Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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Can Frau Sherri set up some Solidarity Movement for all those Christians being held in Muslim prisons, or doesn't this "good Christian woman" care about them and would not blink if they rotted in these prisons? Hmmm, I wonder if Frau Sherri would even sign the petition for this Christian woman being held in a Pakistani prison.

A Call for Mercy - The Voice of the Martyrs

"Frau Sherri" has a beard, an AK47, and bows to the Idol in the Kaaba 5 times a day.


Frau Sherri ^^^^^
I support palestinian hunger striker samer being released from israeli prison. He is stinking up the place.
How similar slavery and Occupation are, reading the words of Martin Luther King, the similarities hit me.

"Slavery in America was perpetuated not merely by human badness but also by human blindness. True, the causal basis for the system of slavery must to a large extent be traced back to the economic factor. Men convinced themselves that a system that was so economically profitable must be morally justifiable. They formulated elaborate theories of racial superiority. Their rationalizations clothed various wrongs in the beautiful garments of righteousness. This tragic attempt to give moral sanction to an economically profitable system gave birth to the doctrine of white supremacy. Religion and the Bible were cited to crystallize the status quo. Science was commandeered to prove the biological inferiority of the Negro. Even philosophical logic was manipulated to give intellectual credence to the system of slavery, Someone formulated the argument of the inferiority of the Negro according to the framework of an Aristotelian syllogism: All men are made in the image of God; God, as everyone knows, is not a Negro; Therefore, the Negro is not a man."

pg 37 Strength To Love Martin Luther King Jr

Occupation is a big money maker for Israel. On the Profitability of Occupation See this article in 972 Magazine The profitable occupation, and why it is never discussed | +972 Magazine

Supremacy of The Jew Lies at the heart of Zionism.

We have all heard of all the DNA testing and arguments that flow from it.

The Bible and Religion seemingly clothes the Occupation in rightness.

And the Palestinian is not a human being, how many times have we all read about the Palestinian beasts or terrorists just in this one discussion thread alone.

Tell me again why I should care about this idiot's hunger strike???

Humanity, are we all not human beings? We are connected to one another, so humanity calls upon us to care about one another.

Justice matters, injustice is to be confronted and opposed, or at least I submit to you that is a moral response to injustice like Occupations and human rights abuses.

If you are a Christian, you are called to love and not hate.

Well there are three reasons to care about what happens to Samer Issawi!

Life is making choices, every day we choose, do we love or do we hate.

Tell me again why I should care about this idiot's hunger strike???

Humanity, are we all not human beings? We are connected to one another, so humanity calls upon us to care about one another.

Justice matters, injustice is to be confronted and opposed, or at least I submit to you that is a moral response to injustice like Occupations and human rights abuses.

If you are a Christian, you are called to love and not hate.

Well there are three reasons to care about what happens to Samer Issawi!

Life is making choices, every day we choose, do we love or do we hate.


Why are you so picky with your so called "Christian Love" Sherri? Why don't come out with it and just admit it?

Your "love" is only for Islamic people ..... no other human beings matter to you Sherri. :(

That is not Christian love.
How similar slavery and Occupation are, reading the words of Martin Luther King, the similarities hit me.

"Slavery in America was perpetuated not merely by human badness but also by human blindness. True, the causal basis for the system of slavery must to a large extent be traced back to the economic factor. Men convinced themselves that a system that was so economically profitable must be morally justifiable. They formulated elaborate theories of racial superiority. Their rationalizations clothed various wrongs in the beautiful garments of righteousness. This tragic attempt to give moral sanction to an economically profitable system gave birth to the doctrine of white supremacy. Religion and the Bible were cited to crystallize the status quo. Science was commandeered to prove the biological inferiority of the Negro. Even philosophical logic was manipulated to give intellectual credence to the system of slavery, Someone formulated the argument of the inferiority of the Negro according to the framework of an Aristotelian syllogism: All men are made in the image of God; God, as everyone knows, is not a Negro; Therefore, the Negro is not a man."

pg 37 Strength To Love Martin Luther King Jr

Occupation is a big money maker for Israel. On the Profitability of Occupation See this article in 972 Magazine The profitable occupation, and why it is never discussed | +972 Magazine

Supremacy of The Jew Lies at the heart of Zionism.

We have all heard of all the DNA testing and arguments that flow from it.

The Bible and Religion seemingly clothes the Occupation in rightness.

And the Palestinian is not a human being, how many times have we all read about the Palestinian beasts or terrorists just in this one discussion thread alone.


Except for the fact that the stuff I've bolded above is not anywhere near being true or honest.

The sherrithing evidently wants everyone to see it as a holy obligation to destroy Israel and -most of all - to kill Jews.

I expect she'll be agitating to have Judaism outlawed in the US, if she can't get a law passed to deport us all.......
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The sherriwhore for HAMAS can't parse English correctly: what most people have been posting is that Samer is a terrorist and *based on his acts of terrorism* they are calling him a 'beast'. Until those posters tell me otherwise, I would assume that they were not trying to suggest that 'Palestinians are less than human' - because I know that such an idea is in conflict with Zionism and Judaism both.

That rhetoric is the language of the absolute fringie maniacs within Zionism: it's (again) akin to claiming that ALL Vietnam vets have the mindset of Lt Calley. Or that all Christians are like Fred Phelps.

And - AGAIN! - for the ones who missed it: the only group I know of who believes the kind of shit the sherrithing attributes to 'Zionists', are the extremely ANTI-Zionist Neturei Karta - the ones who join with HAMAS.
All Palestinians should go on hunger strike. :)

That could solve many problems.

All of them become Martyrs. :eusa_angel:

They should do it.
Skye, dear - I think you are wrong about our precious pious pustule the sherripimp. The thing only 'loves' Muslims because of the fantasy that "Muslims revere Jesus as a prophet"..... never-mind that Muslims have a different definition for that word (prophet) than do Christians, or Jews (each faith has their own). Or that Muslims certainly do not *worship* Jesus or consider following his ways before Muhammed's (pbuh) - they certainly do not see Jesus as GOD (and so by the sherrithing's lights are every bit as 'unsaved' as any "pagan"!)
Skye, dear - I think you are wrong about our precious pious pustule the sherripimp. The thing only 'loves' Muslims because of the fantasy that "Muslims revere Jesus as a prophet"..... never-mind that Muslims have a different definition for that word (prophet) than do Christians, or Jews (each faith has their own). Or that Muslims certainly do not *worship* Jesus or consider following his ways before Muhammed's (pbuh) - they certainly do not see Jesus as GOD (and so by the sherrithing's lights are every bit as 'unsaved' as any "pagan"!)

Marge dear----you are so wrong about sherripimp-----she does not honor muslims
for their pure and loving reverence for jesus----she honors muslims for their sincere
feelings towards joooooos The jesus issue is a prop----in fact, a somewhat
new prop. I did read the nazi literature of old-----of the americana type and I THEN became well acquainted with muslims and their sincere feelings toward jesus who
they clearly considered a kind of -----pre historic neanderthal type "nabi" who simply
failed in his role and-----was instrumental in creating a VERY perverted type
religion----to wit-----christianity ----the best that could be said for him was that he
was ENTIRELY MISREPRESENTED in the bible (said with a sneer) ---and was clearly
attempting to be a muslim but was not very good at it----probably because he was
born a jew <sneer> It took an ARAB to be a REAL PROPHET as allah finally figured out.

for the record---the real deficit in christianity according to the islamic POV---
is very much like the POV of Martin Luther------it is TOO DAMNED JEWISH
----an idea with which Adolf abu ali was in FULL AGREEMENT The next
problem with christianity is not only is it too jewish---but it
added IDOLS ----included wine----and is generally pussified like the jews---
best thing about christianity is that it provides A HANDY EXCUSE to hate
and kill jews -----ie the deicide myth ----an idea which you may have notices---
is promenent in sherripimp's posts The deicide myth was deflated
in 1964 by John XXIII -----that fact has not touched sherripimp or the rest of
the ummah
Tell me again why I should care about this idiot's hunger strike???

Humanity, are we all not human beings? We are connected to one another, so humanity calls upon us to care about one another.

Justice matters, injustice is to be confronted and opposed, or at least I submit to you that is a moral response to injustice like Occupations and human rights abuses.

If you are a Christian, you are called to love and not hate.

Well there are three reasons to care about what happens to Samer Issawi!

Life is making choices, every day we choose, do we love or do we hate.

Well evidently many Muslims have chosen hate, but Frau Sherri doesn't give a fig for those non Muslims who are in Muslim prisons nor does she care about the millions the Muslims have murdered. Frau Sherri should take her soapbox to their relatives of victims of Muslim terror. After they hear her out, they would suggest that she be committed.
How similar slavery and Occupation are, reading the words of Martin Luther King, the similarities hit me.

"Slavery in America was perpetuated not merely by human badness but also by human blindness. True, the causal basis for the system of slavery must to a large extent be traced back to the economic factor. Men convinced themselves that a system that was so economically profitable must be morally justifiable. They formulated elaborate theories of racial superiority. Their rationalizations clothed various wrongs in the beautiful garments of righteousness. This tragic attempt to give moral sanction to an economically profitable system gave birth to the doctrine of white supremacy. Religion and the Bible were cited to crystallize the status quo. Science was commandeered to prove the biological inferiority of the Negro. Even philosophical logic was manipulated to give intellectual credence to the system of slavery, Someone formulated the argument of the inferiority of the Negro according to the framework of an Aristotelian syllogism: All men are made in the image of God; God, as everyone knows, is not a Negro; Therefore, the Negro is not a man."

pg 37 Strength To Love Martin Luther King Jr

Occupation is a big money maker for Israel. On the Profitability of Occupation See this article in 972 Magazine The profitable occupation, and why it is never discussed | +972 Magazine

Supremacy of The Jew Lies at the heart of Zionism.

We have all heard of all the DNA testing and arguments that flow from it.

The Bible and Religion seemingly clothes the Occupation in rightness.

And the Palestinian is not a human being, how many times have we all read about the Palestinian beasts or terrorists just in this one discussion thread alone.

The Martin Luther King would be appalled at the murders of Christians being murdered by Muslims. He would wonder why someone who considers herself a "good Christian woman" isn't on forums condemning what is happening to her fellow Christians and would figure out that she really doesn't care about them, but would rather spend her time barking out like some seal about a Muslim terrorist.
Sherri only cares about Islamics.

That's what she is paid to spew. Islamic terrorist propaganda. I realize that now.
How similar slavery and Occupation are, reading the words of Martin Luther King, the similarities hit me.

"Slavery in America was perpetuated not merely by human badness but also by human blindness. True, the causal basis for the system of slavery must to a large extent be traced back to the economic factor. Men convinced themselves that a system that was so economically profitable must be morally justifiable. They formulated elaborate theories of racial superiority. Their rationalizations clothed various wrongs in the beautiful garments of righteousness. This tragic attempt to give moral sanction to an economically profitable system gave birth to the doctrine of white supremacy. Religion and the Bible were cited to crystallize the status quo. Science was commandeered to prove the biological inferiority of the Negro. Even philosophical logic was manipulated to give intellectual credence to the system of slavery, Someone formulated the argument of the inferiority of the Negro according to the framework of an Aristotelian syllogism: All men are made in the image of God; God, as everyone knows, is not a Negro; Therefore, the Negro is not a man."

pg 37 Strength To Love Martin Luther King Jr

Occupation is a big money maker for Israel. On the Profitability of Occupation See this article in 972 Magazine The profitable occupation, and why it is never discussed | +972 Magazine

Supremacy of The Jew Lies at the heart of Zionism.

We have all heard of all the DNA testing and arguments that flow from it.

The Bible and Religion seemingly clothes the Occupation in rightness.

And the Palestinian is not a human being, how many times have we all read about the Palestinian beasts or terrorists just in this one discussion thread alone.

The Martin Luther King would be appalled at the murders of Christians being murdered by Muslims. He would wonder why someone who considers herself a "good Christian woman" isn't on forums condemning what is happening to her fellow Christians and would figure out that she really doesn't care about them, but would rather spend her time barking out like some seal about a Muslim terrorist.

The answer is clear sherri is full of crap.
Tell me again why I should care about this idiot's hunger strike???

Humanity, are we all not human beings? We are connected to one another, so humanity calls upon us to care about one another.

Justice matters, injustice is to be confronted and opposed, or at least I submit to you that is a moral response to injustice like Occupations and human rights abuses.

If you are a Christian, you are called to love and not hate.

Well there are three reasons to care about what happens to Samer Issawi!

Life is making choices, every day we choose, do we love or do we hate.


Human beings don't arbitrarily fire rockets at innocent civilians... Animals do.
Tell me again why I should care about this idiot's hunger strike???

Humanity, are we all not human beings? We are connected to one another, so humanity calls upon us to care about one another.

Justice matters, injustice is to be confronted and opposed, or at least I submit to you that is a moral response to injustice like Occupations and human rights abuses.

If you are a Christian, you are called to love and not hate.

Well there are three reasons to care about what happens to Samer Issawi!

Life is making choices, every day we choose, do we love or do we hate.


Human beings don't arbitrarily fire rockets at innocent civilians... Animals do.
Well, thank you for illustrating the truth about by comment that slavery and Occupation were just like each other. Victims of Occupation are called animals just like slaves were.
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