't be tested, because they already have the documentation of the initial tests.
Sure he let the leases go out, but won't give them the permit to drill. Don't worry, the great Trump will be president in 2025 to fix Biden's failures. Just like he did with Obama's.
He won't be president in 2025....there is no bigger draw for democrats going to the polls to vote, than him running.....just like in 2020. Even with all of your cheating measures enacted to prevent citizens from exercising their constitutional right to vote, and with all of your gerrymandering, and all of the Trumper cheaters you've installed in the voting process, you will not win, with Trump as your candidate.
He won't be president in 2025....there is no bigger draw for democrats going to the polls to vote, than him running.....just like in 2020. Even with all of your cheating measures enacted to prevent citizens from exercising their constitutional right to vote, and with all of your gerrymandering, and all of the Trumper cheaters you've installed in the voting process, you will not win, with Trump as your candidate.
Lol, Biden is losing all the liberals. Most will beg for Trump, the way Biden is screwing up. You really think record inflation, record gas prices, and rising food prices. With liberal representatives coming out and saying inflation is good and if you can't afford gas, buy an electric car. Which the average is $56,000, you think you're gonna keep the minority vote? Trump got a record number of the minority vote for a conservative onetime already. After Biden, liberalism could be done.
Fracking was killing the land. Just west of Ft. Worth Texas, after the fracking started, they recorded record numbers of earth quakes. In PA, after fracking began, people's water wells were contaminated. Fracking creates crack. Cracks that leak oil/gas into aquifers. That's not a conspiracy. Those doing the fracking know this. And they try to minimize the explosions, but when you test say a 300 acres plot of ground and do the geological studies, sometimes they don't account for the effects of the geology AFTER the first set of explosion occur. As in the geology changes after the first explosion. So when you have 3 explosions go off, a lot changes to the earth. There are now new cracks that won't be tested, because they already have the documentation of the initial tests.
You are clueless.

Fracking happens thousands of feet down. Aquifers are hundreds of feet down.
The vast majority of increased oil production under Barry was on private land, which he had nothing to do with, Moron.

Indeed, thanks to fracking on private lands and some state-owned lands.

Øbama signed an order banning fracking on federal lands and that was overturned by an Øbama appointed judge.

A federal judge on Tuesday night struck down an Obama administration regulation on the use of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, for oil and gas on public lands, a blow to President Obama’s muscular stand on the extraction of fossil fuels on government lands.

The rule, released by the Interior Department in March of last year and scheduled to take effect this Friday, was designed to increase the safety of fracking. It would have required companies to comply with federal safety standards in the construction of fracking wells, and to disclose the use of some chemicals in the fracking process.

Judge Scott W. Skavdahl of Federal District Court in Wyoming ruled that the Interior Department lacked the authority from Congress to issue the regulation, and also noted that fracking was already subject to other regulations under state and federal law.

He won't be president in 2025....there is no bigger draw for democrats going to the polls to vote, than him running.....just like in 2020. Even with all of your cheating measures enacted to prevent citizens from exercising their constitutional right to vote, and with all of your gerrymandering, and all of the Trumper cheaters you've installed in the voting process, you will not win, with Trump as your candidate.
who could not vote, where?
Domestic oil PRODUCTION hasn't been slowed down by anything Biden has done. Biden doesn't have the power to do that. He's just the president.
THE only thing Biden has the power to do is block NEW leases on federal lands and stop construction on new pipelines that go through federal lands.
He can't shut down a well that's producing. He hasn't even tried to do that.

New leases don't have wells pumping oil on them. In fact, the majority of them, the oil companies geologist don't even know if their oil on them yet. They do suspect there's oil there. Otherwise they wouldn't have applied for the permit. But exact locations haven't been verified. No construction on the wells have been started.

This whole lease issue is just propaganda put out by the oil companies to put the blame on Biden. They're using irrelevant facts as an excuse to slow existing production. It's a clever way of doing it. As you can see it's working. But the bottom line is, US oil companies can increase production any time they want, on federal lands and private lands. Especially on private lands.
But they're hoping the price per barrel will increase. The increases will net them billions more in profit, which will help with the next oil boom.

It's common knowledge in 2020 gas prices were low and utility costs were low. It's also common knowledge as soon as Biden took over he wrote executive orders to reverse Trump's domestic fuel production and prices started to rise the whole year and recently spiking higher as he instead buys oil from other countries and exports record amounts of our oil to other countries.

In 2020 we were exporting a lot but still had low prices because we also used our own oil production.

Everyone who defends Biden all say the same thing and say "he doesn't control it" and no he doesn't directly control it, but his decisions to indrectly control it. Again that's why oil prices began to rise immediately after he took office and wrote all his orders.
Nope. You are lying, by omission of the year 2020....

Why did you do that?
Easy, 2020 data was skewed by Covid…Since the upcoming election, and Putin seems to have cured Covid we must compare apples to apples…

Question should be why is Joe inflicting the inflation on this country?

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