Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

For clarification.

To start, one more time, there is no Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance threatening peace for Israel. There is an Occupation that has been ongoing for 45+ years and a people resisting Occupation, as people always do. I do not buy into fabrications that some use to justify continuing daily crimes agaisnt humanity in an Occupation. Evidence what I say is true, search UN documents, search Intl Court of Justice opinions, search human rights groups reports, you will find no mention of a Palestinian/Arab/Persian alliance that is a threat to peace in the Middle East. What you will find is much mention of Occupation and the abuses of Occupation and in Occupation over the past 45+ years.

What is meant by the phase Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance and the threat:

Palestinian Elements:

  • Hamas
  • Palestine Islamic Jihad
  • Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade
  • Popular Resistance Committees (PRC)
  • Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
  • Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command (PFLP-GC)
  • Tanzim Organization

Arab Elements:

  • Hizballah (Party of God)
  • Revolutionary Justice Organization
  • Organization of the Oppressed on Earth
  • Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine
  • Muslim Brotherhood

Persian Element:

  • Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps - al-Quds Force (IRGC-QF)

Pick any name and do a search, it will immediately come up as a threat to peace with a list of terrorist connections, associations and actions.

Most Respectfully,
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

For clarification.

To start, one more time, there is no Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance threatening peace for Israel. There is an Occupation that has been ongoing for 45+ years and a people resisting Occupation, as people always do. I do not buy into fabrications that some use to justify continuing daily crimes agaisnt humanity in an Occupation. Evidence what I say is true, search UN documents, search Intl Court of Justice opinions, search human rights groups reports, you will find no mention of a Palestinian/Arab/Persian alliance that is a threat to peace in the Middle East. What you will find is much mention of Occupation and the abuses of Occupation and in Occupation over the past 45+ years.

What is meant by the phase Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance and the threat:

Palestinian Elements:

  • Hamas
  • Palestine Islamic Jihad
  • Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade
  • Popular Resistance Committees (PRC)
  • Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
  • Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command (PFLP-GC)
  • Tanzim Organization

Arab Elements:

  • Hizballah (Party of God)
  • Revolutionary Justice Organization
  • Organization of the Oppressed on Earth
  • Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine
  • Muslim Brotherhood

Persian Element:

  • Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps - al-Quds Force (IRGC-QF)

Pick any name and do a search, it will immediately come up as a threat to peace with a list of terrorist connections, associations and actions.

Most Respectfully,

Where is this Alliance mentioned in The Fourth Geneva Convention or treaties or UN Resolutions? It is nowhere to be found. But Occupation is. This so called Alliance simply does not justify continuing Occupation under intl law.
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

For clarification.

To start, one more time, there is no Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance threatening peace for Israel. There is an Occupation that has been ongoing for 45+ years and a people resisting Occupation, as people always do. I do not buy into fabrications that some use to justify continuing daily crimes agaisnt humanity in an Occupation. Evidence what I say is true, search UN documents, search Intl Court of Justice opinions, search human rights groups reports, you will find no mention of a Palestinian/Arab/Persian alliance that is a threat to peace in the Middle East. What you will find is much-needed mention of Occupation and the abuses of Occupation and in Occupation over the past 45+ years.

What is meant by the phase Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance and the threat:

Palestinian Elements:

  • Hamas
  • Palestine Islamic Jihad
  • Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade
  • Popular Resistance Committees (PRC)
  • Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
  • Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command (PFLP-GC)
  • Tanzim Organization

Arab Elements:

  • Hizballah (Party of God)
  • Revolutionary Justice Organization
  • Organization of the Oppressed on Earth
  • Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine
  • Muslim Brotherhood

Persian Element:

  • Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps - al-Quds Force (IRGC-QF)

Pick any name and do a search, it will immediately come up as a threat to peace with a list of terrorist connections, associations and actions.

Most Respectfully,

Where is this Alliance mentioned in The Fourth Geneva Convention or treaties or UN Resolutions? It is nowhere to be found. But Occupation is. This so called Alliance simply does not justify continuing Occupation under intl law.

This so called Palestinian Persian Arab Alliance justifies Occupation in Palestine like 9/11 justified Occupation in Iraq
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

For clarification.


What is meant by the phase Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance and the threat:

Palestinian Elements:

  • Hamas
  • Palestine Islamic Jihad
  • Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade
  • Popular Resistance Committees (PRC)
  • Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
  • Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command (PFLP-GC)
  • Tanzim Organization

Arab Elements:

  • Hizballah (Party of God)
  • Revolutionary Justice Organization
  • Organization of the Oppressed on Earth
  • Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine
  • Muslim Brotherhood

Persian Element:

  • Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps - al-Quds Force (IRGC-QF)

Pick any name and do a search, it will immediately come up as a threat to peace with a list of terrorist connections, associations and actions.

Most Respectfully,

Where is this Alliance mentioned in The Fourth Geneva Convention or treaties or UN Resolutions? It is nowhere to be found. But Occupation is. This so called Alliance simply does not justify continuing Occupation under intl law.

This so called Palestinian Persian Arab Alliance justifies Occupation in Palestine like 9/11 justified Occupation in Iraq

Fuck you and fuck the Palestinians! :mad:
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

For clarification.

To start, one more time, there is no Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance threatening peace for Israel. There is an Occupation that has been ongoing for 45+ years and a people resisting Occupation, as people always do. I do not buy into fabrications that some use to justify continuing daily crimes agaisnt humanity in an Occupation. Evidence what I say is true, search UN documents, search Intl Court of Justice opinions, search human rights groups reports, you will find no mention of a Palestinian/Arab/Persian alliance that is a threat to peace in the Middle East. What you will find is much mention of Occupation and the abuses of Occupation and in Occupation over the past 45+ years.

What is meant by the phase Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance and the threat:

Palestinian Elements:

  • Hamas
  • Palestine Islamic Jihad
  • Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade
  • Popular Resistance Committees (PRC)
  • Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
  • Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command (PFLP-GC)
  • Tanzim Organization

Arab Elements:

  • Hizballah (Party of God)
  • Revolutionary Justice Organization
  • Organization of the Oppressed on Earth
  • Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine
  • Muslim Brotherhood

Persian Element:

  • Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps - al-Quds Force (IRGC-QF)

Pick any name and do a search, it will immediately come up as a threat to peace with a list of terrorist connections, associations and actions.

Most Respectfully,

Where is this Alliance mentioned in The Fourth Geneva Convention or treaties or UN Resolutions? It is nowhere to be found. But Occupation is. This so called Alliance simply does not justify continuing Occupation under intl law.

sherri you have a wonderful talent for talking out of your ass.
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Reference: Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance against Israeli security.

Where is this Alliance mentioned in The Fourth Geneva Convention or treaties or UN Resolutions? It is nowhere to be found. But Occupation is. This so called Alliance simply does not justify continuing Occupation under intl law.

That would be:

Chapter VII said:
Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.
SOURCE: Charter of the United Nations: Chapter VII: Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace and Acts of Agression

5. When does occupation come to an end? said:
The normal way for an occupation to e nd is for the occupying power to withdraw from the occupied territory or be driven out of it. However, the continued presence of foreign troops does not necessarily mean that occupation continues.

A transfer of authority to a local government re-establishing the full and free exercise of sovereignty will normally end the state of occupation, if the government agrees to the continued presence of foreign troops on its territory. However, the law of occupation may become applicable again if the situation on the ground changes, that is to say, if the territory again becomes " actually placed under the authority of the hostile army " (H R, art. 42) – in other words, under the control of foreign troops without the consent of the local authorities.
SOURCE: Occupation and international humanitarian law: questions and answers
Part i said:
In the territory of Parties to the conflict, the application of the present Convention shall cease on the general close of military operations.

In the case of occupied territory, the application of the present Convention shall cease one year after the general close of military operations; however, the Occupying Power shall be bound, for the duration of the occupation, to the extent that such Power exercises the functions of government in such territory, by the provisions of the following Articles of the present Convention: 1 to 12, 27, 29 to 34, 47, 49, 51, 52, 53, 59, 61 to 77, 143.
SOURCE: International Humanitarian Law - Fourth 1949 Geneva Convention

The various threats, by the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance, represent a continuation of hostilities by combat armed aggressors. There has not been a year in which one of these elements has not conducted operations against Israeli interest, both inside Israel and within the Occupied Territories.

Just during the month of November 2012, Palestinian Elements (HAMAS), supplied with small arms and rockets by the Persian Element (IRGC-QF), conducted paramilitary operations on:

  • November 4
  • November 6
  • November 9
  • November 10
  • November 11
  • November 12
  • November 14–21
  • 15 November,
  • November 14 and 21.
  • As of November 19,
  • On November 20,
  • On November 21,
  • November 22

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin established Hamas as a Muslim Brotherhood political arm in December 1987, establishing a long standing alliance between the two organizations.

Mahmoud Abdel Rauf al-Mabhouh was a HAMAS commander within the military arm; and an operative of the al-Qassam Brigades; and join the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1970s. His case is well known and public knowledge. He is an example of how these various elements of the alliance connect. Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was instrumental in establishing the covert corridor between the IRGC-QF and these various elements within the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance.

Make no mistake, while they lack a general command and control C3I structure between them, they all have a well establish set of associations and links as aligned asymmetric warfare organizations sharing many of the same resources.

Military Operations have not ceased in the Occupied Territories. This is well documented. There is plenty of evidence should this go to an International Court or Tribunal. And there is no element in the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance that wants this to happen.

As I said, the legality of the Occupation is mutually exclusive of the Administration of the Occupation Territory and the indigenous population. The use of freedom fighters by the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance actually works in favor of extending the duration of the Occupation.

Just because you cannot find an association or connection between these various elements within the Alliance, doesn't mean that its not there.

Most Respectfully,
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Reference: Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance against Israeli security.

Where is this Alliance mentioned in The Fourth Geneva Convention or treaties or UN Resolutions? It is nowhere to be found. But Occupation is. This so called Alliance simply does not justify continuing Occupation under intl law.

That would be:

Chapter VII said:
Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.
SOURCE: Charter of the United Nations: Chapter VII: Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace and Acts of Agression

Part i said:
In the territory of Parties to the conflict, the application of the present Convention shall cease on the general close of military operations.

In the case of occupied territory, the application of the present Convention shall cease one year after the general close of military operations; however, the Occupying Power shall be bound, for the duration of the occupation, to the extent that such Power exercises the functions of government in such territory, by the provisions of the following Articles of the present Convention: 1 to 12, 27, 29 to 34, 47, 49, 51, 52, 53, 59, 61 to 77, 143.
SOURCE: International Humanitarian Law - Fourth 1949 Geneva Convention

The various threats, by the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance, represent a continuation of hostilities by combat armed aggressors. There has not been a year in which one of these elements has not conducted operations against Israeli interest, both inside Israel and within the Occupied Territories.

Just during the month of November 2012, Palestinian Elements (HAMAS), supplied with small arms and rockets by the Persian Element (IRGC-QF), conducted paramilitary operations on:

  • November 4
  • November 6
  • November 9
  • November 10
  • November 11
  • November 12
  • November 14–21
  • 15 November,
  • November 14 and 21.
  • As of November 19,
  • On November 20,
  • On November 21,
  • November 22

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin established Hamas as a Muslim Brotherhood political arm in December 1987, establishing a long standing alliance between the two organizations.

Mahmoud Abdel Rauf al-Mabhouh was a HAMAS commander within the military arm; and an operative of the al-Qassam Brigades; and join the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1970s. His case is well known and public knowledge. He is an example of how these various elements of the alliance connect. Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was instrumental in establishing the covert corridor between the IRGC-QF and these various elements within the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance.

Make no mistake, while they lack a general command and control C3I structure between them, they all have a well establish set of associations and links as aligned asymmetric warfare organizations sharing many of the same resources.

Military Operations have not ceased in the Occupied Territories. This is well documented. There is plenty of evidence should this go to an International Court or Tribunal. And there is no element in the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance that wants this to happen.

As I said, the legality of the Occupation is mutually exclusive of the Administration of the Occupation Territory and the indigenous population. The use of freedom fighters by the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance actually works in favor of extending the duration of the Occupation.

Just because you cannot find an association or connection between these various elements within the Alliance, doesn't mean that its not there.

Most Respectfully,

You really do not understand international law. Self defense is not justification for permanent Occupation of lands in Palestine. Those occupied have a right to resist occupation and resistance can be armed resistance and they can get help from other nations. And calling that resistance a threat justifying Occupation just discloses your ignorance of intl law. But I guess once a warmonger always a warmonger, is the lust for more blood of the innocent simply something you cannot resist? That sort of evil I cannot understand. I see it and feel it and my response to it is simply revulsion.
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Reference: Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance against Israeli security.

Where is this Alliance mentioned in The Fourth Geneva Convention or treaties or UN Resolutions? It is nowhere to be found. But Occupation is. This so called Alliance simply does not justify continuing Occupation under intl law.

That would be:


The various threats, by the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance, represent a continuation of hostilities by combat armed aggressors. There has not been a year in which one of these elements has not conducted operations against Israeli interest, both inside Israel and within the Occupied Territories.

Just during the month of November 2012, Palestinian Elements (HAMAS), supplied with small arms and rockets by the Persian Element (IRGC-QF), conducted paramilitary operations on:

  • November 4
  • November 6
  • November 9
  • November 10
  • November 11
  • November 12
  • November 14–21
  • 15 November,
  • November 14 and 21.
  • As of November 19,
  • On November 20,
  • On November 21,
  • November 22

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin established Hamas as a Muslim Brotherhood political arm in December 1987, establishing a long standing alliance between the two organizations.

Mahmoud Abdel Rauf al-Mabhouh was a HAMAS commander within the military arm; and an operative of the al-Qassam Brigades; and join the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1970s. His case is well known and public knowledge. He is an example of how these various elements of the alliance connect. Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was instrumental in establishing the covert corridor between the IRGC-QF and these various elements within the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance.

Make no mistake, while they lack a general command and control C3I structure between them, they all have a well establish set of associations and links as aligned asymmetric warfare organizations sharing many of the same resources.

Military Operations have not ceased in the Occupied Territories. This is well documented. There is plenty of evidence should this go to an International Court or Tribunal. And there is no element in the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance that wants this to happen.

As I said, the legality of the Occupation is mutually exclusive of the Administration of the Occupation Territory and the indigenous population. The use of freedom fighters by the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance actually works in favor of extending the duration of the Occupation.

Just because you cannot find an association or connection between these various elements within the Alliance, doesn't mean that its not there.

Most Respectfully,

You really do not understand international law. Self defense is not justification for permanent Occupation of lands in Palestine. Those occupied have a right to resist occupation and resistance can be armed resistance and they can get help from other nations. And calling that resistance a threat justifying Occupation just discloses your ignorance of intl law. But I guess once a warmonger always a warmonger, is the lust for more blood of the innocent simply something you cannot resist? That sort of evil I cannot understand. I see it and feel it and my response to it is simply revulsion.

You really need to discuss the various UN resolutions that I have previously presented in conjunction with the discussion regarding weapons and tactics that I have already presented as well, based upon your sources. You came up short then as you do now.
Connery give up -----sherri has lawyerly techniques to PROVE that sneaking into
houses to slit the throats of infants is LEGAL if the infants are the children of jews
and the 'sneakers" are noble muslim jihadists DEFENDING ISLAAAAAM.

it is a kind of game --------keep in mind----the genocide comitted by her hero Adolf
abu ali was ENTIRELY LEGAL it was legalized by elements of the Justinian Code.

another issue to keep in mind------the persons who slit the throat of Daniel Pearl ---
did a video of the event.. Do you know why? I know. How many "criminals"
video and publish their "crime"? Of course not-----the video was done to PROVE
that the act was LEGAL In the mindset of "lawyers" like sherri it could be proven
LEGAL then man refuse to convert to islam and stated openly that his father is
a JEW. Therefore his slit throat was a LEGAL SLIT throat in a shariah court and
sherri would not hesitated to defend the act based on "LAW"

now for the joke----the throat slitters were tried in a specially convened "british style
court" because that was the only way Pakistan could convict them of "MURDER"
In the shariah court system -----they were INNOCENT

sherri uses the system ------Musharraf was under international pressure----he
caved. Sherri would have defended the throat slitters using the same logical
skill she uses to defend ----samer
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

Reference: Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance against Israeli security.

Where is this Alliance mentioned in The Fourth Geneva Convention or treaties or UN Resolutions? It is nowhere to be found. But Occupation is. This so called Alliance simply does not justify continuing Occupation under intl law.

That would be:


The various threats, by the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance, represent a continuation of hostilities by combat armed aggressors. There has not been a year in which one of these elements has not conducted operations against Israeli interest, both inside Israel and within the Occupied Territories.

Just during the month of November 2012, Palestinian Elements (HAMAS), supplied with small arms and rockets by the Persian Element (IRGC-QF), conducted paramilitary operations on:

  • November 4
  • November 6
  • November 9
  • November 10
  • November 11
  • November 12
  • November 14–21
  • 15 November,
  • November 14 and 21.
  • As of November 19,
  • On November 20,
  • On November 21,
  • November 22

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin established Hamas as a Muslim Brotherhood political arm in December 1987, establishing a long standing alliance between the two organizations.

Mahmoud Abdel Rauf al-Mabhouh was a HAMAS commander within the military arm; and an operative of the al-Qassam Brigades; and join the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1970s. His case is well known and public knowledge. He is an example of how these various elements of the alliance connect. Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was instrumental in establishing the covert corridor between the IRGC-QF and these various elements within the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance.

Make no mistake, while they lack a general command and control C3I structure between them, they all have a well establish set of associations and links as aligned asymmetric warfare organizations sharing many of the same resources.

Military Operations have not ceased in the Occupied Territories. This is well documented. There is plenty of evidence should this go to an International Court or Tribunal. And there is no element in the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance that wants this to happen.

As I said, the legality of the Occupation is mutually exclusive of the Administration of the Occupation Territory and the indigenous population. The use of freedom fighters by the Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance actually works in favor of extending the duration of the Occupation.

Just because you cannot find an association or connection between these various elements within the Alliance, doesn't mean that its not there.

Most Respectfully,

You really do not understand international law. Self defense is not justification for permanent Occupation of lands in Palestine. Those occupied have a right to resist occupation and resistance can be armed resistance and they can get help from other nations. And calling that resistance a threat justifying Occupation just discloses your ignorance of intl law. But I guess once a warmonger always a warmonger, is the lust for more blood of the innocent simply something you cannot resist? That sort of evil I cannot understand. I see it and feel it and my response to it is simply revulsion.

Another poster suggests its all about money. And I guess I have not really fully thought through that miliary industrial complex that today so influences US Foreign Policy and buys people's hearts and their minds and their souls. The evil in all of that does warrant pondering, as does the miraid of ways it influences ordinary people and claims their support.
Thanks Mr R.-----I think that the issue of Gaza ----that sherri does not appreciate ---is the
fact that from the POV of HAMAS and ---a concept that is foisted on Gazans by
interested elements of the UMMAH is that the war of 1967-----never actually ended.
Sadat did end it for Egypt-----which is why he was shot by the Muslim Brotherhood----
parent organization of HAMAS. Mubarak has no interest in continuing it ---which is the
basis of his downfall. Morsi seems interested
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

For clarification.


What is meant by the phase Palestinian/Arab/Persian Alliance and the threat:

Palestinian Elements:

  • Hamas
  • Palestine Islamic Jihad
  • Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade
  • Popular Resistance Committees (PRC)
  • Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
  • Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
  • Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command (PFLP-GC)
  • Tanzim Organization

Arab Elements:

  • Hizballah (Party of God)
  • Revolutionary Justice Organization
  • Organization of the Oppressed on Earth
  • Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine
  • Muslim Brotherhood

Persian Element:

  • Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps - al-Quds Force (IRGC-QF)

Pick any name and do a search, it will immediately come up as a threat to peace with a list of terrorist connections, associations and actions.

Most Respectfully,

Where is this Alliance mentioned in The Fourth Geneva Convention or treaties or UN Resolutions? It is nowhere to be found. But Occupation is. This so called Alliance simply does not justify continuing Occupation under intl law.

sherri you have a wonderful talent for talking out of your ass.

Well, that is where her head resides.
Lawyers are actually SUPPOSED TO LIE ... After witnessing
them in action----I have come to the conclusion that
in ALL CASES----the lawyers should be sworn so that
if it can be demonstrated that they LIED----they can
be prosecuted for perjury... I have even seen some
judges who should have been sworn. As things stand
now---- Lawyers and Judges who LIE IN COURT
are immune from prosecution for perjury---but
according to information I have gleaned from

also ---they can engage in any level of sophistry that
they can muster -----to the point of OBSCENITY
(eg----talking thru the ass)
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

There are all kinds of reasons why the two issues, (1) the Occupation and duration, (2) the Administration of the Occupation, should go into binding litigation. The key though, it to lend some transparency to the decision making processes that shaped the current situation.

You really do not understand international law. Self defense is not justification for permanent Occupation of lands in Palestine. Those occupied have a right to resist occupation and resistance can be armed resistance and they can get help from other nations. And calling that resistance a threat justifying Occupation just discloses your ignorance of intl law. But I guess once a warmonger always a warmonger, is the lust for more blood of the innocent simply something you cannot resist? That sort of evil I cannot understand. I see it and feel it and my response to it is simply revulsion.

Another poster suggests its all about money. And I guess I have not really fully thought through that miliary industrial complex that today so influences US Foreign Policy and buys people's hearts and their minds and their souls. The evil in all of that does warrant pondering, as does the miraid of ways it influences ordinary people and claims their support.

US Policy, for sure, has been influenced by the military-industrial complex (The Eisenhower Warning); but has a much less impact on Israel. Having said that, there is always money to be made in expansion and chaos.

Oddly enough, much of the pressure that has gone into shaping the perspectives on the scope and nature of the struggle was funded by the various affluent Arab components. It is much better for many of the regional governments that the radical elements throughout the region be focused on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, than to focus on internal government issues. Many of the Arab Spring outcomes, as an example, have fallen into the hands of the more radical fundamentalist, with the most server outcomes falling on the toppled regimes [(Egypt, Mubarak nearly died and is now in prison)(Libya's Gaddafy dead)(Yemen's Salah, seriously injured in an assassination attempt)]. This leads other government to decision to fight it out, since they have nothing to lose. But if they can turn the internal radical attention towards a struggle that is both shrouded in religious innuendo and has freedom as a cause, then the internal security pressure is reduce significantly. The return on the investment is well worth the effort.

US Policy is still in the late 20th Century development. It has not yet seen the demise of the political-military hegemony, although there are signs emerging. There is an old guard still in Congress that has yet to fade away. But their endtime is approaching and the possibility of a 21st Century Policy is growing nearer.

Most Respectfully,
Mr R. I do not see US government as POLITICO-MILITARY HEGEMONY----even
though the PRESIDENT is theoretically ----the "ruler" of the military. In fact
it seems to me that the presidential control on the military is far more a CHECK
on the power of the Military in government ----than an EMPOWERMENT of it.

My concept is based on what seems to me----a far GREATER control
on government by the military-----elsewhere. Like---thru out Latin
America and---also ---in various muslim countries not including Iran
and a few others like SAUDI ARABIA Turkey seems to be always
facing a military coup---
irosie91, et al,

In this case, the US political-military hegemony is the processes by which US maintains its dominant position over other societies, civilizations and cultures, by using its institutions of formalize power, economic impact, and political influence. It is a mechanism for global interaction, not domestic focus.

Mr R. I do not see US government as POLITICO-MILITARY HEGEMONY----even though the PRESIDENT is theoretically ----the "ruler" of the military. In fact it seems to me that the presidential control on the military is far more a CHECK on the power of the Military in government ----than an EMPOWERMENT of it. My concept is based on what seems to me----a far GREATER control on government by the military-----elsewhere. Like---thru out Latin America and---also ---in various muslim countries not including Iran and a few others like SAUDI ARABIA Turkey seems to be always facing a military coup---

While the US has a population, that probably has the most interaction between the people and the government of any nation in the world, the system has flaws in the relationship between the people and government. Representative, elected by the people, do not actually represent the people that elected them. Each representative, once elected, acts in their own best interest. Only when their continued service is placed at risk, do representatives engage the average citizen. Otherwise, representatives follow the money stream that is so necessary for successful campaigns to maintain their seat in government. This money stream is often controlled by what s referred to as the "ruling elite." The "ruling elite" are the power brokers that hold the reigns on the key hubs that influence economic/financial, industrial/manufacturing, telecommunication/media, and research/development processes and progress for expansion.

The "ruling elite" controls the influence over government, by setting the perceptions and the images that the population reacts to in its relationship with government. It controls the economy which generates the revenue for all facets of government.

That which has the influence and control over what the people think, what the people see, and how the people interpret that information, is the "ruling elite" that controls government.

Most Respectfully,
irosie91, et al,

In this case, the US political-military hegemony is the processes by which US maintains its dominant position over other societies, civilizations and cultures, by using its institutions of formalize power, economic impact, and political influence. It is a mechanism for global interaction, not domestic focus.

Mr R. I do not see US government as POLITICO-MILITARY HEGEMONY----even though the PRESIDENT is theoretically ----the "ruler" of the military. In fact it seems to me that the presidential control on the military is far more a CHECK on the power of the Military in government ----than an EMPOWERMENT of it. My concept is based on what seems to me----a far GREATER control on government by the military-----elsewhere. Like---thru out Latin America and---also ---in various muslim countries not including Iran and a few others like SAUDI ARABIA Turkey seems to be always facing a military coup---

While the US has a population, that probably has the most interaction between the people and the government of any nation in the world, the system has flaws in the relationship between the people and government. Representative, elected by the people, do not actually represent the people that elected them. Each representative, once elected, acts in their own best interest. Only when their continued service is placed at risk, do representatives engage the average citizen. Otherwise, representatives follow the money stream that is so necessary for successful campaigns to maintain their seat in government. This money stream is often controlled by what s referred to as the "ruling elite." The "ruling elite" are the power brokers that hold the reigns on the key hubs that influence economic/financial, industrial/manufacturing, telecommunication/media, and research/development processes and progress for expansion.

The "ruling elite" controls the influence over government, by setting the perceptions and the images that the population reacts to in its relationship with government. It controls the economy which generates the revenue for all facets of government.

That which has the influence and control over what the people think, what the people see, and how the people interpret that information, is the "ruling elite" that controls government.

Most Respectfully,
Does anyone know if Guinness World Records has confirmed Samer's effort to eclipse the World Record set in the early 1920s? The record is 94 days and Samer seems to have broken it but I can't seem to locate it on the Guinness website. A little help here.
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Mr R Yes---I was referring to DOMESTIC GOVERNANCE---
federal level.
I did enjoy your summary of that which INFLUENCES---
but find it ---a little slanted to SUSPICION OF COLLUSION
FROM ABOVE fueled.
That which influences the mind of americans is MULTIFACETED--
I refuse to accept your explanation of ELVIS PRESLEY and the
BEATLEMANIA I would agree with you if the USA was
handled as the former USSR was ----where capitalism was
The mind bending aspects of american government is simply
NOT THAT WELL ORGANIZED. <<< by that I mean....
that which you have stated as influential is----but it is
less centralized and controlled than you seem to
imply. In fact---I consider OTHER lands and the
level of mind control exerted as comparison besides the
former USSR------in comparison----USA seems to exert
less ORGANIZED mind control than most--but agree
that those you call ELITES do exert the most---they
simply do not COLLUDE in the manner you seem to
irosie91, et al,

In this case, the US political-military hegemony is the processes by which US maintains its dominant position over other societies, civilizations and cultures, by using its institutions of formalize power, economic impact, and political influence. It is a mechanism for global interaction, not domestic focus.

Mr R. I do not see US government as POLITICO-MILITARY HEGEMONY----even though the PRESIDENT is theoretically ----the "ruler" of the military. In fact it seems to me that the presidential control on the military is far more a CHECK on the power of the Military in government ----than an EMPOWERMENT of it. My concept is based on what seems to me----a far GREATER control on government by the military-----elsewhere. Like---thru out Latin America and---also ---in various muslim countries not including Iran and a few others like SAUDI ARABIA Turkey seems to be always facing a military coup---

While the US has a population, that probably has the most interaction between the people and the government of any nation in the world, the system has flaws in the relationship between the people and government. Representative, elected by the people, do not actually represent the people that elected them. Each representative, once elected, acts in their own best interest. Only when their continued service is placed at risk, do representatives engage the average citizen. Otherwise, representatives follow the money stream that is so necessary for successful campaigns to maintain their seat in government. This money stream is often controlled by what s referred to as the "ruling elite." The "ruling elite" are the power brokers that hold the reigns on the key hubs that influence economic/financial, industrial/manufacturing, telecommunication/media, and research/development processes and progress for expansion.

The "ruling elite" controls the influence over government, by setting the perceptions and the images that the population reacts to in its relationship with government. It controls the economy which generates the revenue for all facets of government.

That which has the influence and control over what the people think, what the people see, and how the people interpret that information, is the "ruling elite" that controls government.

Most Respectfully,
Does anyone know if Guinness World Records has confirmed Samer's effort to eclipse the World Record set in the early 1920s? The record is 94 days and Samer seems to have broken it but I can't seem to locate it on the Guinness website. A little help here.

give Guiness a chance to EXAMINE THE SAINT before canonization---also
-----ask sherri
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