Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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"a nation like Israel, known to experiment on their prisoners...."

I have not seen a single creditable report of this EVER. Yet the sherrithing posts about it like it's a verified fact. I think she's swallowed some whopping lies and the above is one.

Next Sherri will say we drink the blood of prisoners, too. And after it the blood of their children.

Don't ya love the old bigoted Christian tales?:doubt:

Sherri is a classic case. Somehow she actually imagines that
her endless filth is not OBVIOUS ----or maybe she just glories
in being a lump of dung ----so many do. IDI AMIN
was a decorated hero in the UMMAH for chopping humans
up in wood chippers. As to the medical experimentation libel--
she did not invent it------the nazi war criminals who wrote the
propaganda she parrots in Syria and Egypt described every atrocity
comitted by her fellow islamo nazis as being acts of "JEWS"---
the propaganda even included pictures of her and their filth

The very same "literature" is MEMORIZED BY ROTE ---
in muslim countries as as removed from jews as PAKISTAN---
and now Iran
"a nation like Israel, known to experiment on their prisoners...."

I have not seen a single creditable report of this EVER. Yet the sherrithing posts about it like it's a verified fact. I think she's swallowed some whopping lies and the above is one.

Next Sherri will say we drink the blood of prisoners, too. And after it the blood of their children.

Don't ya love the old bigoted Christian tales?:doubt:

I have posted multiple examples of ZIONISTS experimenting on Palestinians in this thread alone. Two examples, the video of the Irish filmmaker, he was shown depleted uranium weapons used in Gaza, especially in border areas and used deliberately against civilians. Second example, another video shows a training exercise that resulted in injuries and death to prisoners and that was an experiment carried out in a prison. You Zionists learned much from Hitler and have done and are doing much to make him proud!
"a nation like Israel, known to experiment on their prisoners...."

I have not seen a single creditable report of this EVER. Yet the sherrithing posts about it like it's a verified fact. I think she's swallowed some whopping lies and the above is one.

Next Sherri will say we drink the blood of prisoners, too. And after it the blood of their children.

Don't ya love the old bigoted Christian tales?:doubt:

I have posted multiple examples of ZIONISTS experimenting on Palestinians in this thread alone. Two examples, the video of the Irish filmmaker, he was shown depleted uranium weapons used in Gaza, especially in border areas and used deliberately against civilians. Second example, another video shows a training exercise that resuted in injuries and death to prisoners and that was an experiment carried out in a prison. You Zionists learned much from Hitler and much to make him proud!

For the record----the dancer upon the dead bodies of GENTILES and JEWS ---sherri----has posted nothing that comes close "EXPERIMENTATION" by JOOOS
upon gentiles

In fact she is so desperate---she simply uses BUZZ WORDS Like "depleted Uranium"
a hard metal which the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION has determined is harmless-----simply because the naive are IMPRESSED with the word URANIUM ---
just as those of her ilk who hanged black children in southern USA for winking
at a white girl were impressed with the "rape" libels invents by the filth of her ilk

The declaration by blood thirsty sherri regarding "depleted uranium is an experiment"
simply demonstrates that Sherri does not understand the word "experiment"

A very wise elderly attorney once told me "ALL I HAVE TO SELL IS TIME AND
WORDS" In fact---more recently a young attorney told me almost the same
thing------but left out the "words" part Sherri has nothing to sell but libels ----
libels are the basis of ALL genocides, lynchings, and pogroms Sherri has
already revealed a lineage that links her to the the major genocidal filth in
the history of the planet earth-------to her horror-----most of those people have
repudiated the filth that brings her to ORGIASTIC JOY-----so she joined its

can someone explain the word "EXPERIMENT" to sherri, Like those
of her colleague MENGELE

PS---the libel that jews do like sherri's fellow nazis was actually
INVENTED by her fellow nazis including mengele and aribert
heim who wrote much of the islamo nazi propaganda ----sherri
and her colleagues parrot today.... I read it as a child and laughed---
before I was out of my teens I heard it spoken by HIGHLY
EDUCATED muslims from pakistan (and india).... Back then -
Iranians were not yet that stupid----however from non muslims
from Iran-----I have been told that bigotry certainly did not start
with the ayatoilets in Iran-----it was under the surface ----long before.
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Sherri is not "demented" neither was ADOLF ABU ALI Dementia
is an actual ILLNESS SOCIOPATHY in the classic nomenclature
is ----a "personality disorder" ---sorry folks----words are important

According to Shireen Issawi: These are pictures on her Facebook page showing Samer Issawi with some kids on bicycles.
Samer loves camping, biking.
He wanted to become a firefighter.
He loves to help people, especially the elderly and loves to sit with them and hear their Jerusalemite tales.
He loves fun without being negligent in performing his prayers at Al-Aqsa
Character witnesses in the trial of RASHID BAZ ---also
testified that Isa-respecting Mr. Baz----prayed four
times daily and never missed a beat. Another case
warranting the support of sherri. Today---another
isa-respecting hero ----Shaykh Abdel Rahman
is also doing his prayers four times per day
the two fingers held extended and up-----represents
the letter V for V ictory As far as I know it
started as a response to the world war II victory ??
anyone???? the sign forms no arabic letter
someone should inform those silly 'ladies'
A lot is happening. There is a new Facebook page in solidarity with Samer called Who is Samer? Over 6000 now are a part of this international Facebook movement to free Samer and the other hunger striker prisoners on that one page alone and the numbers grow larger everytime I access the page, over 50000 INVITED.. Media are saying they will r eport his story, to include Al Jazeera. I was contacted by a man fron Ghana last night who joined the protest. We will not stop these actions until Samer is released.
"I have posted multiple examples of ZIONISTS experimenting on Palestinians in this thread alone. Two examples, the video of the Irish filmmaker, he was shown depleted uranium weapons used in Gaza, especially in border areas and used deliberately against civilians. Second example, another video shows a training exercise that resulted in injuries and death to prisoners and that was an experiment carried out in a prison. You Zionists learned much from Hitler and have done and are doing much to make him proud! "

So a man says he was shown 'depleted uranium weapons' used in Gaza. Interesting, 'weapons'???? No, the 'weapon' is what remains in the hands of the soldier: he may have been shown 'ammunition' aka 'bullets' or such. And one would check that they were 'depleted uranium' HOW? And the proof that these DU items were used by Israel?

I read, and it's all HEARSAY and INNUENDO.....nothing approaching evidence nor proof.

And the "DELIBERATE" as to 'targeting civilians'???? Where is anything resembling proof of that? What, have the Gazans now got mind-reading techniques?

Where is the proof that this 'video' isn't simply another Pallywood production like the "death" of Mohammed al-Dura?

It seems like the entire rationale for dragging those unsubstantiated lies into this thread was the filthy sherrithing setting up her excuse to claim 'Zionists = Nazis' and bolster its self-oh-so-righteous conviction that the sherrithing is right and moral and nobody who disagrees with it is either.

What a whore for the HAMAS propaganda that thing is. Filthy with its Nazi like lust for the blood of 'Zionists' to be spilled, yearning for a pile of seven million dead this time...... I wonder if the HAMAS whore realizes how many 'Palestinians' would be murdered when the 'righteous' are killing Zionists? After all, any Palestinian who had Israeli citizenship and paid taxes to the Zionist 'occupier' has got to be a 'collaborator'.

Will there be enough motorcycles to drag all those bodies through the streets if HAMAS 'wins' Jerusalem?
BTW, does anyone have the historical track record of 'revolutionary' movements? As in, how many continued after the overthrow and began to 'eat their own' ?

We here in America did not do that. But certainly the English did (Cromwell kept on 'purifying' the nation.....), the French (more than once, I think!), and the Russians (who were still in-fighting well into the '20's - in fact one wonders if they EVER stopped?)
BTW, does anyone have the historical track record of 'revolutionary' movements? As in, how many continued after the overthrow and began to 'eat their own' ?

We here in America did not do that. But certainly the English did (Cromwell kept on 'purifying' the nation.....), the French (more than once, I think!), and the Russians (who were still in-fighting well into the '20's - in fact one wonders if they EVER stopped?)

Interesting point Marge----what is your context? actually there was a bit of
really weird stuff between the american patriots -----and the american LOYALISTS--
that somehow got left out of the history textbooks Are you referring to the
ARAB SPRING ------my prediction is that the PURIFICATION RITES HAVE YET TO
BEGIN------lots of people will be rowing in oceans of blood ---in places like EGYPT
He is probably in better health than he has ever been in his life.
The jerk has to sleep-----that's when the Israeli docs get into action
and shove stuff in ----via vein and----per os and per anum
"a nation like Israel, known to experiment on their prisoners...."

I have not seen a single creditable report of this EVER. Yet the sherrithing posts about it like it's a verified fact. I think she's swallowed some whopping lies and the above is one.

Next Sherri will say we drink the blood of prisoners, too. And after it the blood of their children.

Don't ya love the old bigoted Christian tales?:doubt:

I have posted multiple examples of ZIONISTS experimenting on Palestinians in this thread alone. Two examples, the video of the Irish filmmaker, he was shown depleted uranium weapons used in Gaza, especially in border areas and used deliberately against civilians. Second example, another video shows a training exercise that resulted in injuries and death to prisoners and that was an experiment carried out in a prison. You Zionists learned much from Hitler and have done and are doing much to make him proud!

Oh no, depleted uranium. Are you worried about the extra low radioactivity, or the extremely long half-life?
Next Sherri will say we drink the blood of prisoners, too. And after it the blood of their children.

Don't ya love the old bigoted Christian tales?:doubt:

I have posted multiple examples of ZIONISTS experimenting on Palestinians in this thread alone. Two examples, the video of the Irish filmmaker, he was shown depleted uranium weapons used in Gaza, especially in border areas and used deliberately against civilians. Second example, another video shows a training exercise that resulted in injuries and death to prisoners and that was an experiment carried out in a prison. You Zionists learned much from Hitler and have done and are doing much to make him proud!

Oh no, depleted uranium. Are you worried about the extra low radioactivity, or the extremely long half-life?

the notion that depleted uranium causes STERILITY is an issue in the
ISLAMO NAZI PIG LITERATURE along with the FACT that jews slip
APHRODISIAC chewing gum to muslim girls in order to make them
DEPRAVED. Todd ---could you explain the nature of an "EXPERIMENT"
to sherri-------she does not know------she seems to have missed junior high
school oh btw note the LEARN FROM HITLER thing-----sherri is
never original----her stuff has beem mosque reading for at least 45 years...
in my personal memory ------alas I was born too late for the time when
A lot is happening. There is a new Facebook page in solidarity with Samer called Who is Samer? Over 6000 now are a part of this international Facebook movement to free Samer and the other hunger striker prisoners on that one page alone and the numbers grow larger everytime I access the page, over 50000 INVITED.. Media are saying they will r eport his story, to include Al Jazeera. I was contacted by a man fron Ghana last night who joined the protest. We will not stop these actions until Samer is released.
I am still waiting for Frau Sherri, that "good Christian woman," to start a Facebook page for people to sign to request the release of the Christian and Baha'i prisoners being kept in those notorious Iranian prisons. I would think someone who considers herself a "good Christian woman" would have done this quite a while back, but maybe she doesn't care if people of her supposedly own religion are kept in prisons in Muslim countries. Perhaps this is why many of the readers think that Frau Sherri gets down on her prayer mat every day and prays for Sammy.
Next Sherri will say we drink the blood of prisoners, too. And after it the blood of their children.

Don't ya love the old bigoted Christian tales?:doubt:

I have posted multiple examples of ZIONISTS experimenting on Palestinians in this thread alone. Two examples, the video of the Irish filmmaker, he was shown depleted uranium weapons used in Gaza, especially in border areas and used deliberately against civilians. Second example, another video shows a training exercise that resulted in injuries and death to prisoners and that was an experiment carried out in a prison. You Zionists learned much from Hitler and have done and are doing much to make him proud!

Oh no, depleted uranium. Are yThey ou worried about the extra low radioactivity, or the extremely long half-life?

They worry about their babies being born with birth defects, like the legacy the US left in Iraq. Does that make you proud of your country? The Irish filmmaker speaks about all the fears of the people in his video.
Their fears are not reasonable. Not that that matters to people who don't know anything. My husband's Reseve unit saved the life of an American tourist in Guatemala because she was very nearly killed by a mob in some rural village for TOUCHING a little child..... Yes, she had multiple head trauma, including a depressed skull fracture. A virtual death sentence except that the Reserve unit was down there training - and happened to have a reknown neurosurgeon (brain surgeon, yes) and crack OR and Trauma teams to help her.

WHY did the villagers attack this woman? Because the 'Shining Path' (Maoist thugs) had convinced the people that Americans would steal their children 'for parts' - that's why! Speaking of unreasonable fears - and incitement to riot and kill Americans.

Anyone with a bit of education understands about blood types and tissue types: there are 6 factors considered, and any less than 5 is not a good enough match to bother trying most of the time. And of course there's the matter of very different genotypes between Guatemalan villagers and most of the US population (the best chance for a match would be someone with a Native American background if not Quechua or Mayan stock).

But logic and reason are antithetical to propaganda like the shite pouring from that Irish fellow.
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