Savages Throwing Hands at Miami Airport

Let's get ready to rumble! They must be using Gorilla Glue to prevent the weaves from flying like they usually do when they brawl. :laugh:

Low-life escapees from the inner-city, doing their typical thing.

So what did you think of the low-life escapees from from the suburbs doing their typical thing or were they the exception to the rule since whites NEVER break the Law. Smfh.
Let's get ready to rumble! They must be using Gorilla Glue to prevent the weaves from flying like they usually do when they brawl. :laugh:

Big deal a fight, who gives a shit?

Maybe the poor people who got stomped down by a bunch of fecking SAVAGES? And maybe if this filth will do this in a secure area of an airport they just MIGHT show the same lack of self-control on an aircraft IN FLIGHT? Every f**king one of them should be in prison.
Let's get ready to rumble! They must be using Gorilla Glue to prevent the weaves from flying like they usually do when they brawl. :laugh:

Where is TSA? They can't even stop violent ghetto hood rats--how are they going to stop terrorists.

TSA and other law enforcement are probably watching the whole thing on live video and letting the the combatants kick the shit out of each other. Why get involved? It could be a career-ending move to step in when all of the perpetrators are Black. You are going to see this non-response or delayed response a lot more.
Why do you right wing, racist continue to post the same lie.
Why do you Left wing, racist continue to post the same lie.

Why would you defend these degenerate people, except solely based on the color of their skin?

That makes you the racist, jackass.
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Arizona fight on an airplane. Over wearing a mask.

Now you won't see the right wing, racist on this forum label these folks as thugs, savages, ghetto hood rats, etc.

Is this kind of behavior acceptable to you?

Apparently so. They need to tear down American why not encourage it..

Is they why you feel the need to lie about it, you don't have a problem commenting I'd the culprits are black, but when they are white you ate quiet as hell.
Another fight at an airport in Miami.

I wont make excuses for white violence

YouTube has videos posted by police departments of officer involved shootings

this is the cops telling their side of the story and so far all the dirtbags killed by the police on these videos are white

if you are a liberal who only watches CNN or other liberal media you might believe that cops only shoot black criminals

but that is far from the case

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