Saudi, Emirati Leaders Decline Calls With Biden During Ukraine Crisis

That's just one of the states, that changed their voting rules which disenfranchised their citizens right to vote....over 15% rejection rate, that ran only 1% in all previous elections.
That is a new law, irrelevant to what you stated.

You said people were not allowed to vote in the last election by Republicans.

Who was not allowed to vote and where.

The vast majority of increased oil production under Barry was on private land, which he had nothing to do with, Moron.
The biggest increase in oil production in our history occurred under Obama, silly one....that's what I said, and I stick by it.

The U.S. was pumping just 5.1 million barrels per day when Obama took office in January 2009, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Fast forward to April and the U.S. produced 8.9 million barrels per day. That's an incredible 74% increase. In fact, in 2015, the U.S. pumped the most oil in 43 years.

The U.S. is now the world's No. 1 petroleum producer when you count not just crude but also liquified natural gas. If you limit the ranking to just crude oil, the U.S. still comes in No. 3, just narrowly behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
That is a new law, irrelevant to what you stated.

You said people were not allowed to vote in the last election by Republicans.

Who was not allowed to vote and where.

Where did I say the last election? I was talking about the 2024 election....and trump losing regardless of the cheating measures republicans put in....
He was a legal U.S. resident, working in the U.S.
He was also a spy working in Istanbul. He was working for the Washtington Compost....which is responsible for much of the propaganda that has led us to the war in Ukraine.

Shit happens.

The only reason you think it's important is because your usual sources of propaganda told you that he was important.
Meanwhile Jeffery Epstein gets murdered in his jail cell and your response is *Phfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft*.
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That's just one of the states, that changed their voting rules which disenfranchised their citizens right to vote....over 15% rejection rate, that ran only 1% in all previous elections.
Yep.....they're changing the rules so that hopefully people can only vote once......and that is disenfranchisement to Democrats.
And if you think they won't cheat if they aren't required to provide proper I.D. then you're about as dumb as Joe Biden and his VP are.
you are totally misinformed about Biden not allowing more oil production here.....that's simply NOT TRUE.

where did you get that FAKE information from?
From guys like Trump and Cruz who don't know anything about the oil business.
Trump, like Biden is just the president. The oil market was due for a bust cycle. It would've happened regardless of who was in the white house.
I'm not siding with Biden. And I'm not anti oil. But oil companies run the world, in their own way. Bonuses have to be paid. Investors have to be paid.
Reducing overhead and jacking up prices is how it's been done for many many decades now.

Trump, for this situation, was lucky to not be president right now.
That is a new law, irrelevant to what you stated.

You said people were not allowed to vote in the last election by Republicans.

Who was not allowed to vote and where.

You've misunderstood. I was not talking about 2020s election, other than the huge turn out. I was speaking about the next presidential election in 2024, and the changes repubs made to rig the election in their favor, and that regardless of all the changes in election law to rig elections after 2016 by them, Trump would still lose.
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You've misunderstood. I was not talking about 2016s election, other than the huge turn out. I was speaking about the next presidential election in 2024, and the changes repubs made to rig the election in their favor, and that regardless of all the changes in election law to rig elections after 2016 by them, Trump would still lose.
No, I did not misunderstand.. You expressed yourself, poorly.

And what exactly and where
Indeed, thanks to fracking on private lands and some state-owned lands.

Øbama signed an order banning fracking on federal lands and that was overturned by an Øbama appointed judge.

A federal judge on Tuesday night struck down an Obama administration regulation on the use of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, for oil and gas on public lands, a blow to President Obama’s muscular stand on the extraction of fossil fuels on government lands.
The rule, released by the Interior Department in March of last year and scheduled to take effect this Friday, was designed to increase the safety of fracking. It would have required companies to comply with federal safety standards in the construction of fracking wells, and to disclose the use of some chemicals in the fracking process.
Judge Scott W. Skavdahl of Federal District Court in Wyoming ruled that the Interior Department lacked the authority from Congress to issue the regulation, and also noted that fracking was already subject to other regulations under state and federal law.

And Dimwinger morons here are still trying to sell us on Barry being the cause of increase oil production.

What idiots
The biggest increase in oil production in our history occurred under Obama, silly one....that's what I said, and I stick by it.

The U.S. was pumping just 5.1 million barrels per day when Obama took office in January 2009, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Fast forward to April and the U.S. produced 8.9 million barrels per day. That's an incredible 74% increase. In fact, in 2015, the U.S. pumped the most oil in 43 years.

The U.S. is now the world's No. 1 petroleum producer when you count not just crude but also liquified natural gas. If you limit the ranking to just crude oil, the U.S. still comes in No. 3, just narrowly behind Russia and Saudi Arabia
See. Dimwinger idiot Exhibit A
You've misunderstood. I was not talking about 2016s election, other than the huge turn out. I was speaking about the next presidential election in 2024, and the changes repubs made to rig the election in their favor, and that regardless of all the changes in election law to rig elections after 2016 by them, Trump would still lose.
You have shown nothing to prove Republicans are benefitting from the new law. Some people had their primary ballot rejected, but it has no breakdown of party affiliation.
No, I did not misunderstand.. You expressed yourself, poorly.

And what exactly and where
I've explained .myself to you already, and I've also supplied a link to just one state's change in election law since the 2020 election, to rig the 2024 election in their own Republican favor.

What else do you want???
That's just one of the states, that changed their voting rules which disenfranchised their citizens right to vote....over 15% rejection rate, that ran only 1% in all previous elections.
you are really lazy, very ignorant, and think google is your brain

Quote from your link? You seem to think google is a deck cards.

Biden Effect: Saudi Arabia Invites Chinese President Xi to Visit Country as Relations with US Unwind

17 Mar 2022 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Saudi Arabia, the largest U.S. export market in the Middle East, has invited Chinese President Xi to visit Riyadh as relations with the U.S. have begun to falter since Joe Biden was elected, The Wall Street Journal reported.
According to a report from CNN, U.S. intelligence agencies have assessed that Saudi Arabia is now actively manufacturing its own ballistic missiles with the help of China, a relationship that could lead to domino effects across the Middle East countries.
Under Biden, the U.S. stopped being a superpower and the American leader is openly mocked on the international stage. U.S. allies are now aligning with China.
It was previously reported that Joe Biden might travel to Saudi Arabia to beg them for more oil as he shuts down domestic pipelines and freezes new leases on drilling.
There were reports that Saudi Arabia and Emirati leaders rejected requested phone calls with Joe Biden amid the Ukraine-Russia conflict and oil crisis. However, Psaki denied this report during the White House press briefing.
Now, Saudi Arabia has invited Xi Jinping to visit Riyadh with the intention of strengthening ties with Beijing.
IBT reported:

The weakness of Joey Xi Bai Dung in foreign policy has resulted in the abandonment of its long-term allies such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
The Saudi's see this weakness and Biden's efforts to negotiate with Iran to the detriment of Saudi's and their war against Iran's proxy war.
This may be the end of the petrodollar and a big hit to our reserve currency status. Inflation will become much more severe without the world's central banks picking up much of the wild money printing by the Fed.
Looks appears that the entire world may team up on America. NO One appreciates or trusts Joey Xi's apparent weakness and poor decision making.
This may well mark the beginning of the end of U.S. financial dominance as well as reserve currency. Might take some time but it has begun. Dollar is going to drop, drop, drop. Standard of living will as well in U.S.
Saudi Arabia & Iran have been in a proxy war with each for decades. Now Biden is partnering with Russia in order to give Iran nuclear weapons.
In the end, the success of the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Left's 2020 Coup has consequences.
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Biden Effect: Saudi Arabia Invites Chinese President Xi to Visit Country as Relations with US Unwind

17 Mar 2022 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Saudi Arabia, the largest U.S. export market in the Middle East, has invited Chinese President Xi to visit Riyadh as relations with the U.S. have begun to falter since Joe Biden was elected, The Wall Street Journal reported.
According to a report from CNN, U.S. intelligence agencies have assessed that Saudi Arabia is now actively manufacturing its own ballistic missiles with the help of China, a relationship that could lead to domino effects across the Middle East countries.
Under Biden, the U.S. stopped being a superpower and the American leader is openly mocked on the international stage. U.S. allies are now aligning with China.
It was previously reported that Joe Biden might travel to Saudi Arabia to beg them for more oil as he shuts down domestic pipelines and freezes new leases on drilling.
There were reports that Saudi Arabia and Emirati leaders rejected requested phone calls with Joe Biden amid the Ukraine-Russia conflict and oil crisis. However, Psaki denied this report during the White House press briefing.
Now, Saudi Arabia has invited Xi Jinping to visit Riyadh with the intention of strengthening ties with Beijing.
IBT reported:

The weakness of Joey Xi Bai Dung in foreign policy has resulted in the abandonment of its long-term allies such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
The Saudi's see this weakness and Biden's efforts to negotiate with Iran to the detriment of Saudi's and their war against Iran's proxy war.
This may be the end of the petrodollar and a big hit to our reserve currency status. Inflation will become much more severe without the world's central banks picking up much of the wild money printing by the Fed.
Looks appears that the entire world may team up on America. NO One appreciates or trusts Joey Xi's apparent weakness and poor decision making.
This may well mark the beginning of the end of U.S. financial dominance as well as reserve currency. Might take some time but it has begun. Dollar is going to drop, drop, drop. Standard of living will as well in U.S.
Saudi Arabia & Iran have been in a proxy war with each for decades. Now Biden is partnering with Russia in order to give Iran nuclear weapons.
In the end, the success of the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Left's 2020 Coup has consequences.
But we were told Veggie Joe had the most foreign policy experience ever.

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