Save Samer, he is dying’: Samer Issawi,a Palestinian hunger striker

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"Ahrar– According to Ahrar center for Prisoners Studies and Human Rights, Israeli occupation forces arrested last night Rashid (22)-year-old the son of the martyr Zuhair who was martyred in the 31/05/2012 after one week of being released from Israeli jails.

Um Rashid the wife martyr Zuhair and the mother of captive Rashid said to Ahrar center that the large forces raided the house of the martyr and confiscated computers from inside the house as well as a large sum of money estimated 10 thousand Jordanian dinars in addition to 20 thousand NIS"

Occupation forces arrest a Martyr’s Son | Ahrar Center for Prisoners Studies and Human Rights

Palestinian Political Prisoners And their Families Never Stop Being Targets For Unlawful Attacks and Detentions
I posted this Photo before but missed the story that went with it.


"Ahrar– In an interview with the Ahrar center for Prisoners studies and human rights, the Argentine artist and activist in human rights Elizabith Drabkina announced her solidarity with the Palestinian hunger striker prisoners and MPs in occupation jails.

Excerpt of the interview "Ahrar: Who are you Elizabeth? Eliza: Hello, I’m from Buenos Aires, Argentina, I’m 23 years and I’m an activist here in my country, not only for the rights of my people, also for other rights in the world, even if they are miles away, I think that they are part of the same struggle. We cannot expect the freedom only for a territory; the real freedom must be internationalist, because we cannot be free, if other brothers live behind the walls."

And she later says she thinks of a beautiful free Palestine, to write a new epoch in the history of the oppressed in the world, and she states therefore we must be all on the same side.

What is her activism? It includes making posters and putting them in buses and everywhere.

Argentine Artist is in solidarity with hunger striker prisoners and MPs in occupation jails | Ahrar Center for Prisoners Studies and Human Rights

What is fascinating to me reading what she says here is it is the same thing Martin Luther King said about injustice which denied people freedom that he took a stand against. She said she cannot be free when others do not have freedom in Palestine.

There it is, a universal and timeless truth disclosed for all of us to see, injustice in Palestine is injustice for every man and woman and child everywhere in our world. And our choice is how do we respond to it, do we oppose it or support it or ignore it.


A little boy whose father is a Palestinian political prisoner.

Child Khalid Tariq Q'adan is waiting his father who is on hunger strike, Khalid has Muscles atrophy
Khalid's father is fasting so khalid's muscles are atrophying? or his father's
muscles are atrophying? Even simple weight loss based on caloric restriction
does include loss of muscle mass. Your statement actually makes no sense,
counselor. Perhaps little Khalid has an illness associated with muscle
atrophy-----there are many-- Little Khalid looks ok----superficially----has
the illness affected his legs?
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Does Frau Sherri, that "good Christian woman," have any pictures to show us of the Christians rotting in Iranian prisons? Maybe she has a picture to show us of those Christians suffering in Pakistani prisons for allegedly committing blasphemy? Isn't there any Muslim organization that is humanitarian enough to supply the world with pictures of these Christians? Maybe they don't consider these Christians as martyrs. Is that it, Frau Sherri?
what is fascinating to me is that sherri does not seem to know
how difficult it is for young artists to reveal their work---a nice
politically motivated POSTER ----LOL so???

A little boy whose father is a Palestinian political prisoner.

Child Khalid Tariq Q'adan is waiting his father who is on hunger strike, Khalid has Muscles atrophy
How come Frau Sherri, that "good Christian woman," has never shown us pictures of the children of the Christians who are being held in prisons in the Muslim world just because they are Christians? Don't you think these Christian children miss their fathers and/or mothers too, Frau Sherri? One would think that the "good Christian woman" would organize some group to fight against those who are keeping these innocent Christians in prisons. It certainly looks that she has no interest in these imprisoned Christians and their children
BBC condemned for pro-Israel bias

A leading British human rights group has uncovered the BBC blatant silence on the plight of the Palestinians’ subject to a prisoner exchange deal with Israel at the same time that the state-run outlet made Israeli trooper Gilad Shalit, also subject to the deal, almost a daily headline.

On Saturday January 12, Palestinian political prisoner Samer Al-Issawi has been on hunger strike for 162 days and his fellow prisoner Ayman Sharawna has been refusing food for nearly six months, with a week-long break due to his critical condition.

The stories of both of them were silently in the headlines as unnamed prisoners to be swapped with Shalit, as part of a prisoner exchange deal between Tel Aviv and the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas.

The swap took place and the two along with Shalit were released from Hamas and Israeli custody, respectively.

However, after Shalit’s release the Israeli regime broke the deal and recaptured the Palestinians, the BBC stayed silent; nor did it publish even a single news article about the fatal hunger strike they have been pursuing after they were forced to refuse food to win back their release.
PressTV - BBC condemned for pro-Israel bias

A little boy whose father is a Palestinian political prisoner.

Child Khalid Tariq Q'adan is waiting his father who is on hunger strike, Khalid has Muscles atrophy
How come Frau Sherri, that "good Christian woman," has never shown us pictures of the children of the Christians who are being held in prisons in the Muslim world just because they are Christians? Don't you think these Christian children miss their fathers and/or mothers too, Frau Sherri? One would think that the "good Christian woman" would organize some group to fight against those who are keeping these innocent Christians in prisons. It certainly looks that she has no interest in these imprisoned Christians and their children

Why don't you post that information, (in the correct forum) if it interests you at all,
I'll wager that you wont, and you haven't yet

According to Ahrar, Hunger striker Samer Issawi's lawyer states Samer may die in any moment due to the deterioration in his health, he has bouts twitching to 3-4 minutes daily

A little boy whose father is a Palestinian political prisoner.

Child Khalid Tariq Q'adan is waiting his father who is on hunger strike, Khalid has Muscles atrophy
How come Frau Sherri, that "good Christian woman," has never shown us pictures of the children of the Christians who are being held in prisons in the Muslim world just because they are Christians? Don't you think these Christian children miss their fathers and/or mothers too, Frau Sherri? One would think that the "good Christian woman" would organize some group to fight against those who are keeping these innocent Christians in prisons. It certainly looks that she has no interest in these imprisoned Christians and their children

Why don't you post that information, (in the correct forum) if it interests you at all,
I'll wager that you wont, and you haven't yet
Palestine isn't in the Muslim world? Fancy that.
BBC condemned for pro-Israel bias

A leading British human rights group has uncovered the BBC blatant silence on the plight of the Palestinians’ subject to a prisoner exchange deal with Israel at the same time that the state-run outlet made Israeli trooper Gilad Shalit, also subject to the deal, almost a daily headline.

On Saturday January 12, Palestinian political prisoner Samer Al-Issawi has been on hunger strike for 162 days and his fellow prisoner Ayman Sharawna has been refusing food for nearly six months, with a week-long break due to his critical condition.

The stories of both of them were silently in the headlines as unnamed prisoners to be swapped with Shalit, as part of a prisoner exchange deal between Tel Aviv and the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas.

The swap took place and the two along with Shalit were released from Hamas and Israeli custody, respectively.

However, after Shalit’s release the Israeli regime broke the deal and recaptured the Palestinians, the BBC stayed silent; nor did it publish even a single news article about the fatal hunger strike they have been pursuing after they were forced to refuse food to win back their release.
PressTV - BBC condemned for pro-Israel bias
So tell us, Yousef Mohammed, has BBC ever condemned what Iran is doing to people who are Christians and Bahai's, or are they afraid to antagonize the Muslim population in Great Britain because they know when the Muslims don't like something, they start with the rioting. Meanwhile, thank you for using the Iranian outfit Press TV. I wonder if this was a favorite of yours when you were living in Iran. I think many of you realize that this Iranian outfit was accusing the Jews of the massacre in Sandy Hook. They certainl;y know how to tell lies, and of course Mr. Gooz goes right along with their lies.

According to Ahrar, Hunger striker Samer Issawi's lawyer states Samer may die in any moment due to the deterioration in his health, he has bouts twitching to 3-4 minutes daily

I want to take a moment to discuss an issue that keeps coming up, flippant claims he cannot really be on a hunger strike this long, today is Day 172 of his hunger strike.

My comment is to raise a question to all who have made comments like that.

How long has anyone here been unlawfully detained for 172 days by a nation like Israel, known to experiment on their prisoners? None of us have any idea whatsoever what experiments Sadist Zionists have been carrying out on Sader Issawi the past 172 days. There was a report that in December they subjected to him to some undisclosed medical treatment for 48 hours, administering some unknown treatment to him. Israel does not allow independent doctors to treat prisoners, they simply ignore the requirements of intl law regarding treatment of political prisoners. And Samer has largely been confined to solitary confinement, and he is not even allowed visits with his family. All of that is punishment for his hunger strike, as is the demolition of his brother's house, the arrests of his brothers and sisters, the cutting off of water to his parent's house. Sadistic practices of The Jewish State are normal everyday practices of Israel's unlawful Occupation of Palestine.

Can someone tell me what "BOUTS TWITCHING" is?

Lots of LIVING people have "TWITCHING" for a whole host
of reasons either single muscles ----or groups of muscles
can TWITCH for many reasons


all his life as a result of having been born in a SHARIAH
SHIT hole after the BALFOUR DECLARATION was issued
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According to Ahrar, Hunger striker Samer Issawi's lawyer states Samer may die in any moment due to the deterioration in his health, he has bouts twitching to 3-4 minutes daily

I want to take a moment to discuss an issue that keeps coming up, flippant claims he cannot really be on a hunger strike this long, today is Day 172 of his hunger strike.

My comment is to raise a question to all who have made comments like that.

How long has anyone here been unlawfully detained for 172 days by a nation like Israel, known to experiment on their prisoners? None of us have any idea whatsoever what experiments Sadist Zionists have been carrying out on Sader Issawi the past 172 days. There was a report that in December they subjected to him to some undisclosed medical treatment for 48 hours, administering some unknown treatment to him. Israel does not allow independent doctors to treat prisoners, they simply ignore the requirements of intl law regarding treatment of political prisoners. And Samer has largely been confined to solitary confinement, and he is not even allowed visits with his family. All of that is punishment for his hunger strike, as is the demolition of his brother's house, the arrests of his brothers and sisters, the cutting off of water to his parent's house. Sadistic practices of The Jewish State are normal everyday practices of Israel's unlawful Occupation of Palestine.

Samer should be placed on the road gang to work for all the medical treatment he's getting. Cool Hand Samer.

According to Ahrar, Hunger striker Samer Issawi's lawyer states Samer may die in any moment due to the deterioration in his health, he has bouts twitching to 3-4 minutes daily

I want to take a moment to discuss an issue that keeps coming up, flippant claims he cannot really be on a hunger strike this long, today is Day 172 of his hunger strike.

My comment is to raise a question to all who have made comments like that.

How long has anyone here been unlawfully detained for 172 days by a nation like Israel, known to experiment on their prisoners? None of us have any idea whatsoever what experiments Sadist Zionists have been carrying out on Sader Issawi the past 172 days. There was a report that in December they subjected to him to some undisclosed medical treatment for 48 hours, administering some unknown treatment to him. Israel does not allow independent doctors to treat prisoners, they simply ignore the requirements of intl law regarding treatment of political prisoners. And Samer has largely been confined to solitary confinement, and he is not even allowed visits with his family. All of that is punishment for his hunger strike, as is the demolition of his brother's house, the arrests of his brothers and sisters, the cutting off of water to his parent's house. Sadistic practices of The Jewish State are normal everyday practices of Israel's unlawful Occupation of Palestine.


So Samer has been in the slammer alone with no one to attest to this preposterous claim that he is on a hunger strike, once again your smoke and mirror scheme has questionable at best sherri. He should die then we will all know he was telling the truth.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

A little boy whose father is a Palestinian political prisoner.

Child Khalid Tariq Q'adan is waiting his father who is on hunger strike, Khalid has Muscles atrophy

This is what is written on the paper this little boy is holding up, translated from Arabic into English.

A father dies
You'll find 1000s of fathers to take his place

My father is a prisoner of war
I am sick
Who do u have?
I think a MOMENT HAS PASSED----has samer?

any idea to what MOMENT the lawyer referred
for the DEMISE OF SAMER--will it happen with a TWITCH?
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