Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Silence in the face of Injustice, Martin Luther King Jr wrote about that from a jail cell in the South, he wrote about the sin of silence as a response to Injustice around us.

And silence in the face of Injustice, it seems to be the world's response to Injustice, in all times and places.

But we as individuals do not have to choose to respond to Injustice with silence, there is another way, the way of people like Martin Luther King and Gandhi and Samer Issawi and the path any of us can choose to take, too!

"Silence Where are the international human rights organizations when all that is happening? Israel continues to commit crimes against us and the world responds with silence. Are the Palestinian people excluded from international law? Or are we not humans, therefore these laws don’t apply to us?” However, despite all the pains Samer Issawi suffers, he conveyed a message of gratitude for everyone who supports him, through his lawyer who has visited him and witnessed his terrible condition. Samer gained more hope and faith in humanity from the latest international hunger strike in solidarity with him, organized by Malaka Mohammed, in which about 3,000 people from different nationalities fasted for 24 hours. Moreover, hundreds of demonstrations were organized worldwide to call for his release. “I send my greetings to all who are fighting with me in this battle and who go out for this cause, I don’t consider them in solidarity, but they are warriors,” Samer said.

Let our voices rise higher, break through the racist walls and reach Samer to provide him with more strength to withstand the torment. Let us double our efforts to rescue his life. Let us make his words echo all over the word and chant after him, “freedom and dignity is more precious than food.” He shouldn’t be left alone in this fight against injustice. “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” Martin Luther King once said. Let King’s words inspire you to join Samer’s fight against Israel’s injustices. His death would be a threat to your security, your humanity, to your values of justice and human rights. We need our Palestinian legend Samer Issawi alive as he deserves to live in dignity and freedom."

"My family is living through hell:" Samer Issawi speaks from jail | The Electronic Intifada

Very good sherri so why are you so silent in the face of TENS OF THOUSANDS
the middle east??. Do you consider GENTILE BLOOD WORTHLESS?

Right now the hot spot of GENTILE DEATH-----in the middle east is going
Words of Martin Luther King Jr in his book Strength To Love, Chapter 11

God Walks With Us When We Struggle Against Injustices Like Occupation


Words of Martin Luther King Jr in his book Strength To Love, Chapter 11, these words we can all find Hope in, the Injustice that is the Occupation of Palestine with all of its injustices will end one day and God/Allah is with the Palestinian people in their struggle to end Occupation and unlawful detentions of a people and targeting of children and civilians and home demolitions and land thefts and destruction of olive trees and all of the abuses of the Occupation that deny a people their basic human rights and freedoms that God has been the giver of, to all of us. Life is precious and all of us have a role to play here to support the right to Life of the Palestinian people.

"An evil system, known as colonialism, swept across Africa and Asia. But then the quiet invisible law began to operate…. The powerful colonial empire began to disintegrate like stacks of cards…. In our own nation another unjust and evil system, known as segregation, for nearly one hundred years inflicted the Negro with a sense of inferiority, deprived him or his personhood, and denied him of his birthright of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Segregation has been the Negroes’ burden and America’s shame.


God is able to conquer the evils of history. His control is never usurped. If at times we despair because of the relatively slow progress being made in ending racial discrimination and if we become disappointed because of the undue cautiousness of the federal government, let us gain new heart in the fact that God is able. In our sometimes difficult and often lonesome walk up freedom’s road, we do not walk alone. God walks with us."


Obviously the sherrithing is much misinformed about Dr King's rejection of violence and bloodshed - and the PFLP's dedication to it. And it also seems to be unaware of Samer's membership in such an organized gang of criminals, who used violence - kidnapping and murder - against civilians for decades to give their message.

That message was NOT about 'Palestinian self-determination': it was a message of 'Death to Zionists'.

Now if someone in the US were to cry 'Death to Communists' (as some have!), the sherrithing would be the first to cry 'demonization' and 'bigotry'.

Somehow, though, the thing has decided it's A-OK to seek 'Death to Zionists'......
Words of Martin Luther King Jr in his book Strength To Love, Chapter 11

"An evil system, known as colonialism, swept across Africa and Asia. But then the quiet invisible law began to operate…. The powerful colonial empire began to disintegrate like stacks of cards…. In our own nation another unjust and evil system, known as segregation, for nearly one hundred years inflicted the Negro with a sense of inferiority, deprived him or his personhood, and denied him of his birthright of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Segregation has been the Negroes’ burden and America’s shame.

Both segregation and colonialism the legacy of THE FILTH OF ROME--
pax romana ---is the root of THE FIRST REICH AKA
APED in detail by the "ISA RESPECTERS OF ARABIA" in their
construct----DAR AL ISLAM and the islamic empire.
It is very interesting in light of Martin Luther King's
statement that the two genocidal colonialist, segregationist
"ideologies" created the black slavery issue in the USA.
America was defiled by the same filth which created
the first and the second and the third Reich and the
MILLENNIA OLD slave trade controlled by arabia
which became superimposed on the FILTH of the REICHS
and DAR AL ISLAM ----and genocides in the hundreds of
millions and COUNTING


God is able to conquer the evils of history. His control is never usurped. If at times we despair because of the relatively slow progress being made in ending racial discrimination and if we become disappointed because of the undue cautiousness of the federal government, let us gain new heart in the fact that God is able. In our sometimes difficult and often lonesome walk up freedom’s road, we do not walk alone. God walks with us."

Well the poetry of the bible does mention the inevitable fall of
BABYLON and does describe it as an ENCOMPASSING beast with
all kinds of weird appendages and then there was EZEKIEL with
the GILGUL concept poetry seeming to imitate life

I have good news for you sherri-----Iraqi muslims have messed
up the TOMB OF EZEKIEL which has been in that land since
B.C times with its ancient carved in stone inscriptions now its
a mosque Jews write both aramaic and hebrew using the same
letters -----I am not sure if the carved inscriptions were hebrew
or aramaic My guess is they would have been hebrew. Maybe
Roudy knows. Poor muslims only around for 1400 years and
they are running out of shrines to destroy and OCCUPY
How do you feel about the BABRI MOSQUE in Ayodhiya?

I, no GOD demands that Samir be released now! Nurse! Bring my meds, make it a double!

You mess with my Sherri you messing with me! Could someone come and clean me? I think I pooped in my pants. And save Samir!

I just joined the Facebook "Save Samir Drive", and I am so excited! Can you tell?!


I have to admit, that your barrage campaign and public relations presentation on this Discussion Thread, concern the Palestinians and, in particular, Samer Issawi, have been spectacular. I am impressed.

While I, personally am not persuaded (I still considered him an un-indicted terrorist), I'm sure that your presentation has convinced many that his cause is just, and that he is an innocent man, being held by a corrupt government, for defending his people.

I wanted to recognize you for your unwavering effort (as misguided as I think it is). There is no question in my mind that Samer Issawi owes you a debt of gratitude for your defense of him and his (terrorist) cause.

Most Respectfully,

Sorry R, I have done a thorough search and only one person has admitted he thinks sherri may be onto something (her drinking buddy Eli)
And this guy:

Mr R. I believe that sherri would do the hunger striker
a bigger favor if she presented his case in a professional
manner She leaves out very important details and
ignores others. She simply DECLARES HIM INNOCENT.
Somehow he seems to have been arrested and jailed
for a reason----which seems to have been ---sorta by
"hint" that he had a cache of weapons in his
house and he associated with KNOWN
"military" groups in Jerusalem I am
inclined to wonder just what "military
groups" they were and what sort of weapons
were found in his house? She could probably
find some way to justify a pistol and as to the
"military groups" the big issue is were
any of those groups ever proven to be
associated with terrorist acts. At one point
she states he was arrested for being in an area
in which he as not supposed to be according to the
terms of his release----and in another she claims
he was "kidnapped" just for the sake of spite
et al,

Now you got to admit, this is a beautiful picture.


This little darling could sell anything.


Yes----it is----and she is------and with the help of people like
sherri-----she may someday like to make sure that the
picture ends up on a classroom wall ------the class devoted
to her and her feats of bravery in the field of JIHAD ---
like the great and noble WAFA IDRIS and all the noble
shahidahs who followed her path direct to JANNAH
oh gee----now sherri is blaming "god"
or allah/isa .... I do hope sherri can
speak arabic-----I am not sure if
allah/isa does farsi In shiite
schools in INDIA the pupils
get a choice of foreign language---
arabic or farsi (so I was told ??)
Thus is may be that the shiite
allah/isa does farsi. I have
never known a single Iranian
muslim who could do arabic.
Roudy is a treasure----I think
he knows both arabic and farsi.
Come to think of it---chances are
there are more jews who do arabic
and farsi than there are muslims
who can do both. ROUDY??

I have been told that URDU contains elements of farsi ----a few arabisms
like INSHA'ALLAH but more farsi I have never met an URDU speaker
who could do arabic either EXCEPT a jew I know from BOMBAY (mumbai)
She has remote ancestry in Iraq-------really remote like centuries ago--but
somehow that arabic hung around, somehow in her family.
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Hmmm. The human body can survive 2-15 weeks without food. How long did you say your boy Sammi has been fasting? 23 weeks? Woo. :D

With God with you, anything is possible.


God, or is someone slippin' ol' Sammi the occasional ham Sammi? :D

Well, his Nazi Zionist jailers like to experiment on Palestinians, so I cannot say what they have been doing to him. No atrocity is too low for The Jewish State and the Nazi Zionist soldiers who follow every order like good little Nazi soldiers always do.
With God with you, anything is possible.


God, or is someone slippin' ol' Sammi the occasional ham Sammi? :D

Well, his Nazi Zionist jailers like to experiment on Palestinians, so I cannot say what they have been doing to him. No atrocity is too low for The Jewish State and the Nazi Zionist soldiers who follow every order like good little Nazi soldiers always do.

Please be more specific and provide reliable sources.
With God with you, anything is possible.


God, or is someone slippin' ol' Sammi the occasional ham Sammi? :D

Well, his Nazi Zionist jailers like to experiment on Palestinians, so I cannot say what they have been doing to him. No atrocity is too low for The Jewish State and the Nazi Zionist soldiers who follow every order like good little Nazi soldiers always do.

No atrocity is too low for the nazi sow sherri who loves to indulge in the
practice of her fellows which ---forms the basis for ALL LYNCHINGS, POGROMS,
and genocides in HUMAN HISTORY----to wit LIBEL Using libels---those of
sherri's ilk have comitted genocides not just in the MILLIONS but in the HUNDREDS
of millions The nazi sow has absolutely no basis for her libel regarding
experimentation upon Palestinians by Jews In fact her libel is somewhat
LUDICROUS in the view of the fact that SAUDI ARABA imports Israeli doctors
on the sly to treat their "royals" because they do not trust scum of sherri's
ilk who are doctors to treat them In the USA muslims SEEK OUT
jewish doctors poor sherri she is desperate. For the record ---even
in the USA -----if you do not know in which hospital a sick muslim friend has ended
up------seek out a JEWISH HOSPITAL if there is one in your area--------they are
all there -------they simply do not trust their fellow "ISA RESPECTERS"

for the record-----I recognized sherri as the nazi sow she is----by her
lingo which mimics the propaganda written for those of her ilk --way
back in the post world war II era by escaped nazi war criminals like
ARIBERT HEIM a doctor who did do experiments to the delight
of those of sherri's ilk ---in the manner of MENGELE another
ass the sow licks. Sherri for a lawyer like you YOU SHOULD be
able to write without revealing your SOURCE OF FILTH
Very good sherri so why are you so silent in the face of TENS OF THOUSANDS
the middle east??. Do you consider GENTILE BLOOD WORTHLESS?

Right now the hot spot of GENTILE DEATH-----in the middle east is going
I think most of the world is waking up at how the Muslims have no problems killing their own brethren. Since Frau Sherri, that "good Christian woman," brings up SILENCE, there certainly is silence in the world about how many Christians, Hindus and Buddhists her pals are murdering. Of course, Frau Sherri is not interested in this because she can't blame the Jews for these murders.
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