Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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What's his address? I'd like to send him a BLT.
Do the math. 57 of the UN's 193 member nations are also members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. Need I say more? :D

So, do we invade each of those 57 nations and cause the death of a million human beings in each one like we did in Iraq? That Irishman in Gaza compared Israels bombing in Gaza he experienced Day 1 of in November to Day 1 Of Americas attack on Iraq. They say we have even had military officials in Palestine, are US soldiers standing right there assisting Israel in those military operations in Gaza? When they attack civilians with depleted uranium shells from the US, are the US soldiers there participating?

I wonder if you intentionally miss the point of my very clear 1 line response or your thong is so twisted by hate you can't think straight. I provided a valid answer as to why the UN's Gen Ass spends all of its time excoriating Israel while ignoring larger and far more damaging situations elsewhere. I correctly noted that 57 of the Gen Ass's members are members of the OIC which has rendered the integrity of the Gen Ass non-existent and its "work" of no value. :D

The problem is the 45 year Occupation that violates intl law, and dozens of resolutions that Israel lives every day in violation of and has been in violation of for decades. I do not think the UN reaaly has any legitimacy to in good faith enact and enforce a resolution against any other nation until they make Israel abide by the dozens of resolutions she keeps refusing to abide by.

I am going to reply to your post in sections., repying first to what you wrote above.

The conflict is Occupation, it is not The US War On Terror, and an excuse to start yet another war and kill another 1 million inhabitants of The Middle East. And why do you desire to be a NeoCon Puppet? We really need to get beyond all that crap, wars and civilian massacres based on one lie after another, lies and spreading fear all to start more wars and put yet even more money in the hands of special interests and war profiteers.

The Occupation began in 1967, and Israel and Iran/Persia were friends, did you know my husband's grandfather had a neighbor who went and fought for Israel in one of the Arab wars? The Shah recruited Iranians to go fight for Israel against Arabs. In the Iran Iraq War, guns issued to Iranian soldiers were made in the USA and bullets to use in those guns were shipped to Iran from Israel. My husband was issued a rifle made in the US and he delivered boxes of bullets in boxes showing they were shipped from Israel, and he delivered those bullets to the front lines, where the fighting was. and where the fighting was, Iraq used chemical weapons against Iranian soldiers, chemical weapons made with components shipped to Iraq from Germany and the US. The horrors experienced by those soldiers attacked with those chemical weapons, well, books could be written about that. Robert Fisk addresses it a bit in his book The Great War For Civilisation.

The Occupation is the source of the conflict, not this so called Palestinian/Arab/Persian alliance you or your Neo Con handlers have dreamed up. Israel chose to occupy Palestine and anytime they choose, they can stop the Occupation. An Occupation was not intended to last forever, it is supposed to be A TEMPORARY measure. No matter whether an intl court addresses legal issues or not, intl law most certainly defines many of Israel's acts as unlawful in this Occupation. The fact the unlawful acts have continued for over 45 years is because we do not have effective mechanisms built into intl law to force nations to abide by their obligations under intl law and the US shields Israel from accountability to abide by intl law through its veto power in the UN.

Israel can end her Occupation in Palestine anytime she chooses, just move all her soldiers and illegal settlers out of the lands they illegally occupy. It does not take a rocket scientist to see who is keeping this conflict going, it is the Occupiers and their voluntary Occupation of Palestine. Security, this so called insatiable need for security of The Jewish State , does not justify deliberate killings of civilians and children and land thefts and ethnic cleansing and Apartheid and genocide, and all of the many crimes against humanity of the Occupation, it does not, and it never will.

Occupation, Israel unlawfully occupies Palestine. Look at all the UN Resolutions calling for Israel to end it. Right to resist occupation, that is the Palestinian's right. And self defense has nothing to do with anything, let Israel argue that after they end the unlawful Occupation. We do not have to have an intl legal opinion to tell any of us the Occupation is unlawful, its daily war crimes show us that, all a legal opinion would give us is intl pressure to apply on Israel. And yes, we do need that, we need the unlawful Occupation to end and we need for Israel to abide by her obligations under intl law. And anything that pressures Israel to do that is what needs to be done. I think Iread it took 5 intl court of justice opinions before Apartheid ended in South Africa.

Now that Frau Sherri is finished with all the same blabbering ad nauseam, I wonder if she can tell us why there are no Resolutions against China for occupying Tibet. Is there any particular reason, Frau Sherri why China is let off the hook when it comes to Resolutions for occupying a country? Why only a country that involves the Jews are there these Resolutions? And why do those Palestinians still have in their charters that Israel is to be destroyed?

Do the math. 57 of the UN's 193 member nations are also members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. Need I say more? :D

so? there are a lot of muslims in this world.

if you do even more math, you will find that, if we are talking equal representation, that the jewish state is way, way over-represented in the general assembly, as are jews as a group.

assuming the jewish state represents the world's jews, which is their claim as well as the claim of the jewish diaspora, or so the jewish state says represents 1.5 million people and have one vote. meanwhile, the peoples republic of china, has about 1.5 billion people, or 1000 X that of the jewish state and the diaspora combined...and has the same one vote.

shall we discuss the unequal representation in the form of veto power among christian nations on the security council next, particularly that of the USA, which has been the sole vote against many resolutions regarding the jewish state?

for anyone to whine that the jews are not receiving fair treatment in the UN is patently ridiculous and is so absurd it is laughable. you can be assured that every time some freaky complaining zionist/jew whines "israel should withdraw from the UN" there are thousands upon thousands of people praying "yes lord, oh please yes. let them withdraw."
A "TERRORIST WEAPON" is a weapon illegally in the hands
of terrorists. or typically used in terrorist endeavors.
A kassam rocket has no military use and no entertainment value.
It is always a TERRORIST WEAPON. When materials
or objects are found in the USA which are typically used in
terrorism LIKE the makings of CAR BOMBS using quantities of
NITROGEN BASED FERTILIZERS those are called "terrorist weapons"
Islamo nazi pigs call them "BSM'ALLAH" as does sherri
reabhloideach; so? there are a lot of muslims in this world. if you do even more math said:
an interesting correction of the fact that the overwhelming majority of the
jewish population of the world was wiped out by the ilk of the shit above

there are some historians who note that due
to the activities of the ass lickers of constantine
and his spawn which includes aspects of shariah
law------the jewish population of the WORLD has
remained ---in numbers, remarkably stable----
while the ass lickers muliply like rats. Some
people find MYSTICAL significance in that fact.
I like mystical----but only as an entertainment
Why, Frau Sherri, you and your friends can support any terrorist thug you want to. I think most of the people in the civilized world support those people living in Muslim countries who are oppressed (and even murdered) because of their religious beliefs. To each his own, I say.
Now that Frau Sherri is finished with all the same blabbering ad nauseam, I wonder if she can tell us why there are no Resolutions against China for occupying Tibet. Is there any particular reason, Frau Sherri why China is let off the hook when it comes to Resolutions for occupying a country? Why only a country that involves the Jews are there these Resolutions? And why do those Palestinians still have in their charters that Israel is to be destroyed?

Do the math. 57 of the UN's 193 member nations are also members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. Need I say more? :D

so? there are a lot of muslims in this world.

if you do even more math, you will find that, if we are talking equal representation, that the jewish state is way, way over-represented in the general assembly, as are jews as a group.

assuming the jewish state represents the world's jews, which is their claim as well as the claim of the jewish diaspora, or so the jewish state says represents 1.5 million people and have one vote. meanwhile, the peoples republic of china, has about 1.5 billion people, or 1000 X that of the jewish state and the diaspora combined...and has the same one vote.

shall we discuss the unequal representation in the form of veto power among christian nations on the security council next, particularly that of the USA, which has been the sole vote against many resolutions regarding the jewish state?

for anyone to whine that the jews are not receiving fair treatment in the UN is patently ridiculous and is so absurd it is laughable. you can be assured that every time some freaky complaining zionist/jew whines "israel should withdraw from the UN" there are thousands upon thousands of people praying "yes lord, oh please yes. let them withdraw."
With all your going on and on and on, you still didn't explain to us why there are no Resolutions against China for occupying Tibet and doing things like in this article which you don't see the Israelis do to the Arabs CHINA FORCES ABORTION, STERILIZATION ON TIBETANS yet there are all these Resolution against Israel. Do you have a good explanation for this. And we have to remember that many of the non Muslim countries in the UN doesn't want to upset the Arabs because they want the Arab oil continue to flow to their countries.
Wow! Sherri Munch-Munch (no pun intended :D) is going all pictorial on us!
Wow! Sherri Munch-Munch (no pun intended :D) is going all pictorial on us!

nothing new----pictures are the bread and butter of propagandaist whores

pictures of cute babies----pictures of gore----all you need do is get one
and invent a caption
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,


Freedom is a word, like democracy. For terrorists, insurgents, and armed aggressors, it is like the boilerplate to a contract --- it is the false flag that attempts to give the aggression some legitimacy (it has proven to be an excellent advertising campaign). But like any sales gimmick, the wise shopper can see through it. It is the red herring to the real issue of peace and security for all the people; Israeli and Palestinian alike. But that cannot happen if one side has to make an unacceptable sacrifice to the extortion demands of the other.

Make no mistake, the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance represent an Extortion consortium that is holding peace hostage. There could be peace tomorrow, if the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance really wanted it.


Oh come now. You know that Samer Issawi violated his parole agreement. You know he is an insurgent, whether or not you and he disguise his efforts under the be banner of "freedom fighter." You know he is in league with other terrorist designated organization and criminal weapons traffickers. And you know that, if released, he will go back and rejoin his fellow insurgents to conduct more terrorist activity in the shallow name of freedom.

The release of Samer Issawi would be effected tomorrow if it served the greater cause for peace and security. But it simply doesn't.


And you know that Israel has the right to self-defense under the UN Charter, against all elements of the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance which call for the destruction of Israel. And an integral part of that defense is the Occupation of strategic ground.

Again, it is not about the "Occupation." If it were about those lands, then the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance would have not rejected the two-state solution, and there would be a country today called Palestine. But the reality of the situation is, the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance rejected the two-state solution because they wanted to continue the struggle under a false flag of freedom. There can be no other worthy explanation.


Whether or not I weigh in on this and choose a side is irrelevant. It is a matter of either litigation in the courts, or the establishment of such barriers to war - that there becomes a reasonable expectation for a lasting peace.

I, personally, think that the whole of Jerusalem should be either destroyed in its entirety, or that the warring factions make it a separate city state. I think it is rather childish for the warring parties to be combat engaged over a piece of ground that has some religious significants - but that each side will kill the other over. If there was ever a reason to doubt the existence of a Supreme Being, it would be this continuing battle over this worthless piece of ground. Clearly, neither side deserves it after the way they have acted counter to the teachings of the great prophets that came before us.


Apples and Oranges. Up to this point, we have been talking about national sovereignty and occupation issues. However, this is a property rights issue. It doesn't have an impact on the incorporation of the government; no matter who owns the land. If the US sells the State of Ohio to Canada tomorrow, it doesn't effect my ownership of the land. It only means that tomorrow I'm a Canadian. This is another red herring.


This is another red herring. Through the original recognition of the State of Israel, up to, the border adjustments by treaty between Israel and the adjacent nations (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon)(Ceasefire with Syria), there are legitimate borders that are what they are.

The Occupied Regions, see above.


Wrong, there are treaties in place. What ever happened before, no matter how fair, unfair, or questionable you may believe it to be, the Treaties now have primacy. They are unassailable, to include the borders. The treaties have the force of law.

INow, as is obvious, when Hamas argues for lands inside the pre 1967 borders, we can all see they have a basis for such claims under intl law, some of the land or all of the land.

Another reason to exercise Article 51. Under International Law, the State of Israel is established. Under treaty, the original borders are modified. HAMAS, wants to question the validity as if to give some legitimacy to their insurgency operations for the benefactors in Persia; but there are some things that just are.

Now, why should they stop making their arguments for all of the land or additional land inside Israel pre 1967 borders, when intl law supports such claims, while the Occupation continues? Only a fool would do that, and they are not Fools.

They are not fools at all. They are Persian Puppets of the highest order operating outside the best interest of the people they aspose to represent. Another reason for the imposition of the Occupation. And "reason" is the key word.

Most Respectfully,


To start, one more time, there is no Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance threatening peace for Israel. There is an Occupation that has been ongoing for 45+ years and a people resisting Occupation, as people always do. I do not buy into fabrications that some use to justify continuing daily crimes agaisnt humanity in an Occupation. Evidence what I say is true, search UN documents, search Intl Court of Justice opinions, search human rights groups reports, you will find no mention of a Palestinian/Arab/Persian alliance that is a threat to peace in the Middle East. What you will find is much mention of Occupation and the abuses of Occupation and in Occupation over the past 45+ years.

Freedom describes a people not enslaved and/or occupied, and there is something human inside all of us human beings that desires freedom. Israel occupies Palestine and they have occupied Palestine since 1967, and the Occupation oppresses those occupied and subjects them to daily human rights abuses. Imagine, if you can, being born and occupied and living your whole life under occupation, denied basic human rights, treated as a subhuman, treated like a dog. Why is that OK? Why is it OK for you to condemn a people to life like that? They are not children of a lesser God, they are created in the image of God, as everyone else is, loved by God and special and unique. And when we deny that humanity to any child or person, anywhere in this world, then we lose pieces of our own humanity every time we do it. But, this is the wonderful thing I want to proclaim, we do not have to deny them their humanity and their human rights and their human dignity, we all have voices to speak out against all of the abuses of Occupation and the horrible ways Occupation dehumanizes and takes away basic human rights of the Palestinian people. We have voices to tell all the stories of the human rights abuses, like targeted killings of children, like unlawful detentions of prisoners, like torture of prisoners, we all have voices to speak out against all of these atrocities that are being perpetrated agaisnt our brothers and our sisters in our world, and we have voices to never ever stop speaking out about these abuses against humanity as long as they continue. And when we take this stand to speak out for the basic human rights of others, we see how much we share with one another and we come to care about each other more and more, and we see the bonds that bind us to one another, every day we see more and more what we share and there is goodness and beauty in that.. And we see humanity, more and more evrey day, I think, the way God created it to be, I think.

Samer is unlawfully detained, he was released under a prisoner exchange agreement and has been charged with no new crimes. His present detention violates intl law. You stop your lies about this, and all this demonization of him you are engaging in, when all he ever did was resist Occupation which is completely lawful under intl law, and he went to prison and was released under a prisoner exchange deal. Truth is always brought into the light and liars disclosed exactly for the liars they are, like I am disclosing you for the liar you are in your statements here demonizing and lying about Samer. All he did was travel between two villages in the OPT and that is not an unlawful act under intl law. Israel is simply trying to renege on their agreement to release Samer.

Samer Issawi is a freedom fighter, a modern day Gandhi, a hero to his people, a man walking in the footsteps of great men who gave their lives for others, for something greater then themselves, certainly someone you or I can only dream about being.

You next talk more about this Palestinian/Persian/Arab alliance that doe not exist in intl law, all I can say is intl legal authorities deal with realities and that is an Occupation that has extended over 45 years and continues. And Israel needs to end that Occupation for there to be peace. And rights of self defense cannot justify Occupation. If that were true, then any nation could just go seize their neighboring enemys lands and claim self defense justified the occupations. Imagine the mess we would have if that was the law, which thankfully, it is not.

I will come back and address the latter points in another post, you are responding to another post of mine, I think, and I need to reread it to respond to the rest of your post.

Paliwood has worked again creating more boring works of fiction... even better than Hollywood!

What makes Sherri Munch-Munch think that anybody is interested in an ugly looking terrorist who could stop this nonsense any time....but of course is determined to get the Oscar...and die as another useless martyr?

I say, let him go ahead!
There is something to be said for sherri's characterization of the STALEMATE of the past
45 years It must end. and it must end on the terms determined by the "leaders" and
people of Gaza and the West Bank who have declared their agenda of ANNHILATING
Israel and setting up a new and innovatve SHARIAH PALESTINE. The LEGAL PRECEDENTS
are already in place Maldives has VOTED DEMOCRATICALLY to cancel citizenship
of non muslims Israel MUST follow suit and cancel ciizenship of all muslims
Fair is Fair Also Israel MUST commit to the ANNHILATION OF THE "arabist, islamicist,
entity which fancies itself "palestine" "" (for the record----just make a little exception for
the present muslims in israel who are nice people). No one can object---without dismantling
maldives and Hamas for that matter even the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD and IRAN
Sammy sure looks much, much healthier than those Muslims who are skin and bones from starvation in Somalia. However, we do know that Frau Sherri, that "good Christian woman," has absoluately no interest in the starving people of the world who would happily take the place of Sammy in prison just to get a square meal. Does Mrs. Fake Humanitarian ever send a contribution to the starving Muslim children in this world? Somehow I don't think she cares about them so why should she bother taking the time to write a check to a relief organization like UNICEF? It much more important for her to flood the Internet about a terrorist thug.
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,


Freedom is a word, like democracy. For terrorists, insurgents, and armed aggressors, it is like the boilerplate to a contract --- it is the false flag that attempts to give the aggression some legitimacy (it has proven to be an excellent advertising campaign). But like any sales gimmick, the wise shopper can see through it. It is the red herring to the real issue of peace and security for all the people; Israeli and Palestinian alike. But that cannot happen if one side has to make an unacceptable sacrifice to the extortion demands of the other.

Make no mistake, the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance represent an Extortion consortium that is holding peace hostage. There could be peace tomorrow, if the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance really wanted it.


Oh come now. You know that Samer Issawi violated his parole agreement. You know he is an insurgent, whether or not you and he disguise his efforts under the be banner of "freedom fighter." You know he is in league with other terrorist designated organization and criminal weapons traffickers. And you know that, if released, he will go back and rejoin his fellow insurgents to conduct more terrorist activity in the shallow name of freedom.

The release of Samer Issawi would be effected tomorrow if it served the greater cause for peace and security. But it simply doesn't.


And you know that Israel has the right to self-defense under the UN Charter, against all elements of the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance which call for the destruction of Israel. And an integral part of that defense is the Occupation of strategic ground.

Again, it is not about the "Occupation." If it were about those lands, then the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance would have not rejected the two-state solution, and there would be a country today called Palestine. But the reality of the situation is, the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance rejected the two-state solution because they wanted to continue the struggle under a false flag of freedom. There can be no other worthy explanation.


Whether or not I weigh in on this and choose a side is irrelevant. It is a matter of either litigation in the courts, or the establishment of such barriers to war - that there becomes a reasonable expectation for a lasting peace.

I, personally, think that the whole of Jerusalem should be either destroyed in its entirety, or that the warring factions make it a separate city state. I think it is rather childish for the warring parties to be combat engaged over a piece of ground that has some religious significants - but that each side will kill the other over. If there was ever a reason to doubt the existence of a Supreme Being, it would be this continuing battle over this worthless piece of ground. Clearly, neither side deserves it after the way they have acted counter to the teachings of the great prophets that came before us.


Apples and Oranges. Up to this point, we have been talking about national sovereignty and occupation issues. However, this is a property rights issue. It doesn't have an impact on the incorporation of the government; no matter who owns the land. If the US sells the State of Ohio to Canada tomorrow, it doesn't effect my ownership of the land. It only means that tomorrow I'm a Canadian. This is another red herring.


This is another red herring. Through the original recognition of the State of Israel, up to, the border adjustments by treaty between Israel and the adjacent nations (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon)(Ceasefire with Syria), there are legitimate borders that are what they are.

The Occupied Regions, see above.


Wrong, there are treaties in place. What ever happened before, no matter how fair, unfair, or questionable you may believe it to be, the Treaties now have primacy. They are unassailable, to include the borders. The treaties have the force of law.

INow, as is obvious, when Hamas argues for lands inside the pre 1967 borders, we can all see they have a basis for such claims under intl law, some of the land or all of the land.

Another reason to exercise Article 51. Under International Law, the State of Israel is established. Under treaty, the original borders are modified. HAMAS, wants to question the validity as if to give some legitimacy to their insurgency operations for the benefactors in Persia; but there are some things that just are.

Now, why should they stop making their arguments for all of the land or additional land inside Israel pre 1967 borders, when intl law supports such claims, while the Occupation continues? Only a fool would do that, and they are not Fools.

They are not fools at all. They are Persian Puppets of the highest order operating outside the best interest of the people they aspose to represent. Another reason for the imposition of the Occupation. And "reason" is the key word.

Most Respectfully,


To start, one more time, there is no Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance threatening peace for Israel. There is an Occupation that has been ongoing for 45+ years and a people resisting Occupation, as people always do. I do not buy into fabrications that some use to justify continuing daily crimes agaisnt humanity in an Occupation. Evidence what I say is true, search UN documents, search Intl Court of Justice opinions, search human rights groups reports, you will find no mention of a Palestinian/Arab/Persian alliance that is a threat to peace in the Middle East. What you will find is much mention of Occupation and the abuses of Occupation and in Occupation over the past 45+ years.

Freedom describes a people not enslaved and/or occupied, and there is something human inside all of us human beings that desires freedom. Israel occupies Palestine and they have occupied Palestine since 1967, and the Occupation oppresses those occupied and subjects them to daily human rights abuses. Imagine, if you can, being born and occupied and living your whole life under occupation, denied basic human rights, treated as a subhuman, treated like a dog. Why is that OK? Why is it OK for you to condemn a people to life like that? They are not children of a lesser God, they are created in the image of God, as everyone else is, loved by God and special and unique. And when we deny that humanity to any child or person, anywhere in this world, then we lose pieces of our own humanity every time we do it. But, this is the wonderful thing I want to proclaim, we do not have to deny them their humanity and their human rights and their human dignity, we all have voices to speak out against all of the abuses of Occupation and the horrible ways Occupation dehumanizes and takes away basic human rights of the Palestinian people. We have voices to tell all the stories of the human rights abuses, like targeted killings of children, like unlawful detentions of prisoners, like torture of prisoners, we all have voices to speak out against all of these atrocities that are being perpetrated agaisnt our brothers and our sisters in our world, and we have voices to never ever stop speaking out about these abuses against humanity as long as they continue. And when we take this stand to speak out for the basic human rights of others, we see how much we share with one another and we come to care about each other more and more, and we see the bonds that bind us to one another, every day we see more and more what we share and there is goodness and beauty in that.. And we see humanity, more and more evrey day, I think, the way God created it to be, I think.

Samer is unlawfully detained, he was released under a prisoner exchange agreement and has been charged with no new crimes. His present detention violates intl law. You stop your lies about this, and all this demonization of him you are engaging in, when all he ever did was resist Occupation which is completely lawful under intl law, and he went to prison and was released under a prisoner exchange deal. Truth is always brought into the light and liars disclosed exactly for the liars they are, like I am disclosing you for the liar you are in your statements here demonizing and lying about Samer. All he did was travel between two villages in the OPT and that is not an unlawful act under intl law. Israel is simply trying to renege on their agreement to release Samer.

Samer Issawi is a freedom fighter, a modern day Gandhi, a hero to his people, a man walking in the footsteps of great men who gave their lives for others, for something greater then themselves, certainly someone you or I can only dream about being.

You next talk more about this Palestinian/Persian/Arab alliance that doe not exist in intl law, all I can say is intl legal authorities deal with realities and that is an Occupation that has extended over 45 years and continues. And Israel needs to end that Occupation for there to be peace. And rights of self defense cannot justify Occupation. If that were true, then any nation could just go seize their neighboring enemys lands and claim self defense justified the occupations. Imagine the mess we would have if that was the law, which thankfully, it is not.

I will come back and address the latter points in another post, you are responding to another post of mine, I think, and I need to reread it to respond to the rest of your post.

Now I know where the expression "Dumb As A Fencepost" came from.
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