Save America Impeach Biden

Nobody really cares about McConnell or MaCarthy. They have their own issues.

However, you are right....
.Trump was impeached twice on grounds that were worthless. You guys looked like idiots (probably because you are idiots).

Hopefully the right does not follow in your footsteps.

Right now we are experiencing what it must have felt like for your clowns to decide to move forward and waste time, money and the goodwill of the American people.
Your pretense that the grounds for impeachment were "worthless" is an oft-toll lie by those who mindlessly parrot the "victim card" dogma of Trumpery.

Why did the Cry Baby Loser watch his goons whom he incited attacking outnumbered police for hours, ignoring the please of his aides, advisers, family, media enablers, and others that he stop them?
I hear Joe Biden throws live puppies into rush hour traffic on Pennsylvania Avenue.

I don't have any evidence, but the Republicans should open an impeachment inquiry into it.

If Biden was seen driving around with a car full of puppies and there were dead puppies littering the road, it may be appropriate to inquire. Nevertheless, Democrats would require video evidence of Biden tossing each one out the window and each one getting hit, otherwise, it wasn’t him.
Saving America to you means ignoring "high crimes and misdemeanors" described in the constitution as the bases for impeachment. And replacing it by "we don't like the opposition." Got it.
We learned that you can impeach a president, if you don't like him. The way you loons did with Trump.
And what's your verdict on attacking President Trump with false, baseless claims of 'wrongdoing'? Is it also 'dishonest and corrupt' or does it slide passed the eye of scrutiny on the pre-emptive "tit for tat" rule?
First Republican weaponized Congressional hearings with bad-faith, meritless ‘investigations.’

Now Republicans seek to do the same with the impeachment process.
First Republican weaponized Congressional hearings with bad-faith, meritless ‘investigations.’

Now Republicans seek to do the same with the impeachment process.
In my opinion, America is screwed and may never recover without starting from scratch with an armed revolution. I Can't say, "It all began ..." with the lie about WMDs in Irak but that's when all faith was lost forever in the American political system. Minorities have probably known it for the past 200 years but for me (during my middle-class lifetime) I can say without any doubt that the clarity of American Fascism started with Kennedy's condemnation of Fidel Castro, the so-called Cuban Missile Crisis, and Kennedy's assassination. Eisenhower was absolutely right. Everything that has happened since those events are details & clues that prove the destruction of Democracy has been underway for a very long time already. So, yeah, impeachments, bad-faith hearings, and meritless investigations from all sides are almost irrelevant footnotes in the shadow of Fascism.

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