Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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With God with you, anything is possible.


God, or is someone slippin' ol' Sammi the occasional ham Sammi? :D

Well, his Nazi Zionist jailers like to experiment on Palestinians, so I cannot say what they have been doing to him. No atrocity is too low for The Jewish State and the Nazi Zionist soldiers who follow every order like good little Nazi soldiers always do.
But, of course, in Frau Sherri's (the good Christian woman) Fascist mind, any punishment, any atrocity committed, including torture, which goes on in Muslim prisons is A-OK when it is done by her Muslim friends. And like a good little Nazi herself marching to the drumbeat of her fellow Nazis, she pulls things out of thin air as long as she feels she can get away with blaming the Jews. I wonder if Frau Sherri can tell us what her Muslim friends have against the Christians that they are always so busy imprisoning them, murdering them and destroying their churches.
With God with you, anything is possible.


God, or is someone slippin' ol' Sammi the occasional ham Sammi? :D

Well, his Nazi Zionist jailers like to experiment on Palestinians, so I cannot say what they have been doing to him. No atrocity is too low for The Jewish State and the Nazi Zionist soldiers who follow every order like good little Nazi soldiers always do.

nasty little anti-semite...

but keep pretending you're a christian.
God, or is someone slippin' ol' Sammi the occasional ham Sammi? :D

Well, his Nazi Zionist jailers like to experiment on Palestinians, so I cannot say what they have been doing to him. No atrocity is too low for The Jewish State and the Nazi Zionist soldiers who follow every order like good little Nazi soldiers always do.

nasty little anti-semite...

but keep pretending you're a christian.

lol, hey, it is The Jewish State unlawfully detaining and beating and violating the human rights of Samer Issawi, not me. You just cannot deal with the facts of this case, and your self inficted blindness is sin you will be held accountable for one day.
Well, his Nazi Zionist jailers like to experiment on Palestinians, so I cannot say what they have been doing to him. No atrocity is too low for The Jewish State and the Nazi Zionist soldiers who follow every order like good little Nazi soldiers always do.

nasty little anti-semite...

but keep pretending you're a christian.

lol, hey, it is The Jewish State unlawfully detaining and beating and violating the human rights of Samer Issawi, not me. You just cannot deal with the facts of this case, and your self inficted blindness is sin you will be held accountable for one day.

I don't know who is a bigger pain the ass or the Palestinians, who are detested throughout all the Arab world! :mad:
nasty little anti-semite...

but keep pretending you're a christian.

lol, hey, it is The Jewish State unlawfully detaining and beating and violating the human rights of Samer Issawi, not me. You just cannot deal with the facts of this case, and your self inficted blindness is sin you will be held accountable for one day.

I don't know who is a bigger pain the ass or the Palestinians, who are detested throughout all the Arab world! :mad:
Sherri doesn't realize that Arabs detest Palestinians. Sorta like cockroaches loking down on dung beetles.
Some information about Israel's political prisoners:

"According to Addameer, more then 4,600 Palestinians remained in Israeli prisons as of Oct. 12 - including 210 who are under the age of 18, 250 who have never been formally charged or tried, and 23 who were democratically elected to the Palestinian Legislative Council. Israel is arresting 11 to 20 more Palestinians every day - up to 7,000 a year."

Starving for Recognition: The Plight of Palestinian Political Prisoners
Leave sherri alone----she is seeking justification for the genocide
upon jews inflicted by those of her disgusting ilk for the past 1700
years----and probably ALSO for the lynchings of innocent black
children ---HANGED ---for looking at a "white" woman

Hossfly, skye,

OK, I'm a little slow here.

lol, hey, it is The Jewish State unlawfully detaining and beating and violating the human rights of Samer Issawi, not me. You just cannot deal with the facts of this case, and your self inficted blindness is sin you will be held accountable for one day.

I don't know who is a bigger pain the ass or the Palestinians, who are detested throughout all the Arab world! :mad:
Sherri doesn't realize that Arabs detest Palestinians. Sorta like cockroaches loking down on dung beetles.

Tell me more!

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
Leave sherri alone----she is seeking justification for the genocide
upon jews inflicted by those of her disgusting ilk for the past 1700
years----and probably ALSO for the lynchings of innocent black
children ---HANGED ---for looking at a "white" woman


You ain't kiddin'. She reminds me of Jihad Jane ... shrill, angry, hateful and desperate:
Hossfly, skye,

OK, I'm a little slow here.

I don't know who is a bigger pain the ass or the Palestinians, who are detested throughout all the Arab world! :mad:
Sherri doesn't realize that Arabs detest Palestinians. Sorta like cockroaches loking down on dung beetles.

Tell me more!

Most Respectfully,
Actually, Irosie has a more colorful vocabulary and I would rather she give her address the subject. Rosie,......COME ON DOWN!!!!!
Hossfly, skye,

OK, I'm a little slow here.

I don't know who is a bigger pain the ass or the Palestinians, who are detested throughout all the Arab world! :mad:
Sherri doesn't realize that Arabs detest Palestinians. Sorta like cockroaches loking down on dung beetles.

Tell me more!

Most Respectfully,

You don't know what a pain in the ass is?

Well if you don't I can not enlighten you more.

Pain in the pain in the ass, Rocco poo.. that's all! :D:tongue::D
Well, his Nazi Zionist jailers like to experiment on Palestinians, so I cannot say what they have been doing to him. No atrocity is too low for The Jewish State and the Nazi Zionist soldiers who follow every order like good little Nazi soldiers always do.

nasty little anti-semite...

but keep pretending you're a christian.

lol, hey, it is The Jewish State unlawfully detaining and beating and violating the human rights of Samer Issawi, not me. You just cannot deal with the facts of this case, and your self inficted blindness is sin you will be held accountable for one day.

Another load of dung flung by sherri just to see how much sticks to the wall. According to your source sherri, "As part of the 2011 prisoner swap between Hamas and Israel, Sameer was released after serving ten years of a thirty year sentence. Seven months later he was re-arrested in violation of the prisoner swap terms, with the Israeli Military Court suggesting a twenty year sentence to complete the original thirty year sentence"

The Palestine Monitor

sherri is a liar and a pain in the ass.
I just made a big pot of hot, buttered popcorn. I'd like to send Samer a whiff.
Smells better than fresh baked cinnamon buns. Both smells make your mouth water. Poor Samer!
A terrorist, murderer and pervert.

His true motive for the hunger strike.

This is a right granted to a people under international law, a legal form of violence, the right to use force in the struggle for “liberation from colonial and foreign domination”.

"To quote United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/33/24 of 29 November 1978:

“2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, particularly armed struggle;”

"To quote General Assembly Resolution A/RES/3246 (XXIX) of 29 November 1974:

3. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the peoples’ struggle for liberation from colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle; …

7. Strongly condemns all Governments which do not recognize the right to self-determination and independence of peoples under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and the Palestinian people;"

And a myraid of UN Resolution have affirmed these rights, that people under colonial and foreign domination have the right to use armed struggle against their oppressors and that this specifically applies to the Palestinian people.

Resolutions affirming these rights include UNGA Resolution A/RES/3246 (XXIX; 29 November 1974), UNGA Resolution A/RES/33/24 (29 November 1978), UNGA Resolution A/RES/34/44 (23 November 1979), UNGA Resolution A/RES/35/35 (14 November 1980), UNGA Resolution A/RES/36/9 (28 October 1981), and many others.

Palestine: Legitimate Armed Resistance vs. Terrorism | The Electronic Intifada

Samer Issawi was involved in Resistance activity, when he was arrested initially, carried out during The Second Intifada, activity lawful under international law. He was not a terrorist and he was released in a prisoner exchange deal and he is now being held unlawfully with no new charges lodged against him.

Justice and international law demand his release by The Jewish State.

This is a right granted to a people under international law, a legal form of violence, the right to use force in the struggle for “liberation from colonial and foreign domination”.

"To quote United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/33/24 of 29 November 1978:

“2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, particularly armed struggle;”

"To quote General Assembly Resolution A/RES/3246 (XXIX) of 29 November 1974:

3. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the peoples’ struggle for liberation from colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle; …

7. Strongly condemns all Governments which do not recognize the right to self-determination and independence of peoples under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and the Palestinian people;"

And a myraid of UN Resolution have affirmed these rights, that people under colonial and foreign domination have the right to use armed struggle against their oppressors and that this specifically applies to the Palestinian people.

Resolutions affirming these rights include UNGA Resolution A/RES/3246 (XXIX; 29 November 1974), UNGA Resolution A/RES/33/24 (29 November 1978), UNGA Resolution A/RES/34/44 (23 November 1979), UNGA Resolution A/RES/35/35 (14 November 1980), UNGA Resolution A/RES/36/9 (28 October 1981), and many others.

Palestine: Legitimate Armed Resistance vs. Terrorism | The Electronic Intifada

Samer Issawi was involved in Resistance activity, when he was arrested initially, carried out during The Second Intifada, activity lawful under international law. He was not a terrorist and he was released in a prisoner exchange deal and he is now being held unlawfully with no new charges lodged against him.

Justice and international law demand his release by The Jewish State.


Your other sources contradict this in spirit and conclusion , but, the big question did you strip for Samer, sherri?

Nazi Zionist soldiers of The Jewish State Break Into Prison And Attack Detainees

"Soldiers Break Into Ofer Prison, Attack Detainees

Friday January 11, 2013 02:11 by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies

Despite the rain and extreme weather conditions, undercover soldiers of the Israeli Prison Administration broke into section 15 of the Ofer Israel Prison, and attacked several detainees."

Dozens of soldiers broke into section 15, and The Jewish State soldiers forced them to stand under the rain for an extended period, and then they violently began kicking several detainees and hitting them with batons.

Four attacked and wounded detainees have been identified, Khalil Al-Kharouf, Ibrahim Abu Al-Asal, Mohammad Ibrewish, and Shaher Al-Heeh.

This practice is a regular practice of soldiers of The Jewish State, attacks like this inside Occupier prisons, detention camps, interrogation and detention centers.

Presently, there are more than 4500 Palestinians who are still imprisoned by Israel, that includes 198 children, and eight women, and it also includes several elected legislators and officials.

79 detainees have died in prison since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Intifada due to torture, medical neglect, excessive use of force by the soldiers and interrogators, in addition to several detainees who were executed by the arresting officers, former Political Prisoner, Palestinian Researcher, Abdul-Nasser Farawna said.

One of the present detainees includes an Addameer reseracher, imprisoned for working for the prisoners rights organization, Addameer.

Soldiers Break Into Ofer Prison, Attack Detainees - International Middle East Media Center


Nazi Zionist soldiers of The Jewish State Break Into Prison And Attack Detainees

"Soldiers Break Into Ofer Prison, Attack Detainees

Friday January 11, 2013 02:11 by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies

Despite the rain and extreme weather conditions, undercover soldiers of the Israeli Prison Administration broke into section 15 of the Ofer Israel Prison, and attacked several detainees."

Dozens of soldiers broke into section 15, and The Jewish State soldiers forced them to stand under the rain for an extended period, and then they violently began kicking several detainees and hitting them with batons.

Four attacked and wounded detainees have been identified, Khalil Al-Kharouf, Ibrahim Abu Al-Asal, Mohammad Ibrewish, and Shaher Al-Heeh.

This practice is a regular practice of soldiers of The Jewish State, attacks like this inside Occupier prisons, detention camps, interrogation and detention centers.

Presently, there are more than 4500 Palestinians who are still imprisoned by Israel, that includes 198 children, and eight women, and it also includes several elected legislators and officials.

79 detainees have died in prison since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Intifada due to torture, medical neglect, excessive use of force by the soldiers and interrogators, in addition to several detainees who were executed by the arresting officers, former Political Prisoner, Palestinian Researcher, Abdul-Nasser Farawna said.

One of the present detainees includes an Addameer reseracher, imprisoned for working for the prisoners rights organization, Addameer.

Soldiers Break Into Ofer Prison, Attack Detainees - International Middle East Media Center

Where is some Muslim human rights group reporting on what is going on in Iranian prisons? Surely Frau Sherri, even though she doesn't want to blame the Iranian Muslims for anything, must be appalled at how the young women are raped the night before they are killed because Mohammed said never to kill a virgin. Any Muslim group monitoring what is going on in these prisons, Frau Sherri, or aren't they interested when it is Christians and Baha'is being held?
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Our friend, "SherriMunnerlyn" makes a valid point.

This is a right granted to a people under international law, a legal form of violence, the right to use force in the struggle for “liberation from colonial and foreign domination”.

"To quote United Nations General Assembly Resolution ... ... ...

Justice and international law demand his release by The Jewish State.

Let's assume that these brave souls are "freedom fighters" engaged in a legitimate struggle. Then I come to a different conclusion.

Justice and international law demand his release by The Jewish State.

OK, let us assume that they are not "terrorists" and "murdering criminals." Let us assume that they are asymmetric warfare fighters. Then they are Prisons of War and should be detained without charge, for the duration of the armed struggle, subject to the law.

Prisoners of war and detainees protected under international humanitarian law said:
In non-international armed conflicts, Article 3 common to the 1949 Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol II provide that persons deprived of liberty for reasons related to the conflict must also be treated humanely in all circumstances. In particular, they are protected against murder, torture, as well as cruel, humiliating or degrading treatment. Those detained for participation in hostilities are not immune from criminal prosecution under the applicable domestic law for having done so.
SOURCE: Prisoners of war and detainees protected under international humanitarian law

Most Respectfully,
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