Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Seal seems to be intent on finding excuses to show off new levels of obnoxious racist filth on this board.....

But I suppose we should all be glad that he's made it up with the little sherrithing. Neither one of 'em seems to have another pal online, poor l'il dears! : ))

i really don;t have to look to far to find an excuse for flipping back some "obnoxious racist filth" having gone over 600 posts of jews/zionists wallowing in "obnoxious racist filth" and jews like yourself ignoring it because it suits their political ends.

There is nothing racist in dismissing the life and times of a terrorist, Princess, regardless of your politics. :D

he is a soldier and a political prisoner being held without charge and protesting his imprisonment by the JEWISH STATE with the only means at his disposal. he has a family.

dismiss him if you must, but joke about his protest and i will be serving you the bodies of the children of the fogel settler terrorists and shalevet pas on a silver platter.

this forum is so racist it is unbelievable. we have had six hundred posts about a palestinian man on hunger strike and all the jewish posters can do is laugh about it and make jokes.

I have to admit, that your barrage campaign and public relations presentation on this Discussion Thread, concern the Palestinians and, in particular, Samer Issawi, have been spectacular. I am impressed.

While I, personally am not persuaded (I still considered him an un-indicted terrorist), I'm sure that your presentation has convinced many that his cause is just, and that he is an innocent man, being held by a corrupt government, for defending his people.

I wanted to recognize you for your unwavering effort (as misguided as I think it is). There is no question in my mind that Samer Issawi owes you a debt of gratitude for your defense of him and his (terrorist) cause.

Most Respectfully,

Sorry R, I have done a thorough search and only one person has admitted he thinks sherri may be onto something (her drinking buddy Eli)

I have to admit, that your barrage campaign and public relations presentation on this Discussion Thread, concern the Palestinians and, in particular, Samer Issawi, have been spectacular. I am impressed.

While I, personally am not persuaded (I still considered him an un-indicted terrorist), I'm sure that your presentation has convinced many that his cause is just, and that he is an innocent man, being held by a corrupt government, for defending his people.

I wanted to recognize you for your unwavering effort (as misguided as I think it is). There is no question in my mind that Samer Issawi owes you a debt of gratitude for your defense of him and his (terrorist) cause.

Most Respectfully,


I have read some of your prior posts where you seemed to identify whether a person was a terrorist or not, applying US law.

Samer is not a terrorist under US law.

Can you explain how you come to this opinion you have in this post here that Samer is a terrorist?

What is this "(terrorist) cause" you keep referring to?


there is no international legal definition of the word "terrorist. people who use it, no matter on which side, use it to suit their political ends.

often the term is applied by the ruling power to deine those in insurrection against the ruling power.

the palestinians are "terrorists".

the rebels fighting against ghadafi were "liberators."

the irish are "terrorists".

the tibetans rising against the chinese are "liberators"

the kafirs in soweto township were "terrorists".

black africans now in political and administrative in south africa are "liberators".

bus boycotters in montgomery were "terrorists".

bull connor, with billy clubs and attack dogs, in birmingham quelled the 'terrorists".

in birmingham they love the gov'ner...

[ame=]Neville Brothers - Sista Rosa (12 inch remix) - YouTube[/ame]

thank you miss rosa, from freedom loving people everywhere.
i really don;t have to look to far to find an excuse for flipping back some "obnoxious racist filth" having gone over 600 posts of jews/zionists wallowing in "obnoxious racist filth" and jews like yourself ignoring it because it suits their political ends.

There is nothing racist in dismissing the life and times of a terrorist, Princess, regardless of your politics. :D

he is a soldier and a political prisoner being held without charge and protesting his imprisonment by the JEWISH STATE with the only means at his disposal. he has a family.

dismiss him if you must, but joke about his protest and i will be serving you the bodies of the children of the fogel settler terrorists and shalevet pas on a silver platter.

this forum is so racist it is unbelievable. we have had six hundred posts about a palestinian man on hunger strike and all the jewish posters can do is laugh about it and make jokes.
Regardless of what you say, the important thing is that nobody on this board is running around murdering people in the name of a religion the way we see it going on in the Muslim world. Evidently this doesn't seem to bother you since you have never brought it up in any other forum even when it is Catholics being murdered just because they are Catholics. Plus you seem to forget that many of us have seen how you operated on other forums
different situations, but probably more than are given to the palestinian political prisoners by the israelis..

Gilad shalit was having better condition then Palestinian presioners?

Are you listening to yourself????

Do you know that Palestinian presioners get visit ALL the time, they get to learn in Israel academic studies, they have television in their cells and they have the legal right to protest and have a lawyer!

Which of these rights did Gilad have??

Aren't you ASHAMED to even say that out loud??:mad:

You obviously have not read all the posts and watched the videos, like that video that depicts Israeli Forces carrying out a training exercise on prisoners in a prison, a training exercise that killed one prisoner. Somehow, I do not think that is something Gilad Shalit experienced.


How the fuck do you know what Shalit endured? No one saw him for 5 years.
Your assumptions are those of a typical terrorist symp.

I have to admit, that your barrage campaign and public relations presentation on this Discussion Thread, concern the Palestinians and, in particular, Samer Issawi, have been spectacular. I am impressed.

While I, personally am not persuaded (I still considered him an un-indicted terrorist), I'm sure that your presentation has convinced many that his cause is just, and that he is an innocent man, being held by a corrupt government, for defending his people.

I wanted to recognize you for your unwavering effort (as misguided as I think it is). There is no question in my mind that Samer Issawi owes you a debt of gratitude for your defense of him and his (terrorist) cause.

Most Respectfully,


I have read some of your prior posts where you seemed to identify whether a person was a terrorist or not, applying US law.

Samer is not a terrorist under US law.

Can you explain how you come to this opinion you have in this post here that Samer is a terrorist?

What is this "(terrorist) cause" you keep referring to?


there is no international legal definition of the word "terrorist. people who use it, no matter on which side, use it to suit their political ends.

often the term is applied by the ruling power to deine those in insurrection against the ruling power.

the palestinians are "terrorists".

the rebels fighting against ghadafi were "liberators."

the irish are "terrorists".

the tibetans rising against the chinese are "liberators"

the kafirs in soweto township were "terrorists".

black africans now in political and administrative in south africa are "liberators".

bus boycotters in montgomery were "terrorists".

bull connor, with billy clubs and attack dogs, in birmingham quelled the 'terrorists".

in birmingham they love the gov'ner...

[ame=]Neville Brothers - Sista Rosa (12 inch remix) - YouTube[/ame]

thank you miss rosa, from freedom loving people everywhere.
No, actually the international definition for terrorism is quite simple. People or group that targets civilians INTENTIONALLY to make a political or ideological gain. Palestinians clearly do that, Israelis and Americans don't. The reason you want to make the definition vague is to somehow create a diversion in order to gloss over the obvious fact that Palestinians engage in blatantly irrefutable terroristic behavior. Not that anybody but you Nazis and IslamoNazis buy it.
Gilad shalit was having better condition then Palestinian presioners?

Are you listening to yourself????

Do you know that Palestinian presioners get visit ALL the time, they get to learn in Israel academic studies, they have television in their cells and they have the legal right to protest and have a lawyer!

Which of these rights did Gilad have??

Aren't you ASHAMED to even say that out loud??:mad:

You obviously have not read all the posts and watched the videos, like that video that depicts Israeli Forces carrying out a training exercise on prisoners in a prison, a training exercise that killed one prisoner. Somehow, I do not think that is something Gilad Shalit experienced.


How the fuck do you know what Shalit endured? No one saw him for 5 years.
Your assumptions are those of a typical terrorist symp.
I wonder if Frau Sherri, that "good Christian woman," could possibly contact some of her in-laws who are still living in Iran and tell them to beat the drums loudly for the release of the ex-FBI agent who has been imprisoned in Iran since 2007. Surely this good humanitarian must know the conditions of the Iranian jails and how badly the prisoners are treated in them that she would want to do her best to get this man released. Perhaps she can get one of her friends in the human rights groups to help her in this endeavor.


Public · By Daleen Elshaer and Malaka Mohammed.


Together we stand with Samer Issawi. Together we show the world that he is not a forgotten case. That he is only one of many detainees in the Israeli prisons who are slowly dying. Sitting in their cells with no charge and no trail.

Samer Issawi has been on a Hunger Strike since August 1, 2012 protesting his illegal imprisonment by Israel. He is currently in very critical health condition due to a vitamin B-12 deficiency . He is also experiencing nerves, muscles, and vision problem.

So we are going to take our action up a notch. We are about to start a Facebook Intifada. We will will be sending facebook messages, posts, comments etc to the follow pages:







Please do not use foul language & be respectful. The point of this is to let them know the world is watching.



Start date 1/10/2013


Public · By Daleen Elshaer and Malaka Mohammed.


Together we stand with Samer Issawi. Together we show the world that he is not a forgotten case. That he is only one of many detainees in the Israeli prisons who are slowly dying. Sitting in their cells with no charge and no trail.

Samer Issawi has been on a Hunger Strike since August 1, 2012 protesting his illegal imprisonment by Israel. He is currently in very critical health condition due to a vitamin B-12 deficiency . He is also experiencing nerves, muscles, and vision problem.

So we are going to take our action up a notch. We are about to start a Facebook Intifada. We will will be sending facebook messages, posts, comments etc to the follow pages:







Please do not use foul language & be respectful. The point of this is to let them know the world is watching.



Start date 1/10/2013
We don't wanna hear any Samer crap. We're worrying about those 150,000 Palestinian refugees trying to get to West Bank and Gaza. Thousands of babies and children are at risk of freezing to death and you are orgasming over a filthy terrorist animal. Get with the program.
i really don;t have to look to far to find an excuse for flipping back some "obnoxious racist filth" having gone over 600 posts of jews/zionists wallowing in "obnoxious racist filth" and jews like yourself ignoring it because it suits their political ends.

There is nothing racist in dismissing the life and times of a terrorist, Princess, regardless of your politics. :D

he is a soldier and a political prisoner being held without charge and protesting his imprisonment by the JEWISH STATE with the only means at his disposal. he has a family.

dismiss him if you must, but joke about his protest and i will be serving you the bodies of the children of the fogel settler terrorists and shalevet pas on a silver platter.

this forum is so racist it is unbelievable. we have had six hundred posts about a palestinian man on hunger strike and all the jewish posters can do is laugh about it and make jokes.

Nah, he's just a dime-a-dozen terrorist and the only reason you justify his existence is because he's all about killing "kikes" ... just like you Nazi types. :D


Public · By Daleen Elshaer and Malaka Mohammed.


Together we stand with Samer Issawi. Together we show the world that he is not a forgotten case. That he is only one of many detainees in the Israeli prisons who are slowly dying. Sitting in their cells with no charge and no trail.

Samer Issawi has been on a Hunger Strike since August 1, 2012 protesting his illegal imprisonment by Israel. He is currently in very critical health condition due to a vitamin B-12 deficiency . He is also experiencing nerves, muscles, and vision problem.

So we are going to take our action up a notch. We are about to start a Facebook Intifada. We will will be sending facebook messages, posts, comments etc to the follow pages:







Please do not use foul language & be respectful. The point of this is to let them know the world is watching.



Start date 1/10/2013
Does anyone really think that Frau Sherri, that "good Christian woman," would ever start something on Facebook called SAVE THE CHRISTIANS IN IRANIAN PRISONS?" Do you think she would even start something on Facebook called SAVE ASIA BIBI who is the Christian woman suffering in a Pakistani prison for allegedly committing blasphemy. Somehow I doubt it because I don't think she cares anything about the Christians being mistreated and/or killed in Muslim countries.
i really don;t have to look to far to find an excuse for flipping back some "obnoxious racist filth" having gone over 600 posts of jews/zionists wallowing in "obnoxious racist filth" and jews like yourself ignoring it because it suits their political ends.

There is nothing racist in dismissing the life and times of a terrorist, Princess, regardless of your politics. :D

he is a soldier and a political prisoner being held without charge and protesting his imprisonment by the JEWISH STATE with the only means at his disposal. he has a family.
>>>IFF he's a 'soldier', then he's a POW. And many people have families.
dismiss him if you must, but joke about his protest and i will be serving you the bodies of the children of the fogel settler terrorists and shalevet pas on a silver platter.
>>>>> I remain as unimpressed as ever with your continuing posturing and attempts to blackmail other posters on this site.
this forum is so racist it is unbelievable.
we have had six hundred posts about a palestinian man on hunger strike and all the jewish posters can do is laugh about it and make jokes.
>>>>>You are exaggerating, seal. Either amend your wording, or show the posts where I 'laugh about it and make jokes'.


Public · By Daleen Elshaer and Malaka Mohammed.


Together we stand with Samer Issawi. Together we show the world that he is not a forgotten case. That he is only one of many detainees in the Israeli prisons who are slowly dying. Sitting in their cells with no charge and no trail.

Samer Issawi has been on a Hunger Strike since August 1, 2012 protesting his illegal imprisonment by Israel. He is currently in very critical health condition due to a vitamin B-12 deficiency . He is also experiencing nerves, muscles, and vision problem.

So we are going to take our action up a notch. We are about to start a Facebook Intifada. We will will be sending facebook messages, posts, comments etc to the follow pages:







Please do not use foul language & be respectful. The point of this is to let them know the world is watching.



Start date 1/10/2013

Instead of starting a page you should fry up some of the baloney you are serving here and make samer a sandwich.
The fact is there is no international law legal definition of terrorist. One side's terrorist is another side's freedom fighter!

I equate terrorism with attacks on civilians that violate intl law, whether carried out by individuals or groups or states.

When I apply that definition to the Israeli Palestinian conflict, I find acts of terror have been carried out by both sides.

With Samer, there is no evidence he carried out any acts of terror against civilians that violate intl law, so the terrorist label does not fit him.

Let's look at words that do fit, he is a modern day Gandhi, a freedom fighter, a Hero to the Palestinian people, a man whose acts of self sacrifice are an unparallelled expression of love for the Palestinian people, he is a brave and courageous man engaged in acts of nonviolent resistance to Occupation in Palestine, he walks in the steps of Jesus Christ, he is a great man and he will never be forgotten and always remembered by the Palestinian people, he is a man all of us here can only dream about becoming, none of us will ever achieve what he has achieved or even come close or I expect be as close to God while still alive in this world as I believe him to be right now! We are blessed by God when we hunger and thirst for justice and he has been doing that for 168 days now, I expect noone here will ever be in that place he is in right now! He is a man who shows all of us how a life can have meaning and significance, and he is an inspiration to all of us that we can all take stands against injustice and we all have the capacity to do good with our lives and he shows us we can always hope and dream and our dreams can become reality if we persist in dreaming those dreams and striving for freedom and justice for all man!
Seal, I'm not going to go through your list of other incidents which you allege are each similar enough to the one in question for the word 'terrorism' to be applied *correctly*.

I regard that list as another attempt to derail actual discussion by pretending that words are so very easy to redefine as you claim. What word people use in *other* situations does not change the fact that what Samer Issawi and the PFLP have been up to is exactly 'terrorism'.

It appears that you also, as Rocco has noted, wish to 'rebrand' terrorism when it's chosen by Palestinians.
Once again, it appears necessary to remind the poor ideologue that her paeans of praise to the 'sainted' Samer notwithstanding - no amount of verbiage can cover over his prior criminal actions.

Any responsible adult understands that in this world, we are not relieved of the burden of trying to ameliorate the harm a prior bad choice has caused simply because we have repented of our misdeeds and are trying to re-direct ourselves.

IFF this Samer were to encourage the rest of the PFLP to eschew violence in favor of constructive action - then he might begin to qualify to lay claim to being a decent human being.
For SherriMunnerlyn to say that Samer Issawi, is today's Palestinian Gandhi is beyond ridiculous!

The ultimate aim of Samer and others like him is for violent overthrow of the state of Israel either by terrorism, faked staged propaganda events as posted by Sherri attract sympathy of idiots who don't know any better.

Gandhi's policy was at no stage to instigate violence and the circumstances, as every intelligent and semi-educated person will realize, were entirely different.

This concept of comparing Gandhi with Samer could only be dreamed up by a moron!
The fact is there is no international law legal definition of terrorist. One side's terrorist is another side's freedom fighter!

I equate terrorism with attacks on civilians that violate intl law, whether carried out by individuals or groups or states.

When I apply that definition to the Israeli Palestinian conflict, I find acts of terror have been carried out by both sides.

With Samer, there is no evidence he carried out any acts of terror against civilians that violate intl law, so the terrorist label does not fit him.

Let's look at words that do fit, he is a modern day Gandhi, a freedom fighter, a Hero to the Palestinian people, a man whose acts of self sacrifice are an unparallelled expression of love for the Palestinian people, he is a brave and courageous man engaged in acts of nonviolent resistance to Occupation in Palestine, he walks in the steps of Jesus Christ, he is a great man and he will never be forgotten and always remembered by the Palestinian people, he is a man all of us here can only dream about becoming, none of us will ever achieve what he has achieved or even come close or I expect be as close to God while still alive in this world as I believe him to be right now! We are blessed by God when we hunger and thirst for justice and he has been doing that for 168 days now, I expect noone here will ever be in that place he is in right now! He is a man who shows all of us how a life can have meaning and significance, and he is an inspiration to all of us that we can all take stands against injustice and we all have the capacity to do good with our lives and he shows us we can always hope and dream and our dreams can become reality if we persist in dreaming those dreams and striving for freedom and justice for all man!

sherri you are truly insane. samer is a scumbag terrorist, law breaker and all around liar.
The fact is there is no international law legal definition of terrorist. One side's terrorist is another side's freedom fighter!

I equate terrorism with attacks on civilians that violate intl law, whether carried out by individuals or groups or states.

When I apply that definition to the Israeli Palestinian conflict, I find acts of terror have been carried out by both sides.

With Samer, there is no evidence he carried out any acts of terror against civilians that violate intl law, so the terrorist label does not fit him.

Let's look at words that do fit, he is a modern day Gandhi, a freedom fighter, a Hero to the Palestinian people, a man whose acts of self sacrifice are an unparallelled expression of love for the Palestinian people, he is a brave and courageous man engaged in acts of nonviolent resistance to Occupation in Palestine, he walks in the steps of Jesus Christ, he is a great man and he will never be forgotten and always remembered by the Palestinian people, he is a man all of us here can only dream about becoming, none of us will ever achieve what he has achieved or even come close or I expect be as close to God while still alive in this world as I believe him to be right now! We are blessed by God when we hunger and thirst for justice and he has been doing that for 168 days now, I expect noone here will ever be in that place he is in right now! He is a man who shows all of us how a life can have meaning and significance, and he is an inspiration to all of us that we can all take stands against injustice and we all have the capacity to do good with our lives and he shows us we can always hope and dream and our dreams can become reality if we persist in dreaming those dreams and striving for freedom and justice for all man!

sherri you are truly insane. samer is a scumbag terrorist, law breaker and all around liar.

And those are his better qualities. :D
"He is a man who shows all of us how a life can have meaning and significance" quoth the sherrithing about her latest thug-crush Samer.

There has been nobody else in all of her ?50 or so years of life who's ever provided such an example??? Like, um...........the REAL Gandhi ? Or any number of other people who've made it their life's work to *give* something to other people in this world.
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