Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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A Letter From Samer Issawi's Sister


"" I am Samer Issawi's sister, Shereen Issawi. He is a 170-day hunger striker. From the heart of the steadfast Jerusalem, I send my brother's message, saying: "My greetings to all people who have solidarity with me from all the four corners of the world. This is a actually a great indication that the humanitarian duty is still rooted in people's hearts and an indication for revealing the right over the wrong. By the will of God, injustice will be eliminated, and we all will live in peace away from destruction and wars."

Samer has been suffering from severe pains in all parts of his body, especially in his belly, kidney, severe weak sight, permanent dizziness. My brother informed me that he has a breakage in one of his rips after being beaten up by the Israeli forces in the conciliation court in Jerusalem. For this breakage which was examined by X-ray, Samer has been suffering a lot from continuous severe pains which prevent him to sleep.
Samer assures that his hunger strike is still continuing and will never stop unless his demands are achieved!""


That question there is smething to think about, and I am not sure if it comes from Shireen Issawi or the poster on the Facebook page, but it is a question worth thinking about.

Martin Luther King Jr, the day set aside to commemorate what he did for America is coming up, and I find myself searching for his writings, like a craving, and I am about to order Strength To Love off of Amazon, and in everything I read about his struggle and words he wrote about it I see the struggle for freedom in Palestine written all over it. History really does repeat itself, and we who live today can be a part of the same type of struggle he was a part of.

In solidarity with Samer Issawi, A 24-hour mass hunger strike around the world.. Demonstrations.. Electronic Days | Facebook

Fuck Sami! I know it's terribly inhumane,racist, intolerant and a host of other things, but sometimes you have to call bs when you see it.
"a nation like Israel, known to experiment on their prisoners...."

I have not seen a single creditable report of this EVER. Yet the sherrithing posts about it like it's a verified fact. I think she's swallowed some whopping lies and the above is one.
Does the gullible sherrithing realize that a person can break a rib simply by coughing hard enough?

No, I didn't suppose so: a predictably prejudiced source *claims* Samer was beaten, so it has to be Gospel truth to her.
Does the gullible sherrithing realize that a person can break a rib simply by coughing hard enough?

No, I didn't suppose so: a predictably prejudiced source *claims* Samer was beaten, so it has to be Gospel truth to her.

sherri seems not to question the idiotic constellation of symptoms
the sister reports at all My all time fave is MY KIDNEY HURTs
FROM KIDNEY FAILURE ----sorry achmed try again

I am fascinated by the TWITCHING Just what is TWITCHING?
---samer's lawyer seems to be the medical expert
Fuck Sami! I know it's terribly inhumane,racist, intolerant and a host of other things, but sometimes you have to call bs when you see it.

I will pray for you
Will you start praying for those Christians who are being oppressed and murdered in Muslim countries, Frau Sherri, or are they unimportant to you? They are the people who need the prayers of everyone.

Christians Flee Mali as the Country is Taken Over by Islamic Extremists « Persecution News
to whom should sherri pray ? in reference to the christians murdered by the noble
jihadists? her version of her "god" is the "god" of "isa" to wit allah who
considers christians the ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM and who must rightfully be
executed in the noble name of ALLAH/ISA

Take a look t all those Islam -influenced attacks Sherri Hitler.

Sorry, but your link is not working. But unless it has something to do with Samer dont waste our time fixing it. I'm really not interested in reading some hate sites demonization of Islam. That is not the issue of this thread.
to whom should sherri pray ? in reference to the christians murdered by the noble
jihadists? her version of her "god" is the "god" of "isa" to wit allah who
considers christians the ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM and who must rightfully be
executed in the noble name of ALLAH/ISA
That is a good question, and I think many of the readers are curious about that since Frau Sherri doesn't seem to care about what is happening to the Christians in the Muslim world.

Take a look t all those Islam -influenced attacks Sherri Hitler.

Sorry, but your link is not working. But unless it has something to do with Samer dont waste our time fixing it. I'm really not interested in reading some hate sites demonization of Islam. That is not the issue of this thread.

And your name calling is so silly, you sound like a two year old, grow up!
to whom should sherri pray ? in reference to the christians murdered by the noble
jihadists? her version of her "god" is the "god" of "isa" to wit allah who
considers christians the ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM and who must rightfully be
executed in the noble name of ALLAH/ISA

That is easy, sherri prays to the Prince of Darkness. How else is there to explain her behavior and posting of the dead and starving. However, I may just be wrong based upon her multiple personalities, positions and statements here and other threads it is entirely possible that sherri has as many gods she prays to as she has incarnations.
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

There are all kinds of reasons why the two issues, (1) the Occupation and duration, (2) the Administration of the Occupation, should go into binding litigation. The key though, it to lend some transparency to the decision making processes that shaped the current situation.

You really do not understand international law. Self defense is not justification for permanent Occupation of lands in Palestine. Those occupied have a right to resist occupation and resistance can be armed resistance and they can get help from other nations. And calling that resistance a threat justifying Occupation just discloses your ignorance of intl law. But I guess once a warmonger always a warmonger, is the lust for more blood of the innocent simply something you cannot resist? That sort of evil I cannot understand. I see it and feel it and my response to it is simply revulsion.

Another poster suggests its all about money. And I guess I have not really fully thought through that miliary industrial complex that today so influences US Foreign Policy and buys people's hearts and their minds and their souls. The evil in all of that does warrant pondering, as does the miraid of ways it influences ordinary people and claims their support.

US Policy, for sure, has been influenced by the military-industrial complex (The Eisenhower Warning); but has a much less impact on Israel. Having said that, there is always money to be made in expansion and chaos.

Oddly enough, much of the pressure that has gone into shaping the perspectives on the scope and nature of the struggle was funded by the various affluent Arab components. It is much better for many of the regional governments that the radical elements throughout the region be focused on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, than to focus on internal government issues. Many of the Arab Spring outcomes, as an example, have fallen into the hands of the more radical fundamentalist, with the most server outcomes falling on the toppled regimes [(Egypt, Mubarak nearly died and is now in prison)(Libya's Gaddafy dead)(Yemen's Salah, seriously injured in an assassination attempt)]. This leads other government to decision to fight it out, since they have nothing to lose. But if they can turn the internal radical attention towards a struggle that is both shrouded in religious innuendo and has freedom as a cause, then the internal security pressure is reduce significantly. The return on the investment is well worth the effort.

US Policy is still in the late 20th Century development. It has not yet seen the demise of the political-military hegemony, although there are signs emerging. There is an old guard still in Congress that has yet to fade away. But their endtime is approaching and the possibility of a 21st Century Policy is growing nearer.

Most Respectfully,

Interesting comments, you see this military industrial complex influence actually declining? What will trigger that? I kind of look at the chances of that happening about like Israel voluntarily ending her Occupation of Palestine. Of course, outside forces might come into play to trigger change.
Mr R.-----the "RESISTENCE TO OCCUPATION" thing has been the battle cry for MANY
YEARS ------and includes the claim "illegal occupation" and on this board the
interesting statement "self-defense is not a basis for occupation" Thruout it
all my question has been WHAT IS THE ALTERNATIVE ? The war of 1967
was a machination of -----that same forces that exist in the middle east to day---
and THEN SOME. ---basically ARABISM/ISLAMICISM ------the ideology did not
abate and absolutely and definitely involves a NEED to destroy Israel in order
to perpetuate its own power and SUPREMACY. Even if Israel were to withdraw to
the 1967 armistice lines the result would simply be the conditions which
brought about the arab aggression in 1967 ----WITH Iranian and Turkish
ambitions superimposed. That being the case-----violent war would be
inevitable ------

A simple example -----Lets assume Israel does come up with a way to end
the "occupation" SUDDENLY 1.5 billion muslims are going to "forget"
that their allah/isa wants them to slit the throats of jewish babies? What if
that noble for act of piety DOES NOT GO AWAY? A glance at the
history of islam ----does reveal that it takes very little to JUSTIFY the noble
for allah/isa act of inflicting murder, pillage and rape upon kaffirin in
islamo nazi jurisprudence. ----

The theoretical scenario----~~~~ The "occupation ends" ---a suicidal
jihadista slut finds her yet to be used bomb belt during spring cleaning---
she decides to blow her stinking ass to JANNAH according to her
"religion"-------in a glorious explosion upon the heads of jewish children
in tel aviv------what does Israel do? say "thanks"----"we deserved that
because we do not lick muhummad shit and we have VIOLATED "MUSLIM
LAND"?? ----here in tel aviv and even in spain and New Dehli? Ending
the "occupation" is a recipe for endless bloodshed----most of it---being
arab muslim blood
"a nation like Israel, known to experiment on their prisoners...."

I have not seen a single creditable report of this EVER. Yet the sherrithing posts about it like it's a verified fact. I think she's swallowed some whopping lies and the above is one.

Next Sherri will say we drink the blood of prisoners, too. And after it the blood of their children.

Don't ya love the old bigoted Christian tales?:doubt:
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