Saudi, Emirati Leaders Decline Calls With Biden During Ukraine Crisis

Jebus Crisco Yidnar, energy independent does NOT MEAN WE IMPORTED NO OIL from foreign countries under Trump....we imported billions of barrels of oil, including from Saudi Arabia, under Trump!
I would support a two price oil system. On much lower for the Red and Purple areas and a much higher one for the high and mighty Prog areas.

Saudi and Emirati leaders refuse calls with Biden

during Ukraine crisis

8 Mar 2022 ~~ By bekkmed

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates have both refused US requests to speak to Mr Biden in recent weeks, officials said, as Saudi and Emirati officials became more vocal in recent weeks in their criticism of America.

Poland calls the Joey Xi Bai Dung's bluff, China wants info on Ukrainian bio-labs, Saudis won’t take his calls.
Did Joey Xi get the message?
Saudi Crown Pronce Mohammed bin Salman and Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan of the Arab Emirates just gave you a BIG one-finger salute.
Stolen Elections come at a very high cost and bring with them dire consequences.
Joe Xi and his Progressive Maoist Democrat Commie friends have forgotten or never learned:

Dead man walking, you own this Biden voters.

The White House unsuccessfully tried to arrange calls between President Biden and the de facto leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates as the U.S. was working to build international support for countering Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and contain a surge in oil prices, said Middle East and U.S. officials.

Biden is a worldwide joke.
Domestic oil production never stopped, you've been misinformed. SOME new leases in our National parks and on some federal land was stopped.

Domestic oil production increased 16% under Biden in 2021.
What was it in 2019 compared to now? You do realize that prices are based on futures and knowing that Biden sucks and won’t allow more production here the prices are skyrocketting
Dead man walking, you own this Biden voters.

The White House unsuccessfully tried to arrange calls between President Biden and the de facto leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates as the U.S. was working to build international support for countering Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and contain a surge in oil prices, said Middle East and U.S. officials.

But xiden is THE expert on foreign matters.

Everyone said so!
Biden is a worldwide joke.
True, but sadly he diminishes the country's standing, not just his own. Can anyone remember the last time so-called friends didn't pick up when the US called? Even our enemies pick up when we call. This is new and dangerous territory. The USA can now safely be ignored. Pathetic.
True, but sadly he diminishes the country's standing, not just his own. Can anyone remember the last time so-called friends didn't pick up when the US called? Even our enemies pick up when we call. This is new and dangerous territory. The USA can now safely be ignored. Pathetic.
It's too early to talk to the Saudis.

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