Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Seal seems to be intent on finding excuses to show off new levels of obnoxious racist filth on this board.....

But I suppose we should all be glad that he's made it up with the little sherrithing. Neither one of 'em seems to have another pal online, poor l'il dears! : ))

i really don;t have to look to far to find an excuse for flipping back some "obnoxious racist filth" having gone over 600 posts of jews/zionists wallowing in "obnoxious racist filth" and jews like yourself ignoring it because it suits their political ends.
Why do all the Pali terrorist supporters in Sherri's posts look like the cast from One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest?




However, sherri has no problem with Palistine recruiting minors to be terrorists. "Hamas has been training teenage terrorists for years, and its terrorist leaders previously have been photographed training children at “summer camps” on the ruins of Jewish communities destroyed after the Israeli government’s expulsion of Gaza’s Jewish residents."


New Generation for Gaza Terror - Defense/Middle East - News - Israel National News

The kid looks so happy-----we need sherri to get the answer ----Israel does have a robot--
that moves along and actually can pull a person Perhaps she would prefer that
instead of arresting such a child------it would be better to let the robot drag the
kid into an open field where he can detonate himself to avoid both the
horrors of jail AND the discomfort of a hunger strike? I think such an event
would still qualify as a MARTYRDOM so its a win-win situation

oh gee ANOTHER 'win' besides the not being jailed and the no hunger
strike----such a death is another notch for
credential belt

win-win-win sherri should love it

It gives sherri a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

Let me share a personal story. It was years ago now, 2006 or later. And I was having discussions on a discussion board, a different discussion board, about Israel's attacks on civilians in Lebanon and Palestine. And there was so much Hate of Zionists, it is especially prevalent in the midst of killing operations. And an Israeli was killed, and it was one woman, I think, as dozens or more of Palestinians were dying. And I could not feel empathy for her suffering and death I thought I should be feeling, all the other killings by the other side just pushed it out. And I knew it was wrong, and a Zionist poster was imploring/begging other posters to write the Red Cross on behalf of the Israeli soldiers detained by Hamas and Hezbollah, there were three of them. Their names were Gilad Shalit and Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser And I was the only poster there who responded to her request, and those three soldiers and what happened to them mattered to me from that day forward and I prayed for them and cried for them and still I cannot think about the two who did not live without crying, from that day forward. And all of that time, at least up until 2008, I do not think I knew the name of a single Palestinian prisoner detained and there were thousands of them and I did not know their names or pray for them, like I did those Israeli soldiers.

Here is a Photo of one of the soldiers, I remember reading how he wanted to go to law school, that was years ago, that was his dream he never lived to see come true, and it was the last day of their military service when they were ambushed by Hezbollah. I believed they would live and they did not, the two soldiers, we found out two years later, were killed from injuries in the ambush.


The families of the detained soldiers wanted proof the soldiers were alive, that is what had spurred the poster on a discuussion board to ask posters to write the Red Cross.

"Hezbollah has not permitted the Red Cross to visit the men, nor has it provided any sign that they are still alive.

“The strategy is not to provide any information so that they will squeeze us emotionally,” Ms. Goldwasser said."

I even found my email, sent 6/20/07, reproducing here after removing my email address

"Gilad Shalit & Eldad Regev & Ehud GoldwasserWednesday, June 20, 2007 5:54 AM
From: "Sherri Munnerlyn"
To: [email protected]

Dear Sirs,

I am sending this email to express my concern over the welfare of the Israeli soldiers who are being held captive by Hizbollah and Palestinian factions, who have been held in captivity now for over one year. I implore you to do whatever you can and to intensify your efforts to find out anything you can about the conditions of their imprisonment and to obtain proof of life and wellbeing? Can those who are holding them be encouraged to allow the prisoners to contact their families? I know it is horrible for their families, not knowing the conditions facing their loved ones. Thank you for your consideration. God bless you.

Sherri Munnerlyn

Where was my sin, in sending this emal, in praying for these three Israeli soldiers and their safe returns home to their families, or was it in not knowing the names of the literally thousands of Lebanese and Palestinians Israel held captive then and since then and not sending letters on their behalf and not knowing their names, even? The thousands of Lebanese and Palestinians Israel has held captive since 2006, when those three soldiers were taken captive, had lives and families, too, and their unlawful detentions by Israel destroyed their dreams, too. And many died, too.


If that is true, that is a story worth telling, and I wonder where did that women who cared for not only a spcefic side, which I believe is the mistaken one.

You tell of 2006, I cen very well remember. You speak of hate of Zionist, so let me tell you a different story, from the other side, to show you just how the view of reality is not at all simple.

In 2006, I was just turning 17. I didn't know much about anything, and that was the year that shook me and from which I started writing and explaining to people who are not Israelis, just how we live. because a 17 year old girl is not supposed to be interested and active in those field. I was supposed to be interested in boys and shopping and other unimportant things, just being a teenager. But that year shook me.

My parents had friend in Haifa, they were the closest thing to family as friends can be. knew me since I was a baby, saw my first tooth. We were very close. So when the mass started up in the north, the most natural thing to do, was call out to them to come and find shelter from the bombs in the south. They came with their two daughters, granddaghter, the grandmother and two more friends.

Our house was designed for 3 people, since I was an only child. And suddenly 11 people came in, looking for shelter. It was obvious that my mother could not handle everything, so naturally, I had to take responsibility, and the responsibility I was given was the small childen. The oldest was barely 9, her name was Yarin, a beautiful easy going child, which sadly suffered a complicated illness, and the situation only complicated it more. Baby Yo'ad stayed always close to his mother's chest, but 4 year old Offir was also given to me to take care of. I don't know how and if people are familiar first hand which children who suffer war traumas, but it is one of the most shaking, horrible, and unforgetable experiences I've had. Offiri was jumply, happy, always laughing kind of child, and this situation made her frightened, anxious, crying all the time.

Everytime an airplane will be up in the sky, she will hold tight into my leg, fearing the airplane will gonna "fall" on her, with every door being shut she will think a missile hits the ground. Offiri was never afraid in the dark but she would not let me turn the light off at any night, insist I'll read her happy stories untill she falls asleep.

it was a time when you see your houses hit by missles non-stop, when you try to have a life in a place that is naturally not used to so many people. Sleeping in the hallway, if sleep is possible, because you think of those who you had to leave behind. there are not enough beds, so sleeping is naturally on the floor.

What was in their hearts was never hate. They were normal people. the grandmother was more than 80. She cares about hate? she just want to be able to live her last years and to die with respect. The parents have hate? They have an ill child struggling each day to live normal life, and another 4 year old which suffers trauma and screams in her sleep, and another 7 months old baby who doesn't have any idea why he's not close to his familiar toys and his little truck. having all that, who has even time to think about hate? their only concern was their children, and they wished nothing but being able to go back home, hopefully to find it intact.

I don't know who you have been talking to, but normal Israelis don't HATE, because we're no different than the other normal people in any normal state.

unfortunately, there are very, very few normal israelis.

israelis don't hate? do you consider your self normal? have you read this friggin' board? you not only ignore the hatredd omented by your ew buddies, you indulge in it.

Show me where did I encourage hate.

And yes, normal Israelis don't hate. That's a prejudice Anti-Zionist have of Israelis, that we hate people, but that false.

By John Hurson of County Tyrone, Ireland

In 1980, 7 IRA men in the H Block prison embarked on a hunger strike seeking to re establish their political status, which the British Government had ended 4 years before. After 53 days, and the men close to death, a deal was apparently on the table from the Thatcher led British Government, and the men called of their hunger strike. In the days that followed, it became clear that there was no deal. 2 months later, another hunger strike was announced, and on March 1st, Bobby Sands began his hunger strike. As part of their strategy, different men would join at later stages. Several men would follow Bobby, and by the end of the summer, 10 men had died before the hunger strike was called off.

The prisoners had 5 demands:

1. The right not to wear a prison uniform;

2. The right not to do prison work;

3. The right of free association with other prisoners, and to organise educational and recreational pursuits;

4. The right to one visit, one letter and one parcel per week;

5. Full restoration of remission lost through the protest"

Learning from the Irish Hunger Strikes of 1981 and the Palestinian Challenge «


I wonder how many of those requests were given to Gilad Shalit in "prison".

different situations, but probably more than are given to the palestinian political prisoners by the israelis..

Gilad shalit was having better condition then Palestinian presioners?

Are you listening to yourself????

Do you know that Palestinian presioners get visit ALL the time, they get to learn in Israel academic studies, they have television in their cells and they have the legal right to protest and have a lawyer!

Which of these rights did Gilad have??

Aren't you ASHAMED to even say that out loud??:mad:
I wonder how many of those requests were given to Gilad Shalit in "prison".

different situations, but probably more than are given to the palestinian political prisoners by the israelis..

Gilad shalit was having better condition then Palestinian presioners?

Are you listening to yourself????

Do you know that Palestinian presioners get visit ALL the time, they get to learn in Israel academic studies, they have television in their cells and they have the legal right to protest and have a lawyer!

Which of these rights did Gilad have??

Aren't you ASHAMED to even say that out loud??:mad:[/QUOTE

Lipush sherri will simply say you are a "liar" I have a distant relative thru
marriage who works with the kids in prison----the kids are treated VERY WELL--
and education provided Relatives visit and the kids get so much stuff for
personal use ----like soap and ----other toiletries that they hand it out to
their relatives as gifts
different situations, but probably more than are given to the palestinian political prisoners by the israelis..

Gilad shalit was having better condition then Palestinian presioners?

Are you listening to yourself????

Do you know that Palestinian presioners get visit ALL the time, they get to learn in Israel academic studies, they have television in their cells and they have the legal right to protest and have a lawyer!

Which of these rights did Gilad have??

Aren't you ASHAMED to even say that out loud??:mad:[/QUOTE

Lipush sherri will simply say you are a "liar" I have a distant relative thru
marriage who works with the kids in prison----the kids are treated VERY WELL--
and education provided Relatives visit and the kids get so much stuff for
personal use ----like soap and ----other toiletries that they hand it out to
their relatives as gifts

Yup that is what she does and NAZI don't forget that jewel.
Connery----did you get that venison for the HUNGER STRIKERS
YET I have no idea if muslims can eat BEAR ---
probably not ------but I am quite sure they can eat RABBITS.
rabbits are not kosher,---I am not even sure you have to
do a HALAL slaughter on a rabbit lets ask sherri.
We could do a bear and TELL THEM it was a camel

I have to admit, that your barrage campaign and public relations presentation on this Discussion Thread, concern the Palestinians and, in particular, Samer Issawi, have been spectacular. I am impressed.

While I, personally am not persuaded (I still considered him an un-indicted terrorist), I'm sure that your presentation has convinced many that his cause is just, and that he is an innocent man, being held by a corrupt government, for defending his people.

I wanted to recognize you for your unwavering effort (as misguided as I think it is). There is no question in my mind that Samer Issawi owes you a debt of gratitude for your defense of him and his (terrorist) cause.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
Seal seems to be intent on finding excuses to show off new levels of obnoxious racist filth on this board.....

But I suppose we should all be glad that he's made it up with the little sherrithing. Neither one of 'em seems to have another pal online, poor l'il dears! : ))

i really don;t have to look to far to find an excuse for flipping back some "obnoxious racist filth" having gone over 600 posts of jews/zionists wallowing in "obnoxious racist filth" and jews like yourself ignoring it because it suits their political ends.

There is nothing racist in dismissing the life and times of a terrorist, Princess, regardless of your politics. :D
I wonder how many of those requests were given to Gilad Shalit in "prison".

different situations, but probably more than are given to the palestinian political prisoners by the israelis..

Gilad shalit was having better condition then Palestinian presioners?

Are you listening to yourself????

Do you know that Palestinian presioners get visit ALL the time, they get to learn in Israel academic studies, they have television in their cells and they have the legal right to protest and have a lawyer!

Which of these rights did Gilad have??

Aren't you ASHAMED to even say that out loud??:mad:

You obviously have not read all the posts and watched the videos, like that video that depicts Israeli Forces carrying out a training exercise on prisoners in a prison, a training exercise that killed one prisoner. Somehow, I do not think that is something Gilad Shalit experienced.

And I really have not even started on the prison abuses, that is something that must be discussed, like the torture of children, like applying electric shock to little boys private areas. Do you think Palestinians did such things like that to Gilad Shalit?

Israel holds thousands of Palestinians prisoner and every one of them is held in violation of international law. The Fourth Geneva Convention makes it unlawful for an Occupier to hold detainees outside the occupied terrirories, and most prisoners are held in Israel, outside of the occupied territories.

Why does Israel get to violate international law with impunity and unlawfully detain these thousands of Palestinian political prisoners?

The fact is all the prisoners are unlawdully detained, and I do not know how many there are. I think the last number I read is over 4000, but I point out that those are the official and publicly known about prisoners. There are also secret prisons Israel is known to keep prisoners in, perhaps Israel keeps prisoners there they kidnap in other nations, like that prisoner kidnapped from the Ukraine addressed in a prior post here. I have no idea how many prisoners Israel holds in these prisons, I could not even begin to guess on a number.

And you say they get visits, like Samer gets visits from his family? He does not, and many prisoners are kept in solitary for extended periods, I have read even years at a time. And what about prisoners with family in Gaza? People in Gaza are not even allowed inside Israel, absent agreements that may have been made in the prison exchange deal which I do not know whether they have been honored or not even.

Shameful is a person like you living in Israel and having no shame about Israel's unlawful detentions of Palestinians and prison abuses against Palestinian political prisoners.


I have to admit, that your barrage campaign and public relations presentation on this Discussion Thread, concern the Palestinians and, in particular, Samer Issawi, have been spectacular. I am impressed.

While I, personally am not persuaded (I still considered him an un-indicted terrorist), I'm sure that your presentation has convinced many that his cause is just, and that he is an innocent man, being held by a corrupt government, for defending his people.

I wanted to recognize you for your unwavering effort (as misguided as I think it is). There is no question in my mind that Samer Issawi owes you a debt of gratitude for your defense of him and his (terrorist) cause.

Most Respectfully,


I have read some of your prior posts where you seemed to identify whether a person was a terrorist or not, applying US law.

Samer is not a terrorist under US law.

Can you explain how you come to this opinion you have in this post here that Samer is a terrorist?

What is this "(terrorist) cause" you keep referring to?

Connery----did you get that venison for the HUNGER STRIKERS
YET I have no idea if muslims can eat BEAR ---
probably not ------but I am quite sure they can eat RABBITS.
rabbits are not kosher,---I am not even sure you have to
do a HALAL slaughter on a rabbit lets ask sherri.
We could do a bear and TELL THEM it was a camel

I am more the Challah Bread french Toast type. One whiff of my creation and Samer will be salivating and exclaiming Praise the Lord!!!
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I have to admit, that your barrage campaign and public relations presentation on this Discussion Thread, concern the Palestinians and, in particular, Samer Issawi, have been spectacular. I am impressed.

While I, personally am not persuaded (I still considered him an un-indicted terrorist), I'm sure that your presentation has convinced many that his cause is just, and that he is an innocent man, being held by a corrupt government, for defending his people.

I wanted to recognize you for your unwavering effort (as misguided as I think it is). There is no question in my mind that Samer Issawi owes you a debt of gratitude for your defense of him and his (terrorist) cause.

Most Respectfully,
I would actually be more impressed if she were on other forums also condemning what the Muslims are doing to others. All over the Muslim world, there are innocent people being harassed and/or murdered because of their religious beliefs (even other Muslims of different sects) and she has no interest at all in these people. If she really cared about people, she certainly would be on at least one other message board condemning what is happening to these people, but instead her entire life seems to be in bashing Israel and nothing else, and I believe it to be so because the Jews happen to be involved.
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Well, I'm a bit old fashion. Terrorism is usually defined as the "use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims."


I have read some of your prior posts where you seemed to identify whether a person was a terrorist or not, applying US law.

Samer is not a terrorist under US law.

Can you explain how you come to this opinion you have in this post here that Samer is a terrorist?

What is this "(terrorist) cause" you keep referring to?


Now, for the benefit of the discussion, I understand that the Organization of the Islamic Conference, at the Convention of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) on Combating International Terrorism, objected to the (otherwise) international consensus. The Islamic world, and only the Islamic World, wanted to insert this into the international definition.

a. Peoples' struggle including armed struggle against foreign occupation, aggression, colonialism, and hegemony, aimed at liberation and self-determination in accordance with the principles of international law shall not be considered a terrorist crime.
SOURCE: Documents - Terrorism - Convention of the Organization of the Islamic Conference on Combating International Terrorism

It was internationally seen as a move to nullify the UN idea that:

2. "Terrorism" means any act of violence or threat thereof notwithstanding its motives or intentions perpetrated to carry out an individual or collective criminal plan with the aim of terrorizing people or threatening to harm them or imperiling their lives, honour, freedoms, security or rights or exposing the environment or any facility or public or private property to hazards or occupying or seizing them, or endangering a national resource, or international facilities, or threatening the stability, territorial integrity, political unity or sovereignty of independent States.
3. "Terrorist Crime" means any crime executed, started or participated in to realize a terrorist objective in any of the Contracting States or against its nationals, assets or interests or foreign facilities and nationals residing in its territory punishable by its internal law.
SOURCE: Same as Above

I see this as a move by the Islamic World to legalize what everyone else believes to be the crime of terrorism. Thus, the OIC version was not adopted by the international community. Now, I grant you that, it was a novel approach, and a way to scuttle the international consensus, but it is not fooling anyone.

It demonstrates that the Islamic World promotes terrorism as a legal means to achieve its political goals.


But I was serious when I said recognize your efforts.

Most Respectfully,
Hossfly, et al,

Our friend "SherriMunnerlyn" represents a divergent idea. The idea that the Palestinian, while declining to nation build, is fighting for self-determination.


I have to admit, that your barrage campaign and public relations presentation on this Discussion Thread, concern the Palestinians and, in particular, Samer Issawi, have been spectacular. I am impressed.

While I, personally am not persuaded (I still considered him an un-indicted terrorist), I'm sure that your presentation has convinced many that his cause is just, and that he is an innocent man, being held by a corrupt government, for defending his people.

I wanted to recognize you for your unwavering effort (as misguided as I think it is). There is no question in my mind that Samer Issawi owes you a debt of gratitude for your defense of him and his (terrorist) cause.

Most Respectfully,
I would actually be more impressed if she were on other forums also condemning what the Muslims are doing to others. All over the Muslim world, there are innocent people being harassed and/or murdered because of their religious beliefs (even other Muslims of different sects) and she has no interest at all in these people. If she really cared about people, she certainly would be on at least one other message board condemning what is happening to these people, but instead her entire life seems to be in bashing Israel and nothing else, and I believe it to be so because the Jews happen to be involved.

Our friend, "SherriMunnerlyn" is one of those that justifies, ambushes, bombings in public places, indiscriminate rocket attacks, and the open threats against the sovereignty of a nation as a heroic effort.

Everyone has a view.

Most Respectfully,
Connery----did you get that venison for the HUNGER STRIKERS
YET I have no idea if muslims can eat BEAR ---
probably not ------but I am quite sure they can eat RABBITS.
rabbits are not kosher,---I am not even sure you have to
do a HALAL slaughter on a rabbit lets ask sherri.
We could do a bear and TELL THEM it was a camel

I am more the Challah Bread french Toast type. One whiff of my creation and Samer will be salivating and exclaiming Praise the Lord!!!

Challah is over for me----my maternal grandfather was a bread baker-----it was
OVER the day he died-----he could form that dough into a braided loaf---rendering
the entire process-----a blur:redface:
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