Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Next Sherri will say we drink the blood of prisoners, too. And after it the blood of their children.

Don't ya love the old bigoted Christian tales?:doubt:

I have posted multiple examples of ZIONISTS experimenting on Palestinians in this thread alone. Two examples, the video of the Irish filmmaker, he was shown depleted uranium weapons used in Gaza, especially in border areas and used deliberately against civilians. Second example, another video shows a training exercise that resulted in injuries and death to prisoners and that was an experiment carried out in a prison. You Zionists learned much from Hitler and have done and are doing much to make him proud!

Oh no, depleted uranium. Are you worried about the extra low radioactivity, or the extremely long half-life?

she's dain bramaged
Is the Muzzie Beast dead yet?

I READ what you wrote here and I I feel sorry for you, to think that this is your life, seeing human beings as beasts and eagerly waiting for them to die. I find that really sad to see a human being sink so low.

Now you know how the rest of us feel when reading your filthy posts about how 'Zionists don't deserve to call themselves human' and the other hate speech you post.

I don't find his wording at all reasonable - but then I don't prance about here pretending to be some 'person of conscience' (LOL!) like a worthless whore for HAMAS. Nor do I make noises about other groups of people being 'less than human'.

What's that word? Oh, yes of course:

Sherrimunnerlyn = Hypocrite !!!!!
I have posted multiple examples of ZIONISTS experimenting on Palestinians in this thread alone. Two examples, the video of the Irish filmmaker, he was shown depleted uranium weapons used in Gaza, especially in border areas and used deliberately against civilians. Second example, another video shows a training exercise that resulted in injuries and death to prisoners and that was an experiment carried out in a prison. You Zionists learned much from Hitler and have done and are doing much to make him proud!

Oh no, depleted uranium. Are you worried about the extra low radioactivity, or the extremely long half-life?

she's dain bramaged

You want a baby with a birth defect, I find that a strange thing to wish for.
Jillian: I think you're going waaay to easy on the little hypocrisy of her. The whore for HAMAS isn't really stupid: she evidently believes ANY hate speech against Jews/Zionists/Israelis. She's just evil.
I have posted multiple examples of ZIONISTS experimenting on Palestinians in this thread alone. Two examples, the video of the Irish filmmaker, he was shown depleted uranium weapons used in Gaza, especially in border areas and used deliberately against civilians. Second example, another video shows a training exercise that resulted in injuries and death to prisoners and that was an experiment carried out in a prison. You Zionists learned much from Hitler and have done and are doing much to make him proud!

Oh no, depleted uranium. Are yThey ou worried about the extra low radioactivity, or the extremely long half-life?

They worry about their babies being born with birth defects, like the legacy the US left in Iraq. Does that make you proud of your country? The Irish filmmaker speaks about all the fears of the people in his video.

Are you worried about the extra low radioactivity, or the extremely long half-life?
I have posted multiple examples of ZIONISTS experimenting on Palestinians in this thread alone. Two examples, the video of the Irish filmmaker, he was shown depleted uranium weapons used in Gaza, especially in border areas and used deliberately against civilians. Second example, another video shows a training exercise that resulted in injuries and death to prisoners and that was an experiment carried out in a prison. You Zionists learned much from Hitler and have done and are doing much to make him proud!

Oh no, depleted uranium. Are you worried about the extra low radioactivity, or the extremely long half-life?

she's dain bramaged

Her head is filled with depleted durrbrainium.
No one here said any such thing, Sherri. Get a grip.
I guess if we cause baabies somewhere else to have birth defects, the Zionists and baby killers here could care less! Live and let die, your motto!

the house moron has talked :rolleyes:

sherri is a stooge for terrorists.

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For the record----Isa respecter Sadaam Hussein did use substances on kurdish populations
that caused DNA damage in the name of ALLAH/ISA Unfortunately he did not use
depleted Uranium which does NOT cause DNA damage It is very clear to me that sherri's beloved Sadaam was NOT A ZIONIST Off the top I cannot remember what the isa respecter used---will try to check when I have more energy. For the record---isa respecter sherri mentions depleted uranium because it is a buzz word to the minds of the propaganda
Hunger strikes have God written all over them, sacrificing self for something bigger, something more important than one's own selfish me needs!

Jesus is an illustration of this, He died for love of the Father and all of mankind, and He tells Christians His life is the example to follow! Thus, he establishes an example to follow of Martyrdom for Christians!!

Martyrdom is also a part of Islam, but a Muslim needs to come forward and explain that for us, I cannot adequately do it!

I have to conclude that God is calling Samer Issawi to engage in this hunger strike, and God is taking care of him, and that it is God's will that will be done! I cannot imagine a way to get closer to God then to die sacrificing self to fulfill God's will, so we, none of us, really should feel sorry for Samir, he is experiencing a closeness to God probably noone here will ever experience! Martyrdom in Christianity brought more people to belief in Chrsit! Martyrdom of this type I expect will bring Palestinians together and turn more to nonviolent resistance, perhaps it will set off the start of The Third Intifada! I cannot help but believe God has His plan and purposes in all of this and it will without a doubt benefit the Palestinian struggle for Freedom and to end the Occupation!


Sherri you need mental help.

You are a very sick woman !

Martyrdom and Islam and blowing yourself up ...along with women and children is sick Sherri....if you can not see are beyond hope.

Beyond help and beyond hope Sherri.

Sherri is doing her job-----she has been assigned to try to attract very naive
christians to the shariah shit cause by using various emotionally laden imageries
and most of all by appealing to latent antisemitism left over from childhood in
those people who suffered emotionally deprived and abused childhoods---for example,
those who were children of alcoholics. Alcoholics tend to develope problems
involving paranoia and referential thinking that often----in some parts of
american society, manifest as anti semitism-----. The very damaged is her TARGET
audience. Anyone interested should read some of the islamo nazi literature----or even LOOK for islamo nazi literature around places where burnt out alcoholics hang out.
Sherri all but parrots the stuff
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