Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Two of the multitudes who "fasted" for 24 hours for samer.

Skye, you are being unfair to the sherrithing. It's not a 'moron': it's someone who's chosen to NOT think about the situation at all, but to simply parrot whatever is posted on a certain selection of webstains which are saturated with Jew-hatred shellacked with a very thin coat of 'social concern' and pretending to be 'anti-Zionism - where 'Zionism' is being defined by people who insist it's literally absolutely 'Satanic'.

The sherrithing is an ideologue: it has adopted a 'position' which it assures itself is that of a 'person of conscience' and whoever does not agree is not 'disagreeing', oh no!. They are wrong, evil, racist, etc, etc, etc. There are no 'divergent opinions' in such a one's world.
The fact is there is no international law legal definition of terrorist. One side's terrorist is another side's freedom fighter!

I equate terrorism with attacks on civilians that violate intl law, whether carried out by individuals or groups or states.

When I apply that definition to the Israeli Palestinian conflict, I find acts of terror have been carried out by both sides.

With Samer, there is no evidence he carried out any acts of terror against civilians that violate intl law, so the terrorist label does not fit him.

Let's look at words that do fit, he is a modern day Gandhi, a freedom fighter, a Hero to the Palestinian people, a man whose acts of self sacrifice are an unparallelled expression of love for the Palestinian people, he is a brave and courageous man engaged in acts of nonviolent resistance to Occupation in Palestine, he walks in the steps of Jesus Christ, he is a great man and he will never be forgotten and always remembered by the Palestinian people, he is a man all of us here can only dream about becoming, none of us will ever achieve what he has achieved or even come close or I expect be as close to God while still alive in this world as I believe him to be right now! We are blessed by God when we hunger and thirst for justice and he has been doing that for 168 days now, I expect noone here will ever be in that place he is in right now! He is a man who shows all of us how a life can have meaning and significance, and he is an inspiration to all of us that we can all take stands against injustice and we all have the capacity to do good with our lives and he shows us we can always hope and dream and our dreams can become reality if we persist in dreaming those dreams and striving for freedom and justice for all man!
Of course, Frau Sherri, that "good Christian woman," would never state that those Christians being held in Iranian prisons are walking in the steps of Jesus Christ even though they knew how dangerous it is for them in Iran to follow a religion there which considers them heretics to Islam. In fact, would she ever consider any of the Christians in Muslim countries to be walking in the steps of Jesus Christ even though they know they are in peril for doing so. Does anyone think that Frau Sherri can take a moment out of her blabbering about some terrorist ad nauseam to think about this Christian teacher having her throat slit.

IRAQ Christian teacher has throat cut in Mosul, plunging city in fear again - Asia News
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Well, I'm a bit old fashion. Terrorism is usually defined as the "use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims."


I have read some of your prior posts where you seemed to identify whether a person was a terrorist or not, applying US law.

Samer is not a terrorist under US law.

Can you explain how you come to this opinion you have in this post here that Samer is a terrorist?

What is this "(terrorist) cause" you keep referring to?


Now, for the benefit of the discussion, I understand that the Organization of the Islamic Conference, at the Convention of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) on Combating International Terrorism, objected to the (otherwise) international consensus. The Islamic world, and only the Islamic World, wanted to insert this into the international definition.

a. Peoples' struggle including armed struggle against foreign occupation, aggression, colonialism, and hegemony, aimed at liberation and self-determination in accordance with the principles of international law shall not be considered a terrorist crime.
SOURCE: Documents - Terrorism - Convention of the Organization of the Islamic Conference on Combating International Terrorism

It was internationally seen as a move to nullify the UN idea that:

2. "Terrorism" means any act of violence or threat thereof notwithstanding its motives or intentions perpetrated to carry out an individual or collective criminal plan with the aim of terrorizing people or threatening to harm them or imperiling their lives, honour, freedoms, security or rights or exposing the environment or any facility or public or private property to hazards or occupying or seizing them, or endangering a national resource, or international facilities, or threatening the stability, territorial integrity, political unity or sovereignty of independent States.
3. "Terrorist Crime" means any crime executed, started or participated in to realize a terrorist objective in any of the Contracting States or against its nationals, assets or interests or foreign facilities and nationals residing in its territory punishable by its internal law.
SOURCE: Same as Above

I see this as a move by the Islamic World to legalize what everyone else believes to be the crime of terrorism. Thus, the OIC version was not adopted by the international community. Now, I grant you that, it was a novel approach, and a way to scuttle the international consensus, but it is not fooling anyone.

It demonstrates that the Islamic World promotes terrorism as a legal means to achieve its political goals.


But I was serious when I said recognize your efforts.

Most Respectfully,


The problem is there exists what is called state terrorism , which that definition does not clearly embrace, as it focuses on acts against sovereign states, let's take a look at an example of that. Saddam attacked Kurdish civilians with chemical weapons. That was an act of terror, as much as a bomb thrown at a government building. Both of these acts would be unlawful attacks on civilians under the Fourth Geneva Convention. I think that should be the test, whether an act is an act of terror, whether it is an unlawful attack against civilians under The Fourth Geneva Convention. That can include state terrorism.


Daleen Alshaer says, "I love My President! And I believe in the Yes we Can. The yes we can make a difference & save lives. I add my voice to the many growing voices in support of Palestinian political prisoner Samer Issawi and others who are being illegally detained by the government of Israel in violation of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights. Samer Issawi has been on hunger strike inside of Israeli prisons since August 1, 2012 and he is dying. SAVE SAMER BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!"

Yes we can make a difference, yes we can change all that is wrong in our country, that was the chant at the rallies when Obama was elected President in his first term, yes we can, and we who supported him stood at rallies for hours chanting that waiting to listen to him speak. Let us all remind him of his promises and ask him to make them reality, we can change and fix America by stopping the US support of Occupation in Palestine, we change and fix America by stopping the funding of these unlawful detentions of Palestinians in Occupation jails!
One wonders why there was never any noise about the Jordanian "Occupation" of Palestinian territory and its refusal to let the people leave those camps, or to develop an economic base there?

Evidently 'Occupation' itself is nothing wrong......
International Campaign to save Ayman and Samir

Freedom and Justice for Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails

Save Ayman and Samer

A number of Palestinian political prisoners continue their open hunger strike in Israeli jails. This includes two Palestinian prisoners, Ayman Al Sharawna and Samir al Essawi whose lives are at risk. Both of the political detainees are on a hunger strike since long time ago in protest of Israeli violation of the Shalit prisoner swap. Ayman and Samir were kidnapped and forcibly transferred to Israeli for no reason.

At this stage, the Israeli Prison Service are exerting tremendous pressure on them to end their hunger strike. It also attempts to bargain their freedoms by opting them between remaining in jail to continue their previous sentences (the sentences were removed as they were released in the Shalit prisoner swap) or leaving for exile.

Since their recent capturing, Israeli Occupation Forces did not convict or investigate them. Ayman Al Sharawna, 38, is a resident of Dora in Herbon city. He began his open hunger strike on the 1st of July 2012. He already suffers from various health complications including weakness in his immune system as well as problems in his kidney which partially functions with 20% only. He lost eyesight in his right eye.

He also suffers from various problems in his left leg. Meanwhile, Samir al Essawi, 33, a resident of Jerusalem started his hunger strike on the 1st of august 2012, since then he suffered from fainting and severe fatigue. He is unable to stand or walk properly in addition to excessive weight loss. Al Essawi was admitted to Asaf Hrovi hospital few times due to many health complications

Petition Freedom and Justice for Palestinian detainees

Petition Freedom and Justice for Palestinian detainees
iPetitions - Online petition - Free petitions

A number of Palestinian political prisoners continue their open hunger strike in...See More
International Campaign to save Ayman and Samir

Freedom and Justice for Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails

Save Ayman and Samer

A number of Palestinian political prisoners continue their open hunger strike in Israeli jails. This includes two Palestinian prisoners, Ayman Al Sharawna and Samir al Essawi whose lives are at risk. Both of the political detainees are on a hunger strike since long time ago in protest of Israeli violation of the Shalit prisoner swap. Ayman and Samir were kidnapped and forcibly transferred to Israeli for no reason.

In the course of my life----I have read --perhaps,, a few score statements
written by lawyers describing the history of an "EVENT" ---But I have never
read one so obviously full of shit as this one. Notice the gratuitous
"whose lives are at risk" <<< devious "lawyerly shit" They are REFUSING
TO EAT IN ORDER TO GET OUT OF JAIL FREE (try honesty for a change,
sherri) Notice the next glob of shit "israeli violation of the shalit
prisoner swap" The slut leaves out the fact that her fellow dogs
comitted a gross crime in taking a HOSTAGE and demanding ransom.
I might add that her colleagues have been known to torture such
hostages to death in the name of allah/isa many many times
in recent history. The next glob of shit ---the slut has the audacity
to describe the ARREST of a convicted criminal who violated the terms
of his EXTORTED RELEASE as "kidnapping" It gets worse ---
sit tight ----

At this stage, the Israeli Prison Service are exerting tremendous pressure on them to end their hunger strike.

LOL what does that mean? well trying to get them to eat-----
which is actually their legal responsibility----if they do not do
it ----uhm----well you know who would EMIT A HUGE FART

It also attempts to bargain their freedoms by opting them between remaining in jail to continue their previous sentences (the sentences were removed as they were released in the Shalit prisoner swap) or leaving for exile.

Seems reasonable to me---more than generous. Any reason the lumps of
shit refuse?

Since their recent capturing, Israeli Occupation Forces did not convict or investigate them. Ayman Al Sharawna, 38, is a resident of Dora in Herbon city. He began his open hunger strike on the 1st of July 2012.

Again with the devious shit----"recent capturing" ---the criminals
were properly arrested. Oh --the piece of shit Ayman lives in Hebron.
Hebron is one of the four HOLY cities of Judaism and considered
the first capital of Israel until King David moved the capital to
Jerusalem The city was PURCHASED ----by Abraham----and in
the course of history actually REPURCHASED several times from
scum who STOLE IT The ISA RESPECTERS never bought it---
they did things the isa-respecting way---raped and pillaged and murdered
their way into ownership In a just world----the piece of shit
isa respecter would be barred from setting his isa respecting foot
in Hebron----just as jews are barred from the old jewish city of
YATHRIB----simply because the rapist pig is buried therein and
he changed the name of the city to 'medina' after the
rape and murder genocide of the jews living there to the
delight of sherri The lump of isa respecting shit is and
his lump of shit family is OCCUPYING HEBRON

He already suffers from various health complications including weakness in his immune system as well as problems in his kidney which partially functions with 20% only. He lost eyesight in his right eye.

LOL you have to do better than that, counselor----your idiot statement
is meaningless "health complications" <<< HUH??? His kidney?
which one? oh you know his GFR is down?----what is his actual
GFR? Sounds like someone is providing excellent medical care
Do you know YOUR GFR? sherri? He lost eyesight in an eye?
WHY????? whatthehell is "weakness in the immune system"???
THE AMA WANTS TO KNOW In fact I want to know---does the
idiot pimp have AIDS?? -----as did the other isa respecter ARAFART?
gee---weakness--weight loss-- "immune system weakness" <<LOL
----in fact sudden loss of vision in one eye---SHEEESH
There was a SUDDEN LOSS OF VISION in one eye in a prison
in my town A piece of shit isa-respecting guy shoved a
shank into the eye of a prison guard---in the name of allah/isa

He also suffers from various problems in his left leg. Meanwhile, Samir al Essawi, 33, a resident of Jerusalem started his hunger strike on the 1st of august 2012, since then he suffered from fainting and severe fatigue. He is unable to stand or walk properly in addition to excessive weight loss. Al Essawi was admitted to Asaf Hrovi hospital few times due to many health complications

Oh gosh---we have devolved to "various problems"
The criminal has refused to eat and lost weight and feels weak<< honest
statement sherri try it some time He is getting excellent
medical care. Thanks for letting us know. So many OTHER gentiles
and jews -----died in the care of your fellow isa respecters---some with
their severed genitalia shoved down their throats---after which their
throats were slowly slit with a dull knife -----to the glorious tune of
Last edited:

Samer can barely stand on his feet and hardly turn his body on his borsh &#8212; a bed of metal that has a very thin mattress, which my father and friends who are ex-detainees often complained caused back-pains. In winter, one of the most brutal practices that the Israeli Prison Service uses to oppress our prisoners is depriving them from their winter needs such as heavy blankets and warm clothes, often even depriving them of hot water. As a result, Samer&#8217;s sister Shireen worries about him more heavily. &#8220;The sky is snowing in Jerusalem,&#8221; Samer&#8217;s sister Shireen has said. &#8220;But unlike others, the happiness of seeing the layers of snow covering everything escapes me. When one has a little wound, its pain increases in cold weather. So imagine the situation of Samer who is hunger striking for 168 days and left without blankets or heavy clothes. Imagine him after he was physically attacked by the savage Israeli soldiers, causing him fractures in the rib cage. These are unbearable pains that one can hardly endure. But Samer lives and suffers these pains every moment, every day.&#8221;

He is shackled from his hands and feet to his bed or his wheelchair, and left with no means to defend himself. All this doesn&#8217;t deter the Israeli soldiers from repeatedly beating him up. Israel tried every inhumane way to put pressure on Samer Issawi to end his strike. He wasn&#8217;t the only target of this inhumanity: his family, his people in the village Issawiyeh, even sit-in tents installed in solidarity with him were targeted as well. Israeli bulldozers recently demolished the house of Samer&#8217;s brother that was under construction and left it as rubble. But they couldn&#8217;t break his brother&#8217;s resilience. Instead he was thankful he didn&#8217;t meet the fate of other Palestinians who had their houses demolished while they were inside, burying them alive."

"My family is living through hell:" Samer Issawi speaks from jail | The Electronic Intifada

"Malaka Mohammed Only imagine that you are in a silent void filled with your own fears and pain, in a deafening silence. You wait for somebody to arrive, but nobody, not even your loved ones are allowed to visit you. The only human contact is with the guards who are the lords and masters of every minute in your day. It is grave for the living where fears unfold. This is Samer Issawi, 170 days on continuous hunger strike for no charge or a fair trial.. He deserves freedom before his inevitable death"

Sherri----you sling the BS---even more idiotically than most third rate lawyers.
you should stop making a fool of yourself
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