Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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The Occupation inflicts daily crimes on those occupied. Terrorism created Israel and terrorism sustains it and that is what Miko Peled addresses in that video. He is a Jewish Israeli and his father was a general in the IDF, he knows exactly what he is talking about. You lyingly or in ignorance call Resistance to Occupation terrorism.
Gaza is an Israeli maintained concentration camp and any rockets or resistance are in response to attacks against and inside Gaza, they are resistance to Terrorism of The Jewish State.

Miko Peled was born in 1961 in Jerusalem and his father Matttiyahu Peled was a General officer in the Israeli army and a member of the Knesset. In 2012, Miko wrote a book entitled The General's Son and I just checked Amazon and see it is a 5 star rated book and available for purchase for $20.00. Have to add that to my list of books to buy.
You could work out that $20 in trade.
The Occupation inflicts daily crimes on those occupied. Terrorism created Israel and terrorism sustains it and that is what Miko Peled addresses in that video. He is a Jewish Israeli and his father was a general in the IDF, he knows exactly what he is talking about. You lyingly or in ignorance call Resistance to Occupation terrorism.
Gaza is an Israeli maintained concentration camp and any rockets or resistance are in response to attacks against and inside Gaza, they are resistance to Terrorism of The Jewish State.

Miko Peled was born in 1961 in Jerusalem and his father Matttiyahu Peled was a General officer in the Israeli army and a member of the Knesset. In 2012, Miko wrote a book entitled The General's Son and I just checked Amazon and see it is a 5 star rated book and available for purchase for $20.00. Have to add that to my list of books to buy.

You still holding on to that 5 bucks you refused to donate to charity and bragged about you skinflint. Now you only have to scrape up 15 bucks you chiseler.
If Samer wants to die and become a martyr....why should anybody anywhere stop him....

Fuck him.

Who is next.
Carnegie Deli in NYC is naming a sandwich after Sammie in his honor.

It will be called the egg McSammi Samnmie

Gaza is an Israeli maintained concentration camp and any rockets or resistance are in response to attacks against and inside Gaza, they are resistance to Terrorism of The Jewish State.

Miko Peled was born in 1961 in Jerusalem and his father Matttiyahu Peled was a General officer in the Israeli army and a member of the Knesset. In 2012, Miko wrote a book entitled The General's Son and I just checked Amazon and see it is a 5 star rated book and available for purchase for $20.00. Have to add that to my list of books to buy.
You could work out that $20 in trade.

But at the rates she can charge, it'd take a week......
The US is bombing neither Palestine nor Israel. This forum deals with Palestine and Israel.

The US gives Palestinian refugees $500 million in aid each year through UNRWA. In many years, when there is the need, we up the ante by up to 60 million if food is scarce for the Palestinians. US Aid to Israel and Palesine

Please have Hamas quit shelling Israel, won't you? That way, Israel will cease and desist, when Hamas terrorists who shell and bomb at them often stop. It's just that simple.

Aid to Israel exceeds 3 billion dollars a year, we send money and weapons that Israel uses to continue her unlawful Occupation of Palestine. We send depleted uranium weapons that are used unlawfully against Palestinian and Lebanese civilians and children.

We need to stop participating in the crimes of Occupation in Palestine.

Why do you support deliberate slaughter of children and civilians by Israel in Palestine that the US is funding?
Why do you bear false witness against other Christians if you are one, and against Jesus kindred, the Israelis. You've called one of God's own Satan, on account of your pushing the envelope on bearing false and malicious witness against Israel, against UN statutes of responsibility falling on the terrorist who shoots missiles at civilians going about their daily business for having return fire conveniently shot from child-dense neighborhoods.

Israel has moved entire neighborhoods rather than let them stay where terrorists use their children to make headlines for their mercenary petty causes only to sit at the bargaining table with all-or-nothing agendas.

You're not coming clean, and the residue is sticking to you, not innocent people who present you with fact only to have you return fiction as your fire. That dog just doesn't hunt.

Leave civilians in Israel alone. Screaming wolf when there is no wolf at innocent bystanders has never worked in the civil world. Why do you think screaming wolf at USMB members is going to work any differently. It isn't, and that, madam, is the truth.

Jews are not Christians and Jesus tells me to confront Injustice and oppose it. Because Christians, some of them have been deceived into believing lies about what is happening in Palestine and they support the ones inflicting Injustice does not mean I should go along with them and be deceived with them.
Gaza is a concentration camp? Why don't you ask BIK who says its a great place to vacation and goes there often during summer. Wow.
Didn't sherri promise us that if Israel did not releast samer YESTERDAY---he would be dead by today? Did I misread something?
BILIN, West Bank (Reuters) – Palestinian protesters rammed a bulldozer Friday into a contested barrier near the village of Bilin, days after the Israeli army said it would finally comply with a court order and reposition the fence.

Israeli soldiers fired volleys of tear gas and jets of foul-smelling liquid to force the flag-waving demonstrators away from the metal fencing that keeps locals from their land.

The Israeli military tore down a watchtower overlooking Bilin Wednesday and said they were ready to dismantle part of the fence, four years after the high court ruled it should be re-routed to give Palestinians greater access to farmland.

Palestinian leaders and activists descended on Bilin on Friday to celebrate the decision, but said the protests would continue because much of the land remained inaccessible.

"What the village of Bilin has got back because of the changing of the course of the wall represents less than half of the lands that were confiscated," Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad told Reuters television.

Palestinians use bulldozer to ram Israeli fence - Yahoo! News

Aid to Israel exceeds 3 billion dollars a year, we send money and weapons that Israel uses to continue her unlawful Occupation of Palestine. We send depleted uranium weapons that are used unlawfully against Palestinian and Lebanese civilians and children.

We need to stop participating in the crimes of Occupation in Palestine.

Why do you support deliberate slaughter of children and civilians by Israel in Palestine that the US is funding?
Why do you bear false witness against other Christians if you are one, and against Jesus kindred, the Israelis. You've called one of God's own Satan, on account of your pushing the envelope on bearing false and malicious witness against Israel, against UN statutes of responsibility falling on the terrorist who shoots missiles at civilians going about their daily business for having return fire conveniently shot from child-dense neighborhoods.

Israel has moved entire neighborhoods rather than let them stay where terrorists use their children to make headlines for their mercenary petty causes only to sit at the bargaining table with all-or-nothing agendas.

You're not coming clean, and the residue is sticking to you, not innocent people who present you with fact only to have you return fiction as your fire. That dog just doesn't hunt.

Leave civilians in Israel alone. Screaming wolf when there is no wolf at innocent bystanders has never worked in the civil world. Why do you think screaming wolf at USMB members is going to work any differently. It isn't, and that, madam, is the truth.

Jews are not Christians and Jesus tells me to confront Injustice and oppose it. Because Christians, some of them have been deceived into believing lies about what is happening in Palestine and they support the ones inflicting Injustice does not mean I should go along with them and be deceived with them.

Israel has killed over 8000 civilians and over 1600 children since the First Intifada commenced, and human rights groups tell us most were civilians and many, they were killed in operations that violate intl law. Israel occupies Palestine. Israel targets civilians. You denying these truths, when you do so, makes you a liar and nothing Jesus ever said tells me to be silent when confronted with such deception and lies. I think about Peter and his denying Christ three times the night Jesus was taken by Jews and Judas and it was Jews who crucified Him. Satan very much influenced those Jews and Peter and Judas and Jesus spoke about all and their wrong acts. Salvation does not insulate Christians from being deceived by Satan. And other Christians are not told be silent in the face of this either.
BILIN, West Bank (Reuters) – Palestinian protesters rammed a bulldozer Friday into a contested barrier near the village of Bilin, days after the Israeli army said it would finally comply with a court order and reposition the fence.

Israeli soldiers fired volleys of tear gas and jets of foul-smelling liquid to force the flag-waving demonstrators away from the metal fencing that keeps locals from their land.

The Israeli military tore down a watchtower overlooking Bilin Wednesday and said they were ready to dismantle part of the fence, four years after the high court ruled it should be re-routed to give Palestinians greater access to farmland.

Palestinian leaders and activists descended on Bilin on Friday to celebrate the decision, but said the protests would continue because much of the land remained inaccessible.

"What the village of Bilin has got back because of the changing of the course of the wall represents less than half of the lands that were confiscated," Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad told Reuters television.

Palestinians use bulldozer to ram Israeli fence - Yahoo! News

Why do you bear false witness against other Christians if you are one, and against Jesus kindred, the Israelis. You've called one of God's own Satan, on account of your pushing the envelope on bearing false and malicious witness against Israel, against UN statutes of responsibility falling on the terrorist who shoots missiles at civilians going about their daily business for having return fire conveniently shot from child-dense neighborhoods.

Israel has moved entire neighborhoods rather than let them stay where terrorists use their children to make headlines for their mercenary petty causes only to sit at the bargaining table with all-or-nothing agendas.

You're not coming clean, and the residue is sticking to you, not innocent people who present you with fact only to have you return fiction as your fire. That dog just doesn't hunt.

Leave civilians in Israel alone. Screaming wolf when there is no wolf at innocent bystanders has never worked in the civil world. Why do you think screaming wolf at USMB members is going to work any differently. It isn't, and that, madam, is the truth.

Jews are not Christians and Jesus tells me to confront Injustice and oppose it. Because Christians, some of them have been deceived into believing lies about what is happening in Palestine and they support the ones inflicting Injustice does not mean I should go along with them and be deceived with them.

Israel has killed over 8000 civilians and over 1600 children since the First Intifada commenced, and human rights groups tell us most were civilians and many, they were killed in operations that violate intl law. Israel occupies Palestine. Israel targets civilians. You denying these truths, when you do so, makes you a liar and nothing Jesus ever said tells me to be silent when confronted with such deception and lies. I think about Peter and his denying Christ three times the night Jesus was taken by Jews and Judas and it was Jews who crucified Him. Satan very much influenced those Jews and Peter and Judas and Jesus spoke about all and their wrong acts. Salvation does not insulate Christians from being deceived by Satan. And other Christians are not told be silent in the face of this either.

You are nuts sherri.

Another fact, there have been a total of 15,047 missile and mortar attacks made by Palaistine against Israel between 2001 and November 21, 2012.

Moreover, from your source B'tselem, Rocket and mortar fire as a war crime:

"Palestinian organizations that fire rockets and mortar shells into Israel openly declare that they intend to strike Israeli civilians, among other targets. Aiming attacks at civilians is both immoral and illegal, and the intentional killing of civilians is defined a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and a war crime that cannot be justified, under any circumstance. Furthermore, the rockets and mortar shells are illegal weapons, even when aimed at military objects, as they are greatly imprecise and endanger civilians present both in the area from which they are fired and where they land, thus violating two fundamental principles of the laws of war: distinction and proportionality.

In a significant number of cases, Palestinians have fired the rockets and mortar shells from civilian residential areas. International humanitarian law (IHL) prohibits attacks from inside or near the homes of civilians, and using civilians as human shields. Palestinian organizations that choose to carry out attacks against communities in Israel from within or near populated areas breach this rule, and in doing so, demonstrate not only their intention to harm Israeli civilians, but also indifference to the lives of Palestinian civilians."
Rocket and mortar fire into Israel | B'Tselem

Kindly, sober up, take your meds, get therapy, just do what ever it takes to get a grip on reality. You just may exorcise those demons that possess you and find a new way of looking at life in a more realistic fashion.
When sherri talks about the events of the New Testament----there is something
artificial about it -----as if she is not really a christian. I have been in churches
many times and heard lots of sermons. Even the most silly preacher does
not tell the bible stories in the idiotic manner she does----
I see becoming involved with what is happening in Palestine with these unlawfully detained political prisoners as an opportunity for a Christian. Jesus said you will be hated for following me and I see that hate I am the recipient of as confirmation I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. Opportunities are invitations from Jesus, come and follow me, come and see this.. We follow or we do not. We turn down the invitation, we miss out on Blessings. So much about being a Christian is Choices.Sherri
Not sure if I posted here about the Israel Court hearing yesterday in which The Jewish State refused to release Samer . Another hearing in a month, justice does not exist in Occupation and Apartheid Zionist courts. It looks more and more likely Martyrdom will be the fate Of Samer Issawi. My prayers and my tears and my words and all my actions to do all I can grasp to help to save this man's life can do nothing to alter God's plan for Samer from coming about . So my prayer for Samer is may God'will be done, I place it all in God's hands to take care of him and all of this. Sherri
I see becoming involved with what is happening in Palestine with these unlawfully detained political prisoners as an opportunity for a Christian. Jesus said you will be hated for following me and I see that hate I am the recipient of as confirmation I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. Opportunities are invitations from Jesus, come and follow me, come and see this.. We follow or we do not. We turn down the invitation, we miss out on Blessings. So much about being a Christian is Choices.Sherri

Fascinating the islamo nazis are getting more and more creative with their
techniques in flirting with naive christians I am old enough to remember
their campaign to attract blacks ------almost as disgusting and underhanded.
but then I am also old enough and had enough early contact to understand
just how hypocritical is this one. I would date this current flirt with christians
to about the late 1970s
It was about that time that----after about 20 years of my own experience
of muslims telling me how horrible is christianity and how disgusting
are christians and how----what a jerky and disgusting idea is "turn the
cheek -----and after hearing
a mosque rant that left me nauseated on a Good Friday---suddenly
I heard a young arab girl announce "THE CHRISTIANS ARE OUR
ALLIES" she even remarked on the issue of "we respect Jesus"

It's almost funny----in my early encounters with muslims---they tried
to convince me how much they HONORED JEWS Back then
they played with the "THEY USE IDOLS" idea when they talked
about christians-----and, of course ----the DESPISED HINDUS .
I even experienced muslims putting hiindus down on the
issue that THEY DON't EAT BEEF

Anyone really want to know what muslims think of christians----
say you are a jew-----I could pass as either christian or jew--but
I would have a hard time passing as HINDU-----but my hubby can
if he does not speak. In any case I really do not know what
muslims say to hindus----other than how wonderful was the
I see becoming involved with what is happening in Palestine with these unlawfully detained political prisoners as an opportunity for a Christian. Jesus said you will be hated for following me and I see that hate I am the recipient of as confirmation I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. Opportunities are invitations from Jesus, come and follow me, come and see this.. We follow or we do not. We turn down the invitation, we miss out on Blessings. So much about being a Christian is Choices.Sherri

Have you ever thought about accepting that invitation you received from the detox, it would be a wonderful opportunity for you.
Not sure if I posted here about the Israel Court hearing yesterday in which The Jewish State refused to release Samer . Another hearing in a month, justice does not exist in Occupation and Apartheid Zionist courts. It looks more and more likely Martyrdom will be the fate Of Samer Issawi. My prayers and my tears and my words and all my actions to do all I can grasp to help to save this man's life can do nothing to alter God's plan for Samer from coming about . So my prayer for Samer is may God'will be done, I place it all in God's hands to take care of him and all of this. Sherri
Giving up, Sherri? Can't handle the job? Then quit spouting your garbage.
I think that the last invitations Jesus issued were to the LAST SUPPER
An interesting factoid for the history buffs. In jerusalem ---back then --
there were specially designated ----something like little "banquet" halls
where people got together for a joint passover seder Passover suppers
were supposed to include a WHOLE LAMB back then ----too much for a small
family so they were joint affairs. There were actual commentaries on how
to conduct the things -----because the lamb was supposed to be all finished
up for that one meal-----no provision for lamb sandwiches next day or lamb
hash. The description of the LAST SUPPER in the New Testament---
suggest that Jesus aka Yeshua was the host of the party.
right now-----what is really NEEDED is an invitation to supper ---
issued to SAMER------an invitation he CANNOT REFUSE
I think that the last invitations Jesus issued were to the LAST SUPPER
An interesting factoid for the history buffs. In jerusalem ---back then --
there were specially designated ----something like little "banquet" halls
where people got together for a joint passover seder Passover suppers
were supposed to include a WHOLE LAMB back then ----too much for a small
family so they were joint affairs. There were actual commentaries on how
to conduct the things -----because the lamb was supposed to be all finished
up for that one meal-----no provision for lamb sandwiches next day or lamb
hash. The description of the LAST SUPPER in the New Testament---
suggest that Jesus aka Yeshua was the host of the party.
right now-----what is really NEEDED is an invitation to supper ---
issued to SAMER------an invitation he CANNOT REFUSE
Samer is going to be one busy boy! He signed a contract to be the spokesman for Slim-Fast, has been asked to have a biography written with movie rights,go on a 91 city book signing tour and a guest spot on the Tonight show. All this while continuing his hunger strike. What a man!
I think that the last invitations Jesus issued were to the LAST SUPPER
An interesting factoid for the history buffs. In jerusalem ---back then --
there were specially designated ----something like little "banquet" halls
where people got together for a joint passover seder Passover suppers
were supposed to include a WHOLE LAMB back then ----too much for a small
family so they were joint affairs. There were actual commentaries on how
to conduct the things -----because the lamb was supposed to be all finished
up for that one meal-----no provision for lamb sandwiches next day or lamb
hash. The description of the LAST SUPPER in the New Testament---
suggest that Jesus aka Yeshua was the host of the party.
right now-----what is really NEEDED is an invitation to supper ---
issued to SAMER------an invitation he CANNOT REFUSE
Samer is going to be one busy boy! He signed a contract to be the spokesman for Slim-Fast, has been asked to have a biography written with movie rights,go on a 91 city book signing tour and a guest spot on the Tonight show. All this while continuing his hunger strike. What a man!

Remember the Stephen King thriller -----THINNER ??? my guess is that
the whole thing is a sham to cover up the fact that samer has a gypsy curse
on him-----he packs away POUNDS OF FOOD per minute----but keeps
losing weight-----so he is faking a HUNGER STRIKE
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