Save America Impeach Biden

Your pretense that the grounds for impeachment were "worthless" is an oft-toll lie by those who mindlessly parrot the "victim card" dogma of Trumpery.

It's all a matter of examination and history.

So troll this liar-boi:

1. There was talk of impeachment before he was inaugurated.
2. There were open hunts for things to impeach him over...from the time of his election.
3. He was brought up on what, even the left admitted, were weak subjective charges.
4. He was acquitted twice.

That's history.

I get that you need to stand behind Adam Schiffhead (and that he like you standing there), but your droll little narrative doesn't get much traction in the face of reality.

And your attempts to follow the Saul Alinsky "say it enough and it sticks" is so obvious and juvenile that it's not going to work.
It's all a matter of examination and history.

So troll this liar-boi:

1. There was talk of impeachment before he was inaugurated.
2. There were open hunts for things to impeach him over...from the time of his election.
3. He was brought up on what, even the left admitted, were weak subjective charges.
4. He was acquitted twice.

That's history.

I get that you need to stand behind Adam Schiffhead (and that he like you standing there), but your droll little narrative doesn't get much traction in the face of reality.

And your attempts to follow the Saul Alinsky "say it enough and it sticks" is so obvious and juvenile that it's not going to work.
The hyper-partisan cant you've been force fed and regurgitate does not nullify the facts that the 2020 Loser (who still cannot handle the confirmed reality that he lost) incited his goons to attack outnumbered police defending democracy (thus ending a proud national tradition of peaceful transfers of power that had endured since 1789), attempted to trash the will of the People via (confessed) fake elector schemes in multiple states, and tried to intimidate Republican governors, secretaries of state, and other election officials into falsifying their states' certified vote totals.

Stop spouting the silly blather and try to cope with the truth: President Biden was elected (over 7 million more Americans preferring him) and Trump's congressional bumboys' phony accusations will not result in his impeachment because they are unable to concoct credible evidence - such as that (along with the sworn testimony of dozens of Republicans) which has resulted in grand juries recommending 91 felony indictments against the Cry Baby Loser.

Your grievance-driven cult has absconded to the realm of fantasy.

Throughout his four years, the Loser consistently registered dismal approval numbers, but when the 2020 election reflected that undeniable public assessment, the Loser irrationally bleated,

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With the help of fraudulent votes.
Imaginary fraudulent votes that no states could find, and concerning which no suspects have been accused - which is consistent with Christopher Krebs, Trump's Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, confirming 2020 as the most secure election in U.S. history.
Imaginary fraudulent votes that no states could find, and concerning which no suspects have been accused - which is consistent with Christopher Krebs, Trump's Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, confirming 2020 as the most secure election in U.S. history.
Give me 5 minutes on national television with that fucktard and I will EXPOSE his sorry ass and show the world exactly who he is.
She probably discovered she is a girl.

lenny, the girl is not all there.
A pretty large swath of this country believes that MTG is very intelligent, informed and capable.

At some point, we need to fully come to grips with the condition this country is in, that such a belief is possible.
Imaginary fraudulent votes that no states could find, and concerning which
Yeah, well .....
no suspects have been accused ....
Julian Assange hasn't been charged with any crime either yet he's been imprisoned for an eternity. So, I understand (and agree!) with your idea of Democratic processes but they don't exist whenever the Deep State sees a chance to make a few gazillion dollars or can thwart losing a couple. Trump is the best man for the job in the White House while Creepy Joe the Geriatric Zombie is a scourage dangling on a string. :mad:
A pretty large swath of this country believes that MTG is very intelligent, informed and capable.

At some point, we need to fully come to grips with the condition this country is in, that such a belief is possible.
Only a bare margin in backwoods GA think she is capable.

The rest of the countrey despises her.

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