Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Facebook announcement, about the struggle to free Samer and today's hearing.

And a request for Prayer!

"WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP: Samer is scheduled to appear in court today 1/16/2013. Inshaa Allah things will go his way & we hear of Samer's release date. But until then we need to keep in mind the clock is ticking and every minute that passes may be Samer's last minute. We can't stop now. We can't give up on justice, freedom, and most importantly we can't give up on Samer. As we all know Samer's health is deteriorating by the day and he is unable to fight or speak for himself. So it's our job and duty has human rights activist to do so on his behalf. We all are Samer. We are his voice & his strength.

In Palestine when a prisoner is released from Israeli prisons (or should I say dungeons), his family, relatives, friends, & neighbors all go out to the street to greet him & celebrate his freedom. People are singing & cheering. Sweets are passed around. So Imagine when (inshaa Allah) Samer is release not only will his family, friends, & neighbors be celebrating....But 1000s of Human Rights activist who fought for his freedom (all of us included) will join in on the celebration -> Im smiling just thinking about it. We cant give up now because giving up now is not only giving up on Samer & the other hunger strikers but it's also giving up on ourselves, hope, freedom, & justice...."

And we are left with a request to PRAY!

Save Samer Issawi and the other Hunger Strikers- FACEBOOK INTIFADA | Facebook
You'd think by now Sherri would have gotten the memo that nobody gives a shit about a Palestinian terrorist on a fake "hunger strike". But noooooo.
Connery-----she really posted that....... its not just a nitemare from
last week? Well---maybe because connecticut is TOO
FAR EAST----and UP NORTH. Without detailing how---I will
say I have come across some ANTIPATHY ----toward NORTH EAST
from people -----south ---and south west. A remnant of the civil
war??? ----on the other hand-----I also believe she misrepresents
her <ugh> persona

That disgusting thing, sherri, posted mere days after it happened...

Date of occurrence: December 14, 2012

Date of post: December 16, 2012

This Connecticut crap is making me sick, all that sorrow over 20 children
wow, no kidding, the psychotic bitch Sherri actually said that?
This Connecticut crap is making me sick, all that sorrow over 20 children
Palestinian supporters never cease to impress others at how sick and disgusting one can actually be.
Roudy: What you are missing above is that these depraved individuals are NOT actual 'Palestinian supporters'!

These people do not support 'the Palestinian cause' on its own, as BIK does. Nor is their primary focus on securing a peaceful and prosperous future for EVERY group in the ME. What *they* are 'supporting' and cheering and gleefully anticipating, Roudy, is quite simple: dead Jews. Never mind the loud noises in the posts about 'freedom and justice' - they do NOT want that to include the Jews. Not just the Israelis, but all of us - even their fellow Americans are slandered as 'not true' Americans - at the same time as some prate that they follow *their* Scripture OVER the Constitution, as though that's somehow 'better'!

That's the 'bottom line' for most of 'em, the cry that "Israel should never have been *allowed* in the first place".

That isn't 'criticism': that is denial of the right to exist.

And it has nothing to do with getting the Palestinians a state where they can pursue a peaceful and prosperous national identity of their own.

If you pay attention, BIK is perhaps the LEAST bloodthirsty of the lot. Sure, he disses the Israeli government (as do many Israelis!), and sure he says some silly things when he's angry. But he doesn't go around posting the kind of 'Someday you guys are gonna get it.....' shitful stuff like some others do.

He may indeed come from a culture which is heavily invested in Jew-hatred. BUT he is here and posting to us as though we are 'just folks' : he doesn't constantly indulge in abusing us verbally .
Roudy: What you are missing above is that these depraved individuals are NOT actual 'Palestinian supporters'!

These people do not support 'the Palestinian cause' on its own, as BIK does. Nor is their primary focus on securing a peaceful and prosperous future for EVERY group in the ME. What *they* are 'supporting' and cheering and gleefully anticipating, Roudy, is quite simple: dead Jews. Never mind the loud noises in the posts about 'freedom and justice' - they do NOT want that to include the Jews. Not just the Israelis, but all of us - even their fellow Americans are slandered as 'not true' Americans - at the same time as some prate that they follow *their* Scripture OVER the Constitution, as though that's somehow 'better'!

That's the 'bottom line' for most of 'em, the cry that "Israel should never have been *allowed* in the first place".

That isn't 'criticism': that is denial of the right to exist.

And it has nothing to do with getting the Palestinians a state where they can pursue a peaceful and prosperous national identity of their own.

If you pay attention, BIK is perhaps the LEAST bloodthirsty of the lot. Sure, he disses the Israeli government (as do many Israelis!), and sure he says some silly things when he's angry. But he doesn't go around posting the kind of 'Someday you guys are gonna get it.....' shitful stuff like some others do.

He may indeed come from a culture which is heavily invested in Jew-hatred. BUT he is here and posting to us as though we are 'just folks' : he doesn't constantly indulge in abusing us verbally .
Yes, I agree, that is certainly true in Sherri's case and a few others like Seal, Pbel, and Tinmore on this board. Every once in a while they show their hand and real intentions. Unlike BIK they have not been exposed to Jews which explains their bloodlust. But I honestly think a few of the posters here are also seriously mentally ill, the kind that are capable of doing harm to themselves and others. Seal, yesterday, joked about the Fogel kids throats being sit and them gurgling. It takes a special kind of sick psycho to say something like that.
Marge---you make points that interest me---based on my background which
I have described in the past-----childhood in a very christian USA town and
adulthood in a very culturally diverse environment which included lots of
interaction with muslims and others from dozens of different countries.
The most bitter of jew hatred is entirely learned at home and
church/mosque. I heard it from children as young a five in my childhood
and from muslims who had no contact with jews ----likely until meeting
me-----and even they---often UNAWARE of my status until I DIVULGED
Back then the LEAST likely of muslims to parrot nazi literature were
muslims from cities that STILL HAD
jews ----recently----Like Teheran and those from the erstwhile Bombay---
(mumbai) whilst muslims from NORTHERN INDIA and pakistan---seemed
to know the nazi literature a lot better than they knew the koran

Further on in life---I encountered lots of people from remote
parts of the USA-----the more remote ----and detached ---the more
stereotypical nonsense they "KNEW" to be true. Another group in
they USA ----WAY BACK THEN ---that seemed to harbor lots
of weird idea----came from----"special schools"-----but that problem
got a lot better in 1964 ---based on something John XXIII decided
to say.
Facebook an

In Palestine when a prisoner is released from Israeli prisons (or should I say dungeons), his family, relatives, friends, & neighbors all go out to the street to greet him & celebrate his freedom. People are singing & cheering. Sweets are passed around. So Imagine when (inshaa Allah) Samer is release not only will his family, friends, & neighbors be celebrating....But 1000s of Human Rights activist who fought for his freedom (all of us included) will join in on the celebration -> Im smiling just thinking about it. We cant give up now because giving up now is not only giving up on Samer & the other hunger strikers but it's also giving up on ourselves, hope, freedom, & justice...."

And we are left with a request to PRAY!

Since the Israelis released hundreds of convicted criminal as a
ransom for the kidnapped innocent SHALIT----all decent people of the
world have hoped and prayed that the released convicts will murder no
more-----but we all know that ---recidvism among terrorists is very LIKELY----
Therefore let us all pray and hope that their efforts to slit the throats of
orgasm in the cat house in the sky are frustrated-----or at the very least
that their victims be confined to their own------the supporters of their filth.

Let us not forget that the same scum who support the terrorists and
murderers that they strive so ernestly to have released from Israeli
jails ------ALSO support the murdering animal SHAYKH ABDEL
RAHMAN ----he tried to topple the world trade towers in 1993 ---
an act that,, IF SUCCESSFUL, would have killed thousands of kids
in nearby schools------He managed to murder only seven american
citizens Let us all pray that the next time one of the people of
his ilk engage in the filth -----that the people who support him and
are the only victims. Let us keep in mind that SHAYKH ABDEL
those of the lawyer's ilk so love------even from his jail cell-------he is her
next hero REMEMBER that murdering shaykh is a HERO in the
minds of a lawyer and thruout the UMMAH as was OSAMA as
is samer-----birds of a feather, flock fly together

sherri has claimed that Israeli prisons are "DUNGEONS" she likes to
use BUZZ WORDS---consistent with all Goebellian nazi propagandaists.
Some time ago ----I demanded a right to INSPECT a jail----because a
client had insisted he was ENDANGERED THERE -----Unlike sherri -----
I do understand that a description of a jail as "dangerous" is not to be
parroted like an idiot------I did the inspection-----the convict had lied

I started a trend-----the ----up the line of command person----decided
to have all professionals involved in the program-----visit the jail ----
Last edited:
sherri has claimed that Israeli prisons are "DUNGEONS" she likes to
use BUZZ WORDS---consistent with all Goebellian nazi propagandaists.
Some time ago ----I demanded a right to INSPECT a jail----because a
client had insisted he was ENDANGERED THERE -----Unlike sherri -----
I do understand that a description of a jail as "dangerous" is not to be
parroted like an idiot------I did the inspection-----the convict had lied

I stared a trend-----the ----up the line of command person----decided
to have all professionals involved in the program-----visit the jail ----

sherri uses BUZZ WORDS because she is always buzzed when she posts...:alcoholic:
Samer Issawi will have a court hearing tomorrow and it will lead either to his freedom or his death

Has sammi filed out his organ donor card yet?
The case has been postponed Anyone interested
in getting to know the filth of islamo nazi propaganda---
take a look at some of the headlines up today---
describing the event. "SAMER DIES IN JAIL"
well know----he did not die and chances are
he is not even experiencing anything beyond
weight loss. He certainly does not appear to
be a person dying of starvation. Extreme
weight loss does involve loss of MUSCLE
mass and weakness Infusion of liquids and
vitamins and minerals is not difficult----but
getting LIPIDS into the blood stream
is dangerous (as far as I know)
I guess if we cause babies somewhere else in the world to have birth defects, the Zionists and baby killers here could care less!

Live and let die, your motto!
No one here said any such thing, Sherri. And you know it, too, don't you. :eusa_eh:

So, tell me what you are doing right now to stop the US from exporting depleted uranium weapons that cause birth defects in babies in foreign lands where they are being used to attack civilians with? Will not be holding my breath waiting to hear back from you on that! Silence in the face of Injustice is embracing that Injustice! Truth may be hurtful but I do not plan to ever let that stop me from speaking it and speaking against Injustice! You obviously choose another path to take!
The US is bombing neither Palestine nor Israel. This forum deals with Palestine and Israel.

The US gives Palestinian refugees $500 million in aid each year through UNRWA. In many years, when there is the need, we up the ante by up to 60 million if food is scarce for the Palestinians. US Aid to Israel and Palesine

Please have Hamas quit shelling Israel, won't you? That way, Israel will cease and desist, when Hamas terrorists who shell and bomb at them often stop. It's just that simple.
"The US gives Palestinian refugees $500 million in aid each year through UNRWA."

thanks for the figure becki I propose that the OBAMA
write a letter to SAMER stating that UNLESS HE EATS HIS NICE ISRAELI
PRISON LUNCH------the usa will end food aid to his "people" and he
will lose his TELEVISION RIGHTS as well
"The US gives Palestinian refugees $500 million in aid each year through UNRWA."

thanks for the figure becki I propose that the OBAMA
write a letter to SAMER stating that UNLESS HE EATS HIS NICE ISRAELI
PRISON LUNCH------the usa will end food aid to his "people" and he
will lose his TELEVISION RIGHTS as well

But then he won't be able to watch the ISlamic Jhad channel !!
"The US gives Palestinian refugees $500 million in aid each year through UNRWA."

thanks for the figure becki I propose that the OBAMA
write a letter to SAMER stating that UNLESS HE EATS HIS NICE ISRAELI
PRISON LUNCH------the usa will end food aid to his "people" and he
will lose his TELEVISION RIGHTS as well

But then he won't be able to watch the ISlamic Jhad channel !!

AN EVEN BETTER IDEA -----he should have a TV set up in his solitary
until he agrees to eat
[ame=]Miko Peled Debates Israel Apartheid State - YouTube[/ame]
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