Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Once again, the sherrithing is quoting sites without giving any attribution. Shameful.

As for the 'BDS' bit - that is an attempt to evade 'international law' and impose illegal sanctions upon a US ally.

Not to mention, it's part of a cabal going back to the 1920's to oppress Jewish people.

yeah, yeah, yeah...and the BDS movement against south africa was part of a cabal going back to the 1850s to oppress white people. gotcha?

Your jeering doesn't change the fact that my statement was indeed historically accurate, seal - as opposed to your nonsense.
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Our friend, "SherriMunnerlyn" makes a valid point.

This is a right granted to a people under international law, a legal form of violence, the right to use force in the struggle for “liberation from colonial and foreign domination”.

"To quote United Nations General Assembly Resolution ... ... ...

Justice and international law demand his release by The Jewish State.

Let's assume that these brave souls are "freedom fighters" engaged in a legitimate struggle. Then I come to a different conclusion.

Justice and international law demand his release by The Jewish State.

OK, let us assume that they are not "terrorists" and "murdering criminals." Let us assume that they are asymmetric warfare fighters. Then they are Prisons of War and should be detained without charge, for the duration of the armed struggle, subject to the law.

Prisoners of war and detainees protected under international humanitarian law said:
In non-international armed conflicts, Article 3 common to the 1949 Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol II provide that persons deprived of liberty for reasons related to the conflict must also be treated humanely in all circumstances. In particular, they are protected against murder, torture, as well as cruel, humiliating or degrading treatment. Those detained for participation in hostilities are not immune from criminal prosecution under the applicable domestic law for having done so.
SOURCE: Prisoners of war and detainees protected under international humanitarian law

Most Respectfully,

Partly right, but the part where you state detained until end of hostilities is not supported by any laws you provide a link to. Further, different rules for wars and occupations. And there is another important point to be made, the Occupation is unlawful. The UN Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur has addressed this in annual reports, indicating the illegality of the Occupation should be addressed by The International Court of Justice. Occupations were not intended to last forever, nor were they intended to include daily war crimes like the illegal settlements, for example. I will find that report again and address it in a subsequent post. I am not sure if it was a report by John Dugard or Richard Falk.
Sherri does make a case of the legality of the actions of both Shaykh Abdel Rahman who bombed
the World Trade Center in 1993 but sadly for sherri managed to kill ONLY seven people and injured ONLY a few hundred and a case for the ass she most ardently licks----that of OSAMA ----since
the HOLY LAND of islam to wit----Saudi arabia is essentially OCCUPIED----there have been some
amercian military people walking upon and thereby defiliing its holy soil In fact ----the filth of the
"cross people" actually OCCUPY muslim spain too.----rendering the madrid train bombings ----ABSOLUTELY LEGAL
Join us on Friday 11th January 2013 at 2pm outside BBC Headquarters to protest at the BBC's refusal to cover the plight of Palestinian hunger strikers.

Friday 11th January 2013
BBC Headquarters
Portland Place, London W1A 1AA (Oxford Circus Tube)

BBC - 21 million articles, but no mention of Palestinian hunger strikers Today is Palestinian political prisoner Samer Al-Issawi's 160th day on hunger strike, and fellow prisoner Ayman Sharawna having been on hunger strike nearly 6 months before suspending his strike for a week is once again fasting for his freedom. Both prisoners are being held by Israel without charge or trial. According to the internationally brokered deal to release captured Israeli corporal Gilad Shalit both Sharawna and Issawi should be free men today but Israel reneged on its agreement and rearrested both men after Shalit had been released.

Just two weeks ago Samer Al-Issawi, a wheelchair bound skeleton of a man barely breathing after 140 days without food, was brutally attacked by Israeli guards in the courthouse in front of an Israeli judge, who didn't intervene, as guards punched the dying man in the head and chest resulting in broken ribs. They then attack his mother and sister, all this in front of the cameras - captured on video ready for any news channel to broadcast.. but not the BBC - their mission to 'inform' and 'educate' apparently doesn't extend to Palestinians. An emaciated dog that has lost half its weight due to being abandoned is afforded an article by the BBC which includes a large colour photo**, but not Samer Al-Issawi who after 160 days without food has lost more than half his body weight, not even one mention of his name. The BBC is principally funded by television licence fees - 82% in 2011 ( £3.6 billion). Such blatant bias by omission in its reporting is unacceptable and we as TV licence holders demand the BBC follow its remit to inform and educate by covering the issue of Palestinian hunger strikers. We will be protesting outside the BBC Headquarters on Portland Place, W1A 1AA (closest tube is Oxford Circus) on Friday 11th January at 2pm, please join us.

Boycott Israel News: Protest BBC Bias - 21 million articles, but no mention of Palestinian hunger strikers

Palestinian Prisoners Campaign
Palestinian Prisoners Campaign

Protest BBC Bias - Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners | Facebook
Join us on Friday 11th January 2013 at 2pm outside BBC Headquarters to protest at the BBC's refusal to cover the plight of Palestinian hunger strikers.

Friday 11th January 2013
BBC Headquarters
Portland Place, London W1A 1AA (Oxford Circus Tube)

BBC - 21 million articles, but no mention of Palestinian hunger strikers Today is Palestinian political prisoner Samer Al-Issawi's 160th day on hunger strike, and fellow prisoner Ayman Sharawna having been on hunger strike nearly 6 months before suspending his strike for a week is once again fasting for his freedom. Both prisoners are being held by Israel without charge or trial. According to the internationally brokered deal to release captured Israeli corporal Gilad Shalit both Sharawna and Issawi should be free men today but Israel reneged on its agreement and rearrested both men after Shalit had been released.

Just two weeks ago Samer Al-Issawi, a wheelchair bound skeleton of a man barely breathing after 140 days without food, was brutally attacked by Israeli guards in the courthouse in front of an Israeli judge, who didn't intervene, as guards punched the dying man in the head and chest resulting in broken ribs. They then attack his mother and sister, all this in front of the cameras - captured on video ready for any news channel to broadcast.. but not the BBC - their mission to 'inform' and 'educate' apparently doesn't extend to Palestinians. An emaciated dog that has lost half its weight due to being abandoned is afforded an article by the BBC which includes a large colour photo**, but not Samer Al-Issawi who after 160 days without food has lost more than half his body weight, not even one mention of his name. The BBC is principally funded by television licence fees - 82% in 2011 ( £3.6 billion). Such blatant bias by omission in its reporting is unacceptable and we as TV licence holders demand the BBC follow its remit to inform and educate by covering the issue of Palestinian hunger strikers. We will be protesting outside the BBC Headquarters on Portland Place, W1A 1AA (closest tube is Oxford Circus) on Friday 11th January at 2pm, please join us.

Boycott Israel News: Protest BBC Bias - 21 million articles, but no mention of Palestinian hunger strikers

Palestinian Prisoners Campaign
Palestinian Prisoners Campaign

Protest BBC Bias - Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners | Facebook

People are starving by the millions They are far more important
then a criminal who uses a HUNGER STRIKE to get out of jail free
and his disgusting slut mother who does not simply slug him in
the face for REFUSING TO EAT for the sake of DRAMA

Those who support the piece of shit SAMER----are seeking
a precedent that will put the rapists and murderers back on
the streets to act IN THE NAME OF ALLAH/ISA
samir was convicted of a crime for which there are lots of islamo nazi pigs
in jail in the usa right now. We are supposed to release them if they
decide one day----to stop eating?


The lump of shit has admitted that samer was convicted of forming
"military groups' in Jerusalem (well---that makes him MILITARY--
right) and harboring terrorist style weapons in his home.
It is a fact that her fellow nazi shit HAVE comitted murderous acts
of terrorism to HER DELIGHT ----resulting in deaths of
utterly unarmed civilians -----the only nazi lump of shit also
DENIES the fact that there are terrorists for ALLAH
in US jails ----jailed for possession of weapons and PLANS
to "turn on" sluts of her ilk by murdering JOOOOS The lump of
shit denial is based on the fact that she is capable of farting
believe it or not---some lawyers
are that stupid
Palestinians are the most jailed because they are the most violent and care the least about human lives.

attitudes like that rsulted in the deaths of millions of people in hitler's camps.

No they didn't Deach----it was people of your and sherri's ilk that caused
the deaths of millions in Adolf abu ali's camps ----and hundreds of
millions in recent human history

Ahrar: Shaikh Raed Salah visits hunger striker prisoner Samer Issawi's family to support them

Ahrar: Palestinian activists pray near tents they set up today at an "outpost" named Bab al-Shams ("gate of the sun") in the Israeli-occupied West Bank , between Jerusalem and the Jewish settlement of Maale Adumim (background), in an area Israel said it would build thousands of new settler homes. Six weeks ago, Israel announced plans to build thousands of settler homes in the largely uninhabited E1 area, in a move which sparked a global outcry.

Arrests today, of four international activists, in Occupied Nabi Saleh, by The Jewish State

Reported by Ahrar
Nabeh Saleh last week, protests January 4, 2013

Israeli Occupation Forces, AKA IOF, arrested Othman Bazzar from Ramallah. He was beaten and he fainted. Eventually, Palestinian ambulance workers were allowed to treat him, an activist from Israel who was also arrested observed that when ambulance workers reached Bazzar, he was unconscious and the ambulance workers were not able to rouse him. He was then apparently taken to a hospital. Also arrested were two other Israeli activists and a 15 year old Palestinian child from Beit Rima, a Palestinian village next to Nabi Saleh, and another man from Beit Rima.

Hilmy, one of the photographers for Tamimi Press, who tries to video the weekly protests, was also shot at close range with two rubber coated steel bullets.

The Israeli Occupying Forces/IOF also sprayed "skunk" deliberately at Palestinian homes in order to try and intimidate village residents.



Ahrar: Army arrested the liberated captive Moath Alkhatib, 27 years old, and his brother Mojahed, 22 years old, they are sons of the prisoner Shaikh Fathi Alkhatib who serving for life 29 times and in the jails since 11 years

Protesters were not allowed to enter BBC to deliver a letter from Samer Issawi's mother. The letter was handed to Security.
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