Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Here is an article today about Samer and the other hunger strikers.

Samer Al-Issawi: indomitable in the face of death

Samer Al-Issawi: indomitable in the face of death

More issues are raised, like the need to get this case of the illegal detentions of Palestinian prisoners before the international courts.

But we have the problem of The Palestinian Authority stalling, and questions raised about where their loyalties really lie.

"Whether he survives or not, Samer Al-Issawi has placed before the free world its moral, legal and political duties toward the Palestinians in Israeli jails. They may be "disappeared", but they're not forgotten. The newly-recognised State of Palestine is no less culpable. It must take the lead by activating the 2012 Baghdad Declaration at the UN for an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on the legal status of the Palestinians in Israeli occupation jails. That should be followed by similar action within the International Criminal Court."


Once again sherri is full of baloney, "the effects of starvation on the brain cause a lack of concentration, loss of motor skills, and increased likelihood of anxiety and depression. As the condition progresses, brain function decreases, leaving the victim in a state of fatigue or torpor. Apathy continues to increase, until the person may no longer be able to attempt to find food or survive."

Samer most likely does not know whether he is dead or alive and could care less.
Here is an article today about Samer and the other hunger strikers.

Samer Al-Issawi: indomitable in the face of death

Samer Al-Issawi: indomitable in the face of death

More issues are raised, like the need to get this case of the illegal detentions of Palestinian prisoners before the international courts.

But we have the problem of The Palestinian Authority stalling, and questions raised about where their loyalties really lie.

"Whether he survives or not, Samer Al-Issawi has placed before the free world its moral, legal and political duties toward the Palestinians in Israeli jails. They may be "disappeared", but they're not forgotten. The newly-recognised State of Palestine is no less culpable. It must take the lead by activating the 2012 Baghdad Declaration at the UN for an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on the legal status of the Palestinians in Israeli occupation jails. That should be followed by similar action within the International Criminal Court."


Once again sherri is full of baloney, "the effects of starvation on the brain cause a lack of concentration, loss of motor skills, and increased likelihood of anxiety and depression. As the condition progresses, brain function decreases, leaving the victim in a state of fatigue or torpor. Apathy continues to increase, until the person may no longer be able to attempt to find food or survive."

Samer most likely does not know whether he is dead or alive and could care less.

actually MOST LIKELY ---samer is not fasting. If he is not volutarily ingesting
food----then he is getting sugar and vitamins and minerals whether he likes it or not----there are lots of ways of getting sugar solutions into people ---even fats---but that is difficult to do IV-----I think it is simply not done -----it can be done from the top of digestive system------sugar is even easier----top or bottom alcohol is even easier than sugar as
far as I know
Is that terrorist dead yet, or did someone give him a pork po'boy sandwich?
Here is an article today about Samer and the other hunger strikers.

Samer Al-Issawi: indomitable in the face of death

Samer Al-Issawi: indomitable in the face of death

More issues are raised, like the need to get this case of the illegal detentions of Palestinian prisoners before the international courts.

But we have the problem of The Palestinian Authority stalling, and questions raised about where their loyalties really lie.

"Whether he survives or not, Samer Al-Issawi has placed before the free world its moral, legal and political duties toward the Palestinians in Israeli jails. They may be "disappeared", but they're not forgotten. The newly-recognised State of Palestine is no less culpable. It must take the lead by activating the 2012 Baghdad Declaration at the UN for an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on the legal status of the Palestinians in Israeli occupation jails. That should be followed by similar action within the International Criminal Court."


Once again sherri is full of baloney, "the effects of starvation on the brain cause a lack of concentration, loss of motor skills, and increased likelihood of anxiety and depression. As the condition progresses, brain function decreases, leaving the victim in a state of fatigue or torpor. Apathy continues to increase, until the person may no longer be able to attempt to find food or survive."

Samer most likely does not know whether he is dead or alive and could care less.

actually MOST LIKELY ---samer is not fasting. If he is not volutarily ingesting
food----then he is getting sugar and vitamins and minerals whether he likes it or not----there are lots of ways of getting sugar solutions into people ---even fats---but that is difficult to do IV-----I think it is simply not done -----it can be done from the top of digestive system------sugar is even easier----top or bottom alcohol is even easier than sugar as
far as I know

Samer looks a little drunk and might be "butt chugging". "Butt chugging really needs no explanation, because it is exactly what it sounds like: A person ingests alcohol from an orifice that is not the mouth, and thus alcohol is absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream. Basically, it’s like mainlining alcohol via the rectum."

Once again sherri is full of baloney, "the effects of starvation on the brain cause a lack of concentration, loss of motor skills, and increased likelihood of anxiety and depression. As the condition progresses, brain function decreases, leaving the victim in a state of fatigue or torpor. Apathy continues to increase, until the person may no longer be able to attempt to find food or survive."

Samer most likely does not know whether he is dead or alive and could care less.

actually MOST LIKELY ---samer is not fasting. If he is not volutarily ingesting
food----then he is getting sugar and vitamins and minerals whether he likes it or not----there are lots of ways of getting sugar solutions into people ---even fats---but that is difficult to do IV-----I think it is simply not done -----it can be done from the top of digestive system------sugar is even easier----top or bottom alcohol is even easier than sugar as
far as I know

Samer looks a little drunk and might be "butt chugging". "Butt chugging really needs no explanation, because it is exactly what it sounds like: A person ingests alcohol from an orifice that is not the mouth, and thus alcohol is absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream. Basically, it’s like mainlining alcohol via the rectum."


yes alcohol is EASY-----but butt chugging is not limited to alcohol---not by a long shot----
sugar water saves the lives of cholera victims (i think ) via butt chugging in primitive
circumstances the idea is to get both the sugar and the water IN via somehow----
it does get absorbed as does alcohol but alcohol does it FASTER and MORE
completely. It seems very SAFE to me-----no problem with an IV site that
could get infected----and even more comfortable than an NG tube

not mainline-----mainline is into a vein butt chugging is into the gut.
alcohol could be mainlined but why bother-----it gets absorbed SO WELL
from any orifice
anyone want a laugh ?? Sherri just cited "THE BAGHDAD DECLARATION"
its even funnier than AYATOILLET FARTWAHS
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

The Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance against the State of Israel is the exact cause of the "Occupation;" invasion for the purpose of unlawful regime change. This was the first "cause." The "Occupation" is pursuant to:

Article 51 said:
Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.
SOURCE: Charter of the United Nations: Chapter VII: Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace and Acts of Agression

The UN Security Council has not, to date, taken any action that prevents an armed attack by the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance or ensure the territorial integrity of the sovereign State of Israel.

Absent that action, the Occupation of the territories continues.

You are inappropriately conflating unrelated conflicts with each other, the Occupation has been ongoing for over 45 years and Palestinians are lawfully resisting that Occupation under international law the same today as they did from the beginning, it is just tactics and methods of resistance that are ever changing. If they form alliances with others, or get outside help, so what? That is what all peoples do, involved in struggles against Colonialism and Occupation.

The dispute over whether the Occupation is against existing law is a litigation issue. Clearly, the component elements of the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance have all expressed, in one form or another, that their "ultimate objective" is the destruction of the duly constituted state (Israel). The release of the Occupied Territories, absent a reasonable expectation for peace and security, presents an unacceptable strategic advantage to the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance, to the detriment of Israel.

The "Occupation" and the "right to self-defense" are intrinsically tied, relative to the agenda of the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance members.

I was reading a message from Samer today that brought a smile to my face, he called all of us on the facebook protests warriors standing beside him in his struggle for freedom.

Freedom is a word, like democracy. For terrorists, insurgents, and armed aggressors, it is like the boilerplate to a contract --- it is the false flag that attempts to give the aggression some legitimacy (it has proven to be an excellent advertising campaign). But like any sales gimmick, the wise shopper can see through it. It is the red herring to the real issue of peace and security for all the people; Israeli and Palestinian alike. But that cannot happen if one side has to make an unacceptable sacrifice to the extortion demands of the other.

Make no mistake, the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance represent an Extortion consortium that is holding peace hostage. There could be peace tomorrow, if the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance really wanted it.

Samer Issawi has been charged with no new crimes, that is a fact that cannot be disputed, and thus international law clearly dictates his release.

Oh come now. You know that Samer Issawi violated his parole agreement. You know he is an insurgent, whether or not you and he disguise his efforts under the be banner of "freedom fighter." You know he is in league with other terrorist designated organization and criminal weapons traffickers. And you know that, if released, he will go back and rejoin his fellow insurgents to conduct more terrorist activity in the shallow name of freedom.

The release of Samer Issawi would be effected tomorrow if it served the greater cause for peace and security. But it simply doesn't.

I recognize that there are terror attacks carried out in this Occupation, and they are carried out by both sides. and I acknowledge those acts violate intl law. However, none of that changes the fact that the Palestinian people have the continuing right to resist their Occupation under intl law, and keep on resisting it, even with armed resistance, as long as that Occupation continues.

And you know that Israel has the right to self-defense under the UN Charter, against all elements of the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance which call for the destruction of Israel. And an integral part of that defense is the Occupation of strategic ground.

Again, it is not about the "Occupation." If it were about those lands, then the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance would have not rejected the two-state solution, and there would be a country today called Palestine. But the reality of the situation is, the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance rejected the two-state solution because they wanted to continue the struggle under a false flag of freedom. There can be no other worthy explanation.

What is the OPT that Palestinians have sovereignty rights in? It includes East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza. We have an International Court of justice confirming this.

Whether or not I weigh in on this and choose a side is irrelevant. It is a matter of either litigation in the courts, or the establishment of such barriers to war - that there becomes a reasonable expectation for a lasting peace.

I, personally, think that the whole of Jerusalem should be either destroyed in its entirety, or that the warring factions make it a separate city state. I think it is rather childish for the warring parties to be combat engaged over a piece of ground that has some religious significants - but that each side will kill the other over. If there was ever a reason to doubt the existence of a Supreme Being, it would be this continuing battle over this worthless piece of ground. Clearly, neither side deserves it after the way they have acted counter to the teachings of the great prophets that came before us.

It has not been established that these are the only lands Palestinians have sovereignty rights in. In 1947 and 1948, Israel began ethnically cleansing Palestinian villages and they seized lands, part of which included lands that were identified as part of The Arab/Palestinian State in the UN Partition Plan. It is not clear that Israel has sovereignty rights in those lands, there is no intl law that gives them sovereignty rights in those lands acquired through military conquest. In fact, the UN charter specifically states lands cannot be acquired in this fashion. Further issue raised, the UN Partion Plan was actually never fully implemented by the UN, so can Israel argue they have any lands under it?

Apples and Oranges. Up to this point, we have been talking about national sovereignty and occupation issues. However, this is a property rights issue. It doesn't have an impact on the incorporation of the government; no matter who owns the land. If the US sells the State of Ohio to Canada tomorrow, it doesn't effect my ownership of the land. It only means that tomorrow I'm a Canadian. This is another red herring.

One really has to conclude when one looks to international law to find claims of Israel for land in Palestine, it is really difficult to find a legal basis for Israel's claims for any land at all.

This is another red herring. Through the original recognition of the State of Israel, up to, the border adjustments by treaty between Israel and the adjacent nations (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon)(Ceasefire with Syria), there are legitimate borders that are what they are.

The Occupied Regions, see above.

If the basis for land by Israel is the UN Partition Plan, then we should divide the land the way it was divided by that UN Partition Plan, and that means Israel must leave lands inside the OPT and other lands seized between 1947 and 1949 that were identified by the UN Partition Plan as part of The Palestinian State.

Wrong, there are treaties in place. What ever happened before, no matter how fair, unfair, or questionable you may believe it to be, the Treaties now have primacy. They are unassailable, to include the borders. The treaties have the force of law.

INow, as is obvious, when Hamas argues for lands inside the pre 1967 borders, we can all see they have a basis for such claims under intl law, some of the land or all of the land.

Another reason to exercise Article 51. Under International Law, the State of Israel is established. Under treaty, the original borders are modified. HAMAS, wants to question the validity as if to give some legitimacy to their insurgency operations for the benefactors in Persia; but there are some things that just are.

Now, why should they stop making their arguments for all of the land or additional land inside Israel pre 1967 borders, when intl law supports such claims, while the Occupation continues? Only a fool would do that, and they are not Fools.

They are not fools at all. They are Persian Puppets of the highest order operating outside the best interest of the people they aspose to represent. Another reason for the imposition of the Occupation. And "reason" is the key word.

Most Respectfully,
actually MOST LIKELY ---samer is not fasting. If he is not volutarily ingesting
food----then he is getting sugar and vitamins and minerals whether he likes it or not----there are lots of ways of getting sugar solutions into people ---even fats---but that is difficult to do IV-----I think it is simply not done -----it can be done from the top of digestive system------sugar is even easier----top or bottom alcohol is even easier than sugar as
far as I know

Samer looks a little drunk and might be "butt chugging". "Butt chugging really needs no explanation, because it is exactly what it sounds like: A person ingests alcohol from an orifice that is not the mouth, and thus alcohol is absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream. Basically, it’s like mainlining alcohol via the rectum."


yes alcohol is EASY-----but butt chugging is not limited to alcohol---not by a long shot----
sugar water saves the lives of cholera victims (i think ) via butt chugging in primitive
circumstances the idea is to get both the sugar and the water IN via somehow----
it does get absorbed as does alcohol but alcohol does it FASTER and MORE
completely. It seems very SAFE to me-----no problem with an IV site that
could get infected----and even more comfortable than an NG tube

not mainline-----mainline is into a vein butt chugging is into the gut.
alcohol could be mainlined but why bother-----it gets absorbed SO WELL
from any orifice

I think that is what Samer is doing while the sherris of the world seek his vindication.
Samer looks a little drunk and might be "butt chugging". "Butt chugging really needs no explanation, because it is exactly what it sounds like: A person ingests alcohol from an orifice that is not the mouth, and thus alcohol is absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream. Basically, it’s like mainlining alcohol via the rectum."


yes alcohol is EASY-----but butt chugging is not limited to alcohol---not by a long shot----
sugar water saves the lives of cholera victims (i think ) via butt chugging in primitive
circumstances the idea is to get both the sugar and the water IN via somehow----
it does get absorbed as does alcohol but alcohol does it FASTER and MORE
completely. It seems very SAFE to me-----no problem with an IV site that
could get infected----and even more comfortable than an NG tube

not mainline-----mainline is into a vein butt chugging is into the gut.
alcohol could be mainlined but why bother-----it gets absorbed SO WELL
from any orifice

I think that is what Samer is doing while the sherris of the world seek his vindication.

speaking of SHERRY-----I am not sure I have ever tasted sherry in my life---or maybe
I tasted so much when it did come my way-----I forgot... Is the taste so pleasant that
the ----uhm UPPER ORIFICE is the only way to go? I have never cooked with
sherry either-------should I? According to koranic law----one must not DRINK
alcohol I have heard of muslims so fastidious that they do not use "extracts"
made with alcohol in cooking ----like VANILLA EXTRACT because of the ethyl
alcohol content. I wonder if the arabic word for "DRINKING" implies
----by mouth---I mean the one under the nose and above the chin. I am sure
you get my drift. Muslims have told me that muslims take no happy substances
at all ------which is not true------even strict muslims chew on KHAT and---the
less strict smoke all kinds of stuff ----In any case----I do think that samer should
take advantage of the opportunity to chug----via whatever orifice is in use which
would not be called "DRINKING" while he has the chance. The poor kid
is entitled to ENJOY HIS FAME and FAST and -----whatever he can get
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SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Well, this difference has to do with the scope and nature of the conflict between the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance and Israel.

Partly right, but the part where you state detained until end of hostilities is not supported by any laws you provide a link to. Further, different rules for wars and occupations. And there is another important point to be made, the Occupation is unlawful. The UN Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur has addressed this in annual reports, indicating the illegality of the Occupation should be addressed by The International Court of Justice. Occupations were not intended to last forever, nor were they intended to include daily war crimes like the illegal settlements, for example. I will find that report again and address it in a subsequent post. I am not sure if it was a report by John Dugard or Richard Falk.

If the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance hostilities were limited to encounters with the "Occupation Force" (the IDF), then I would agree, that it is strictly a matter of the administration in the "Occupation."

But that does not seem to be the case. The Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance has the general goal of routing the Israeli Government and denying it the due security and sovereignty guaranteed by law.

HAMAS uses a different set of rules, and while Israel does not respond in a quid pro quo fashion, it should be noted by the Palestinians; that Israel is not nearly as primitive as the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance has demonstrated.

Israel, according the equivalent protected status to men like Samer Issawi, is a significant step higher than those protections accorder to Israeli prisoners by HAMAS. It is quite evident that HAMAS does not treat Israelis to the same degree as HAMAS; and HAMAS has used summary executions as something legal in the conflict.

Therefore, the question becomes: should it be the case that Israel should start execution of captured insurgents in the exact same fashion as HAMAS? Of course - it is completely out of the question, the Israelis are not nearly as so barbaric, uncivilized, and savage as the Palestinians.


Palestinian gunmen drag the body of a man who was killed as a suspected collaborator with Israel. Photo: AP

What is the legal basis for the summary executions? And in this example, does it so designate a completely different level of hostility.

The Palestinians are conducting insurgent operations, not only in the Occupied Territories, but also into the sovereign Israeli territory. This is more than an anti-occupation campaign. The goal HAMAS is to obliterate Israel: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." Again, this is more than an anti-occupation campaign. This is a war threat and backed-up by actual attacks. It is a much larger campaign in scope. And the nature is much more barbaric and cruel.

In terms of the duration of the detention, Israel is making an attempt to comply with Occupation Law, to the degree that security is served. Obviously, repeat offenders and dedicated insurgents like Samer Issawi, who are conducting anti-occupation operations that place the security of Israeli interests at risk, will be held accordingly, (and not summary executed as is done by Palestinians).

Prisoners of war and civilian internees must be released without delay after the end of hostilities. However, those who are accused of an indictable offence may remain in captivity until the end of criminal proceedings or completion of their sentence (GC III, art. 119 (5), GC IV, art. 133 (2)). Until their release, and as long as they are under the authority of the occ upant, all those in custody remain protected by international humanitarian law (GC III, art. 5 (1) and GC IV, art. 6 (4)).
SOURCE: Occupation and international humanitarian law: questions and answers

I believe that Samer Issawi (and the other hunger strikers) should request the same fate and fair treatment as that the Palestinians demonstrated, supra.

Most Respectfully,

You are inappropriately conflating unrelated conflicts with each other, the Occupation has been ongoing for over 45 years and Palestinians are lawfully resisting that Occupation under international law the same today as they did from the beginning, it is just tactics and methods of resistance that are ever changing. If they form alliances with others, or get outside help, so what? That is what all peoples do, involved in struggles against Colonialism and Occupation.

I was reading a message from Samer today that brought a smile to my face, he called all of us on the facebook protests warriors standing beside him in his struggle for freedom.

Samer Issawi has been charged with no new crimes, that is a fact that cannot be disputed, and thus international law clearly dictates his release.

I recognize that there are terror attacks carried out in this Occupation, and they are carried out by both sides. and I acknowledge those acts violate intl law. However, none of that changes the fact that the Palestinian people have the continuing right to resist their Occupation under intl law, and keep on resisting it, even with armed resistance, as long as that Occupation continues.

What is the OPT that Palestinians have sovereignty rights in? It includes East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza. We have an International Court of justice confirming this.

It has not been established that these are the only lands Palestinians have sovereignty rights in. In 1947 and 1948, Israel began ethnically cleansing Palestinian villages and they seized lands, part of which included lands that were identified as part of The Arab/Palestinian State in the UN Partition Plan. It is not clear that Israel has sovereignty rights in those lands, there is no intl law that gives them sovereignty rights in those lands acquired through military conquest. In fact, the UN charter specifically states lands cannot be acquired in this fashion. Further issue raised, the UN Partion Plan was actually never fully implemented by the UN, so can Israel argue they have any lands under it?

One really has to conclude when one looks to international law to find claims of Israel for land in Palestine, it is really difficult to find a legal basis for Israel's claims for any land at all.

If the basis for land by Israel is the UN Partition Plan, then we should divide the land the way it was divided by that UN Partition Plan, and that means Israel must leave lands inside the OPT and other lands seized between 1947 and 1949 that were identified by the UN Partition Plan as part of The Palestinian State.

Now, as is obvious, when Hamas argues for lands inside the pre 1967 borders, we can all see they have a basis for such claims under intl law, some of the land or all of the land.

Now, why should they stop making their arguments for all of the land or additional land inside Israel pre 1967 borders, when intl law supports such claims, while the Occupation continues? Only a fool would do that, and they are not Fools.

Frau Sherri said: I was reading a message from Samer today that brought a smile to my face, he called all of us on the facebook protests warriors standing beside him in his struggle for freedom.

Wouldn't it bring a smile to Christian faces to see Frau Sherri worrying more about her fellow Christians (that is if she hasn't converted to Islam yet) in Iran? However, I doubt that Frau Sherri would become a protest warrior for the Christians being held in Iranian jails, nor would she join an organization such as ACLJ to try to get these Christians (as well as the Baha'is released) from Iranian jails.

American-Iranian pastor referred to 'hanging judge'

The case against imprisoned American-Iranian Pastor Saeed Abedini has been referred to a judge in Teheran who is under sanctions by the European Union for human rights violations. In a country that's hostile to human rights and religious freedom, the news that Pastor Saeed's case has now been handed over to one of Iran's most notorious judges is deeply troubling," Jordan Sekulow, the executive director of the Washington-based American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday. "In the international law arena, Judge Pir- Abassi is often referred to as one of Iran's 'hanging judges' for the numerous individuals he has sent to the gallows."
Can someone refer me to the rules of "resistence" allowed a vanquished aggressor entity which refuses to surrender following a putative UN ordered CEASE FIRE and engages in
incessant terrorist activities upon the victor nation? are there rules? I do not believe that
stated "responsibilities" toward OCCUPIED BY VICTOR NATIONS include victor nations must provide -----" carte blanc to the vanquished to shoot the victors and slit the throats of their infants" and launch missiles which jettison poison metal shards at the residential villages of
the victors -------Do the rules allow the vanquished nation or 'entity' the right to DECLARE its intention and teach in its schools---that the stated goal of the nation is the DESTRUCTION of
the victor and encourage its citizens to kill the members of the victor nation at
any opportunity? If such rules exist----do they apply with equity to both sides of the conflict?
Samer looks a little drunk and might be "butt chugging". "Butt chugging really needs no explanation, because it is exactly what it sounds like: A person ingests alcohol from an orifice that is not the mouth, and thus alcohol is absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream. Basically, it’s like mainlining alcohol via the rectum."


yes alcohol is EASY-----but butt chugging is not limited to alcohol---not by a long shot----
sugar water saves the lives of cholera victims (i think ) via butt chugging in primitive
circumstances the idea is to get both the sugar and the water IN via somehow----
it does get absorbed as does alcohol but alcohol does it FASTER and MORE
completely. It seems very SAFE to me-----no problem with an IV site that
could get infected----and even more comfortable than an NG tube

not mainline-----mainline is into a vein butt chugging is into the gut.
alcohol could be mainlined but why bother-----it gets absorbed SO WELL
from any orifice

I think that is what Samer is doing while the sherris of the world seek his vindication.
You mean he digests his oatmeal, eggs and bacon by this method? Cool.
yes alcohol is EASY-----but butt chugging is not limited to alcohol---not by a long shot----
sugar water saves the lives of cholera victims (i think ) via butt chugging in primitive
circumstances the idea is to get both the sugar and the water IN via somehow----
it does get absorbed as does alcohol but alcohol does it FASTER and MORE
completely. It seems very SAFE to me-----no problem with an IV site that
could get infected----and even more comfortable than an NG tube

not mainline-----mainline is into a vein butt chugging is into the gut.
alcohol could be mainlined but why bother-----it gets absorbed SO WELL
from any orifice

I think that is what Samer is doing while the sherris of the world seek his vindication.
You mean he digests his oatmeal, eggs and bacon by this method? Cool.

interesting idea Oatmeal? -----no-----I don't thing so uhm---oatmeal is a complex carb--- it does not simply ooze thru the gut liining-----in fact it has to be broken does as LOTS
---I think by the strong acids of the stomach -----and then by enzymes that break down complex carbs and sugars----not the oatmeal ---lots of fiber too----somehow leaches cholesterol out of the system ----- bacon NO bacon is fats ---it needs
gall bladder stuff and eggs----no-----protein has to be broken down by enzymes ---and pancreas---stomach stuff------to amino acids

sugar--- I think that our refined sugar is a disaccharide I forgot all this friggen crap

speaking of crap-----I think some stuff gets thru the lower end----some meds ---caffeine,
sugar, alcohol crack???? but not oatmeal --or eggs --or bacon ----
but bacon can be used for LUBRICATION
yes alcohol is EASY-----but butt chugging is not limited to alcohol---not by a long shot----
sugar water saves the lives of cholera victims (i think ) via butt chugging in primitive
circumstances the idea is to get both the sugar and the water IN via somehow----
it does get absorbed as does alcohol but alcohol does it FASTER and MORE
completely. It seems very SAFE to me-----no problem with an IV site that
could get infected----and even more comfortable than an NG tube

not mainline-----mainline is into a vein butt chugging is into the gut.
alcohol could be mainlined but why bother-----it gets absorbed SO WELL
from any orifice

I think that is what Samer is doing while the sherris of the world seek his vindication.

speaking of SHERRY-----I am not sure I have ever tasted sherry in my life---or maybe
I tasted so much when it did come my way-----I forgot... Is the taste so pleasant that
the ----uhm UPPER ORIFICE is the only way to go? I have never cooked with
sherry either-------should I? According to koranic law----one must not DRINK
alcohol I have heard of muslims so fastidious that they do not use "extracts"
made with alcohol in cooking ----like VANILLA EXTRACT because of the ethyl
alcohol content. I wonder if the arabic word for "DRINKING" implies
----by mouth---I mean the one under the nose and above the chin. I am sure
you get my drift. Muslims have told me that muslims take no happy substances
at all ------which is not true------even strict muslims chew on KHAT and---the
less strict smoke all kinds of stuff ----In any case----I do think that samer should
take advantage of the opportunity to chug----via whatever orifice is in use which
would not be called "DRINKING" while he has the chance. The poor kid
is entitled to ENJOY HIS FAME and FAST and -----whatever he can get

I have never tasted sherri either and I am not about to.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Must See video of an Irishman who visited Gaza in November, he was just blocks from where Jabari was attacked with a Hellfire Missile and spent that night of bombing in Gaza, he was also shown shrapnel and depleted uranium from the United States that Israel used to attack civilians in their houses with in the November bombings.

And he speaks about the prisoners, isolated in cells 2 by 4 ,for not 24 hours, but extended time periods and he speaks of visiting a building in Gaza and covering the walls are pictures of prisoners who died in Israeli jails, tortured to death by the Occupiers of Palestine, soldiers of The Jewish State.

A powerful video!
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Must See video of an Irishman who visited Gaza in November, he was just blocks from where Jabari was attacked with a Hellfire Missile and spent that night of bombing in Gaza, he was also shown shrapnel and depleted uranium from the United States that Israel used to attack civilians in their houses with in the November bombings.

And he speaks about the prisoners, isolated in cells 2 by 4 ,for not 24 hours, but extended time periods and he speaks of visiting a building in Gaza and covering the walls are pictures of prisoners who died in Israeli jails, tortured to death by the Occupiers of Palestine, soldiers of The Jewish State.

A powerful video!
Must read article about why a guy from Wales is now a Zionist.

By the way, Frau Sherri, maybe the Irish guy should go visit some Muslim countries and report on the conditions there when it comes to the minorities and even Muslims. Do you think you can convince him to do so. He can even visit Pakistan and see how the average Pakistani fares?

Pakistan kiln laborers hemmed in by debts they can't repay -

Must See video of an Irishman who visited Gaza in November, he was just blocks from where Jabari was attacked with a Hellfire Missile and spent that night of bombing in Gaza, he was also shown shrapnel and depleted uranium from the United States that Israel used to attack civilians in their houses with in the November bombings.

And he speaks about the prisoners, isolated in cells 2 by 4 ,for not 24 hours, but extended time periods and he speaks of visiting a building in Gaza and covering the walls are pictures of prisoners who died in Israeli jails, tortured to death by the Occupiers of Palestine, soldiers of The Jewish State.

A powerful video!
Must read article about why a guy from Wales is now a Zionist.

Wow. Thoughtful, rational and humanist ... it's the anti-Sherri! :D
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

The Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance against the State of Israel is the exact cause of the "Occupation;" invasion for the purpose of unlawful regime change. This was the first "cause." The "Occupation" is pursuant to:

Article 51 said:
Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.
SOURCE: Charter of the United Nations: Chapter VII: Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace and Acts of Agression

The UN Security Council has not, to date, taken any action that prevents an armed attack by the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance or ensure the territorial integrity of the sovereign State of Israel.

Absent that action, the Occupation of the territories continues.

You are inappropriately conflating unrelated conflicts with each other, the Occupation has been ongoing for over 45 years and Palestinians are lawfully resisting that Occupation under international law the same today as they did from the beginning, it is just tactics and methods of resistance that are ever changing. If they form alliances with others, or get outside help, so what? That is what all peoples do, involved in struggles against Colonialism and Occupation.

The dispute over whether the Occupation is against existing law is a litigation issue. Clearly, the component elements of the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance have all expressed, in one form or another, that their "ultimate objective" is the destruction of the duly constituted state (Israel). The release of the Occupied Territories, absent a reasonable expectation for peace and security, presents an unacceptable strategic advantage to the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance, to the detriment of Israel.

The "Occupation" and the "right to self-defense" are intrinsically tied, relative to the agenda of the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance members.

[Most Respectfully,


I am going to reply to your post in sections., repying first to what you wrote above.

The conflict is Occupation, it is not The US War On Terror, and an excuse to start yet another war and kill another 1 million inhabitants of The Middle East. And why do you desire to be a NeoCon Puppet? We really need to get beyond all that crap, wars and civilian massacres based on one lie after another, lies and spreading fear all to start more wars and put yet even more money in the hands of special interests and war profiteers.

The Occupation began in 1967, and Israel and Iran/Persia were friends, did you know my husband's grandfather had a neighbor who went and fought for Israel in one of the Arab wars? The Shah recruited Iranians to go fight for Israel against Arabs. In the Iran Iraq War, guns issued to Iranian soldiers were made in the USA and bullets to use in those guns were shipped to Iran from Israel. My husband was issued a rifle made in the US and he delivered boxes of bullets in boxes showing they were shipped from Israel, and he delivered those bullets to the front lines, where the fighting was. and where the fighting was, Iraq used chemical weapons against Iranian soldiers, chemical weapons made with components shipped to Iraq from Germany and the US. The horrors experienced by those soldiers attacked with those chemical weapons, well, books could be written about that. Robert Fisk addresses it a bit in his book The Great War For Civilisation.

The Occupation is the source of the conflict, not this so called Palestinian/Arab/Persian alliance you or your Neo Con handlers have dreamed up. Israel chose to occupy Palestine and anytime they choose, they can stop the Occupation. An Occupation was not intended to last forever, it is supposed to be A TEMPORARY measure. No matter whether an intl court addresses legal issues or not, intl law most certainly defines many of Israel's acts as unlawful in this Occupation. The fact the unlawful acts have continued for over 45 years is because we do not have effective mechanisms built into intl law to force nations to abide by their obligations under intl law and the US shields Israel from accountability to abide by intl law through its veto power in the UN.

Israel can end her Occupation in Palestine anytime she chooses, just move all her soldiers and illegal settlers out of the lands they illegally occupy. It does not take a rocket scientist to see who is keeping this conflict going, it is the Occupiers and their voluntary Occupation of Palestine. Security, this so called insatiable need for security of The Jewish State , does not justify deliberate killings of civilians and children and land thefts and ethnic cleansing and Apartheid and genocide, and all of the many crimes against humanity of the Occupation, it does not, and it never will.

Occupation, Israel unlawfully occupies Palestine. Look at all the UN Resolutions calling for Israel to end it. Right to resist occupation, that is the Palestinian's right. And self defense has nothing to do with anything, let Israel argue that after they end the unlawful Occupation. We do not have to have an intl legal opinion to tell any of us the Occupation is unlawful, its daily war crimes show us that, all a legal opinion would give us is intl pressure to apply on Israel. And yes, we do need that, we need the unlawful Occupation to end and we need for Israel to abide by her obligations under intl law. And anything that pressures Israel to do that is what needs to be done. I think Iread it took 5 intl court of justice opinions before Apartheid ended in South Africa.

SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

The Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance against the State of Israel is the exact cause of the "Occupation;" invasion for the purpose of unlawful regime change. This was the first "cause." The "Occupation" is pursuant to:

Article 51 said:
Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.
SOURCE: Charter of the United Nations: Chapter VII: Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace and Acts of Agression

The UN Security Council has not, to date, taken any action that prevents an armed attack by the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance or ensure the territorial integrity of the sovereign State of Israel.

Absent that action, the Occupation of the territories continues.

You are inappropriately conflating unrelated conflicts with each other, the Occupation has been ongoing for over 45 years and Palestinians are lawfully resisting that Occupation under international law the same today as they did from the beginning, it is just tactics and methods of resistance that are ever changing. If they form alliances with others, or get outside help, so what? That is what all peoples do, involved in struggles against Colonialism and Occupation.

The dispute over whether the Occupation is against existing law is a litigation issue. Clearly, the component elements of the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance have all expressed, in one form or another, that their "ultimate objective" is the destruction of the duly constituted state (Israel). The release of the Occupied Territories, absent a reasonable expectation for peace and security, presents an unacceptable strategic advantage to the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance, to the detriment of Israel.

The "Occupation" and the "right to self-defense" are intrinsically tied, relative to the agenda of the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance members.

[Most Respectfully,


I am going to reply to your post in sections., repying first to what you wrote above.

The conflict is Occupation, it is not The US War On Terror, and an excuse to start yet another war and kill another 1 million inhabitants of The Middle East. And why do you desire to be a NeoCon Puppet? We really need to get beyond all that crap, wars and civilian massacres based on one lie after another, lies and spreading fear all to start more wars and put yet even more money in the hands of special interests and war profiteers.

The Occupation began in 1967, and Israel and Iran/Persia were friends, did you know my husband's grandfather had a neighbor who went and fought for Israel in one of the Arab wars? The Shah recruited Iranians to go fight for Israel against Arabs. In the Iran Iraq War, guns issued to Iranian soldiers were made in the USA and bullets to use in those guns were shipped to Iran from Israel. My husband was issued a rifle made in the US and he delivered boxes of bullets in boxes showing they were shipped from Israel, and he delivered those bullets to the front lines, where the fighting was. and where the fighting was, Iraq used chemical weapons against Iranian soldiers, chemical weapons made with components shipped to Iraq from Germany and the US. The horrors experienced by those soldiers attacked with those chemical weapons, well, books could be written about that. Robert Fisk addresses it a bit in his book The Great War For Civilisation.

The Occupation is the source of the conflict, not this so called Palestinian/Arab/Persian alliance you or your Neo Con handlers have dreamed up. Israel chose to occupy Palestine and anytime they choose, they can stop the Occupation. An Occupation was not intended to last forever, it is supposed to be A TEMPORARY measure. No matter whether an intl court addresses legal issues or not, intl law most certainly defines many of Israel's acts as unlawful in this Occupation. The fact the unlawful acts have continued for over 45 years is because we do not have effective mechanisms built into intl law to force nations to abide by their obligations under intl law and the US shields Israel from accountability to abide by intl law through its veto power in the UN.

Israel can end her Occupation in Palestine anytime she chooses, just move all her soldiers and illegal settlers out of the lands they illegally occupy. It does not take a rocket scientist to see who is keeping this conflict going, it is the Occupiers and their voluntary Occupation of Palestine. Security, this so called insatiable need for security of The Jewish State , does not justify deliberate killings of civilians and children and land thefts and ethnic cleansing and Apartheid and genocide, and all of the many crimes against humanity of the Occupation, it does not, and it never will.

Occupation, Israel unlawfully occupies Palestine. Look at all the UN Resolutions calling for Israel to end it. Right to resist occupation, that is the Palestinian's right. And self defense has nothing to do with anything, let Israel argue that after they end the unlawful Occupation. We do not have to have an intl legal opinion to tell any of us the Occupation is unlawful, its daily war crimes show us that, all a legal opinion would give us is intl pressure to apply on Israel. And yes, we do need that, we need the unlawful Occupation to end and we need for Israel to abide by her obligations under intl law. And anything that pressures Israel to do that is what needs to be done. I think Iread it took 5 intl court of justice opinions before Apartheid ended in South Africa.

Now that Frau Sherri is finished with all the same blabbering ad nauseam, I wonder if she can tell us why there are no Resolutions against China for occupying Tibet. Is there any particular reason, Frau Sherri why China is let off the hook when it comes to Resolutions for occupying a country? Why only a country that involves the Jews are there these Resolutions? And why do those Palestinians still have in their charters that Israel is to be destroyed?
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