*Saudi Next*


Dec 9, 2007
Sorry bout that,

1. But it looks like Saudi Arabia is next to go down in flames, literally speaking.
2. The king just got back into town, being weak with back surgery in USA, and is facing huge problems which result in him losing the kingdom.
3. Islam as I know it, is a crime, all these stupid ruling tribes, who stifle the low class people, who are no less worthy than they are, but any and all Muslims are not worthy, thats why when one tribe gets the power, he has to start the, *killing machine* to strengthen his realm.
4. These stupid bastards live in a reality of some 2000 years ago, what a bunch of freaking cavemen.
5. They would be better off if America came over and took over the whole middle east, gave them the right to vote for their own leaders, and stayed in the back ground till things get settled, kinda like what Bush did for Iraq.
6. But in reality, those stupid Arabs in Iraq aren't worth a shit, and in the end will screw up the good thing thats been started, there's no doubt about it.
7. But back to Saudi, its just the next hell hole to take a hit, and it will get hit, unless the king can get enough money out there soon enough to buy off the masses.
8. And I am sure he will try too, but will he be able to get it done before things go bad, I doubt he will, he will just, say, "Lets don't and just say we will".
9. Same old tired bullshit coming from the *Greedy* king, not unlike all kings of the middle east.
10. I hope all Islamic nations fall this year, would do the world a bit of good, if it takes place, oil prices will crash to new lows, when they go so broke and can't even get food, which we will with hold, after oil prices skyrocket.
11. LINK:Saudi king back home, orders $37 bln in handouts - *World News - MSN News UK

"The king, who had been convalescing in Morocco after back surgery in New York in November, stood as he descended from the plane in a special lift. He then took to a wheelchair.

Hundreds of men in white robes performed a traditional Bedouin sword dance on carpets laid out at Riyadh airport for the return of the monarch, thought to be 87.

Abdullah left his ailing octogenarian half-brother, Crown Prince Sultan, in charge during his absence.

Before Abdullah arrived, state media announced an action plan to help lower- and middle-income people among the 18 million Saudi nationals. It includes pay rises to offset inflation, unemployment benefits and affordable family housing.

Saudi Arabia has so far escaped popular protests,"

12. Will they have the kings head on a stick, like Libya's king?
13. Time will tell its tale.:evil:
14. And dead mens tells no lies.

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Sorry bout that,

QUOTE=High_Gravity;3354671]If Saudi Arabia falls, we will be paying $20 a gallon.[/QUOTE]

1. If gas goes up to 20.00 bucks a gallon a loaf of bread will cost 18.00-35.00 a loaf to them, or whatever else we grow that they eat, will go up in price to them, so they will goeth hungry real fast, or else pay through the nose.:evil:
2. Funny how things can get reversed real fast eh folks?
3. I don't makes the news just reports it.:eek:
4. This will happen, and sorry to say, we will have no other choice but to starve them out.
5. I guess they can learn to digest the *oil*?

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If ever there was good reason to save up for a rainy day, this looks like it. ;)

Saudi’s $36bn bid to beat unrest

By Abeer Allam

Published: February 23 2011 16:21 | Last updated: February 23 2011 18:37

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia announced financial support measures, worth an estimated SR135bn ($36bn), in a bid to avert the kind of popular unrest that has toppled leaders across the region and is now closing in on Libya’s Muammer Gaddafi.

The measures include a 15 per cent salary rise for public employees to offset inflation, reprieves for imprisoned debtors, and financial aid for students and the unemployed.

Please respect FT.com's ts&cs and copyright policy which allow you to: share links; copy content for personal use; & redistribute limited extracts. Email [email protected] to buy additional rights or use this link to reference the article - FT.com / Middle East & North Africa - Saudi

Saudi Arabia’s ruling family has thus far been spared the type of popular discontent that has toppled presidents in Tunisia and Egypt and brought Libya to the brink of civil war.

The announcement of the Saudi relief measures coincided with King Abdullah’s return to the country after three months. He had been abroad for medical treatment. Among those on hand to greet him was King Hamid bin Isa al-Khalifa of neighbouring Bahrain, which is struggling to contain a surging opposition movement.

The cash-rich Saudi government has pledged to spend $400bn by the end of 2014 to improve education, infrastructure and healthcare. “The king is trying to create wider trickle- down of wealth in the shape of social welfare,’’ said John Sfakianakis, chief economist at Banque Saudi Fransi. “The budget can handle that, but it is an aspirin to ease medium-term pain, not a solution for the long-term housing, and unemployment issue.”

FT.com / Middle East & North Africa - Saudi
If Saudi Arabia falls, we will be paying $20 a gallon.

And if a Bush were in the White House, the troops would be going into Saudi Arabia to support the House of Saud under the guise of "defeating the terrorists" or (probably more ironically) "supporting democracy".
If Saudi Arabia falls, we will be paying $20 a gallon.

And if a Bush were in the White House, the troops would be going into Saudi Arabia to support the House of Saud under the guise of "defeating the terrorists" or (probably more ironically) "supporting democracy".

Maybe the end result will be us using more of our own resources, which is as it should be. We should be supporting our own life style. We should be supporting peaceful resolution wherever and whenever possible.
If Saudi Arabia falls, we will be paying $20 a gallon.

And if a Bush were in the White House, the troops would be going into Saudi Arabia to support the House of Saud under the guise of "defeating the terrorists" or (probably more ironically) "supporting democracy".

Maybe the end result will be us using more of our own resources, which is as it should be. We should be supporting our own life style. We should be supporting peaceful resolution wherever and whenever possible.

Which has always been my basic argument against "drill, baby, drill!".

Save our reserve for when it get's really bad.

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