Saudi Soccer Debates Broadens Over Women’s Rights And Nationalism – Analysis


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It will be interesting in years to come to see if women can obtain equal rights in Saudi Arabia. I have often wondered, since women are looked upon as second-class citizens, how the Saudi leaders must feel when they have to meet with women leaders in the Free World, such as Mrs. Merkel.

Saudi Soccer Debates Broadens Over Women’s Rights And Nationalism‏ – Analysis

February 11, 2014 James M. Dorsey Leave a comment
By James M. Dorsey

A Saudi debate about the societal role of soccer expanded this week with controversy over a group of female American Congressional staffers being allowed to watch a match in a Riyadh stadium from which Saudi women are barred and a video in which a teacher encouraged his students to chant slogans for a soccer club rather than the national anthem.

The expanded debate hooks into a broader debate about women’s rights in a country that upholds gender segregation; bans women from driving, attending sports matches and forces women’s soccer clubs to operate in a legal and social nether land; and in general provides few sporting opportunities for women. A Saudi student allegedly died earlier this month after officials at King Saud University refused to allow male emergency responders entry to the women only section of the campus to apply first aid.

In the latest twist of the debate on women’s rights, Saudi media quoted female entrepreneurs as saying they were forced to close down shops because their women employees had difficulty finding affordable transport to and from work. With relatively few municipal busses offering separate sections for women, women are forced to either hire a full-time driver or pay for expensive taxis.

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Saudi Soccer Debates Broadens Over Women's Rights And Nationalism? - Analysis Eurasia Review

Saudis women soccer team.

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