Saudis Worried U.S. May Become World’s Greatest Oil Producer


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2013
.... unless they can get a Republican back into the White House ...

Saudis worry over North American shale oil surge ^ | 14-21-11 | Yadullah Hussain
Posted on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 1:05:38 PM by bayouranger

While the green movement naively harbours hopes it will be able to shut down unconventional oil and gas development, in Saudi Arabia they are already contemplating a time when North American fossil fuel will replace their oil.

Looking past the din of protesters, state-owned oil giant Saudi Aramco is resigned to the fact that its influence will wane because of the massive unconventional fossil-fuel development underway in North America. As such, Saudi Arabia has no plans to raise its production output to 15 million barrels per day from 12 million, said Khalid Al-Falih, the powerful chief executive of Aramco.

Saudis worry over North American shale oil surge
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Saudi has nothing to worry about as long as O is in office.

Or any other brain dead lefty.

I suspect that eventually economic reality will outstrip political chicanery, accelerated development our domestic fossil fuel energy sources is an inevitability given the insane rate of federal spending, at some point the need for the additional revenue and actual production needed to support it will surpass the value of pandering to environmentalists.

When the excrement hits the fan it won't matter if Daffy Duck is in the oval office the market will have its way.
Seems the days of Republicans holding back U.S. oil production - while bloviating about self reliance - are over.

The Saudis wish not, but seem to think - for good!

Excellent ....

Saudi has nothing to worry about as long as O is in office.

Or any other brain dead lefty.

I suspect that eventually economic reality will outstrip political chicanery, accelerated development our domestic fossil fuel energy sources is an inevitability given the insane rate of federal spending, at some point the need for the additional revenue and actual production needed to support it will surpass the value of pandering to environmentalists.

When the excrement hits the fan it won't matter if Daffy Duck is in the oval office the market will have its way.

The battle against Big Oil's holding back production to gouge Americans - are about over.

Republicans long for those days when they blocked oil production for their Big Oil benefactors - while spouting that "oil indepence" crap.

Or any other brain dead lefty.

I suspect that eventually economic reality will outstrip political chicanery, accelerated development our domestic fossil fuel energy sources is an inevitability given the insane rate of federal spending, at some point the need for the additional revenue and actual production needed to support it will surpass the value of pandering to environmentalists.

When the excrement hits the fan it won't matter if Daffy Duck is in the oval office the market will have its way.

The battle against Big Oil's holding back production to gouge Americans - are about over.

Republicans long for those days when they blocked oil production for their Big Oil benefactors - while spouting that "oil indepence" crap.


Will someone please toss the banhammer at this idiot and put him out of his misery?
I suspect that eventually economic reality will outstrip political chicanery, accelerated development our domestic fossil fuel energy sources is an inevitability given the insane rate of federal spending, at some point the need for the additional revenue and actual production needed to support it will surpass the value of pandering to environmentalists.

When the excrement hits the fan it won't matter if Daffy Duck is in the oval office the market will have its way.

The battle against Big Oil's holding back production to gouge Americans - are about over.

Republicans long for those days when they blocked oil production for their Big Oil benefactors - while spouting that "oil indepence" crap.


U.S. Oil production has increased 20% under Obama - WITH NO NEW PERMITS ....

Amazing ...

Or any other brain dead lefty.

I suspect that eventually economic reality will outstrip political chicanery, accelerated development our domestic fossil fuel energy sources is an inevitability given the insane rate of federal spending, at some point the need for the additional revenue and actual production needed to support it will surpass the value of pandering to environmentalists.

When the excrement hits the fan it won't matter if Daffy Duck is in the oval office the market will have its way.

The battle against Big Oil's holding back production to gouge Americans - are about over.

Republicans long for those days when they blocked oil production for their Big Oil benefactors - while spouting that "oil indepence" crap.


Lots of luck with that unless the oil companys build more refineries....
Hmmm. Funny how that worked out, isnt it?

For decades we've relied on foreign oil.

We refused to "Drill Baby Drill", and instead, preserved much of our natural resources.

Now, with oil in high demand and supplies slowly shrinking..........we are sitting on top of trillions of gallons-worth of oil that we never drilled, and the world may end up as our bitches for oil.

Funny how that worked out.
Hmmm. Funny how that worked out, isnt it?

For decades we've relied on foreign oil.

We refused to "Drill Baby Drill", and instead, preserved much of our natural resources.

Now, with oil in high demand and supplies slowly shrinking..........we are sitting on top of trillions of gallons-worth of oil that we never drilled, and the world may end up as our bitches for oil.

Funny how that worked out.

Long term thinking pays off at times.
.... unless they can get a Republican back into the White House ...

Saudis worry over North American shale oil surge ^ | 14-21-11 | Yadullah Hussain
Posted on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 1:05:38 PM by bayouranger

While the green movement naively harbours hopes it will be able to shut down unconventional oil and gas development, in Saudi Arabia they are already contemplating a time when North American fossil fuel will replace their oil.

Looking past the din of protesters, state-owned oil giant Saudi Aramco is resigned to the fact that its influence will wane because of the massive unconventional fossil-fuel development underway in North America. As such, Saudi Arabia has no plans to raise its production output to 15 million barrels per day from 12 million, said Khalid Al-Falih, the powerful chief executive of Aramco.

Saudis worry over North American shale oil surge

cool, maybe we'll finally see prices drop like obama promised. we're still waiting for that one
Hmmm. Funny how that worked out, isnt it?

For decades we've relied on foreign oil.

We refused to "Drill Baby Drill", and instead, preserved much of our natural resources.

Now, with oil in high demand and supplies slowly shrinking..........we are sitting on top of trillions of gallons-worth of oil that we never drilled, and the world may end up as our bitches for oil.

Funny how that worked out.

primarily because that oil comes with a huge environmental price. this isn't you conventional drill a hole and suck it out of the ground oil.

rather then worry about having the world be our oil bitches we should be focusing on making them our alternate enrgy bitches. but no, we'll frack baby frack
You do realize that oil exploration projects take a few years to do right. So even if Obama allowed something now it would be the President after him who sees the results. Even with that the oil boom we are seeing is coming from PRIVATE lands that the government can't stop. If Obama, as should have Bush, opened up the oil sands in CO, ANWR, off-shore and deep sea drilling we would oil independent by the next Presidency!

.... unless they can get a Republican back into the White House ...

Saudis worry over North American shale oil surge ^ | 14-21-11 | Yadullah Hussain
Posted on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 1:05:38 PM by bayouranger

While the green movement naively harbours hopes it will be able to shut down unconventional oil and gas development, in Saudi Arabia they are already contemplating a time when North American fossil fuel will replace their oil.

Looking past the din of protesters, state-owned oil giant Saudi Aramco is resigned to the fact that its influence will wane because of the massive unconventional fossil-fuel development underway in North America. As such, Saudi Arabia has no plans to raise its production output to 15 million barrels per day from 12 million, said Khalid Al-Falih, the powerful chief executive of Aramco.

Saudis worry over North American shale oil surge
Hmmm. Funny how that worked out, isnt it?

For decades we've relied on foreign oil.

We refused to "Drill Baby Drill", and instead, preserved much of our natural resources.

Now, with oil in high demand and supplies slowly shrinking..........we are sitting on top of trillions of gallons-worth of oil that we never drilled, and the world may end up as our bitches for oil.

Funny how that worked out.

primarily because that oil comes with a huge environmental price. this isn't you conventional drill a hole and suck it out of the ground oil.

rather then worry about having the world be our oil bitches we should be focusing on making them our alternate enrgy bitches. but no, we'll frack baby frack

Except that (whoda thunk it) the fracking ISN'T doing the damage the Left has been screaming about.

Federal Study: Fracking Process To Drill For Oil and Gas Does NOT Pollute

Federal Study: Fracking Process To Drill For Oil and Gas Does NOT Pollute | Climate Depot
The battle against Big Oil's holding back production to gouge Americans - are about over.

Republicans long for those days when they blocked oil production for their Big Oil benefactors - while spouting that "oil indepence" crap.


U.S. Oil production has increased 20% under Obama - WITH NO NEW PERMITS ....

Amazing ...


Yes. And the "Chosen One" is 100% responsible.
You are living in a dream world.

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