Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Gaza is an Israeli maintained concentration camp and any rockets or resistance are in response to attacks against and inside Gaza, they are resistance to Terrorism of The Jewish State.

Miko Peled was born in 1961 in Jerusalem and his father Matttiyahu Peled was a General officer in the Israeli army and a member of the Knesset. In 2012, Miko wrote a book entitled The General's Son and I just checked Amazon and see it is a 5 star rated book and available for purchase for $20.00. Have to add that to my list of books to buy.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: !@#$%^&^&***

Reading the review of Miko Peled's book on Amazon and I read about the abuses of The Jewish State he documents:

"They would come upon Gazan fishing boats and from time to time they would single out a particular boat, order the fishermen to jump in the water and blow up the boat. Then under gunpoint, they told the fishermen to count from one to a hundred and then when they were done to start over again. They would make them count over and over again until one by one the fishermen could no longer tread water, and they drowned."

A Palestinian friend named Bassam Aramin, two years after Peled met him, on January 16, 2007, lost his daughter. His two daughters, aged 10 and 12 were walking home from school, holding hands, when an Israeli soldier took aim and shot the younger one in the head." Customer Reviews: The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine

An 18 year old soldier, trained to kill from when he was in his mother's womb, the Zionist way to raise their children, he becomes a soldier at 18 and he deliberately targets a little girl and aims his gun and deliberately shoots her in the head, cannot get more deliberate targeting to kill then that. Let's give him credit, he did exactly what he was taught to do all of his life, kill the nonJew in the land.

And he was not punished for this, no punishment at all. He has probably been promoted for it. After all, the Zionist plan was always to get rid of the nonJews, anyway they could.

The Zionist way, to target and to kill the children of Palestine.

The sherrithing is unable to distinguish between fact and fantasy, between 'documentation' and 'baseless assertion'. So strong is its lust to see Jews made to suffer, it eagerly guzzles down any ridiculous or obscene exaggeration and distortion in its pursuit to condemn the entire State of Israel for crimes purportedly committed by isolated individuals.

And to achieve this nefarious goal, to cloak her Jew-hating as 'seeking justice', the whore for HAMAS lies and pretends that Zionism is all about hurting non-Jews. The old Christian 'blood libel' tactic - it's worked for most of 2,000 years, she just doesn't want to give it up yet.

There never was any such 'Zionist plan' - but the haters of Judaism keep insisting there was, because if they can sell the lie, they hope to get away with murdering millions of Jews *again*

And why is the sherrithing such a very eager whore for HAMAS? Because her deep conviction is that 'Jews rejected Jesus' - and so in her eyes we must all die if she can't convert us.

The alleged 'Convert or Die' of Muslim jihadists has nuthin' on the Crusader Christian !!!!!
"DEUS VULT!" rides again.....
Of course what Rosie and the others are saying about Samer is despicable - but then I'm willing to bet they're only carrying on that way because the HAMAS whore has made him out to be the Second Coming of Gandhi or some such......

It's truly bathetic (not a misspelling!) how easy it is to get a rise out of the sherriewhore - just the knowledge that Jews still breathe distresses her, poor l'il thang.

She frets herself so hypocritically over each human who she doesn't expect to get to Heaven - but since she can barely admit that whoever doesn't agree with her IS human, you KNOW she wouldn't spit on us if we were on fire, LOL!

So it's too much to expect of her to actually want to 'share' Heaven with any of us who she doesn't deem 'persons of consience'.....
Miko Peled was born in 1961 in Jerusalem and his father Matttiyahu Peled was a General officer in the Israeli army and a member of the Knesset. In 2012, Miko wrote a book entitled The General's Son and I just checked Amazon and see it is a 5 star rated book and available for purchase for $20.00. Have to add that to my list of books to buy.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: !@#$%^&^&***

Reading the review of Miko Peled's book on Amazon and I read about the abuses of The Jewish State he documents:

"They would come upon Gazan fishing boats and from time to time they would single out a particular boat, order the fishermen to jump in the water and blow up the boat. Then under gunpoint, they told the fishermen to count from one to a hundred and then when they were done to start over again. They would make them count over and over again until one by one the fishermen could no longer tread water, and they drowned."

A Palestinian friend named Bassam Aramin, two years after Peled met him, on January 16, 2007, lost his daughter. His two daughters, aged 10 and 12 were walking home from school, holding hands, when an Israeli soldier took aim and shot the younger one in the head." Customer Reviews: The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine

An 18 year old soldier, trained to kill from when he was in his mother's womb, the Zionist way to raise their children, he becomes a soldier at 18 and he deliberately targets a little girl and aims his gun and deliberately shoots her in the head, cannot get more deliberate targeting to kill then that. Let's give him credit, he did exactly what he was taught to do all of his life, kill the nonJew in the land.

And he was not punished for this, no punishment at all. He has probably been promoted for it. After all, the Zionist plan was always to get rid of the nonJews, anyway they could.

The Zionist way, to target and to kill the children of Palestine.


note the filth-----the who her very own whore self has provided idiotically INFLATED
stats which show that with all the effort and all that fire power------and all those
very AVAILABLE kids at which to shoot only something like an average of something
like two per week go down who could POSSIBLY be described as going down because
of israeli fire power----including simply ABSOLUTELY LEGAL fire power I once worked
in a small section of my city-----in which in an area of about two square miles---
the OVERT CRIMINAL MURDER RATE -----exceeded that stat I saw one bullet
to the head after the other USA PS none of the shooters turned out to
be jews-----but ----a considerable number were jews. There are more HONOR
killings in the islamic world than two per week I have no doubt that more
shiites go down in Pakistan each week Also ---the whore is defining a "child"
of 17 with a bomb tied to her ass as a "CIVILIAN CHILD"
I am realizing there is a deeper and more profound message in all these Photos in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners, it is not just about one prisoner, the prisoners whose fate is focused on at any given point in time in the Palestinian hunger strikes is ever changing, but the protest and voices being raised are all against Injustices of Occupation!

Our Souls Cry Out For An End To Occupation and All Its Injustices!

Can Frau Sherri set up some Solidarity Movement for all those Christians being held in Muslim prisons, or doesn't this "good Christian woman" care about them and would not blink if they rotted in these prisons? Hmmm, I wonder if Frau Sherri would even sign the petition for this Christian woman being held in a Pakistani prison.

A Call for Mercy - The Voice of the Martyrs
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